This project work is focused on the implication of professional
misconduct on teaching and learning of business studies in Shomolu Local
Government District of Lagos State.
Until recently professional misconduct has been so rampant in our
secondary schools to the extent that teaching and learning of business study
activities is seriously distorted. Three research questions were tested through
the students and teachers questionnaire and chi‑square was used to analyse the
result of the findings. Five schools were randomly selected with a total
population of hundred (100) students and twenty (20) teachers. Twenty students
and four teachers from each school.
However, the entire three null research question were rejected.
The first research question was rejected to be there is a significant
relationship between professionalism attitudes of teachers towards teaching.
Also, research question two was rejected to be there is a significant
relationship between professional misconduct and academic performance of the
students, Moreso, research question three was repeated to be there is
significant relationship between professional misconduct and the students
learning behaviour.
Furthermore, the causes and types of professional misconduct were
analysed as well as remedies to the unethical behaviour exhibited by teachers.
Most importantly, recommendations like, recruitment of qualified and dedicated
teachers, good and prompt payment of teachers salaries, frequent inspection of
teachers by the inspectorate unit of PP TESCOM etc were mentioned and further
suggestion were also made to profer lasting solution to the matter.
Title Page
Approval Page
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of Problems
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the
1.6 Delimitation of the
2.0 Review of related
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The concept of
Effective Teaching and Learning
2.3 Teacher code of
2.4 What is Professional
2.5 Causes of Professional
2.6 Remedies to
Professional Misconduct
2.7 Remedies to
Professional Misconduct
2.8 Summary
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of the
3.4 Sample and Sampling
3.5 Validation of
3.6 Reliability of the
3.7 Administration of
Research Instrument
3.8 Method of Data
4.0 Presentation of
Research Finding and Discussions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Student Response
4.3 Teacher Response
4.4 Discussion of the
5.0 Summary, Conclusion
and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Limitation of the
5.5 Educational
Implication of the Findings
5.6 Recommendation
The advance learner dictionary defined a
professional to be somebody who is connected with a job that needs special
training and skill or one that needs a high level of education. While
misconduct mean unacceptable behaviours by a professional person or bad
management. A professional misconduct now mean one that practices his
profession beyond its authorize scope.
As well, business studies means the study of
subject connected with money and managing of business. What now could be the
Implication of professional misconduct in teaching and learning of business
studies in Junior Secondary School Teaching, like any other profession, has it
code ethics or standards for guidance or direction in the appropriate use of
professional competence’s, without such standards or ethical beliefs
professional competence may be misused or misdirected and the school will not
achieve its goals and objectives. Professional ethical standard therefore
contribute positively to the improvement of teaching and learning process and
this is important that teachers adhere to guiding tenets of teaching
profession. The trend has been so high and fast to the extent that it affects
both the students and teacher performance.
Obviously, the teachers are the image‑makers
and the students being taught are the leaders of tomorrow, the high and fast
trend of professional misconduct will apparently be transfered to the larger
society. Implication of professional misconduct relative to the teaching
profession signifies unethical or indecent behaviour pattern manifested by any
member of the teaching profession. These are established norms and sound
pattern of behaviour designed to enhance the operational integrity in every
formal organisational like school. Hence, members owe it a duty to conform to
such established pattern in the discharge of their official functions.
According to Peremode (2002) “A professional code of ethics refers to the
specific set of ideals, principles and standard of individual professional
conduct as related to the professional duties and responsibilities as approved
and enforced by the membership of the professional group”. Peremode goes
further to note that in most cases, a professional code of ethics prescribes
the appropriate relationship between practitioners (Teachers) and the client of
Students) in such a way as to protect the clients. The code also states the
appropriate relationship between the practitioners themselves for this mutual
Hoyle [2004) similarly, a code
of ethics as related to the professional educator is concern with the teacher’s
relationship with the children, parents, the general public, others teachers,
administrator, supervisors and educational profession.
Barrup, (2003) seconded this
statement that an ideal teacher should have good relationship with the students
but must not be against the ethics of the profession.
Now that the teachers had known their duty
and the way to carry it out and make it free of professional misconduct. How
can teachers apply this counsel in teaching student effect of professional
misconduct in business study?
According to research, Methodologist states
that for decades teachers have failed to lay emphasis on the Implication of
professional misconduct and as a result of that most of the fruits of there
labour which is there ex‑student have not been succeeded in there business
facilities: some have ruined there business because of bribes, companies has
fold up because of the unfaithfulness of the management board members. One may
say this is just a self caused problem by individuals but let us illustrate
with a child who does not know what fire does but can understand if one explain
to him, so such child will not be injured by it if their had been somebody to
tell him the consequence of touching the fire. So also it is been with a
student that has been taught to be rigid, loyal or sincere and determined when
dealing in business with others.
What does business studies means in
employment vicinity? Business studies do not mean just buying and selling, it
is mostly needed in industries, either manufacturing, contracting appointment,
civil services even teaching industries. Anything involving spending money is
business profession. Business profession compounds banking, teaching,
engineering, construction, accounting, and economy etc together.
Finally, a teacher must acquaint his students
and let them know the out come of being untruthful, accepting of bribes
ignorance of duty, fraudulent license, practicing of profession beyond its
authorize scope, quoted the US education Law 6530.
It is know generally that business industries
both private and government has been an assembly of corruption and as a result
of that the nation economy has been affected. For this to be totally eradicated
the teachers, who are professional in business studies should take note and
give a serious concern to the subject of business studies and to acquaint the
learners the benefit and ruin of obeying business rules.
There seem to be a growing needs in all
countries of the world today for professionalism to bring about the desire
transformation of society for the well being of man.
However, from the forgoing, a number of
problem have surfaced in the academic performance of junior secondary schools
standard owing to professional misconduct, some of those problem are listed
i. mass
failure in the external examinations
ii. Truancy
iii. Disobedience
iv. Hooliganism
The main purpose of the study is to highlight
professional misconduct as it effect, hinder, jeopardy, and the teaching and
learning of business studies performance of the junior secondary school
students in Lagos State District. The specific objectives are to find out:
i. the root and genesis of
professional misconduct in teaching and learning of business studies in junior
secondary schools
ii. factors affecting teaching
and learning of business studies in junior secondary schools.
iii. causes of professional
misconduct by students and teacher in effective teaching and learning of
business studies in junior secondary schools.
iv. the different types of
professional misconduct in teaching the business in junior secondary schools.
v. the remedies to
professional misconduct in business studies in junior secondary schools.
In a rapid growth rate of professional
misconduct teachers must maintain a set pace to conform to the ethics of
teaching profession and correct the high rate of professional misconduct at all
level of teaching and learning of business studies at junior secondary school
system. This research will be relevant and significant such that, it will
provide some useful hints on the effects of professional misconduct on the
teaching and learning performance. Beside, this work will show how far
unethical behaviour of teachers have contributed to the teaching and learning
performance of business studies in junior secondary school students negatively.
Furthermore, it is intended to draw the
attention of Lagos State Government to see to the extent which this affects
professional misconduct in Shomolu Local Government District of Lagos State. It
will also provide the inspectorate unit of the post primary teaching service
commission (PP‑TESCOM) the limelight to study and monitor unethical
behaviour before and after recruitment.
Lastly, the researcher very much hope that
the successful completion of this work will be of great importance to Lagos
State Ministry of Education to regularly organise seminars workshops, symposia
on the ethics of the teaching profession to enhance good academic performance
of the students. Also, among those that will benefit this research works are
Educational administration, parents, teachers, students, government and the
society at Large.
To effectively provide solutions to all the
problems mentioned earlier, following research questions are addressed.
i. to what extent can
professional misconduct determine the attitude of teachers towards teaching of
business studies?
ii to what extent has
professional misconduct affected the academic performance of students?
iii. How far has teacher
professional misconduct and students learning behaviour?
This study is limited in scope to randomly
selected five of 51 junior secondary school in Shomolu Local Government
Discrict out of the 13 junior secondary school in Shomolu local government
district. However, the five selected secondary schools will have a total number
of one hundred (100) students i.e. twenty students from each junior secondary
schools and a total number of twenty (20) teacher i.e. four (4) teacher from
each school for the research work.
The questionnaire will be divided into two
sections. Section (A) for personal data and section B is meant to test the
research questions. Data will be collected and analyses based on each of these
questions. Result of data collected on section B will be presented on a
separate table. The chi‑ square method will be used in the analysis
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