This study investigates the
impact of entrepreneurial skills among Home Economics students in tertiary
institutions within Abia State, Nigeria. The primary objective is to identify
entrepreneurial skills available to these students, examine the barriers hindering
their acquisition, and propose strategies to enhance and sustain these skills.
The study targets a population of 266, comprising both lecturers and
undergraduate students from two institutions: Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) and College of Education Technical Arochukwu. A
sample of 160 respondents was selected using convenient and purposive sampling
techniques. Data collection was achieved through surveys, and the analysis was
performed using frequency, mean, and simple percentages to draw conclusions. The study found that significant barriers to
acquiring entrepreneurial skills among students include a lack of interest in
the course, insufficient practical training time, inadequate innovation, poor
student attitudes towards practical lessons, and underutilized laboratory
resources. Conversely, it identified essential entrepreneurial skills such as
food and nutrition, home management, consumer education, clothing and textiles,
and child care. Respondents agreed that strategies such as improving the work
environment, motivating students, focusing on practical-oriented teaching, and
involving students in feasibility studies were critical to enhancing these
skills. The findings further revealed no significant gender-based differences
in the perspectives of the students and lecturers concerning the skills
required or strategies for improvement. The study concludes that Home Economics
students require a more robust framework for acquiring entrepreneurial skills,
which are vital for self-reliance and job creation. These skills are crucial in
combating the high unemployment rates in Nigeria and contribute to the personal
and societal development of students. Recommendations include the promotion of
entrepreneurial education in tertiary institutions, practical-oriented
teaching, and the establishment of more Home Economics departments across
universities and colleges in Abia State. Additionally, it suggests regular
training for lecturers and incentives for students to encourage active participation
in entrepreneurial endeavors. The study advocates for government-backed
initiatives to integrate entrepreneurial studies into all levels of education. This
research contributes to knowledge by highlighting the importance of
entrepreneurial skills for Home Economics students, motivating them to become
self-employed and contribute to community development. It provides valuable
insights for educational policymakers, lecturers, and students, helping to
foster a culture of innovation and self-reliance. Further research is
recommended to evaluate entrepreneurial skills among students in other regions
of Nigeria, such as Imo State.
to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose
of the Study
1.4 Research
1.5 Scope
of the Study
1.6 Significance
of the Study
2.1 Conceptual
2.1.2 Entrepreneurship
2.1.3 Components
of Entrepreneurial Skill
2.1.4 Entrepreneurial
2.1.5 Entrepreneurial Skills in Home Economics;
2.1.5 Major
Entrepreneurial Skills in Home Economics;
2.1.6 Factors Hindering the Acquisition of
Entrepreneurial Skills by the Students of Home
2.1.7 Strategies for Inculcating Entrepreneurial
Skills in Students of
Home Economics
2.2 Theoretical Framework:
2.3 Review
of Related Empirical Studies:
2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed
3.1 Research
3.2.1 Area
Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample
and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
of Instrument
of the Instrument
Data Analysis Techniques
4.1 Discussion of the
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
4.2 Discussion
of the Major Entrepreneurial Skills Available For the Students of Home
4.2.1 Discussion
on the Other Entrepreneurial Skills Available For the Students of Home
4.3 Discussions
on The Factors That Are Hindering the Acquisition of Skills by Students in Home
4.4 Discussion
on the Measures of Enhancing and Sustaining the Skills in the Students
5.1 Summary
Restatement of the Problem
5.1.2 Description
of Procedure Used
5.1.3 Summary of Findings
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestions
for Further Studies
1.5 Contributions
To Knowledge
Appendix A: Students Questionnaire
Appendix B: Questionnaire for Lecturers
Table 4.1: Socio-Demographic
Characteristics Of The Respondents
4.2: Major Entrepreneurial Skills
Available for the Students of Home Economics
4.2.1 Other Entrepreneurial Skills Available
for the Students of Home Economics
4.3: The Factors That Are Hindering the
Acquisition of Skills by Students in Home Economics
4.4: The measures of enhancing and
sustaining the skills in the students
is the process of creating something new of value by devoting the necessary
time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic and social risks,
and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and
independence. Entrepreneurship is seen as any novel activity which creates
organizational change and economic value. Mazuyka and Birley (2002) explained
that entrepreneurship is the process of:
Identifying and
developing an opportunity in the form of a vision
Validating and
conceptualizing a business concept and strategy that help and attain the
Marshalling the required
resources to implement the concept.
Implementing the business
concept or venture.
Capturing the opportunity
through the growth of the enterprise
Extending the growth of
the enterprise through sustained entrepreneurial activities
Capturing greater value
in the market place.
is the process by which individuals either on their own or inside
organizations- pursue opportunities without regard to the resources they
currently control. Their main focus is in the process of entrepreneurship which
involves, development of a new business or innovation strategy and the writing
of a business plan, activities that are sometimes considered as surrogate for
the entrepreneurship process itself.
is an acquisition of skills and ideas for the sake of creating employment for
one’s-self and also for others. It also involves the development based on
creativity. Entrepreneurship leads to the development of small, medium and
sometimes large scale businesses based on creativity and innovation.
et al, (2000) suggested that the
process of innovation is actually of spontaneous “undeliberate learning”. This
means that the necessary characteristics of entrepreneur is alertness, and no
intrinsic skills, other than that of recognizing opportunities and exploring
them. Some individuals apply the concept of entrepreneurship to the creation of
any new business, while others may focus on intentions. Still, others tend to
confuse managing a small business such as roadside auto mechanic or furniture
cabinate maker as entrepreneurs. Allawadi
(2007), tied entrepreneurship to the creation of five basic “new combinations”
of introducing a new product, a new method of production, opening a new market,
conquest of new source of supply and creating a new organization, creativity
which is emphasized in Home Economics promotes the birth of new firms which is
critical to economic developmental efforts.
is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations
or introducing new things, finance and business acumen in an effort to
transform innovations into economic goods. This may result in new organizations
or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived
opportunity, Onyemah, (2011). In line with the spirit of entrepreneurship,
Onyido (2011) reported that the Federal Government of Nigeria has directed the
establishment of entrepreneurship centers in the universities and other higher
institutions of learning so as to enhance entrepreneurship education. These
centers are to be funded by the education trust fund and student are expected
to channel the knowledge and energies acquired at devising creative strategies
and learning skills to function as entrepreneurs.
plays a vital role in economic development through creation of utilities and
generation of employment within a short period. The above definitions have much
relevance to the philosophy of Home Economics which is centered on imparting
knowledge and skills that can be applied for purposeful living. Home Economics
Education enables the youth to carefully determine and analyze un-met needs
through creatively certifying those needs by bearing the related risks. By
combining the above thoughts, it can be generalized that entrepreneurs are risk
bearers, coordinators, organizers, gap-fillers, leaders, and innovators or
creative initiators. These qualities are expedient in wealth creation and
self-reliance through Home Economics for national development.
is the ability to do something expertly and well. It is an organized sequence
of actions. To possess skill is to demonstrate the habit of acting, thinking
and behaving in a specific activity in such a way that the process becomes
natural to the individual through repetition or practice.
and Foster (2003) see skills as the art of possessing the ability to have
power, authority or competency to do the task required of an individual on the
job. Ezeani (2012) stated that skills are not a person’s fundamental, innate
capacities but must be developed through training, practice and experience.
Skill acquisition is the process of acquiring or gaining effective and ready
knowledge in developing one’s aptitude and ability in a particular field
(Kikechi et all, 2013). The
preparation of students for skill acquisition in order to be self-reliant is
dependent on the acquisition of basic knowledge about employment opportunities,
requirements and trends as well as the possession of marketable skills.
According to Ogundele, et all, (2011)
skills acquired by students would aid job creation, youth empowerment and
poverty alleviation, which in turn has the capacity to solve various social problems.
Students who acquire adequate work-skills have better options to become
entrepreneurs after graduation. In support of this, Kikechi, et all, (2013) maintain that skill
acquisition provides a platform for technological excellence in the face of
globalization of the world economy. Akpotowoh and Amahi (2006) confirm that the
skills acquired through business related subjects promote training in
entrepreneurship as well as equip students with the requisite skills to
establish and run small businesses of their own.
The development of skill is an important
function of educational institutions, especially among tertiary institution
Economics as one of the arms of vocational and technical education, is a
multi-disciplinary subject that embraces a very large area and draws from other
disciplines such as arts and sciences in solving physical, social, economic and
political problems of families, individuals and society. It is a very
comprehensive and all-embracing discipline whose contributions to humanity and
politics are unquantifiable.
Economics is defined at the tertiary level as; a broad field of study that is
primarily concerned with the improvement of welfare of individuals and
families. It deals with all aspects of family life. It draws knowledge from
many disciplines such as biology, physical and social sciences, humanities and
arts. It unifies the knowledge drawn and uses it to teach people how to:
1. Determine the needs of individuals and
families for food, shelter and clothing,
2. Seek the means of satisfying these needs,
3. Improve the goods and services used by
families and
4. Become responsible and effective members of
family and community, through effective home-making and gainful employment. As
a skill-oriented course, Home Economics is capable of equipping individuals
with saleable skills that could make for employment. Usman (2010) agreed that
Home Economics education aims at improving the quality of family life through
effective development and utilization of human and material resources of a
society. Thus the primarily concern of this study is to evaluate the
entrepreneurial skills among Home Economics student in Abia State.
major problem now in Nigeria is unemployment and this has resulted in, increase
in social vices like, kidnapping, prostitution, armed robbery, fraud and other
society and the family in particular are facing many challenges and changes
with the economic problem leading the way. The major reason for the problem in
Nigeria is, as result of lack of marketable skills on the part of most school
graduates that turn out in thousands every year. The economic sector has pushed
many graduates even with the best certificate into the streets without jobs.
Economics as a field of study provides the necessary knowledge for guiding and
assisting human beings towards a more self –rewarding and fulfilled life,
compatible with their society. In view of the above, it is believed that the
objectives of Home Economics can go a long way in tapping the dormant youth’s
potentials that has been left unexplored for the welfare of the society. As a
skill – oriented course, Home Economics is capable of equipping individuals
with saleable skills that could make for employment.
Hence, the need for the present study to identify the
entrepreneurial skills among Home Economics students in Abia State.
main purpose of this study is to identify entrepreneurial skill among Home
Economics students in Tertiary Institutions in Abia State.
this study identified:
1. The
entrepreneurial skills available for Home Economics students in the tertiary
2. The
factors hindering the acquisition of skills by Home Economics students in
tertiary institutions.
3. The
strategies for enhancing and sustaining more entrepreneurial skills among the
students Home Economics.
following questions guided the study:
1 What
are the entrepreneurial skills available for Home Economics students?
2 What
are the factors hindering the acquisition of skills by Home Economics students?
3 What
are the strategies for enhancing and sustaining more entrepreneurial skills
among the students?
research work covered all tertiary institutions that offer Home Economics
courses in Abia State. Home Economics Students and lecturers of Home Economics
in the institutions responded to the instrument.
geographical location of the study is Abia State.
information gotten from the findings of this study were of benefit to the
Students, Institutions of higher learning and the State.
of the study should be included in the institutions curriculum for teaching the
students. Through that way, the students will acquire the skills and become
self-employed and employers of labor. The students will learn to be creative
and innovative. They will see opportunities where others do not. There will be
less dependency on the government for job/ employment. Students will become
interested in learning rather than involve themselves in committing social
Institutions will benefit from the findings of this study, as this work will help
the schools to know the innovative or creative strength of their students.
the state and the nation; the findings of this research work will be beneficial
to the citizens of Abia State by assisting them in providing information that
will help their graduates of Home Economics to create jobs and create
employment for the masses.
will help the state to reduce the number of unemployed youths in the labor market.
An increase in the work force of the nation will improve the economy of the
nation and reduce the number of unemployed youths and the rate of social vices
and vandalism of government properties.
The above benefits of the findings of this study will be possible when
the findings are made available in public libraries, school libraries, hotel
receptions, journals and even in chambers, and also to local government
chairpersons can from time to time organize seminars and workshops, educating
women and youths on acquiring these saleable skills.
can easily gain access to the information on the findings of this study from
the institutions curriculum or by obtaining the work from the libraries or
findings of this work will be of benefit to the school drop outs and other
people who are not students through seminars and workshops. People can be
taught using this research in seminar and workshops to better enlighten them on
the necessary skills needed to become a competent entrepreneur and the benefits
of studying Home Economics.
Through these mediums discussed above, this
work will be of relevance to those who will use the information provided by the
work. This way, the problem identified in the study will be solved.
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