Increasing competition fueled by globalization, blurring boundaries between countries, rise of the Internet and privatization has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of consumer brands. This study seeks to evaluate the influence of rebranding on customer purchase Intention (a study of 9Mobile) in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of new product design on consumer patronage of 9Mobile products in the study area, determine the effect of improved product quality on consumer patronage in 9Mobile products in the study area, and analyze the effect of change in product name on customer patronage in 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. The study employed descriptive statistics, simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient in analyzing the specific objectives.. The socio economic characteristics of the respondents’ shows that 60.71% of the respondents were males; while 39.28% were females. Also, a total 17.85% of the respondents had no formal education, 39.28% had primary school certificate; while 32.14% of the respondents had secondary school certificate of education. Only 10.71% of the respondents had tertiary educational qualification. The Pearson correlation analysis shows that the two variables - new product design and consumer patronage - were positively correlated (r = 0.772***, N= 28, P < 0.001). Results of simple regression between improved product quality and consumer patronage of 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria shows that the r-square value was 0.850; which implies that the variability changes in consumer patronage of 9mobile company products can be accounted for by approximately 85% in improved product quality. That is, consumer patronage accounts for 80% increase in product quality in the study area. It is recommended that each 9mobile company should adopt a combination of promotional mix that can bring about distinct outcomes in terms of turnover, improved market share, customer retention, profitability, and productivity among others. Also, 9mobile company should focus on distinct promotional mix, as the study empirically proved that improved product quality, change in product name and product rebranding is capable of influencing consumer buying decision on sustainable basis.
Title page i
Table of content ii-iii
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objective of the study 4
1.4 Research Question 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 6
1.7 Scope of the study 7
Conceptual Framework 8
Concept of rebranding
Corporate Rebranding
The evolution of rebranding
Reasons for rebranding
Impact of rebranding
Principles of Rebranding
Rebranding strategy
Effects of Rebranding on
Customer satisfaction
Relationship between
factors affecting rebranding strategy and the performance of an organization
2.3Theoretical framework
2.3.1 Brief History of
2.4 Empirical review
3.1 Research Design 9
3.2 Study Area 9
3.3 Population of the Study 10
3.4 Sample Size Determination 10
3.5 Method of Data Collection 11
3.6 Sample Techniques 11
3.7 Scoring Of Instruments 12
3.8 Validity and Reliability of Instrument 12
3.9 Method of Data Analysis 12
3.10 Model Specification 12
4.2 Socio
Economic characteristics of 9mobile in Umuahia, Abia state, Nigeria
4.2 Effect of New Product Design on
Consumer Patronage of 9Mobile Products in Umuahia, Abia State
4.3 Effect of Improved Product Quality on Consumer
Patronage in 9Mobile Products in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
4.4 Effect of Change in Product Name on Customer Patronage of
9MobileProducts in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
4.5 Relationship between Product Rebranding and Purchase
Intention of Customers of 9MobileProduct in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
4.6 Factors Influencing Consumers Patronage of
9Mobile Product in Umuahia, Abia State,
Summary of Findings
Policy Recommendations
APPENDIX: Questionnaire
Table 4.1: Socio
Economic Profile of Respondents
Table 4.2: Products of 9MobileFirm in Umuahia, Abia
4.3: We are involved in New Products
4.4: Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Showing the Relationship Existing between New Product Design and Consumer
Patronage of 9Moblie Products in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
4.5 (a): Regression Summary of the Effect of Improved
Product Quality on Consumer Patronage of 9Mobile Products in the Study Area
4.5(b): ANOVA Results of Simple Regression Improved Product Quality and
Consumer Patronage of 9Mobile Products in Umuahia, Abia State,
Table 4.6: Correlation Coefficient showing the Effect
of Change in Product Name and Customer Patronage of 9MobileProducts in the Study
4.7: Pearson Correlation Coefficient Showing the Relationship between Product
Rebranding and Purchase Intention of Customers on 9Mobile Product
4.8: Multiple Regression Analysis showing the Factors influencing Consumers
Patronage of 9Mobile Products in Umuahia, Abia State,
1.1 Background of the Study
The concept of rebranding can be traced back to 1950’s when rebranding
became a vital marketing activity for firms, and thus became the central assets
which ought to be treasured for organizations survival and product/service
acceptability (Kalu, Anyanwu, Sampson and Udo, 2014). As such, most influential
conglomerates in the world economy owe their successes to rebranding of their
products in order to gain competitive advantage, high market share and increase
organizational performance. Product rebranding involves high complexity such as
name, logo, sign, symbol/ design or a combination of these elements, in other
to add value to the existing or new product which will help to retain existing
customers and attract prospective customers. This concept attributed to
identification and differentiation of company's products from their competitors
in the minds of the subjects concerned (Ormeno, 2007).
According to Muzellec and Stuart (2007) rebranding is the way a brand is
“reborn”. They state that corporate rebranding has different facets.
Revolutionary change means that everything is created new by changing three
elements of the product name, logo, and slogan and evolutionary changes is when
a company changes their logo, slogan, or both. (Aaker, 2011), contends that
when a company decides to go through the rebranding process, the overall goal
is to show the stakeholders, consumers, and the marketplace that the company
has changed.
The concept of rebranding incorporates intangible brand properties such
as brand-name awareness, brand loyalty, perceived brand quality and favorable
brand symbolism and associations. Rebranding is a strategy used by
organizations in other to make it products uniquely different from other
competing products in the market and also to gain competitive advantage others
competition. Re-branding is most often used when a company is seeking to change
the public’s perception of its image or reposition itself in a specific market
(Kapferer, 2014).
Furthermore, the surge in global activities propelled business firms by
unprecedented advancement in technology, communications, science, transport,
and industry that have resulted in substantial changes to business landscape in
order to gain competitive advantage and increase shareholders wealth. As such,
successful rebranding leads to tangible outcomes since firms with strong brand
equity can easily expand demand for their products and services through changes
in product design, quality, and internationalization and brand extensions.
Rebranding is the creation of a new look and feel for an established products
or company. The usual goal of rebranding is to influence a customer’s
perception about a product or service (Aaker, 2011).
Product rebranding leads to a process of change in organizations and its
market offerings, and it is a key weapon that marketing strategists use to win
customers and markets, through the development of sustainable competitive
advantage. Product rebranding advantage is possible if the organization’s focus
is to build organizational capabilities along with the cocreation of value
with the customer, with adequate adaptations to mindsets, skills, behaviors and
decision structures in an environment of global resources, flexible, efficient,
resilient business processes and focused analytics (Okure and Iseme, 2014).
According to Pennington and Ball(2007) rebranding a products gives such
brand better advantage over other products as it motivate customers to purchase
more of the company’s brand and commit them to invariably stick to the
company’s product or brand. Thus this reduces the marketers selling time and
effort and increases the organization’s sales volume (Kotler and Armstrong,
2009).Product rebranding has been seen as relevant marketing strategy which
organizations employed to increase sales of products and improve the quality of
goods offer for sale at the market place.
In addition, the increasing importance of product rebranding and its
effect on organizations sales and business performance cannot be overstated as
it has enabled customers to easily differentiate one brand from another through
brand names, packaging, shapes, and colour. Rebranding has become a driving
force for many organizations because it indicates that such a firm has improved
the quality of their product by introducing a different design, logo, symbol,
shapes and as such customers use these unique features to easily identify a
firms products from other products irrespective of various brands that are
circulated in the Nigeria’s market (Kotler, 2009). Company which intends to
improve on its marketing has to create good marketing strategies for efficient
and effective operations through rebranding or innovation. The strategies may
include product branding or rebranding employ to increase sales and
profitability of the firm.
1.2 Statement
of problem
Although product
rebranding enhances the profit of an organization but there are some basic factors
which basically hinder effective rebranding projects in most organizations
which include the use of incompetent personnel in handling the rebranding
project activities, without the consent of the product users, current marketing
trend and inability to inject a precede value that will attract consumer
patronage (Ormeno, 2007).
Kotler and Keller (2008) asserted that most organizations encounter some
problems before getting into development or rebranding of a new products, but
the odds weigh heavily against the success. In all, to create successful new
products; most companies study their consumers’ preference and, target markets
to successfully gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Yet,
rebranding can be very expensive and risky, because a new product faces tough
odds, as product improvement, modification, and new brands may not increase
sales volume as expected by the organization. Although, effective and efficient
product rebranding is one among other factors that attract customers to a particular
product, still some manufacturers and marketers find it difficult to choose the
design, name, size, colour, shapes of the rebranded products and these may have
serious negative effects on the consumer purchase decision, growth and survival
of the organization.
Furthermore, rapid changes in social, economic, political,
organizational, marketing and technological environments have also triggered
consumption pattern of a consumer in such a way that acceptable product today
tend to be rejected in future due to the aforementioned changes in the business
environment. Some organizations sometimes venture into rebranding without the
knowledge of the products position or stage in the product lifecycle. This may
affect consumer patronage due to inconsistent quality and competitors may
modify the rebranded product and come out with more valuable and prolific
product that may divert the interest of a consumer (Sunday and Akpan, 2015).
Furthermore, misinterpretation of market situation is also a factor that
hinder successful product rebranding because the new product may be excellent
in terms of technical specifications but despite its features no customer will
be willing to pay for them since their cost is higher than benefits, which
implies that the organization concentrate more on product with taking
cognizance price and others factors; and many organizations risk complacency
once their current product offering is successful, and the fear of pulling
investment, resources or consumer attention from existing offering can be
biggest hindrance to profitable product innovation. In view of the pre-stated
problems there is need to examine how product rebranding triggered consumers
purchase intention and decision.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The broad objective of the study is to examine the effect of product
rebranding on consumer purchase intention of 9Mobile firms in Umuahia, Abia
The specific objectives were to:
determine the effect
of new product design on consumer patronage of 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia
determine the effect
of improved product quality on consumer patronage of 9Mobile products in
Umuahia, Abia State
analyze the effect of
change in product name on customer patronage of 9Mobile products in Umuahia,
Abia State
ascertain the relationship
between product rebranding and purchase intention of customers of 9Mobile product in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
determine the factors
influencing consumers patronage of 9Mobile product in the study area
1.4 Research questions
The following research questions were addressed.-
What is the effect of new product design on consumer
patronage on 9Mobileproducts in Umuahia, Abia State?
What is the effect of improved product quality on consumer
patronage on 9Mobileproducts in Umuahia, Abia State?
What is the effect of change in product name on consumer
patronage on9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia State?
What is the relationship between product rebranding and
purchase intention of customers on 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia State.
1.5 Research Hypotheses
In order to address the research
objectives and questions and ascertain reliable outcome from the investigation,
the following hypotheses stated in null (Ho) forms were tested
H01: New product design has no significant effect on consumer patronage
on company in Umuahia, Abia
H02: Improved product quality has no significant effect on consumer
patronage on 9mobile products in Umuahia,
Abia State.
H03: Change in product name has no significant on consumer patronage
on 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia
H04: There is no significant
relationship between products rebranding and purchase intention of customers on 9Mobile products in Umuahia, Abia State.
1.6 Significant of the study
The study focus on the effect of product rebranding on consumer purchase
intention in firm of 9Mobile Umuahia,
Abia State. The study will be of immense benefits to different groups; to
management of 9mobie, this study will give management an insight about the
usefulness of product rebranding and its importance as management will employ
this strategy and used to increase sales of their product. To the customers,
the study will enable customers differentiate the firms products from those of
other firms in the market as these will increase the sales of the company’s
products and invariably positively affect the profitability of the firm.
To the management and consumers of 9Mobile firms, the study will help
guild management decision on how well to improve on service delivery as product
rebranding will induce consumers patronage, To policy makers, the study will
assist management to address its policies as all effort will be channeled
towards producing quality product that will give consumers the confidence and,
trust to continue dealing with the firm. To customers or consumers, the study
will help every potential customers to easily identify a firm products as
rebranding makes a product stand out from competition and enables customers to
easily pick and make choice base on their purchase decision. The findings and recommendations
of the study will assist policy makers in formulating policies that will help
in improving 9Mobile company performance through the rebranding in aspects such
as brand name, symbol,
To Government, the
findings and recommendations will assist government in implementing policies
that will reflect the quality of service rendered researchers and students
interested in a similar field of study in future will find this work useful
conceptual guide and reference material.
1.7 Scope of the study
The study focused on the
effect of product rebranding on consumer purchase intention of 9Mobile firm in
Umuahia, Abia State. It covered only Umuahia, Abia State. These areas were
considered because it was easily accessed by the researcher.
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