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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009342

No of Pages: 200

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Three experiments which lasted for 9 months were conducted to determine the effect of aqueous Moringa oleifera leaf and seed extracts on the growth performance, reproductive physiology of 72 local turkeys. Experiment one comprising 36 male local turkeys aged 8 weeks were evaluated for growth performance, blood parameters, semen traits, hormonal assay (testosterone) as well as histology of the testes, kidneys and lungs in a completely randomized design (CRD). Moringa oleifera leaf and seed extracts were administered via drinking water in T(0), T2 (1g seed alone), T3 (0.5g seed and 0.5g leaf) and T4 (1g leaf alone) in 1000ml of water. Experiment two evaluated the effect of semen collected from male turkeys under two thermal conditions using 3 different extenders in a 2x3x4 factorial experiment in CRD.  The extender A (standard extender), extender B (12.5ml seed and 12.5ml leaf extracts with 75ml of standard extender) while extender C (25ml seed and 25ml leaf extracts with 50mls of standard extender). The semen was diluted in the ratio of 1:5 where progressive motility was examined. Experiment three was conducted with 36 female local turkeys. The Morniga was administered as in experiment one in a CRD experiment. In the male turkeys, Moringa extracts significantly (P<0.05) increased the total weight gain (T4 5503g, T5407g, T3 5307g) than T1 (5103g). There were significant increases (P<0.05) in the feed efficiency (T4.21, T2 3.99, T3 3.98 and T4 3.9) with the Moringa administration. The white blood cell (x103mm3) was highest (P<0.05) in T1 (32.133) then T2 (30.00), T3 (27.90) and T4 (24.80).The PCV (%), Red blood cell (RBC), MCV, MCH, MCHC and Hb were all (P> 0.05) similar among the treatment groups. All the biochemical parameters evaluated differed significantly (P< 0.05) among the treatments except calcium. The TP, albumin, cholesterol, bilirubin, urea, and AST were higher among the Moringa administered groups. The semen consistency was higher (P < 0.05) in T4 (3.00) and T1 (3.00) when compared with T2 (2.33) and T3 (2.00). Progressive motility (T4 92.86, T2 90.83, T3 82.93, T1 74.4) %, viable spermatozoa (T4 96.93, T2 90.83, T3 82.933 and T1 87.67) % and semen pH were higher among the Moringa administered groups. Testosterone level increased in the Moringa administered groups (T4 = 3.33, T3 = 0.39, T2 0.27 and T1 =0.2 ng/ml. Histology of the testes was not adversely affected by Moringa but the lungs and kidney were. The extender effect, the thermic effect, as well as the Moringa administration did not have significant effect on the progressive motility of the sperm cells. Although there were significant improvement on the sub group effect on the male turkeys administered the Moringa extract under 470c thermic condition (T1 55.43%, T2 71.43%, T3 57.92% and T4 75.13%). In the females, the weight gain (T4 3.182, T2 2.89, T3 2.83 and T1 2.8) kg as well as feed efficiency all increased with the administration of Moringa extracts. The Hb, MCH and MCHC differed significantly (P< 0.05). The serum urea and creatinine levels were significantly (P < 0.05) higher (T4 20.427, T3 19.37, T2 17.38, T1 14.49) mg/dl and T4 0.74, T3 0.75, T2 0.71, T1 0.61 mg/dl respectively among the Moringa administer groups, while TP, AST and calcium were lower (P<0.05). Egg internal parameters were not significantly affected. Estradiol and Progesterone were lower (P<0.05) among the Moringa groups. The sensory evaluation was improved by Moringa extracts. The study showed that Moringa leaf and seed extracts can be used to improve growth, reproduction, immunity, as well as blood traits of local turkeys. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              xii       

List of Figures                                                                                                             xiv

List of Plates                                                                                                               xv

Abstract                                                                                                                      xvi


1.1        Background Information                                                                          1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                    5

1.4       Justification                                                                                                    6


2.1       The Turkeys                                                                                                    7

2.1.1    Turkey production – A Nigerian situation                                                     7

2.1.2    Nutritional needs and values of turkeys                                                         8

2.2       The Reproductive Physiology of Male Turkey                                              11

2.2.1    Sexual behaviour in turkeys                                                                           11

2.2.2    Spermatogenesis and sperm maturation in turkeys                                        12

2.2.3    Semen production in male turkeys and factors affecting it                            13

2.3       Semen Collection in Turkey Industry                                                            17

2.3.1    Process and procedure of AI in turkeys                                                          18

2.3.2      Percussions to be taken while conducting AI                                                 19

2.4       Semen Storage                                                                                                19

2.4.1    Factors affecting the storability of semen                                                      20

2.5       Semen Extension in Poultry Industry                                                             22

2.6       Turkey semen: it’s physical and chemical composition                                23

2.7       Turkey Semen Evaluation                                                                              25

2.7.1    Semen colour                                                                                                  25

2.7.2    Sperm concentration                                                                                      25

2.7.3    Semen volume                                                                                                26

2.7.4    Sperm motility                                                                                                27

2.7.5    Semen pH                                                                                                       29

2.7.6    Sperm morphological evaluation                                                                   30

2.8       Turkey Testicular Morphometry, Gonadal and Extra -gonadal Parameters      31

2.9       The Physiology of Female Turkey Reproductive System                              32

2.9.1    The turkey ovaries and oviduct                                                                      32

2.9.2    The oviduct                                                                                                     33

2.9.3    The egg of Turkeys                                                                                         34

2.9.4    The process of egg formation                                                                         36

2.9.5    Fertility and hatchability of egg                                                                     37

2.9.6    Age of turkeys                                                                                                39

2.9.7    Body weight of the turkey hen                                                                       39

2.9.8    Nutrition                                                                                                         40

2.9.9    Disease incidence                                                                                           40

2.9.10 Mating style                                                                                                    41

2.9.11 Infertility syndrome                                                                                        41

2.9.12 Stress and stressors                                                                                         42

2.9.13 Quality and dosage of inseminated semen                                                     42

2.9.14 Insemination time                                                                                           43

2.9.15 Day length/photoperiodism                                                                            43

2.10     Factors that Affect Hatchability of Turkey Eggs                                           43

2.10.1 The environment                                                                                            44

2.10.2 Storage of eggs                                                                                               44

2.10.3 Nutrition                                                                                                         45

2.10.4 The Egg                                                                                                          45

2.10.5 Genetic factors                                                                                                46

2.11     Haematological Studies in Avian Species                                                      46

2.11.1 Haemoglobin (Hb)                                                                                          47

2.11.2 Packed Cell Volume (PCV)                                                                            48

2.11.3 The Red Blood Cell (RBC)                                                                            49

2.11.4 The white blood cells (Leucocytes)                                                               51

2.12     Serum biochemical parameters                                                                      55

2.12.1 The total protein in turkeys                                                                            55

2.12.2 Serum Electrolytes                                                                                         57

2.12.3 Serum enzymes                                                                                               58

2.12.4 Urea                                                                                                                60

2.12.5 Bilirubin                                                                                                          61

2.13     Hormonal Activities in Turkeys                                                                     61

2.14     Growth in Turkeys                                                                                          63

2.14.1 Body weight as a parameter for measuring growth                                        64

2.14.2 Carcass evaluation                                                                                          65

2.14.3 Vicerosomatic index                                                                                       66

2.15     The Plant Moringa oleifera                                                                            67

2.15.1 Origin and distribution                                                                                   67

2.15.2 Phytochemical and therapeutic properties of Moringa oleifera                        68

2.15.3 Nutritional composition of Moringa leaf and seed                                        68

2.15.4 Uses of Moringa oleifera in animal Agriculture                                            70

2.16     Sensory Evaluation                                                                                         74


3.1       Experiment One                                                                                              76

3.1.1    Location and site of the experiment                                                               76

3.1.2    Collection and identification of experimental material                                  76

3.1.3    Preparation and administration of Moringa oleifera leaves and seeds

extracts                                                                                                            76

3.1.4    Experimental Animals and their management                                               77

3.1.5    Experimental Design                                                                                      78

3.1.6    Growth Performance                                                                                      79

3.1.7    Carcass Evaluation                                                                                         80

3.1.8    Haematology and Serum Biochemistry                                                          80

3.1.9    Histological Studies                                                                                        81

3.1.10  Hormonal Assay (Testosterone)                                                                     82

3.1.11  Semen Collection and Evaluation                                                                  83

3.1.12  Data Analysis                                                                                                  88

3.2       Experiment Two                                                                                             88

3.2.1    Location and site of the experiment                                                               88

3.2.2    Experimental Materials                                                                                  88

3.2.3    Experimental animals and their management                                                89

3.2.4    Experimental Design                                                                                      89

3.2.5    Semen Collection and Evaluation                                                                  90

3.2.6    Data Analysis                                                                                                  91

3.3       Experiment Three                                                                                           91

3.3.1    Location and Site of the Experiment                                                              91

3.3.2    Experimental materials                                                                                   91

3.3.3    Experimental Animals and their Management                                               91

3.3.4    Experimental Design                                                                                      92

3.3.5    Growth Performance Measurement                                                                93

3.3.6    Carcass Evaluation                                                                                         93

3.3.7    Haematology and Serum Biochemistry                                                          94

3.3.8    Hormonal Assay                                                                                             95

3.3.9    Fertility and Hatchability Evaluation                                                             95

3.3.10 Sensory evaluation on female turkey                                                              99


4.1       Experiment One: growth performance reproductive physiology of male turkeys

            administered aqueous extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves and seeds   100

4.1.1    Growth performance                                                                                      100

4.1.2    Viscreosomatic index of male turkeys administered aqueous Moringa leaf

and seed extracts                                                                                             102

4.1.3    Carcass parts parameters of male turkeys                                                      104

4.1.4    Haematological parameters of male Turkeys                                                 105

4.1.5    White blood cell differentials for male turkeys                                              108

4.1.6    Mean values of the serum biochemical parameters of male turkeys

administered aqueous extracts of Moringa leaves and seeds                                     110

4.1.7    Reproductive qualities of male turkeys administered Moringa seed and

leaf extracts                                                                                                    117

4.1.8    Histology of male turkey testis administered Moringa leaves and seed

extracts                                                                                                           123

4.1.9    Internal organ kidney histology of male turkeys administered Moringa

extracts                                                                                                           125

4.1.10  Lungs histology of male turkeys administered aqueous Moringa leaf and

seed extracts                                                                                                   127

4.2       Experiment Two: Thermic Stress Effects Of Moringa Oleifera Leaf And Seed Extracts Extender On Male Turkeys Administered Moringa Leaf And Seed Extracts. 129

4.3       Experiment Three                                                                                           131

4.3.1    Growth performance, reproductive physiology of female turkeys

administered Moringa leaf and seed extracts                                                 131

4.3.2    Organ weights in female turkeys                                                                    133

4.3.3    Physiology of the females                                                                              134

4.3.4    The female local turkey reproductive parameters                                          141

4.3.5    Histology of the liver samples of female turkeys administered Moringa

oleifera leaves and seeds extracts                                                                  148


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      150

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          151




2.1       The nutritional requirements of turkeys                                                         9

2.2       The nutritional value of turkey meat per 100g                                               10

2.3       The various nutrient levels poultry manure                                                    11

2.4       Chemical metabolites in turkey semen                                                           24

2.5       Mean values of semen volume of toms subjected to three (3) frequencies of

semen collection                                                                                             27

2.6       Sperm motility (%) of toms subjected to various frequencies of sperm

collection                                                                                                        29

2.7       Haematological and serum biochemical values found in Poultry by different

authors                                                                                                            54

2.8       Cut organ weight of local turkey poults fed indomie waste                           66

2.9       The comparative proximate composition of various parts of Moringa plant 69

2.10     Amino Acid Profile of Moringa oleifera leaves (per 100g)                           70

3.1       Feed Formula for the Experimental Diet                                                       78       

3.2       Properties, scores allocated and interpretation for semen colour                        83

3.3       Properties and score collected for semen consistency                                   84

3.4       Sensory evaluation of meat                                                                            99

4.1.1    Mean values of growth parameters measured in male turkeys administered

aqueous extracts of Moringa leaves and seeds                                               100

4.1.2    The mean values of viscreosomatic index of male turkeys administered

aqueous Moringa leaf and seed extracts                                                        102

4.1.3    Mean values of carcass parameters of male turkeys administered Moringa

leaf and seed extracts                                                                                      104

4. 1.4   Mean values of the haematological parameters of male turkeys administered

aqueous extracts of Moringa leaves and seeds                                               105

4.1.5    Mean values of male turkey blood cell count parameter                               108

4.1.6    Mean Values of Serum Biochemistry of Male Turkeys administered aqueous

extracts of Moringa leaves and seeds                                                             110

4.1.7    Mean Values of Semen Traits of Male Turkeys                                             117

4.1.8    Mean values of epidymal dimensions of male turkeys administered aqueous

extracts of Moringa leaves and seeds                                                             119

4.1.9    Testicular Indices of Male Turkeys administered aqueous extracts of Moringa

leaves and seeds                                                                                              121

4.1.10  Hormonal Levels of Male Turkeys                                                                122

4.2.1    Effect of temperature, extender and extracts on motility of sperm cells     129

4.3.1    Mean values of growth performance of female turkeys administered Moringa

leaf and seed extracts                                                                                      131

4.3.2    Mean values of organ weights in female turkeys administered Moringa leaf

and seed extracts                                                                                             133

4.3.3    Mean Blood Haematogical Parameters of female Turkeys                            134

4.3.4    Mean differential Cell Values of female Turkeys                                          136

4.3.5    Serum Biochemical Parameters of female Turkeys                                       137

4.3.6    Mean Values of Reproductive Indices of female Turkeys                             141

4.3.7    Mean Values of external Egg parameters of female Turkeys                      142

4.3.8    Mean Values of Internal Egg parameters of female Turkeys                       143

4.3.9    Mean Values of Egg Productivity of female Turkeys                                    145

4.3.10  Mean Hormonal Values of female Turkeys                                                   146

4.3.11  Mean Values of Sensory Evaluation of female Turkey Meat                      147






4.3.1                            Weekly egg lay                                                           144





1          Testis of male turkey administered 0g of Moringa (T1 testis)                      123                              

2          Testis of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa seed (T2 testis)                        123

3             Testis of male turkey administered 0.5g of seed and 0.5g of leaf of Moringa

     (T3 testis)                                                                                               123     

4          Testis of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa leaf (T4 testis)                        123

5          Kidney of male turkey administered 0g of Moringa (T1 kidney)                 125

6          Kidney of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa seed (T2 kidney)            125

7          Kidney of male turkey administered 0.5g of seed and 0.5g of leaf of

Moringa (T3 kidney)                                                                                       125

8          Kidney of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa leaf (T4 kidney)            125

9          Lung of male turkey administered 0g of Moringa (T1 lung)                          127                              

10        Lung of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa seed (T2 lung)                        127

11        Lung of male turkey administered 0.5g of seed and 0.5g of leaf of Moringa

(T3 lung)                                                                                                         127

12        Lung of male turkey administered 1g of Moringa leaf (T4 lung)                 127

13        Liver of female turkey administered 0g of Moringa (T1 liver)                    148     

14        Liver of female turkey administered 1g of Moringa seed (T2 liver)                        148

15        Liver of female turkey administered 0.5g of seed and 0.5g of leaf of Moringa

(T3 liver)                                                                                                         148

16        Liver of female turkey administered 1g of Moringa leaf (T4 liver)                        148





Nigerians consume about 3.24g of animal protein per person per day which is far lower than the FAO (1990) recommended value of 34g (Omojole and Adeshinwa, 2007).  This fact is in line with the report of Boland et al. (2013) who reported that an average Nigerian consumes only 9grams of animal protein per day when compared with over 50grams by the Europeans and North Americans. This low consumption of animal protein has been attributed to factors such as low production of animals and animal products. This is implicated in the high cost of feed which is about 60-80% of the total production cost (Esonu, 2000 and Urom et al., 2018). Considering the present economic situation in Nigeria, there is a clarion call to improve animal agricultural sector, in order to achieve animal protein sufficiency and also boost the economy. Poultry production is one of the ways to drive the economy to a greater height, as well as achieve protein sufficiency. Currently, the poultry industry is once again experiencing some boost due to several economic and agricultural policies and reforms which include the removal of import duties on poultry products (Fasina et al., 2007) and the ban on the importation of processed poultry meat.

Beside these, poultry production yields quick return on investment because they are efficient feed converters when compared to other livestock (Oke et al., 2016). Notwithstanding this current growth in the industry, some species of poultry are still lagging behind. Poultry population in Nigeria is estimated at 104.3million, comprising 72.4 million chickens, 11.8million ducks, 4.7 million fowl, 15.2million pigeon and 0.2million turkey (FDLPCS, 1992). Turkey production has not been as successful as chicken production in the country due to their poor reproductive atribute.

Turkeys are fast becoming endangered.  Their production in Nigeria is largely on a backyard small scale level.

Turkey production on a large scale requires efficient and effective reproductive tract. Low level of turkey production has been attributed to low fertility and poor hatchability as a result of poor semen quality due to oxidative stress (Bucak- Louis et al., 2013) among other factors. These peculiar reasons adversely affect the rate of commercializing turkey production in Nigeria. According to FAOSTAT (2013) the population of local turkey in Nigeria as at 2011 was at most 1.05 million when compared to other poultry species like chicken where meat and egg production stood at 7,000,000 metric tons. Local turkey toms can weigh as high as 7.2kg and hens 3.6kg at 16weeks (Nigerian Finder, 2017) Turkey meat is generally accepted in Nigeria with no myth or taboo associated with it. Nutritionally, it is rich in iron, selenium, B complex vitamins, potassium, zinc and even phosphorous (Whittemore, 2007). Using fertility drugs which are high priced with some adverse effects still does not ameliorate the problems associated with local turkey production. Most of these reproductive problems like, body size variation, rich polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which is usually associated with avian spermatozoa that makes the cells vulnerable to lipid peroxidation, during artifical insemination (Donoghue and Donoghue, 1997) also affects turkeys. These things pose a serious threat to local turkey production in the country.

 Antioxidant like citric acid, vitamin E and ascorbic acid has been found to increase seminal plasma and reduce the risk associated with certain deleterious free radicals on sperm fertilizing ability (Chanda and Dave, 2009). Antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid for example are essential in the maintenance of the membrane and genetic integrity of sperm cells by preventing oxidative damage to the sperm DNA (Dawson et al., (1990). These antioxidants (vitamin E and ascorbic acid) are mostly found in plant materials like Moringa oleifera (Compaore et al., 2011).

Moringa oleifera plant is from the family of moringacea a shrub from North West India, naturalized in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world (Prince, 2002). It is rich in protein, carbohydrate, fat and oil (Aja et al., 2013). Moringa is a good source of minerals (phosphorous, chloride and calcium) and vitamins C (Abdukarim et al. 2007). It is also rich in antioxidant properties like lutein, alphaorotine, beta-carotene, xanthine and chlorophyll (Fuglie, 1999). Muanya (2017) has reported that Moringa fruits can be used to boost sperm count in men thus increasing their chances of fertilizing eggs. Serrano-Vega et al, (2008) used it to increase sperm count in male mice, when 1% concentration of Moringa ethanoic leaf extract was administered. Cajuday and Pocsidio (2010) also observed that mice given high and medium doses of the plant extract had enhanced spermatogenesis. Moringa (leaves) have also been used in broiler chicks diets, and there were improvements in the general performance of the broiler birds (Abdulsalam et al., 2015). Its effect has also been checked in rabbit does by Adeyemi et al., (2014) and in weaning pigs by Oliver et al., (2015).


For some time now, many fertility enhancers like hormone replacement therapies (HRT) are being used to improve the reproductive efficiencies of poultry. Most of these therapies have some detrimental effects on the animals, for instance, androgen therapy affects the process of spermatogenesis (Liu et al., 2011). SteinKampf and Malizia (2011) opined that spermatogenesis in male species is dependent on the production of testosterone from the Legdig cells and males on exogenous testosterone treatment to enhance fertility often results in loss of gonadal functions.

The high cost of these fertility enhancers and the technicalities involved in their use for improving animal reproductive efficiency reduce their usage by farmers and breeders. In most third world countries, lack of reliable method for short term semen storage has seriously reduced profitability of animal farming, due to insufficient and inefficient storage systems for semen.

Sexual dimorphism among male and female turkeys also poses serious threats that make commercial turkey farms to rely solely on artificial insemination to achieve better fertility. This, most Nigerian farmers cannot afford talk less of handling the technicalities involved. The matting parttern involved in the natural mating process of turkey toms were naturally clumsy (during mating), which makes them to release little or no semen into the vulva of turkey hens.

According to Donoghue and Donogbue, (1997) avian semen has been found to be rich in PUFA and this puts them under pressure of oxidative stress. This affects turkeys more than chickens, thus making turkey sperm more vulnerable to peroxidation due to activity of antioxidant enzymes (Aitken, 1995). The abundance of PUFA in avian semen also reduces the general fertility and hatchability of turkey eggs. Anti-oxidant and vitamin E have been found to protect sperm cells from peroxidation, this they do by mopping up the oxygen species found within the system (Nwanjo, 2006).

Moringa oleifera plants are laden with most chemicals like phenols substances, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found in most fertility enhancers. The plant is locally and readily available. Therefore using the extracts in the improvement of turkey’s reproductiveattributes like, short term semen storage, egg quality and hatchability as well as to examine if it has any adverse effects on the internal organ histology and blood is yet to be ascertained.


The objective of the study were to:

1.     determine the growth rate of male and female turkey administered Moringa leaf and seed extracts;

2.     evaluate the effects of these extracts on the semen characteristics of male turkeys;

3.     evaluate their effects on testicular morphometry, gonadal and extra gonadal sperm reserves of male turkeys;

4.     evaluate the effects of the extracts on blood (haemotology) and serum biochemistry of male and female turkeys;

5.     evaluate their effects on the histology of the kidney, lungs and testes;

6.     determine the effect on principal sex hormones (testosterone in the males and estrogen and progesterone  hormones in the females)

7.     examine the potentials of these extracts as short term semen extender under different temperature conditions;

8.     evaluate the influence of these exatracts on external and internal traits of eggs laid by the turkey hens; and

9.     determine their effects on the fertility and hatchability of the eggs.


The need to ensure continuous supply of meat to cushion the effect of protein food shortages among the soaring population is advocated. Turkey meat is a good source of protein generally accepted by the Nigeria populace. Among poultry species, it is highly endangered because of its poor reproductive attributes. Improving and maintaining enhanced turkey breeds require good quality semen and proper artificial insemination methods. Artificial insemination is not yet widely practiced in Nigerian turkey industry due to lack of knowledge and high cost of extenders. To bridge this gap, Moringa has been found to have a lot of nutrients, vitamins, mineral, photochemical properties (Fahey, 2008) as well as antioxidants (Nickon et al., 2003) which are known to improve both growth (Zaneb et al., 2017) and reproductive (Odeyinka et al., 2016) efficiencies. The plant is well consumed by humans as well. It therefore becomes imperative to test the effect of Moringa extracts on growth and reproductive performance of both male and female local turkeys.

This trial if positive will bring to the limelight a veritable tool for developing, improving and commercializing turkey industry to meet up with the breeders and farmers  desire for higher quality males and females and as such, satisfying  protein food shortages.


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  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

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  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    Genuine site. I got all materials for my project swiftly immediately after my payment.

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

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  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Good work and satisfactory

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Good job

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Fast response and reliable

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

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  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Very good 👍👍

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Honestly, the material is top notch and precise. I love the work and I'll recommend project shelve anyday anytime

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Well and quickly delivered

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    I am thoroughly impressed with! The project material was of outstanding quality, well-researched, and highly detailed. What amazed me most was their instant delivery to both my email and WhatsApp, ensuring I got what I needed immediately. Highly reliable and professional—I'll definitely recommend them to anyone seeking quality project materials!

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Its amazing transacting with Projectshelve. They are sincere, got material delivered within few minutes in my email and whatsApp.

  • TJ

    3 months ago

    ProjectShelve is highly reliable. Got the project delivered instantly after payment. Quality of the work.also excellent. Thank you