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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009617

No of Pages: 83

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined the Influence of market communication in promoting tourism destination in abia state. The specific objectives of the study include to; identify the standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industries in Abia; examine the application of the identified standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industry in Abia, ascertain the influence on the level of patronage of marketing communication of tourism destination in Abia state; To ascertain downstream ripple effects on its economy and revenue on hospitality and tourism industry in Abia State; To ascertain the role of the applied marketing communication tools in the level of patronage on tourism destination in Abia state and  determine the most effective marketing communication channels and tools on tourism destination in Abia state. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of structured questionnaire. The population of the study has 119. The sample size of the study has 92 after adopting Taro Yamane’s formula. In analysis the data, simple descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used. The findings revealed that (i) marketing communication has a significant influence to promote tourism destination. (ii) application of the marketing communication tools use in tourism industry has a significant influence on tourism destination. (iii) marketing communication tools has a significant influence in the level of patronage on tourism destination. (iv) effective marketing communication channels and tools has a significant influence on tourism destination.. The study recommends that tourism destinations should re-direct their investment plan to awake and develop some of the silent notable tourist center in the destinations. This driven can assist the destinations to increase their internal generated revenue, There is need for tourism destinations to employ the service of marketing expert to position all the notable centre in the state in the mind of both indigenous and foreign tourists to increase their level of patronage, Tourism destinations should create a viable Marketing Department for continuous scanning of business environment which will assist in application of appropriate Marketing Communications tools to be relevant in the competitive environment, Tourism destinations should extend their level of awareness in respect to tourism and cultural festival beyond local television, radio and magazine to attract both indigenous and foreign tourist, Digital (social) media such as facebook, twitter, instagram you tube and so on should be committed tourism destinations to inform, persuade and remind both indigenous and foreign tourist to visit its destination, Necessary infrastructure should be put in place to reflect and commensurate with the messages given by tourism destination. This research work should be taken into account not only at international level to promote international research programs aiming market communication in promoting tourism destination but, Further research is needed to explore the various market communication in promoting tourism destination.


Cover page                                                                                                                              i

Title Page                                                                                                                                ii

Approval Page                                                                                                                         iii

Certification                                                                                                                           iv

Dedication                                                                                                                  v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                      viii

List of tables                                                                                                                           ix

List of figures                                                                                                                         x

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xi



1.1 Background to the Study                                                                                                  1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                                                                    7

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                          7

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                                                                                        8

1.6 Significance of the Study                                                                                                 8

1.7 Scope of the Study                                                                                                            9




2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                                                    10

2.1.1 The Tourism Industry                                                                                                    10

2.1.2 Attractiveness and Competitiveness                                                                             11

2.1.3 Tourism Destinations Trends                                                                                        12

2.1.4 Tourism as a System                                                                                                      13

2.1.4 Nature of Tourism and Its Importance                                                                          14

2.1.5 Tourist as a target audience                                                                                           16

2.1.6 Major Tourist Attractions in Abia                                                                                 17

2.1.6 1 Isiukwuato Water Fall                                                                                                17 Azumini Blue River                                                                                                    18

2.1.6 3 The Long Juju of Arochukwu                                                                                     18 National War Museum                                                                                               18

2.1.6 5 Amakama Cave                                                                                                          19

2.1.6 6 Other Caves                                                                                                                19

2.1.7 Marketing and its Impact in Tourism Development                                                     19

2.1.7 Marketing Communications                                                                                          20

2.1.8 Tourism Development                                                                                                   21

2.1.8 Marketing communications Elements                                                                           22 Advertising                                                                                                                 24 Direct Marketing                                                                                                        25 Personal Selling                                                                                                          26 Public Relations                                                                                                          27 Sales Promotion                                                                                                          29

2.1.9 The Marketing Mix                                                                                                        31

2.1.10 Promotion through Public Relations Part of a Good Marketing Plan                                     32

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                                                    34

2.2.1 Systems theory                                                                                                               34

2.2.2 Punctuated Equilibrium                                                                                                 35

2.2.3 Chaos Theory                                                                                                                 36

2.3 Empirical Literatures                                                                                                        37

2.4 Summary of Related Literature                                                                                        41




3.1 Research Design                                                                                                               43

3.2 Area of the Study                                                                                                              43

3.3 Population for the Study                                                                                                   43

3.4 Sampling and Sampling Technique                                                                                 44

3.4.1 Sample size determination                                                                                            44

3.4.2. Sampling Technique                                                                                                     45

3.5 Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                         45

3.6 Validation of the Instrument                                                                                             45

3.8 Method of Data Collection                                                                                               46

3.9 Method of Data Analysis                                                                                                  46




4.0 Results                                                                                                                              50

4.1 Analysis of Research Questions                                                                                       50

4.4 Major Findings                                                                                                                 55

4.5 Discussion of findings                                                                                                      55




5.1 Summary                                                                                                                          57

5.1.1 Restatement of the Problem                                                                                          58

5.1.2 Description of Methods Used                                                                                        59

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        59

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      61

5.4 Contribution To Knowledge                                                                                             61

5.5 Suggestion For Further Studies                                                                                        62


Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III




Table 4.1: Distribution of questionnaire                                                                                50

Table 4.3 Gender distribution                                                                                                 50

Table 4.5 Distribution of respondents based on their educational qualification               52

Table 4.6 Mean responses of respondents on the standard marketing communication

tools uses in tourism industries                                                                                  52

Table 4.7 Mean responses of respondents on the application of the identified

standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industry                                    53

Table 4.9: Mean responses of respondents on the influence applied marketing

communication tools in the level of patronage on tourism destination                  54




Background to the Study

Tourism destinations are places that have constructed an amalgam of tourist products and services whose consumption is under the brand name of the destination. The destinations are well defined geographically and understood by the tourists as unique entities and exhibit several core provisions (Zygmunt 2013). These provisions are accessibility, attractions, package activities, and auxiliary services. According to World Tourism Organization (WTO 2010), a destination is a unique place where a visitor spends at least one night and exhibit tourism products such as attractions, support services, and tourism resources complete with defined management, physical and administrative boundaries, and a well-known image. Tourism destinations compete for tourists at tourism market leading to a sharp competitive struggle (Zygmunt 2013). The main objective of regional, government and the tourism industry stakeholders is to succeed by enhancing the market communication of their destination. The tourism industry is, in most countries, the largest player in the economic sectors, therefore, it is an important factor in the development of any region, and more so, in Europe. By its nature, it contributes to the stability of both regional and local economies because of its multiplier effect which helps create business opportunities in the activities that go into making the tourist comfortable as well as influencing the creation of employment in the region (Vengesayi 2013).

Tourists are drawn to a certain tourism destination because of its attractiveness that reflects the feelings of the tourists regarding the destination perceived ability to meet their needs. Thus, the more a certain destination meets the tourist’s needs, the more it is seen to be attractive, and consequently its popularity grows through effective marketing communication. The ability to meet the tourist needs include the attributes of the destination or the components that make the given destination (Biganoa et al 2016). The attractiveness of a destination is the main factor in getting the tourist to visit and spend time at a given destination. Consequently, the value of a destination is the pulling it has on visitors. If a destination does not have the attractiveness value it cannot attract tourist, and, therefore, there is no need putting up tourist facilities and services. It is accepted that marketing communication is now a critical factor in determining the success of industries, organizations, and even countries. A destination is competitive if it has a growing market share when measured by the numbers of visitors and the financial returns (Vengesayi 2013). Thus, marketing communication is associated with high visitor’s numbers and increasing revenue. However, it is important to look at the tourism sector through the multifaceted nature of the industry since there are diverse players in industry who are involved in making the destination attractive and competitive.

Marketing communications refers to the use of different marketing channels and tools in combination. Marketing communication channels focus on any way a business communicates a message to its desired market, or the market in general. Tourism destinations engage with a variety of tourist in order to pursue their marketing and business objectives (Kim and Tommy 2013). Engagement refers to the form of communication and to whether the nature of the messages and media is essentially intellectual or emotional. Invariably tourism destinations use a mixture of these two elements in order that they are heard, understood and engage their audiences in dialogue and mutually beneficial relationships. Tourism destinations operate across a number of sectors, markets and countries and use a variety of marketing communications tools to engage with their various audiences. These audiences consist not only of tourist who visit the destination but also of people and organizations who might be able to influence them, who might help and support them by providing, for example, labour, finance, manufacturing facilities, distribution outlets and legal advice, or who are interested because of their impact on parts of society or the business sector in particular (Hollensen S. 2011). There are hundreds of thousands of smaller organizations that also need and use marketing communications to convey the essence of their products and services and to engage their audiences. Each of these organizations, large and small, is part of a network of companies, suppliers, retailers, wholesalers, value-added resellers, distributors and other retailers, which join together, often freely, so that each can achieve its own goals. Effective communication is critically important to tourism destinations, which is why they use a variety of promotional tools. Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling and added-value approaches such as sponsorship are the most used (Gilliland and Johnston 2016). In other to get their messages through they use traditional media such as print and broadcast, cinema and radio; but increasingly digital media, and the internet in particular, are used to ‘talk’ to and with their customers, potential customers, suppliers, financiers, distributors, communities and employees, among others.

The components of the marketing communication include the following, advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion. Advertising plays a significant role in promoting tourism destination. This is a mass media method of marketing communication mediums like television, radio and even online advertising. Other traditional forms of advertising tourism destination include newspapers and magazines, the Yellow Pages, billboards, signs and posters as well, advertising on buses, benches, gas pumps and even public restrooms are in vogue today.  Direct marketing as means of marketing communication enables tourism destination to reach out directly to consumers without intermediary channels such as those required for advertising. Direct marketing communication process is achieved through direct mail, catalogs, coupons and inserts, telemarketing, online marketing and television infomercials of tourism destination facilities and product, direct marketing is the marketing communication method that enables tourism destination to interact with a relatively large number of tourist and encourage a “call to action” or “most wanted response” which is usually a visit to experience the tourism destination (Feng, Prajogo, Tan and Sohal, 2016). Personal selling occurs when a tourism destination sales representative meets with a potential tourist for the purpose of transacting a sale of tourism destination experience and its product. Personal Selling is the most dreaded as well as the most expensive of all methods in the marketing communication process of promoting tourism destination, it can be one of the most rewarding aspects of the marketing process, both personally and professionally. The whole objective is to ascertain needs and create the best solution for tourist. Public Relations play a significant role in marketing communication of tourism destination by carefully handling the business relationships and the flow of information with the tourist and the general “publics” or the people who have a stake in or are affected by your business. According Stern and El-Ansary (2015) Public relations tools include press and media releases, lobbying, charitable and public events, advertorials, financial reports, promotional collateral, facility tours, sponsorships, interviews and any other method for the promotion of a positive image to tourist. Sales Promotion as component of marketing communication of tourism destination improves the image of the tourism destination. This is the last traditional component of the marketing communication mix that is discussed here as part of the marketing communication process. Sales promotion simply refers to purchase incentives that you provide your tourist with. These can assume a number of forms including offering free goods or services, coupons and vouchers, gifts and prizes, discounts, samples, financial incentives, charitable promotions and any other value add over and above your standard product or services of the tourism destination.

McCabe (2012) Stated that Marketing communications provides the means by which tourism destinations are presented to their audiences. The goal is to stimulate a dialogue that will, ideally, lead to a succession of tourism visit and complete engagement. This interaction represents an exchange between each tourism destinations and each tourist; according to the quality and satisfaction of the tourism experience, it will or will not be repeated. It follows, therefore, that communication is a very important integral part of the tourism destinations, and it is the skill and judgment of management that determine, in most cases, success or failure. Marketing communication is an audience centered activity.

The world of marketing communications in tourism destination is bright, exciting, sometimes unpredictable, yet always challenging and evolving (Timothy and Suchi 2014). Managers are now required not only to find new ways to communicate but also to do so and reduce budgets, and they must account for their communications spend. Tourist retention is crucial today, and various devices, such as loyalty schemes, are used to shape long-term customer behavior (Kotler and Bowen 2016). Organizations now accept that the tools of the promotional mix are not the only way in which brands communicate (Nedelea 2010). All parts of the marketing mix communicate. The behaviour of employees and the performance of products, the actions of competitors, all serve to influence the way in which each customer perceives a brand. Corporate branding is now recognized as an integral part of the overall communication effort. Corporate reputation and the actions undertaken by organizations are perceived not only in terms of brand values and profits but also in terms of their ethics, and the impact that organizations have on the environment. Marketing communication agencies are trying to adjust the way they can best serve the interests of their clients. One of the results is structural realignment (mergers and takeovers), which can lead to consolidation. Clients themselves are fighting to generate superior value for their customers and to find new ways of establishing competitive advantage. It is against this background the study tends to examine the Influence of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination.


1.2 Statement of the Problem 

Marketing communication helps the company to build a strong relationship between the consumers and the products as it provides information to customers about the products, making sense of judgement to compare the products with other companies’ products and facilitate them in buying the products (Ikupolati, 2008). Marketing communication takes into consideration the overall marketing program of a company rather focusing on one aspect of it. Marketing communication activities are used by organization for creating and building up positive image of the product and attainment of long term objectives through informing and persuading the target audience.

In the area of marketing, the aspect that has affected tourism development is lack of application of sales promotion. Since customers are major determinants of tourism development, their satisfaction on the products and services cannot be overemphasized. We are living in a competitive business environment where there are so many businesses as well tourist centers trying to attract customers. Therefore, sales promotion is necessary if not indispensable in this competitive business environment. Unfortunately, most tourism destination do not take this matter very serious. Most tourist centers in Nigeria do not engage or adopt sales promotion, they believe sales promotion is for manufacturing or marketing companies that sales products and as such it is not necessarily important in tourist centers. This belief has affected the growth and survival of tourist centers in Nigeria. For this reason, most tourist centers perform well during their first five years of commencement and eventually decline gradually (Berg, 2001). Consequently, it has been observed that tourism destinations businesses in Abia have been having problems of retaining their tourist. The industry has experienced several challenges in the past which includes price instability, lack of innovation, competitive advertisement and loss of guest.  These have greatly affected the tourism destinations in terms of their market share, profitability, market growth and competitive positions. It has therefore become important to build and maintain long-term base of committed tourist who are profitable for these tourism destinations through marketing communication. Though various studies have been conducted in the sector, the available theory is not sufficient enough in explaining the impact sales promotion have on tourism destination. There have been numerous studies on sales promotion and organizational performance but very few studies have anchored it to tourist destination instead they focused on other business firms. It is against this backdrop that this study aims to examine the influence of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination in Abia state.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine Influence of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination in Abia state


The specific objectives of the study are:

·       To identify the standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industries in Abia.

·       To examine the application of the identified standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industry in Abia.

·       To ascertain the influence on the level of patronage of marketing communication of tourism destination in Abia state.

·       To ascertain the role of the applied marketing communication tools in the level of patronage on tourism destination in Abia state.

·       To determine the most effective marketing communication channels and tools on tourism destination in Abia state.


1.4 Research Questions

The following questions guided the study

·       What are the standard marketing communication tools uses in tourism industries in Abia?

·       What are the applications of the identified standard marketing communication tools use in tourism industry in Abia?

·       What are the influence on the level of patronage of marketing communication on tourism destination in Abia state?

·       What is the role of the applied marketing communication tools in the level of patronage on tourism destination in Abia state?

·       What are the most effective marketing communication channels and tools on tourism destination in Abia state?


1.5 Research Hypotheses

For the purpose of the study, the following hypotheses is stated in null form

H01: Marketing communication has no significant influence to promote tourism in the study area.

H02: Application of the marketing communication tools used in tourism industry has no significant influence on tourism destination in the study area.

H03: Marketing communication tools has no significant influence in the level of patronage on tourism destination in the study area.

H04: Effective marketing communication channels and tools has no significant influence on tourism destination in the study area.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will be significant to tourism destination, marketers and scholars.

The findings of the study will educate tourism destination on the Influence of market communication in promoting tourism destination. Having access to this work when published will enable tourism destination to know importance of traditional mass media in tourism destination. The study will also enlighten tourism destination on the extent digital media influence tourist to patronize tourism destination. Consequently, the findings of this study will enable tourism destination to know the challenges facing marketing communication in promoting tourism destination as well as the possible solution.

Tourists are the reason for tourism destination establishment and as such their satisfaction is a priority to tourism destination. The findings of this work will enhance tourist perception of memory experience in tourism destination. The study will also enable tourist know the both educative benefits and religious benefits of tourism destination products and services

The study will educate marketers on the benefits of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination on both tourist visits to tourism destination. The findings of the study will also educate marketers on tourism destination marketing practices and its influence on tourism destination.

Finally, the study will educate students of these noble institutions and other institutions on the Influence of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination. The study will also serve as a reference material to researchers who would wish to research on a similar topic in future.


1.7 Scope of the Study

The study centered on the influence of marketing communication in promoting tourism destination in selected tourism destination in Abia State. The geographical scope is Umuahia Metropolis while the unit scope is managers and staff of some selected tourism destination in Umuahia Metropolis.

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