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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007640

No of Pages: 77

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study evaluated the impact of leadership styles on organizational productivity in religious institutions with special emphasis made on Ahiara Diocese of Mbaise. The major objectives of the study were to determine the impact of transformational leadership on the easy execution of religious programmes. To determine the impact of democratic leadership on organizational growth. To ascertain the influence of authoritative and autocratic leadership style on organizational effectiveness. To determine the relationship between leadership styles to organizational productivity. To achieve the objectives of the study, survey research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary source of data in getting the required information were questionnaire was constructed and distributed to 134 the clergy respondents from the Diocese of which only 120 were completely filled and returned. In testing the hypotheses, simple regression used as a statistical technique in analyzing the data collected. The findings revealed that Transformational leadership have a significant impact on the easy execution of religious problems. Democratic leadership does not have significant impact on the organizational growth. Authoritative and autocratic leadership style dimensions have no significant impact on organizational effectiveness. Finally, it was also seen that Leadership styles have a significant relationship to organizational productivity. The researcher recommends that the leaders should be aware of what is important for the subordinates and the organizations as a whole and encourage the employees to see the opportunities and challenges around them creatively. The leaders should also have their own visions and development plans for followers, working in groups and champion team work spirit. Also leaders should have sense of innovation and also encourage followers to seek more opportunities and possibilities, not just achieve performance within expectations. Leaders should understand the values of the followers and try to build their departmental/ unit’s business strategies, plans, processes and practices that will likely help to improve the wellbeing of staff. Finally, Respect for individual is also very key in building a positive relationship between leaders and employees. Employees prefer to idealized attributes leadership behaviors from their leader because it can increase their level of performance. Employees would like to see more of idealized attributes in their leaders; therefore, the leaders should act to promote faith from their subordinates. They should connect with the working groups and the individuals beyond self-interest. A sense of confidence and power for the workloads should be displayed. Based on the results of the current study, leadership development programs could help leaders understand the relationships between effective leadership styles and employee performance.


Tittle page                                                                                                          i

Dedication                                                                                                          ii

Acknowledgements                                                                                            iii

Table of Contents

List of Tables                                                                                                     ix

Abstract                                                                                                              x


1.1   Background of the Study                                                                       1

1.2   Statement of the Problem                                                                     2

1.3   Objectives of the Study                                                                        3

1.4   Research Questions                                                                              4

1.5   Research Hypotheses                                                                            4

1.6   Significance of the Study                                                                      4

1.7   Scope of the Study                                                                                5

1.8   Limitations of the study                                                                        5

1.9   Profile of the Diocese                                                                           6

1.10 Definition of Operational Terms                                                                          9



2.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK                                                                10

2.1.1 Personality                                                                                               10

2.1.2 Types of personality                                                                                12

.2.1.3 Leadership                                                                                                13

2.1.4 Characteristics and qualities of good leadership                                     15

2.1.5 Dimensions of leadership                                                                        18

2.1.6 The relationship between effective leadership and                  organizational productivity                                                                 24

2.1.7  Leadership and motivation                                                                                           25

2.1.8    Leadership styles                                                                                     27

2.1.9  Organisational productivity                                                                                         28

2.1.10 How to measure organizational productivity                                                                         29

2.1.11 Leadership and communication                                                    29

2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                                               31

2.3 EMPIRICAL REVIEW                                                                               38


2.5 GAPS IN LITERATURE                                                                            40


3.1  Research Design                                                                                          42

3.2  Area of the Study                                                                                        42

3.3  Sources of Data                                                                                                    42

3.4  Population of the Study                                                                               42

3.5     Sample Size Determination                                                                     42

3.6     Sampling Technique                                                                                43

3.7     Description of Research Instrument                                              43

3.8     Validity of the Instrument                                                               43

3.9     Reliability of the Instrument                                                         44

3.10   Method of Data Analysis                                                                   44

3.10.1 Model Specification                                                                      44


4.1     Data Presentation                                                                       46

4.2     Hypotheses Test                                                                        52

4.3     Discussion of Findings                                                              59


5.1     Summary of Findings                                                              62

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                                    62

5.3     Recommendations                                                                             62

5.4     Area of further Studies                                                                      63











4.1.1 Distributed and collected questionnaire                                                41

4.12   To determine the impact of transformational leadership on the                               easy execution of religious programmes.                                        42


4.13   To determine the impact of democratic leadership

on organizational growth.                                                               43

4.14   To ascertain the influence of authoritative and autocratic

leadership style on organizational effectiveness                                      44

4.1. 5 To determine the relationship between leadership styles to

organizational productivity                                                                      45

4.2.1 Model summary                                                                                       46

4.2.2 Analysis of variance                                                                                46

4.2.3 Coefficient                                                                                               47

4.2.4 Model Summary                                                                                      47

4.2.5 Analysis of variance                                                                                 48

4.2.6 Coefficient                                                                                               48

4.2.7 Model summary                                                                                       49

4.2.8 Analysis of variance                                                                                 50

4.2.9 Coefficient                                                                                                 50

4.2.10 Model summary                                                                                      51

4.2.11 Analysis of variance                                                                                52






The role of personality and leadership style in ensuring excellent organizational productivity especially in religious institutions cannot be over emphasized. Adequate motivation, fair hearing, suitable work environment, compensation, efficient communication between religious leaders and subordinates play an important role in promoting this goal. Planning and organization of work is also very crucial in organizational attainment.


Some researchers have argued that the most common problems affecting organizational productivity in religious institutions and other institutions are poor attitude to work among workforce (church members), inefficiency as well as ineffectiveness of leaders in most places, though others share a contrary view. This second school of thought trusts that associations in Nigeria are overseen through administration styles that are abnormal to run of the mill Nigerian culture.


In the reminder to address this issue, the board professionals in Nigeria have left on arrangement of concentrates trying to build up the connection between compelling administration and hierarchical efficiency. Some discovered that powerful administration styles are emphatically identified with authoritative profitability while others have an alternate view.


Still there is no experimental proof to indicate how compelling identity and initiative styles affect on authoritative efficiency particularly in religious establishments. Again given our social foundation, instructive capabilities, natural elements, still it isn't too clear, how powerful a pioneer can be in the event that he should join the three sorts of initiative styles to accomplish high profitability in Organizations (Usoro, 2000). Maddock and Fullton(2001), in Iyang (2006), clarify that identity and initiative styles and different procedures of the association must be to such an extent that can guarantee greatest likelihood inside all collaborations and associations with the Organizations, every part will in the light of his experience, qualities and desires, see the costs as strong and one which can assemble and keep up his feeling of individual worth and significance.


In this manner, in spite of the above we should take note of that people have their requirements to fulfill and that is the reason they offer their works to end up hierarchical individuals and the degree to which they are focused on the association relies upon the level of their conviction that their participation of the association will empower them understand their foreordained goals. For this situation, the help an association gets from the people will be founded on the acknowledgment that by doing that, his own destinations and objectives will be met, generally his enthusiasm for the association will disappear. In light of that, authority viability ought to be given sufficient consideration as the association expects to accomplish its destinations.


That is the reason it is a typical understanding among the executives researchers that the achievement or disappointment of an association is generally a component of authority and its styles (Okafor, 2014). Iyang (2006), opines that personality and effective leadership as a unique way and integrating employees with the organization to achieve its vision or objectives and that to a large extent the effectiveness of a leader is largely dependent on the styles adopted by a leader which he says is central in the management of organizations.


Speaking in the same vein, Edem (2015), observes that failure or success of an organization affects the subordinates, the customers or church members and agencies within and outside the religious institutions. Although there is no standard method through which a leader can be effective in achieving high productivity in an organization especially religious institutions but what is required is the modification and the combination of the variables that make leaders effective if the goals and objectives of the organization have to be realized (Edem, 2015)



Human constituted institutions or organizations from creation were observed with inate traits their managers and employee are made of, in managing people in organizations, is part and parcel of management process (Anyanwu, 2014). Therefore, managers should realize, that people are the critical elements in organizations and they should be recognized as being synonymous with the organization. But the problem is, to what extent do managers recognize this fact that employees are synonymous with organizations and that they should be adequately motivated so that they can give their best to ensure high productivity?

More so, financial exploitation, abuse of authority, temperament, suppression of members, over delegation of duties to members and implementation of one sided decisions, inability to meet basic required obligations, and incessant organizational distress syndrome, which has led many organizations been declared bankrupt or acquired, are other problems confronting organizational productivity in religious institutions. This behavior/style of leadership has an impact on reforming and/or creating organizational culture which in turn affects organizational productivity and commitment. So given this situation, how effective can a leader be to elicit the best response from subordinates and makes for the highest or best productivity (Usoro, 2000).

Furthermore, some researchers are of the opinion that the most common problems affecting organizational productivity in Religious institutions and other institutions are poor attitude to work among the workforce, inefficiency and ineffectiveness of leaders in most places, others still believe that organizations in Nigeria are managed through leadership styles and behaviours that are strange to typical Nigerian culture.  In adherence, gross disobedience and greed (quick) money- making syndrome has eaten deep into the fabrics of most religious leaders in this era which cannot be left out. The rate of quick money-making has become the priority of most leaders in the religious kingdom, neglecting the spiritual upliftment of her members. Consistent preaching of prosperity and selling of irrelevant materials to her members for sudden break through which is saddled with financial exploitation motives.

In view of the above contending issues, it is necessary to look at impact of personality and leadership style on organizational productivity in religious institutions using Ahiara Diocese Mbaise as a point of focus.



The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of leadership style on the organizational productivity.

Specific objectives include the following:

      i.         To determine the impact of transformational leadership on the easy execution of religious programmes.

     ii.         To determine the impact of democratic leadership on organizational growth.

   iii.         To ascertain the influence of authoritative and autocratic leadership style on organizational effectiveness.

   iv.         To determine the relationship between leadership styles to organizational productivity.




The following are the research questions

      i.         What is the impact of transformational leadership on the easy execution of religious programmes?

     ii.         What is the impact of democratic leadership on organizational growth?

   iii.         What is the influence of authoritative and autocratic leadership style on organizational effectiveness?

   iv.         What is the relationship between leadership styles to organizational productivity?



H01: Transformational leadership does not have significant impact on the easy execution of religious problems.

H02: Democratic leadership does not have significant impact on the organizational growth

H03: Authoritative and autocratic leadership style dimensions have no significant impact on organizational effectiveness.

H04: Leadership styles have no significant relationship to organizational productivity.



The work will be significant to the following: Religious Institutions, Academic and Research Institute, Church Authorities and Government.

Religious institution: The findings from this research will serve as an eye opener to religious institutions on the need to be careful and deploy different mechanism in selecting their leaders in order to ensure total commitment of followers in religious activities.

Academic and research: This research will serve as consulting material to academic communities as well as research institutes who might desire to embark on similar research or providing advice to organizations in related matters.

Church authority: Through this research, religious leaders will be informed and enlightened on different types of leadership styles, the consequences of bad leadership and importance of communication in leadership processes.

Public and church members: The general public will benefit from these research as they will be enlightened with the happenings in the church as regards the leadership styles of the institution.


The focus of the study is on impact of leadership styles on organizational productivity with a special reference made to religious institutions.

The scope of the study covers only clergy of Ahiara Catholic Diocese of Mbaise. However, to facilitate a sound grasp of the subject matter within the thought framework of the objectives of the study, the scope of the study covered such issues as the concept of leadership, the relationship between effective leadership and organisational performance, leadership and motivation. Others include motivation and job performance, leadership effectiveness and job performance and leadership styles. It also includes organisational performance, how to measure organizational performance, leadership and communication, characteristics and qualities of good leadership and managing subordinates in organizations.



There are some constraints that limited the coverage of my research work. The following factors are inclusive:

1.     Time: For a study of this nature to be really articulated, time is definitely of essence. Time is a factor that could negatively affect an academic project such as this. The researcher has few months to conduct, compile and summit the project report. This means that the researcher would have to work under a hard pressed condition which would have a possible effect on the report output.

2.     Environmental: Also, the poor research conditions prevailing in today’s religious institutions and the non-availability of comprehensive research materials like textbooks, journals and magazines, which hinders the smooth conduct and completion of a project work.

3.     Finance: This serves as a major constraint to the research work. Enough funds are required in getting materials for this work. The cost of working and printing materials are relatively high. As a student, researchers are faced with competing demand both academic and domestic needs with limited resource (money), this to a great extent will determine the scope that could be covered in the study.

4.     Uncooperative Attitude of some of my respondents: Sequel to some reasons best known to them, some of the respondents refused to fill the questionnaires and some refused to return the filled ones.



When the Catholic faith was introduced in the land, some 100 years ago by Irish Missionaries, Mbaise people welcomed it, embraced it and zealously guarded it. Mbaise people have always been known for their personal enterprise, religious devotion, adventurism and love of education. It was these characteristics of theirs among the many others that made them a rich fodder for the missionary evangelization at the dawn of the 20th century.

In 1914, Fr. Daniel Walsh paid a visit to Umuopara Nguru, at the invitation of one Mr. Njoku Akpaka of Umuopara Nguru. This ground breaking visit played a decisive role in the evangelization of not only the Nguru clan but also the whole of the Mbaise area. Sequel to this visit and other interactions, the first ever recorded Holy Mass in Mbaise was celebrated in the compound of Chief Anyamele of Ogbor Nguru in 1914.

In 1916, Nnarambia and few other outstations outside of Nguru clan were opened. In appreciation of the generosity of the warrant chief of Ahiara, Chief Onyekwere, who made a donation of a vast piece of land to the missionaries, Nnarambia station was elevated to a nerve centre of missionary activities in the territory of Mbaise and its environs.

According to the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara Mbaise, Diary and Calendar, (2017), in December 1933, St. Brigid’s Station, Nnarambia Ahiara was raised to the status of a parish. Rev. Fr. R. Foreman, C.S. Sp. was the first parish priest. Thus with the arrival of the resident Catholic Priest in Mbaise, the task to ensure a total evangelization of the Mbaise people was effectively launched.

Further, in 1947, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Amumara Ezinihitte was erected in Amumara, the very heart of the protestant stronghold in Mbaise with Rev. Fr. James O’Toole, C.S. Sp., as her first parish priest, (The Catholic Diocesan Diary, 2017). The same document alludes that in 1948, two more parishes were opened in Mbaise, namely: St. Patrick’s Parish Ekwerazu and Sacred Heart Parish, Nguru, with Rev. Fr. J. Diagnan, C.S. Sp. and Rev. Fr. Anthony Stiegler, C.S. Sp. as their Parish Priests respectively. In 1954, St. Charles Parish, Enyiogugu was inaugurated with Rev. Fr. M.J. Gilmore, C.S. Sp. as her first parish priest. Three years later, St. Dominic’s Parish Ezinihitte East, was erected. Rev. Fr. F.T. Flanagan, C.S. Sp. was appointed her first parish priest. Finally, with the erection of Holy Ghost Parish, Uvuru in 1959, every one of the original five clans that constituted the Mbaise districts: Ahiara, Ekwerazu, Agbajah, Ezinihitte and Oke-Ovoro, was gifted with at least one parish.

That became a clear indication that Catholicism has gained the upper hand in the Mbaise area. And so, with the five clans of Mbaise fully established in Catholicism, then came the period of putting out into the deep water for the consolidation of the faith. Hence, the Catholic Church in Ahiara continued to record a steady and consistent growth, (The Catholic Diocesan Diary, 2017).

According to the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara Mbaise, Diary and Calendar, (2018), on Wednesday, November 18, 1987, the Mbaise area was carved out from Owerri as a Local Church called Ahiara Diocese, Mbaise, with its Cathedral name as Maria Mater Ecclesiae (Mary, Mother of the Church). The new diocese had a recorded population of more than 270,000 Catholics spread out unevenly in 19 parishes. On Wednesday, January 6, 1988, His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Victor Adibe Chikwe, (JCD, DD), was ordained in St. Peter's Basilica Rome, by His Holiness, Pope John Paul 11, as the first Catholic Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara, Mbaise. On Sunday, January 31, 1988, the new Diocese of Ahiara was inaugurated with the installation of Bishop Victor Adibe Chikwe at Ahiara by His Excellency, Archbishop Paul Tabet- the Apostolic Nucio to Nigeria.

Since the inauguration of the Ahiara Diocese, Mbaise area has exploded in Catholicism. Now, the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara, Mbaise has grown into 73 Parishes, with a Catholic population of 364,585. It is being served by an indigenous diocesan clergy numbering 201, opines the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara Mbaise, Diary and Calender, (2018). On the 16th day of September 2010, Ahiara Diocese lost her premier bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Victor Adibe Chikwe, after 22 years of humble service as a bishop. From that time, the diocese was administered by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Theophilius Nwalo as the Diocesan Administrator. On the 3rd of August, 2013, the Holy Father, Pope Francis appointed His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan as the Apostolic Administrator of the diocese, until the 19th of February, 2018, when the Catholic Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, appointed, His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji as the Apostolic Administrator of Ahiara diocese.


Leadership: The process of directing and inspiring employee to perform task and oriented activities of the organization.

Style: The various behavior patterns favoured by leaders during the process of directing and influencing employee.

Productivity: The act of carrying out an action or a piece of work.

Motivation: The force that influence, enthusing, direct employee energy towards the attainment of set objectives.

Autocratic: One who rules by his own power without seeking the opinion of his subordinate.

Democratic: One who adheres to, or promote individual participation as a principle.

Laissez faire: A leader general principle of no interference with the free action of his subordinate.

Organization: Are artificially contrived structures with procedures and objectives defining the responsibilities and highlighting who does what type of job task.

Reward: Feeling of satisfaction derived from achieving recognition and competence.



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