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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004526

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 5

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The study examined the use of information technology in teaching and learning of home economics at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State. Descriptive research survey was used in the assessment of the respondents’ opinions using questionnaire.  A total of 100(one hundred) respondents were randomly selected and used as the representatives of the entire population of the study. The results revealed that there is a significant influence of ICT on students’ moral behaviour in the school, there is a significant relationship between the cost of ICT and students’ academic performance in school, there is a significant gender difference in delinquent behaviour of students due to use of ICT in school, and there is a significant relationship between the use of ICT and adolescents’ social adjustment in school. Based on the above findings, it is recommended among others that teaching and learning home economics should be handled by experts who know how to use the information technology to teach the subject-matter.  Also, the use of information technology in teaching and learning processes should be incorporated in the curriculum of the University, especially in teaching and learning home economics.




Title Page                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                     iv

Abstract                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                        vi


CHAPTER ONE                                                                                          1

1.1        Background to the Study                                                                  1

1.2        Statement of the Problem                                                                  4

1.3        Objective of the Study                                                                       4

1.4        Research Questions                                                                           5

1.5        Research Hypotheses                                                                        6

1.6        Significance of the Study                                                                  6

1.7        Scope of the Study                                                                            8

1.8        Definition of Terms                                                                            8


CHAPTER TWO:  LITERATURE REVIEW                                                 10

2.1        Concept of Teaching                                                                          10

2.2        The Concept of Learning                                                                   14

2.3        The Concept and Nature of Information Communication

Technology                                                                                        20

2.4        The Concept of Home Economics                                                      23

2.5        The Branches or Areas of Home-Economics and Nation Building     25

2.6        Home Economics as a Vocational Education Subject                        31

2.7        Review of Studies on Students’ Attitudes and Academic

Performance in School Subject                                                                   32

2.8        Students Perception of their Teachers Attitude                                 37

2.9        Teachers’ Attitude and Students Academic Performance

as Correlates                                                                                     38


2.10     Information Communication Technology (ICT) and

Students’ Achievement in Home Economics                                      40

2.11     Summary of the Review of Related Literature                                    44


CHAPTER THREE:       RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                      45

3.1     Research Design                                                                                45

3.2     Population                                                                                         45

3.3     Sampling Technique                                                                         46

3.4     Sample Size                                                                                       46

3.5     Research Instrument                                                                         46

3.6     Procedure for Data Collection                                                            47

3.7     Data Analysis                                                                                    47



OF RESULT                                                         48

4.0     Introduction                                                                                      48

4.1     Description of Bio-Data of Respondents According to Sex,

Age and Class                                                                                    48

4.2     Analysis of Data According to Responses of the Samples with

Research Questions                                                                          50

4.3     Testing of Hypotheses                                                                       57

4.4     Summary of Findings                                                                        61

4.5     Discussion of Findings                                                                      62


CHAPTER FIVE:           SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                              65

5.0     Introduction                                                                                      65

5.1     Summary of the Study                                                                      65

5.2     Conclusions                                                                                      66

5.3     Recommendations                                                                             67

References                                                                                         69

Appendix                                                                                           76


1.1       Background to the Study


The use of information technology has brought great improvement to the life of mankind in all human endeavorus, most especially in education. Computers and other aspects of information technology are now used in education to monitor students’ achievements, teach students and also as instructional media to assist in teaching in the classroom, especially in home economics (Adeyonju, 2004). Teaching process is considered paramount, especially when we consider teaching and learning as the acquisition of knowledge and skills by individuals who become useful members of the society. Indeed, teaching may convey and at the same time, actualize the objectives of education of learners. It involves deliberate activities geared towards the development of the less matured and the inexperienced (Ekwueme, 1996). According to Olorundare (2006), teaching embraces forms of process, behaviours and activities which do not succumb to explanation       by a single theory, it is also argued that in educational institutions such as University of Lagos, teaching cannot take place without the students (learners), the teacher and the curriculum, the content and instructional materials. The above judgment according to Adeleke (2005) cannot stand the test of the information aspect. This is because; teaching imposes content, learner’s freedom in teaching is restricted while information technology employs independent judgment in decision-making. This seriously eroding teaching situation, the only main task of the teacher is to create enabling environment that may bring about desirable change in behaviour (Ukweebu, 2005). Mohammed is of the opinion that classroom teachers are expected to utilize IT facilities such as the computer, the internet, the visual aids, the audio-visuals etc, to inculcate relevant knowledge to students. Any classroom teacher therefore, with adequate and professional skills in ICT utilization will definitely have his/her students perform better in classroom learning, especially in home economics.

Instructional process is vital for the implementation of curriculum. The most relevant home economics education curriculum may be rendered ineffective when the wrong instructional process must go beyond lecture methods, there is need to use the multiple methods which include the project method, problem-solving method, demonstration, field trip and so on. The extent to which teachers do this remain to be established, today, many schools do not have the needed equipment and materials, so they substituted alternative to practical for real practical exercise (Anyakoha, 2005).

According to Nwaokolo and Ekwue (2001), teaching and learning in the classroom, will be effective when the computer and other forms of information technologies are used to teach home economics. Instructional materials are often seen as teaching aids in form of charts, and diagrams, posters and maps and sometimes textbooks and workshops. They however mean much more than that, they include non-print materials such as films, films strips, models work-ups, slides, pictures audio and audio tapes, records, transparences globes and boards as well as hardware like science apparatus and video machines. Other software such as chemicals and chalks are also included (Ayomide, 2000).

There are three broad categories of instructional media. They are: audio, audio-visual and visual. The audio material have audio content only, the audio-visual are those that combine sight and social the visual materials are those with visual content only; they are classified into two groups: the non-projected and the projected visual materials. While the non-project visuals do not need any source of power for their operation, the projected visual cannot function without electricity (Nwagbara, 1997). These instructional materials are used to teach and learn home economics. Their applications in the classrooms, makes the teaching/learning of home economics better.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The importance of using or applying the information technology in teaching and learning home economics cannot be overemphasized. This is because; information technology is the current happening in the world today. Often times, most schools, including various tertiary institutions in Nigeria do not use the computer, the audio-visual and other forms of information technologies to teach the content of home economics in the classrooms. This has affected the effective learning of home economics in tertiary institutions. For instance, many teachers do not know how to operate these information technology gadgets not talk of how to use them for imparting knowledge to students. To worsen the situation, most students do not know how to access relevant information from the net not to talk of learning home economics the use of computer. All these have hampered the study of home economics in schools; the above problems gave rise to the examination of the impact of information technology on the teaching and learning of home economics at University of Lagos.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The major objective of this study is to carry out an investigation on the impact of information technology on teaching and learning of home-economics in tertiary institutions in Lagos State.

The sub-objectives of the study include to:

1.           Examine whether information technology has an impact on teaching/learning of home economics in tertiary institution.

2.           Asses whether there is a significant relationship between information technology and students’ academic achievements in home economics.

3.           Determine whether there is relationship between ICT utilization and students’ overall outcomes in home economics.

4.           Evaluate whether students’ perception of information technology differ from their practical works in home economics.

5.           Assess whether full-time students utilize ICT often than the part-time students.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions were raised in this study:

1.           Will there be any significant impact of information technology on teaching/learning of home economics?

2.           Is there any relationship between information technology and students’ academic achievement in home economics?

3.           Will there be any significant relationship between the use of information technology and students’ performance in home economics?

4.           Will the perception of students on information differ from their practical works in home economics?

5.           Do full-time students use information technology more often than their counterparts in part-time studies?

1.5       Research Hypotheses

The under-mentioned hypotheses were tested in this study:

1.           There will be no significance relationship between information technology and teaching/learning of home economics.

2.           There will be no significance relationship between information technology and students’ academic achievement in home economics.

3.           There will be no significance relationship between the academic performance of students who are taught home economics with ICT and those taught without it.

1.6       Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students: Students will benefit from the findings and recommendations of this study because it will help them to be able to be more aware of the information technology in the school. This study will enable students to get more involved in the utilization of information technology due to the benefits derivable from it.

Teachers: They will find this study beneficial because with the findings and recommendations of this study, teachers would avail themselves of the opportunity to get involved in the use of information technology because of the numerous benefits that can be derived from it. With the study also, information communication technology and their functions would be made known to the public.

Family: Parents would benefit from this study because it will enable them to know the benefits their children/wards derive from using the information technology in their academic work or activities. Parents themselves, will themselves of the opportunity have knowing the importance of information technology through this study and those who do not use information technology would start to use it as it is beneficial to all human activities.

The School Authority: This will assist the school authority to be able to know more about information technology and its functions especially in the life of the full-time or sandwich students. The recommendations of this study will enable the school authority to expand its policy on the availability and usage of information communication technology in the school system in Nigeria.

The Society: The society will benefit from this study, because it will assist the society to be information technology friendly due to the advantages it has. This study will afford the society to know more about information technology and its functions in the world today.

1.7       Scope of the Study

This study covered the investigation of the impact of information technology on teaching and learning of home economic at University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos.

1.8       Definition of Terms

Operational terms were defined in this study thus:

Information technology – This refers to the application of scientific knowledge. Information communication technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictoal, textual and numerical information by a micro-based combination of computing and telecommunication, Asiobie, (1989).

Full-time Studentship – This refers to students who are involved in full-time studies. Students who were admitted through Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

Utilization – Putting something in use or utilizing.

Accessible – This refers to get or get into, to or at. Easily persuaded or influenced.

Acquisition – The act of acquiring something or someone.

Home Economics: This is the acquisition of knowledge to improve the life of an individual. It draws knowledge through various fields of study, synthesizes the knowledge drawn of uses to it to equip the individuals for effective management of self and family.

Sandwich Studentship: This is a programme meant for individuals, who could not engage themselves in full-time students due to employment either as teacher or civil servants or other situations.

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