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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005410

No of Pages: 48

No of Chapters: 5

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The study was on the factors influencing the attitude of secondary school students towards the study of mathematics in Sango-Ota, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area, Ogun State. The study was led by four research objectives which were to examine the students social background on students’ performance in mathematics, to identify the influence of teacher-students’ relationship on students’ performance in mathematics, to identify the influence of parents on students’ performance and to identify the influence of teachers’ methodology on students’ performance. Relevant literatures were reviewed on theories and findings that emerged from different authors. The study involved 5 secondary schools, 10 mathematics teachers and 176 students. These were obtained through random sampling. Method of data collection was done by using questionnaire. The findings indicated teaching and learning mathematics was facing challenges such as inadequate teaching aids, the teachers’ methodology, students’ social and cultural background and students’ perception about the subject.

Therefore, the researcher recommends that teachers should be more involved in changing the attitude of students in order to improve their performance in mathematics. Teachers should also motivate the students in changing their attitude and perception towards the subject. Use of rewards encourages even the very weak students in the class. The reward may vary from verbal praise to presentation of gifts. The government should as a matter of urgency, set into motion a programme for training College of Education and Universities, not to know mathematics the more, but to learn how to teach the subject in a way that students will be able to enjoy it.

There is need for equipping the schools with audio-visual and other instructional materials in order to aid teacher’s effort in teaching mathematics and to foster understanding among students. Parents should also encourage their children when they are not performing well in order to increase their level of motivation instead of scolding them.

















1.0      Introduction. 1

1.1      Background to the Study. 3

1.2      Statement of the Problem.. 5

1.3      Research Questions. 7

1.4      Research Hypotheses. 7

1.5      Purpose of Study. 8

1.6      Significance of the Study. 8

1.7      Scope of the Study. 9

1.8      Limitation of the Study. 9

1.9      Clarification of Terms. 9



2.0 Attitude of Students Towards Mathematics. 11

2.1   Instructional Approach Effects on Mathematics. 14

2.2   Students Motivation by Teachers. 16

2.3      Summary. 20



Introduction. 21

Sampling and Sample technique. 21

Research Instrument 22

Instrument Validity and Reliability. 23

Data Collection Procedures. 23



Research Question 1. 24

Research Question 2. 26

Research Question 3. 29



Findings. 32

Recommendations. 33












1.0       Introduction.

One does not need to tell any individual or the society about the importance of Mathematics. Obodo (2001) asserted that the importance of mathematics education in Nigerians educational system and the nation’s technological development has been recognized. This is why mathematics was considered as one of the most important subjects in Nigerian schools. According to Odumosu et al (2001) Mathematics has been regarded as the bedrock of science and technology. Altbach (2002) in Fasasi, K.M (2009) supported this fact when he noted that the progress of science could be determined by the extent to which mathematics has entered into its methods and contents. Adeyegba (2005) in Odumosu et al (2012) observed that there is hardly any area of science that does not make use of mathematical concepts to explain its own concepts, theories or models. In a similar view, Mathematics is regarded as the major tool available for formulating theories in the Science, Engineering, and Economics as well as in other fields (Abiodun, 2007). Uhumuaubi and Umoru (2005) in Useni, P.F (2012), revealed that Mathematics has always been regarded as the language of science.

Mathematics without any doubt remains the most serviceable science subject to all discipline and field of human work and study. The importance and the attention given to Mathematics is stemming from the fact that without Mathematics, there is no science, without science, there is no modern technology, and without modern technology, there is no modern society. Simeon & Francis (2012) Opined that mathematics is the queen of science and technology and also a tool for scientific and technological development. Mathematics is a language of size, order and symbol: just like English. Related to Obodo view is that offered by Madu and Hogan (2010) that Mathematics is made up of a set of concepts, facts, principles, and operations that are fundamental to the existence of every individual. Stephen, T.K (2009) saw Mathematics as a set of precise and logical language, which not only lead to interesting activities in their own right but can also be applied to everyday life and is used as description or models in science and other areas. Others like Osen (1974) and Ale (1981) in Stephen, T.K (2009) described mathematics as the mother or queen of all sciences and that diverse phenomenon in physical, biological and economic situations can be communicated through the concept of shape, quantity, size and order. To Marut (1999) it is” the mother and language of all science”. More complete but related to Marut’s definition is that offered by Aminu (1985) that” is not only the language of science” it is the essential nutrient for thought, logic, reasoning and therefore progress, while Olosunde and Olaleye (2010) say that is the fundamental science that is necessary for understanding of most fields. According to Ajayi (2011) Mathematics is the queen of all sciences and servant to all discipline.

The summary of the matter is that of Abubakar (1980) Mathematics is the foundation of all science and also very embodiment of precision and brevity. In spite all this importance accorded Mathematics in the society, there is a lot of public complaints on the performance of students at the secondary school level in mathematics, this performance in mathematics Attah (2009) attests to the disheartening Mathematics results in public examination. The world we live in today is rapidly progressing scientifically and technologically. The economic wellbeing of any developing nation such as Nigeria depends to a significant extent, on her scientific and technological process. Organized exploration of nature for the benefit of mankind is the basic aim of modern science and technology. Nigeria being a developing country now encourages the study of science and technology in schools so as to be able to meet up with the man-power needs of the nation. This could be evidenced by the way both State and Federal Governments build Universities of Technology, Polytechnics and even Technical Colleges. A few of such institutions include Federal Polytechnic Oko, NuhuBamalli Polytechnic, Zaria. Federal Polytechnic Bauchi. Federal Government Technical College, Kaduna, Federal University of Technology, Mina, Anambra State University of Technology, Technical School, Benin etc.

1.1       Background to the study.

Sango Ota is located just north of the tollgate on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway. Ota is a town in Ogun state, Nigeria and has a rough estimate of 2,000,000 residents. Ota is the capital of Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area. Sango Ota is a popular place known for both high industrial and academic activities. The present administration in Ogun state has in her take-over note that sixty percent (60%) of students to be admitted into the University should be science oriented students.

All these approaches made by the government are good in themselves. A question stands to be answered “what about the students and their attitude to the subjects that will be used to achieve this purpose”? No matter the amount of investment the government puts into education to make sure we are developed scientifically and technologically, it will be a wasted venture if students’ attitude to mathematics is negative. This is because mathematics is the language of sciences. Mathematics serves as the vehicle of thinking. A real study of science is not possible without the facilities of this fact. Idah (2007) said “as a subject, mathematics is at the base of all the science and environmental professions”. In industry, mathematics is needed for the production of guided missiles and is useful in aerospace technology. In communication, mathematics is also very useful. If one is mathematically literate, one can communicate precisely and present his argument in a logical manner because mathematics helps one in logical thinking. Indeed, there is hardly any field where mathematics is not useful. The farmer, the hunter, the housewife etc. all use mathematics.

Hence, we notice that if Nigerians are to realize their national objective in science and technology, hands must be on deck regarding the study of mathematics in both the primary, secondary and tertiary level of our education. Efforts would be made to improve students’ attitude towards the subject.

The right way to introduce young people to mathematics is not to teach Arithmetic, Algebra, Statistics and Geometry as separate branches, each with its own technical apparatus and methods. The ideal thing is to treat mathematics as a science in which the topics are chosen so as to develop an understanding of mathematical idea. Therefore, the early stage of mathematics teaching is very important since the pupils’ future performance in the subject depends on how well he performs at this stage. Mathematics is a way of thinking about pattern and relationship of numbers and shapes. It includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics and trigonometry.

The attitude of students to mathematics education whether positive or negative are affected by many factors. Most students are biased towards mathematics education before they start to study it. They are told and made to believe that mathematics is very difficult; and as such, an undesirable subject (Jimoh, 2005). With this in their mind, they feel that they can never understand the subject no matter how hard they try.

Another factor is the career expectation of those concerned. Many students who aspire to become doctors, engineers, computer scientists etc develop interest in the subject as early as possible. This interest is seen in the effort made to understand the subjects. Although some of this type of students may have problems in understanding the subjects due to level of aptitude for them, the interest already developed assist in no small measure in their performance. 

One more factor that can affect the attitude of students is the method of teaching mathematics in secondary schools. The traditional method of verbal learning and memorization had led to formal and abstract approach to mathematics teaching. (Osigwe, 2007).

Finally, attitude towards mathematics may be influenced by social status of the parents and associated with peer group.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Despite all efforts towards scientific and technological development, it is observed that most students have negative attitude towards mathematics. This attitude is reflected in their poor performance in school certificate mathematics examination. It then becomes necessary to answer the following questions:

1.         Are student aware of the fact that mathematics is a prerequisite for professional courses like medicine, pharmacy, engineering, etc?

2.         Do secondary school students lack adequate background in mathematics?

3.         Does the way mathematics is taught affect the attitude of students towards the subject?

4.         Does lack of motivation affect students’ attitude?

5.         Do students that are naturally weak find the study of mathematics very difficult?

6.         Do parents, peers and teachers influence the attitude of students towards the subject?

If all these questions would be answered and analyzed, the writer would be able to determine what is responsible for the attitude of students towards mathematics and perhaps make suggestions on how the attitude could be improved.

The attitude of a student towards mathematics influences his life in many aspects. It does not only affect his performance in mathematics but also in another related subject. This can affect his reasoning faculty and his logical approach to day-to-day issues in life.

The problems associated with mathematics disturb parents, teachers and educationist. The slow rate of development of this country is attributed to the low scientific manpower, tradesmen, the technicians and other skilled labour to facilitate development. Since it is only mathematics that will solve this problem, it become necessary to identify those factors that affect students’ attitude.


1.3       Research Questions

In order to be able to direct this study to specific areas, the following questions were formulated:

i.          Do students have negative attitude towards mathematics?

ii.         Can students’ attitude toward the study of mathematics be influenced by teachers’ method of teaching.

iii.        Can students’ attitude towards mathematics be influenced by their parents?

iv.        Can attitude of students towards mathematics be influenced by their friends?

v.         Do students who do badly in mathematics during examinations have negative attitude towards the study of mathematics?

vi.        Do students whose vocational aspiration require mathematics have positive attitude towards the study of mathematics?

1.4       Research Hypotheses

An hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study or research. Not all studies have hypotheses though; but in this research, there exist some:

Hypotheses one (Ho1): Students generally fear mathematics

Hypotheses two (Ho2): Teachers are the primary cause of students’ phobia towards mathematics

Hypotheses three (Ho3): Parents can influence the attitude of students towards mathematics.

1.5       Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the attitude of secondary school students towards mathematics with a view to identifying the basic factors underlying them. Attempts would also be made to find solutions to these problems.

The writer’s choice of this topic for research is based on the urgency of the need for a positive attitude towards the study of the subject (Mathematics). This need is based on the usefulness of this subject towards the scientific and technological development of our country.

1.6       Significance of the Study

It is hoped that this would really reveal the factor that affect students’ attitude towards mathematics. On identification of such factors, students would be advised on how best to tackle their problems. The best way to solve a problem is not to shy away from it but to face the problem squarely and the result will appear.

To the educationist and curriculum planners, this study would reveal the relevance of arithmetic taught in primary school to the mathematics teachers who would be able to motivate students so that they can develop positive attitude towards mathematics. It will also enable them to start holding workshops for teachers more often than before so as to furnish teachers with techniques for improving their students’ attitude as well as performance.

It will also serve as a resource material for those who like to carry out research on problems encountered in the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The main concern of this investigation would be on the effect of teachers on the students’ attitude toward the study of mathematics, its relevance to the vocational aspiration of the students concerned, the effect of low score in mathematics examination to student attitude.

1.8       Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to only the senior secondary school (S.S.S I and S.S.S II) students in five selected secondary schools in Sango-Ota, Ogun State.

In administration of questionnaire, the students and only qualified mathematics teachers in the selected secondary schools were interviewed.

1.9       Clarification of Terms


One of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation. A factor or situation that influences the result of something. A constituent or element that brings about certain effects or results.


The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. Influence is the power to have an important effect on someone or something. The definition of influence is the power that someone has over someone or something.


A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by something.

Generally, attitude is a behavior a person adopts toward other people, things, incidents or happenings. In literature, the term “attitude” can be referred to as perspective or tone of the writer he adopts in a certain work.

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