This is an intensive work on the assessment of the impact
of leadership styles on budgetary performance on the local government in
Nigeria with emphasis on Ikosi/Isheri local government of Lagos State. The
issue of leadership cannot be overemphasized in any organizational setting.
This task was embark upon to determine the relationship between leadership
styles and budgetary performance at the Io.al government level coupled with the
importance of effective leadership style in improving and strengthening the
productivity of the workforce, and the extent community or citizenry
For the purpose of this study, exploration qualitative
research of the case study was used, information were collected from the
primary and secondary sources. Information from the primary was collected through the use of questionnaires.
The findings of this research work have revealed that
there is a relationship between leadership styles and budgetary performance at
the local government. It was also observed that the kind of leadership styles
adopted are useful to improving and empowering budgetary performance at the
local government level in Nigeria at large.
Two hypotheses were tested in order to know if leadership
styles has impact on budgetary performance.
Finally, we observed in the findings that effective
leadership styles and participation is imperative towards budgetary
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Statement of Hypotheses
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.7 Significance of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms
1.9 Organization of Study
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Conceptual Clarification
2.2 Ingredient of leadership
2.3 Theoretical Framework
2.4 Types of Leadership
2.5 Functions of Leadership
2.6 The Leadership Attributes
2.7 Budgeting:
The policy and Expenditure Plan
2.8 Approaches to Budgeting
2.9 Distribution of Roles among Actors Finance
Department of
Local Government
2.10 Summary of the Chapter
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Restatement of Research Questions and
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling techniques
3.5 Validity and Reliability of the Data
Collected Instrument
3.6 Method of Data Analyses and Interpretation
3.7 Limitation of the Methodology
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Respondents’ Characteristics and Classification
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis According to
Research Question
4.3 Data Presentation Analysis According to
Research Test Hypotheses
4.4 Summary of Finding
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Contributions to knowledge
5.4 Suggestions for further Research
Leadership and budget are two management concepts that
are inextricably linked. Budget basically has to do with a proposed revenue and
estimated expenditure of a given organization. It is the statement of an
organization for an ensuring fiscal year. While on the other hand leadership is
defined as interaction between a leader and followers with the aim of achieving
set goals.
It is pertinent to state that finance an administration
are inseparable, therefore, to avoid wastage in administration there is need to
carryout planning of revenue to be expended. But the success and failure of
this depend on leadership style adopted in the organization. This project
intends to investigate the impact of leadership style on budgetary performance
at the Local government.
In examining the nature and style of leadership, there is
need to dispel the misconception that all managers are leaders. Robins and
Coulter (2000), offer the following explanation to the "managers versus
Leaders" discourse: Managers are appointed. Their ability to influence is based on the formal authority
inherent in their positions. In contrast, leaders may either be appointed or
emerge from within a group. Leaders can influence others, to perform beyond the
actions dictated by formal
According to Cole (1984:202), leadership can be described
as a "dynamic process in a group whereby one individual influence the
others to contribute voluntarily to the
achievement of group task in given a situation".
Following the above thinking, Coleman (2000), states
that: "since the industrial revolution, companies have needed a mix of
leadership skills such as high standard of managerial skill, being able to plan
and budget, organize and manage their staff, and control and solve problems.
Today, however, rapid changes in the environment may have altered the
requirements for successful leadership. Leaders and managers are needed to
bring about changes to stay ahead of competition while at the same time
maintaining stability of business operations. To do this they need to create a
climate for performance, including flexibility, responsibility, and high
Many management scholars, to aid effective and efficient achievement of
organizational objectives, have identified a myriad of leadership styles. These
include trait theories and behavioral styles, contingency model, situation
theory, path - goal model, and attribute theory of leadership. The leadership
styles identified above cannot work in
isolation or in vacuum. The work in tandem with a well formulated budget.
When two of the common definitions of management are
examined, concept of leadership and budget may come more valid. Management has
been defined as getting things done through others (Robins and Coulter, 2001.
The same concept means planning, organizing, controlling and directing (Koontz
and O'Donnel, 1976; Brench, 1963 and Fayol, 1916). A technique - oriented view
inherent in the first definition is an
identifiable personality (superior) around whom the performance of the task at
and revolves. This is the manager.
However, the manager needs to employ some techniques in
view of the environment uncertainties
that impinge upon, usually threaten, and possible frustrate management's
operations. Paramount among these is budget - a tool for planning and
controlling the organization's activities so that they do not lack a sense of
direction. However, budget is definitive (can be measure monetarily or
quantitative), leadership is a volatile behavioural concept in a wide continuum of complex events. A
number of leadership styles are available for the achievement specific budget
Whereas managers rarely disagree on the computation of
the budget, once the frame work for its preparation has been pre-determined
(e.g. by what proportion should next year's sales be above last year's figure),
the leadership style adopted by a superior has continued to provoke sharp and
divergent views from researchers and managers alike. Thus, the leadership style
adopted by a superior has a kind of influence on budget formulation and
performance. What is the exact nature and degree of this influence?
Researchers' responses to this question are still enmeshed in polemics.
Flowing from above this project
intend to examine the need for Behavioural aspect in budget formulation and
implementation. It also presents a Nigerian perspective to leadership style and
budget, evaluates the Nigerian situation for the purpose of enhancing
performance in relation to budgeting.
There are numerous problems all of
which have contributed negatively to the budget performance at the Local
Government level.
The Inability of the leaders to know
or identify the types of leadership style that is mostly appropriate; lack of
awareness of factors affecting leadership styles, reasons for the use of a particular style
being used to address problems associated with such styles. Inability to
measure the contribution of the adopted style to be used by the leaders and the
subordinate not adhering strictly to leadership instructions, The fact that
leadership styles are not universally applicable, the corrupt nature of some
leaders and their unwillingness to delegate responsibilities.
There is therefore, the need to study
the impact of leadership styles on budgetary performance with special focus on
Ikosi/Isheri Local government. It is possible that some of the problems in the
local government system which lead to
ineffective and efficient delivery of services to the local people could be
base or located in bad leadership style. Yet that issue have not been well
explicated to bear this failure. Hence, this study seeks to find out this
challenge facing budgetary performance at the local government level.
The general objective of this research is to examine the impact of
leadership style on budgetary performance at the Local Government level. Other specific objectives include:
1. To
examine the nature of leadership at the local government level;
2. To examine the relationship between
leadership style and budgetary performance;
3. To
discuss the problem facing leadership in budgetary performance;
4. To
recommend ways of making leadership more effective instrument in
budgetary performance.
In this research attempt will be made
to provide answer to the following questions:
i. To what extent has leadership
contributed to the entrenchment of public accountability and transparency at
the local government?
In what ways can leadership style enhance effective
delivery at the local government?
What is the relationship between leadership style and budgetary
What is the role of leadership style
on budgetary performance at
the local government level?
v. Does leadership
style has impact on budgetary performance at local government level?
How do people feel the impact of budgetary implementation
at the local government level?
Ho: There is
no significant relationship between leadership style and budgetary performance
at the local government level.
H1: There is
significant relationship between leadership style and budgetary performance at
the local government level.
There is no significant relationship between leadership
style rod budget decisions at the local government level
H1: There is
significant relationship between leadership style and budgetary decisions at
the local government level.
This study is limited to Ikosi/Isheri
Local Council Development Area of Lagos State. The choice of this area of study
is because of the proximity of the study area to the researcher and financial constraints.
The research will cover the staff of the local government and some of the residents
of the local government area.
This research shall be beneficial to
the resident of Ikosi/Isheri Local Council Development Area because the resident
of the area would be able to evaluate budget implementation in the area. Since
local government functions
are assessed on the basis of effective as efficient service delivery at the
grass root, budget passed will determine how these services are delivered. This
research would be beneficial to the government in formulation of policies. One
of the rationale or justification for
the creation of local government is to serve as agent of policy implementation
at the local government level; this will
enable the central government to evaluate
local governments which have been able to implement policy they formulated.
This research would be of benefit to researchers, since many researches have
been carried out on budgeting at the local government level. Finally, since there is no knowledge that is
wasted, this research will be of
crucial benefit to the general public.
This is a special plan quantified in monetary terms prepared and approved prior
to define period, of time usually planned income to be generated and an
expenditure to be incurred during that period and the capital to be employed to
attained given objectives.
Budgetary; This is the process of comparing actual operation with
budgeted operation and investigation significant derivation in order to provide
direction and make creative action.
Leadership: This is the process through which an individual tries to
influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal;
Style: It refers to a leaders'
behavior. It is the result of the philosophy, personality and experience of
Local Government: The system of government at the grassroots area by
elected representatives of the people who live there. It is also sub- structure
where the super - structure is laid.
Accountability: Accountability is a system ensuring proper stewardship
of assets, It involves legal and moral contexts, which that public funds are
used for intended purposes and the best value for money is obtained.
Style: The particular way in which something is done, style is
the approach introduced adopted in a very different method to motive and complete a task.
Effective: Fulfilling a function and achieving the intended result.
In other words, effectiveness in management means achieving the desired goals
and objectives.
Efficiency: This is a state or quality of being able to perform
duties well or satisfactorily.
Efficiency involves proper planning to consider benefit cost and influence of any organization action. Efficiency produces
a successful organization. Efficiency means
using minimum input to achieve maximum
This study is divided into five
chapters. The first chapter dwells on introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of
the study, research questions, research hypothesis, significant of the study, scope of the study and definition of related
Chapter two does a review of other
author's study as they are relate to this
Chapter three is about the
methodology that includes research design, population of the study, sample and
sampling techniques, instrumentation, method of data collection and analysis.
Chapter four analyses data collected
from various sources, while chapter five carries out the summary,
recommendation and conclusion of the work.
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