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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00000288

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The oil industry is one of the most rapidly developing sector of the economy in Nigeria. This research study was carried out in order to ascertain the impact of human resources planning and accounting in organization development. To this end, a typical oil exploration industry, the Mobile Oil Nigeria PIc was chosen.

To acquire the necessary material for the study, the researcher relied heavily on expert’s suggestion on the subject. Many textbooks journals and bulletins written by prolific writers in the field of management were reviewed.

The researcher, however, formulated working hypothesis to be used in the study in order not to deviate from the main topic. The hypotheses centered on the impact of human resources planning and accounting programs on the moral, confidence, speed, turnover quantity and quality of output of the organization. Questionnaire and personal interview were used as the main instrument of gathering data. The main data collected were analysed in the table using percentage to allow for easy understanding of .the study. The hypothesis formulated were tested using the relevant questions at alpha level 0.05, chi-square was used.

Based on the result of the analyzed data, the following findings were inferred.

(i) That effective human resources planning contributes significantly to organizational effectiveness.

(ii)       That human resources planning increase the rate of employee turnover in an organization.

(iii)   That proper human resources accounting allows management to value development of personnel that leads to organization efficiency.

(iv)That proper human resources accounting prevents maltreatment of employee by officers in the management hierarchy

In conclusion, recommendations were offered which will be of tremendous use to the management of Mobile Oil Nigeria PIc in particular and all employers of labour in general.











Tittle page





Table of content



1.0        Introduction

1.1     History of the company

1.2     Statement of problem

1.3     Research Questions

1.4     Statement of hypothesis

1.5     Purpose of study

1.6     Significance of study

1.7     Scope and Limitation of study

1.8     Definition of terms

1.9        Data analysis techniques



2.1     Human resources planning and accounting

2.2     Principles of human resources management and accounting

2.3     Implementing human resources plans

2.4     Benefits of human resources accounting

2.5     Evaluation of human resources planning and accounting  

2.6     The demand of human resources

2.7     Reservation about human resources planning and accounting

2.8     Application of human resources planning and accounting

2.9     The supply of human resources

2.10   Defect of financial statement without human 

2.11    Concept of human resources cost  

2.12    Organization development



3.0     Introduction

3.1     Research method

3.2     Population of study

3.3     Sample size

3.4     Sample technique

3.5     Method of data collection

3.6     Design of questionnaire

3.7     Reliability of questionnaire

3.8     Validity test

3.9    Data editing, recording and tabulation



4.0     Introduction

4.1     Analysis of personal data

4.2     Analysis of research questions

4.3     Test of hypothesis




5.0    Summary 

5.1    Conclusion  

5.2    Recommendations  

5.3    Suggestion for further research










Management can be defined as the art of getting things done through people. For any organization to operate efficiently, it must have money, material, machine and man (Human resources) to run the' organization. Management can also be referred to as a process of using both human and non-human resources to achieve organization objectives. Among these inputs, human resources is the most important in any organization. Man creates the organization, guide and direct its course, vitalize and revitalize it. Man make decisions concerning all the organization resources, for instance, man operates the 'machines, raise the money and come up with ideas about the service or products to offer those who might need them, which in turn gives the organization its purpose (Profit).

Therefore, for any organization to attain the set down objectives and goals, there should be qualified personnel to manage the affairs. In order to provide for this manpower (human resources), the personnel department must plan the recruitment, selection, training and development activities in advance. Human resources planning and accounting serve the purpose of assisting the personnel department in improving the present and future performance. In response to this, human resources planning and accounting projects the size and composition of organization future work force. The organization then trains employee to fill the forecast vacancies.

The basic purpose of planning in an organization is to select the course of action best suited to meet objectives and goals set. Therefore, the process by which an organization ensure that it has the right number of people and right kind things for which they are economically most useful is known as human resources planning (HRP).

This can be done in two ways; internal and external sourcing. From the definition above, one. can easily conclude that effectiveness 'of an organization depend upon the skills and caliber of employees who are dedicated to a common purpose and also that, human resources planning and accounting does not involve anticipating needs and implementing plans.

Although, human resources planning and accounting seek to help organizations to source in the environment in which they operate, the benefit of it may extend throughout the organization and develop the organization for future responsibilities in the society.

Human resources accounting (HRA) means accounting for people as an organizational resource. This involves ascertaining the cost incurred by the organization to recruit, select, hire, train and develop its work force. It also involves measuring the economic value of people to the organization.

Human resources planning and accounting is important to any organization because of the numerous advantages to be benefited by organization that makes provisions for human resources. Match personnel activities and future organization objectives efficiently and so on. However, that is the reason why in Nigeria today, effort are being made by the government in order to ensure that human resources planning is not the business of educational institutions alone but also the responsibilities of other institutions capable of performing human resources functions. To facilitate this effort, ministry of labour, employment, productivity and industrial training fund were established by the federal Government to ensure that there is adequate trained manpower to run industry and commerce in the great nation.

However, human resources planners cannot formulate its plans without considering the plans functional areas, and the activities of other departments bear directly on the numbers and categories of employees needed, their wages salaries and their training requirements. Its goals must be coordinated with the planning of other department.

Research has shown that lack of human resources planning and accounting in an organization often leads to shortage of personnel or labour turnover. In fact, high turnover results from clash between what the human resources planners expect and what their jobs actually offer them. If human resources planners perceive the organization to be ineffective, unwanted or unneeded and have similar negative feelings, they seek to deal with them by sourcing.

Research has also shown that, the efficiency of any organization depends directly on how well its human resources planned recruit. It moves the organization to an effective ladder, employ employees who understand their jobs and have higher morale, also employees will be able to see a closer relationship between their effort and performance.

Human resources planning and accounting is not without its own problems. Many variables beyond an organizations control can change and lead to fluctuation in the supply of labour. Most organizations encounter various problem in their attempt to project for present and future work force. In this project, however, an indept study will be made to discover the various problems faced by "Mobil Oil Nigeria PIc" a subsidiary' of EXXON Mobil Corporation, in planning its human resources and provide· necessary solution to the problems.

As a result of the above facts, it becomes necessary to conduct a research into the impact of human resources planning and accounting as it relates to the survival of an organization in a typical oil industry.


Mobil Oil Nigeria plc. Is a subsidiary of EXXON Mobil Corporation. It operates from its head office at Lekki Express way, Lagos. Mobil Oil Nigeria (MON) was incorporated in 1985, but its history was actually dated back to 1907 when Socony Vacuum Oil Company (SVOC) began unbroken service to the community through sales of “Sunflower Kerosene”.

In October 1978, Mobil Nigeria became a public quoted company with 40% of its share being sold to the Nigerian public and 6.0% retained by Mobil Oil Corporate in Fairfax Virginia of 'the United State of America (USA). Today, Mobil Oil Nigeria pIc markets a wide range of petroleum product with over 200 downstream outlets spread all over the country. It supplies fuel and lubricants to state Government and other large industries.

Mobile Oil Nigeria PIc has manufacturing facilities at its Apapa terminal, which encompass a modern aerosol in insecticide plan, Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP) and Petroleum Jelly (PJ) Plant. Apart from this, it is also into real estate and chemicals sales.

To ensure that all selling activities of the company are efficiently and effectively administered, branch offices have been established in Apapa, Kano and Port Harcourt. The company has achieved an outstanding success and development. From its commencement in 1955, it has grown into a major group with a turnover of 15 million dollar in the 1997/1998 Fiscal Year.

Mobil Oil Nigeria plc. invests funds in environmental and safety projects. It also sponsors events like Nigeria Mobil track and field championship. The company, in order to enhance the competence of its employees in the performance of their duties and also prepare them to advancement and future responsibilities, organizes· and provides training for them. It is also the company's policy to train student in accordance with the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). Over the years, the company has been able to map out a good programme layout for students on industrial training, both in industrial designs and other science-based courses.



Many organization try as much as possible to operate human resources planning (man power planning) department and accounting for their worth in order to get the maximum performance from employees. This makes the organization to ensure that human resources planning department enjoys at minimum cooperation from the management. The management constantly improves the welfare and ascertaining the cost incurred by organization to recruit, select, hire, train and develop its work force.

Despite all these effort by management to retain this department and at the same time improve their performance and ascertain their cost they still perform below exception.



i.        The problems stated below are identified to necessitate this project:

ii.      How job vacancies are to be filled and selected.

iii.    How to forecast for future human resources needs.

iv.     How human resources accounting are to be evaluated and assessed.

v.       How accounting procedures treat expenditure on building up human assets as expenditure of revenue nature.

vi.     How human resources accounting benefit the organization.



Hypotheses are tentative statement about the universe. Which may, not' be true. For this study the following are the hypotheses this project will be based on:

(i)  That effective human resources planning contributes significantly to Organizational effectiveness.

(ii)   That human resources planning Increase the rate of employee turnover in an organization.

(iii)  That proper human resources accounting allows management to value development of personnel that leads to organization efficiency.

(iv)   That proper human resources accounting prevents maltreatment of employee by officers in the management hierarchy.



There is need for human resources planning and accounting in an organization in order to avoid occupational Hazard resulting from employers' incompetence. The organization see the need for human resources planning and accounting as means of achieving increased efficiency in production, increased employees morale and reduced labour turnover and improve organization image.

Some organizations, knowing the statutory and organization necessities for human resources planning and accounting now engage on wide programme of human resources planning in their organization.

Surprisingly. Some organizations cannot specifically pin point what they have achieved through human resources planning and accounting programmes. They cannot also pin point what they have expended on recruitment, induction, training and development of personnel. Even the value of this asset is not shown in the balance sheets or accounted for in earnings, nor is any rate of return calculated on it. The reason for this is not far from the fact that, they have low level of appreciation of the importance of human resources planning and accounting.

On the other hand, some organization knowing the importance of human resources planning and accounting, first of all set out identified human resources programs accordingly.

This study is therefore aimed at achieving the following purposes:

(i)      To disclose to the organization the importance of a well-planned human resources planning in an organization survival.

(ii)       To make the management understand the invaluable effect of a well-planned human resources program to the employee and organization as a whole.

(iii)   To allow management to value hiring, training, development and replacement decision on the basis of a realistic cost benefit-platform.

(iv)  To disclose to the, organization how valuable its human resources is, and to treat human resources explicitly as a form of capital investment.

(v)     To allow management to make it appear in the balance sheet and income statement of an organization that adopts the concept of human asset accounting.



This study will be of importance to the management of Mobil Oil Nigeria PIc, since it' unfolds the extent to which the human resources planning programs organized by the company have affected the organizations survival in the Oil industry environment. In fact. It will serve as a means of evaluating the extent of success of human resources accounting programs so far under taken by the company.

The study will also be of great importance to other organizations, since it will disclose to them the need to have a purpose for human resources" planning and accounting programs.



The project would be based on human resources planning and accounting program as it affects the Mobil Oil Nigeria PIc. Apapa, Lagos State. And the result of the study would also be based on the assumption that respondents would honestly and accurately answer the survey questionnaire.

No research work could be said to be perfect without its own short comings, thus the short falls of this study are:

(i)      Different results could be obtained while using same instrument at two different time due to the dynamic nature of respondents' behaviour.

(ii)     Financial constraint.



(A)     ACCOUNTING: - This is a process of keeping, analyzing, presenting financial and other related records.

(B)    PLANNING:-This is the formulation, evaluation and selection of strategies to achieve a targeted objective or goal.

(C)     EMPLOYEE: - This is a person employed by another. He receives wages and salary from his employer (business organization).

(D) HUMAN RESOURCES: - This is the work force available for an organization to do certain job.

(E)     INDUSTRIAL TRAINING:- This is the process of training new or existing workers in an organization.

(F)     JOB DESCRIPTION: - This is the description of what a job involve and the skill needed for it.

(G)     ORGANIZATION: - In the context of this study, organization is the business unit.

(H)     RECRUITMENT: - This is the process of searching for and appointing new staff to join an organization.

(I)      SKILL: - This is the special ability to perform a required task.

(J) SURVIVAL: - This IS the ability of an organization to continue to exist.

(K) TRAINING: - This is an act of going through an exercise in order to 'acquire skill.



Data analysis technique is a vital aspect in research efforts. It serves as the core of resources, for the fact that it gives meaning and- shape to the raw data collected during the data collection stage.

In this project, the percentage method would be used to analyze data collected from respondents and the information obtain from the respondents would be qualified with numerical scores and then convert to percentage.

To test, data relating to the hypotheses, the chi-square method would be employed and the research findings would then be discussed.


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