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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008981

No of Pages: 56

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This paper addresses parental divorce and its impact on students' academic performance in selected secondary schools. The major objective of the study was to examine thoroughly the nature and impact of parental divorce on children's academic performance and determine whether parental divorce can result to poor academic performance of students. A total sample size of one hundred (100) Students of Senior Secondary School (SSS 2) students,were randomly selected from four (4) schools. Data was elicited from respondents with the aid of the questionnaire and findings indicated that students from divorced home or broken homes have poor academic performances. The correlated factors to the poor performance were poor financial support, psychological trauma resulting in lack of concentration on school work. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that parents should try and maintain their wards, and homes in spite of their differences









1.1 Background to the Study - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - 50


3.1 Research Design -- 56

3.2 Population of the Study - 57

3.3 Sample Size - -- 57

3.4Sampling Technique - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition -59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - -- 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - 79


5.1 Summary - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - -- 80

5.3 Recommendations - 93

References - - 95

Appendix - - 98






1.1 Background to the Study

The home is an important variable for the child’s personality development. It is the smallest but most essential unit in the society whereby a child acquired his first life experience. It determines the child’s inherited potential and acts as a major factor in accelerating or retarding all aspect of the child’s development. A good home gives the child a sense of security, love, belonging and mutual respect among the individuals of the home, acceptance, sharing responsibilities, feeling, pride of one’s parents and home (Asarjohwadia, 1995).

As the child grows, he or she is introduced into the secondary socialization unit which is the school, to received formal education. The school and the family as socializing agent work hand in hand for the benefit of the child. Experiment in education had shown that there is positive relationship between the level of educational and occupational aspiration regardless of the social status of the family.

Furthermore, parental encouragement regardless of the social status of the family has significant impact on raising educational aspiration. From all observations therefore, for the school to achieve its set goals academically for the student, a conducive atmosphere must exist at the students’ home.

It can be said from the above that the home has the potential of continuing life of student even when he is not the socialization setting like the school or her place of work.  But if the home is separated, the children will be no doubt affected morally, socially and intellectually and there is bound to be some psychological conflicts in the personality and character development of the child. Frankly speaking, a child from separated home lack love, care, protection, which are essential ingredients for the psychological, emotional and mental development of the child.

Accordingly, this ugly situation can have adverse effects on the overall performance of the student in which the psychomotor domain is unavoidably affected. This situation therefore calls for scholars to have a critical look at the relationship between marital separation and the academic performance of secondary school students.

Marital separation exists all over the world, it is a problem which has caused a lot of harm to both broken couples and most especially on their children or the children involved. In Nigeria for instance, marital separation are everywhere which happen as a result of some contributing factors, which include misunderstanding, death, disobedience or lack of humility for the wife.

For the above reasons, serious consequences of parent marital separation, are profound on student’s academic development at school and which produces several administrative challenges to school administrations. This study sets out to address these administrative problems.

1.2 Statement of Problem

There are proven cases of matrimonial disputes in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.  These cases range from voluntary separation, maltreatment, desertion, ejection to dispute about maintenance and the child custody. These marital separations have resulted in different negative ways such as poor performance in the educational development of children. This is so because the parents that would have played the role of molding these children academically have parted relationship.

Marital separation in Nigeria has become a cankerworm that has eaten deeply into the fabric of the society. Both parents and the society look at this issue with levity but its vice cannot be overlooked. A situation that has led to the production of mediocre instead of intellectuals that a nation is to be proud of; Children that were to be sources of happiness to the nation and parents, are now sources of worries to them. Children are no longer interested in academics but in thuggery, armed robbery, drug abuse, prostitution, examination malpractices, truancy, forgery etc. The problem now is how marital separation has impacted not only on the children academics but also in their conduct. Poor school conduct creates serious administrative problems for school administrators such as Truancy, lateness to school, thuggery, bullying and improper dressing among others.  This study examines the relationship between marital separation of parents and their children conducts at schools that presents administrative problems to the school authorities

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This study is designed to find out the impact of marital separation on the academic and moral conduct of the students in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State. The question raised by this study tends to know why children from broken marriage perform not only poorly, unsatisfactorily in their academic pursuit but also engage themselves in antisocial vices such as truancy, juvenile, delinquency, impudence etc.


Also to proffer solutions to the effect of marital separation in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

This study will specifically find out the following:-

i. Whether “united families” parenthood in united families has impacted on the students academic performance and moral conduct at school

ii. Whether separated home has impacted on the academic performance and moral conduct of students from broken homes.

iii. Whether gender affects academic performance of the students from broken homes.

iv. Whether children from broken homes exhibit more administrative problems of truancy, lateness absenteeism, delinquency than those from united families.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research work will be of benefit to parents in the area of child upbringing to make them know the various ways in which they can train their children to be academically and morally fit and sound through parental love, care and encouragement. It will also help both parents and children to understand the impact of marital separation on their educational development of secondary students in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State. 

This study will also be of significance to the classroom teachers as regards to effective classroom teaching and management, putting into cognizance the different family background of their students. This will enable the teacher to vary this method to teaching in the most effective way for good classroom management especially among students from different  home backgrounds.

This study will help parents and the children to retain their marriage so that their children would not lack parental motivation, care and educational attention. It also enable the government and society at large to know that marital separation is one of the contributors to students academic poor performance.

Moreover, this study will provide new information to curriculum planners, designers and policy makers on how best to enhance/improve teaching/learning environment for students from different home backgrounds.

1.5 Research Questions

This study tried to answer the following research questions

1. To what extent does separation of parents affect the academic and moral standards of students?

2. Are students from broken homes more administratively difficult to handle than those from united unbroken homes?

To what extent does gender affect performance of students from different  home backgrounds.

3. To what  extent  does gender affect performance of  students from broken homes.

1.6 Research Hypotheses

In order to guide and direct this study, three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

1. Ho1: There is no significant difference in the academic performance of male students from separated families and those from united families.

2. Ho2:  There is no significant difference in the academic performance of female students from separated families and those from united families.

3. Ho3: There is no significance difference in the administrative challenges of students from separated families and those students from united families.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study is centred round the relationship between marital separation and the academic and moral status of secondary school students. It measured on the impact of marital separation on the academic performance of male and female students in secondary schools. It relates urban, semi-urban and rural areas. It also examined the attitude of the students towards their studies.

This study is limited to three (3) areas, urban, semi-urban and rural areas of Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State. This study is also limited to four (4) schools in Ughelli south local government area of Delta state. This schools include: Otujeremi Grammer school, Owor Grammer school, Okpera Grammer school, Gbaregolor Grammer School.

A total of 120 students participated in the study. In all, there were equal representations from urban, semi-urban and rural areas. It is believed that conclusions made from the investigation would present a generalization for other local government area not involves in the study.

1.8 Delimitation of the Study

This study was limited to some secondary schools in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State; it is delimited to selected secondary schools, parents, children and teachers in the local government area. This is so because the impact of marital separation on the academic and moral status of students, this area would present a generalization for other local government areas not involved in the study.

1.9 Definition of Terms

The following operational terms were used in this study

United Family – A family that lives together that is, they are not broken or separated.

Marital Separation – The family that is not structurally living together as a result of a serious disagreement or occupational separation due to the nature of the spouse’s job or the legally separated which is permanent separation.

Academic Achievement – Performance in academic that is educational success. In other words, it is ones success in the educational industry.

Administrative Challenges – This refers to the several problems school face in dealing with students at school especially in relation to their home backgrounds.  Such challenges include truancy, delinquency, poor dressing, stealing, noise-making etc.

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