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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007237

No of Pages: 258

No of Chapters: 5

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African breadfruit (Treculia africana) seeds were processed into whole, dehulled, malted and defatted flours. Flours from African breadfruit and maize, and coconut grits were blended with the following combinations: 0:95:5 (control), 20:75:5, 25:70:5, 30:65:5, 35:60:5 and 95:0:5% for African breadfruit, maize and coconut respectively. The flour combinations were mixed with other ingredients to form dough, placed in pans, baked, cut to 5cm length and packaged. Developed snack bars from whole, dehulled, malted and defatted African breadfruit were analysed for proximate composition, anti-nutrient factors, dietary fibre content, digestible, resistant and total starch, in vitro protein and starch digestibilities and in vitro glycemic indices. A two factor factorial experiment in a completely randomized block design was used to study the effects of processing, levels of African breadfruit seed flour and the interaction of the two variables on the responses analysed. Crude protein content of snack bars ranged from 16.16 to 27.15%, crude fibre content of the snack bars ranged from 10.12 to 18.13 %, ash content was from 2.66 to 4.57%, fat content ranged from 6.03 to 8.93% and energy content was from 324.01 to 371.30 kcal/100g. Processing significantly (p<0.05) reduced the anti-nutrient contents of the African breadfruit seed flours and consequently the snack bars. Up to 51.72% reduction of tannin was obtained by dehulling. Defatting, malting and dehulling resulted in 18.75, 34.37 and 65.62% reduction respectively in oxalate content. Highest reduction was obtained by dehulling, and was 70.69% in phytate, 79.95% in saponin, and 48.17% in trypsin inhibitor activity. Dehulling reduced the fibre content, while malting and defatting processes increased the fibre content of the snack bars. High fibre content was recorded in snack bars, which ranged from 10.72 to 30.41%. Snack bar formulated with 20% African breadfruit showed the highest in vitro starch and protein digestibilities irrespective of the processing method involved. In vitro digestibilities decreased with increasing amount of African breadfruit in the blend. Processing African breadfruit significantly increased the in vitro nutrient digestibilties investigated. An increase of 3.00 to 24.10% by defatting, 5.90 to 29.09% by malting and 9.70 to 31 80% by dehulling was recorded in in vitro starch digestibility. Improvement, up to 9.97% by dehulling, 9.86% by malting and 8.64% by defatting, was recorded in in vitro protein digestibility. In vitro glycemic index of the snack bars ranged from 43.62 to 55.83%, which qualifies their classification as low or medium glycemic index (GI) foods. Malted African breadfruit based snacks recorded the highest values of essential amino acids. Sensory evaluation revealed that 20:75:5 formulation was preferred and most accepted above all other African breadfruit supplemented snack bars. Effect of processing on the sensory scores showed snack bars from dehulled African breadfruit was most preferred probably because of its high hedonic score in appearance and aroma. All snack bar formulations had good sensory acceptance. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              xvi

List of Figures                                                                                                             xxiv

List of Plates                                                                                                               xxv

Abstract                                                                                                                      xxvi


CHAPTER 1:            INTRODUCTION                                                                           1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.3       Objectives of the study                                                                                   4

1.4       Justification of the study                                                                                4


CHAPTER 2:            LITERAURE REVIEW                                                                 5

2.1       Food Fibre                                                                                                      5

2.1.1    Distinction between dietary fibre and crude fibre                                          5

2.1.2    Meaning and composition of dietary fibre                                                     6

2.1.3    Components of dietary fibre                                                                           7

2.1.4    Sources of dietary fibre                                                                                  8

2.1.5    Classes of dietary fibre                                                                                   8 Soluble and insoluble dietary fibre                                                                 8

2.1.6    Detergent fibre components                                                                           8 Neutral detergent fibre                                                                                   9 Acid detergent lignin                                                                                      9 Acid detergent fibre                                                                                       9

2.1.7    Role of dietary fibre to consumers                                                                10

2.2       Cereal Bars as Convenient Foods                                                                   11

2.2.1    Classes of cereal bars                                                                                      11

2.2.2    Consumption of cereal bars                                                                            12

2.3       Functional Food                                                                                              13

2.3.1    Definition of functional foods                                                                                    13

2.3.2    Classes of functional foods                                                                            14

2.3.3    Role of Cereals in Functional Foods                                                              14

2.4       Enhancing the Quality of Food Through Processing                                      14

2.4.1    Drying                                                                                                             15

2.4.2    Malting                                                                                                            16

2.5       Species, Cultivation and Distribution of African Breadfruit                         18

2.5.1    Nutritional composition of African breadfruit seeds                                     18

2.6       Maize Utilization                                                                                            19

2.6.1    Nutritional value of maize                                                                             19

2.7       Nutritional Value of Coconut                                                                         20

2.7.1    Coconut flour                                                                                                  21

2.7.2    Coconut as a source of dietary fibre in foods                                                 21

2.8       Digestibility of Food                                                                                      22

2.8.1    In vitro digestibility                                                                                         23

2.8.2    Starch digestibility                                                                                          23 Classes of starch                                                                                             24 Kinetics of starch digestibility                                                                        25 Effect of food processing on starch digestibility                                           26 Effect of proteins on starch digestibility                                                        28 Effect of dietary fibre on starch digestibility                                                 29 Effect of anti-nutrients on starch digestibility                                                29

2.8.3    Protein digestibility                                                                                         30

2.9       Slowly digestible starch                                                                                  31



CHAPTER 3:              MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                  33

3.1       Materials                                                                                                         33

3.2       Methods                                                                                                          33

3.2.1    Production of African breadfruit seed flours                                                 33 Production of whole African breadfruit seed flour                                        33 Production of dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                33 Production of malted African breadfruit seed flour                                       35 Production of defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                35

3.2.2    Production of maize flour                                                                               36

3.2.3    Production of full fat coconut grits                                                                38

3.3       Characterization of Flours                                                                              40

3.4       Flour Blend Formulation                                                                                40

3.5       Snack Bar Recipe                                                                                            40

3.6       Production of Snack Bars                                                                               40

3.7       Preparation of Samples for Analyses                                                              42

3.8       Proximate Analyses                                                                                        42

3.8.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                 42

3.8.2    Determination of crude fat content                                                                43

3.8.3    Determination of crude protein content                                                         43

3.8.4    Determination of total ash                                                                              44

3.8.5    Determination of crude fibre                                                                          44

3.8.6    Determination of carbohydrate content (by difference)                                 45

3.8.7    Determination of total energy content                                                            45

3.9       Determination of Anti-Nutritional Factors                                                     45

3.9.1    Determination of tannin content                                                                     45

3.9.2    Determination of oxalate content                                                                   46

3.9.3    Determination of phytate content                                                                   47

3.9.4    Determination of saponin content                                                                  48

3.9.5    Determination of trypsin inhibitor activity content                                        49

3.10     Determination of Detergent Fibre Fractions                                                   49

3.10.1  Determination of neutral detergent fibre (NDF)                                            49

3.10.2  Determination of acid detergent fibre (ADF)                                                50

3.10.3  Determination of acid detergent lignin (ADL)                                               50

3.10.4  Determination of hemicellulose content                                                         51

3.10.5  Determination of cellulose content                                                                 51

3.11     Determination of Soluble, Insoluble and Total Dietary Fibre of the Raw

Materials and Snack Bars                                                                               51


3.12     Determination of Total Starch, Resistant Starch and Digestible Starch         52

3.12.1  Total starch (TS) and resistant starch (RS)                                                     52

3.12.2  Rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and slowly digestible starch (SDS)            53

3.13     Determination of In Vitro Starch Digestibility                                               53

3.14     Determination of In Vitro Protein Digestibility                                              54

3.15     In Vitro Glycemic Index Analysis                                                                  54

3.16     Determination of Amino-Acid Profile                                                            56

3.16.1  Determination of tryptophan                                                                          57

3.17     Microbiological Analysis                                                                                59

3.18     Sensory Evaluation                                                                                         60

3.19     Experimental Design                                                                                       60

3.20     Analysis of Data                                                                                             61


CHAPTER 4:              RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS                                                 62

4.1       Characterization of Flours                                                                              62


4.1.1    Particle size distribution of flours                                                                   62


4.1.2    Proximate composition and energy values of whole, dehulled, malted and

            defatted African breadfruit seed flours, maize flour and coconut grits         64


4.1.3    Anti-nutrient content of flours                                                                       69


4.1.4    Soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total dietary fibre (TDF) of flours         73


4.2       Characterisation of Snack Bars                                                                       75


4.2.1    Pictures of snack bars produced with different levels of whole, dehulled,

malted and defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                        75


4.3       Proximate Composition and Energy Value of Snack Bars                             80


4.3.1    Proximate composition and energy values of snack bars produced with

different levels of whole African breadfruit seed flour                                 80


4.3.2    Proximate composition and energy value of snack bars produces with

different levels of dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                             84


4.3.3    Proximate composition and energy value of snack bars produced with

different levels of malted African breadfruit seed flour                                90


4.3.4      Proximate composition and energy value of snack bars produced with

different levels of defatted African breadfruit seed flour                             95


4.3.5    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on crude fibre content of the snack bars                                              99


4.3.6    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on crude protein content of the snack bars                                           102


4.3.7    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on energy value of the snack bars                                                         104


4.4       Anti-Nutrient Contents of Raw Materials and Snack Bars                            107


4.4.1    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on tannin content of the snack bars                                                      107


4.4.2    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on oxalate content of the snack bars                                                    110

4.4.3    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on phytate content of the snack bars                                                    112


4.4.4    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on saponin content of the snack bars                                                    115


4.4.5    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) of the snack bars                            117


4.5       Detergent Dietary Fibre Fraction of the Snack Bars                                      119


4.5.1    Detergent fibre fraction of snack bars produced with different levels of

whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                              119


4.5.2    Effect of added dehulled African breadfruit seed flour on detergent

fibre content of snack bars                                                                              122


4.5.3    Effect of added malted African breadfruit seed flour on detergent

fibre content of snack bars                                                                              124


4.5.4    Effect of added defatted African breadfruit seed flour on detergent fibre

content of snack bars                                                                                      126


4.6       Soluble, Insoluble and Total Dietary Fibre Content of Snack Bars               128


4.6.1    Soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total dietary fibre (TDF) content of

snack bars produced with different levels of whole African breadfruit

seed flour                                                                                                        128


4.6.2    Soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total dietary fibre (TDF) content of

snack bars produced with different levels of dehulled African breadfruit

seed flour                                                                                                        130


4.6.3    Soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total dietary fibre (TDF) content of

snack bars produced with different levels of malted African breadfruit

seed flour                                                                                                        132


4.6.4    Soluble (SDF), insoluble (IDF) and total dietary fibre (TDF) content of

snack bars produced with different levels of defatted African breadfruit

seed flour                                                                                                        134


4.6.5    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on total dietary fibre (TDF) content of snack bars                               136


4.7       Starch Fractions of Snack Bars Produced with Different Levels of African

Breadfruit Seed Flour                                                                                                 138


4.7.1    Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of whole

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          138


4.7.2    Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of dehulled

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          140


4.7.3    Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of malted

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          142


4.7.4    Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of defatted

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          144


4.7.5    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on slowly digestible starch (SDS) content of snack bars                     146


4.7.6    Effect of premilling treatments and substitution of African breadfruit seed

flours on total starch (TS) content of snack bars                                            148


4.8       Effect of Premilling Treatments and Levels of Substitution of African

Breadfruit Seed Flours on In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Snack Bars          150


4.9       Effect of Premilling Treatments and Levels of Substitution of African

Breadfruit Seed Flours on In Vitro Protein Digestibility (IVPD) of

Snack Bars                                                                                                      154


4.10     Effect of Premilling Treatments and Levels of Substitution of African

Breadfruit Seed Flours on In Vitro Glycemic Index (IVGI) of the Snack

Bars                                                                                                                 157


4.11     Amino-Acid Profile of Snack Bars                                                                 160


4.11.1  Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of whole

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          160


4.11.2  Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of

dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                           162


4.11.3  Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of malted

African breadfruit seed flour                                                                          165


4.11.4  Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of

defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                                       168


4.11.5  Effect of premilling treatments and substituted African breadfruit seed

flours on total essential amino-acid (TEAA) content of snack bars               170


4.11.6  Effect of premilling treatments and substituted African breadfruit seed

flours on total amino-acid (TAA) content of snack bars                                173


4.12     Microbial Quality of Snack Bars                                                                    175


4.12.1  Effect of premilling treatments and substituted African breadfruit seed

flours on total viable count (TVC) of the snack bars                                      175

4.12.2  Effect of premilling treatments and substituted African breadfruit seed

flours on total mould count (TMC) of the snack bars                                    177


4.13     Sensory Properties of Snack Bars                                                                   180


4.13.1  Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

substituted whole African breadfruit seed flour                                            180


4.13.2  Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

substituted dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                        183


4.13.3  Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

substituted malted African breadfruit seed flour                                           186


4.13.4  Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

substituted defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                       188


4.13.5 Effect of processing and levels of African breadfruit seed flour on the

overall acceptability of snack bars                                                                  191



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      193

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          194

References                                                                                                      196

Appendices                                                                                                     221






4.1       Particle size distributions of whole, dehulled, malted and defatted

African breadfruit seed flours, maize flour and coconut grit                         63


4.2       Proximate composition and energy values of whole, dehulled, malted,

Defatted African breadfruit seed flours, maize flour and coconut grit          68


4.3       Anti-nutrient content of the samples                                                              72


4.4       Soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content of the samples                   74


4.5       Proximate composition and energy values of snack bars produced with

Different levels of whole African breadfruit seed flour                                 82


4.6       Proximate composition and energy values of snack bars produced with

Different levels of dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                            87


4.7       Proximate composition and energy values of snack bars produced with

Different levels of malted African breadfruit seed flour                               93


4.8       Proximate composition and energy values of snack bars produced with

Different levels of defatted African breadfruit seed flour                             96


4.9       Effect of processing methods and levels of inclusion of African breadfruit

            Seed flour on crude fibre content of snack bars                                             101


4.10      Effect of processing methods and composition (levels) of inclusion of

African breadfruit seed flour on crude protein content of snack bars                        103


4.11     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African

Breadfruit seed flours on the energy content of snack bars                           106


4.12     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African

Breadfruit seed flours on the tannin content of snack bars                            109


4.13     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flours on oxalate content of snack bars                                                  111


4.14     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flours on phytate content of snack bars                                                  114


4.15     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flour on saponin content of snack bars                                                   116


4.16     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African

breadfruit seed flours on trypsin inhibitor activity of snack bars                   118


4.17     Detergent fibre fractions of snack bars produced with different levels

of whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                           121

4.18     Effect of added dehulled African breadfruit seed flour on detergent

Fibre fractions of snack bars                                                                           123


4.19     Effect of added malted African breadfruit seed flour on detergent

Fibre fractions of snack bars                                                                           125


4.20     Effect of added defatted African breadfruit seed flour on detergent

Fibre fractions of snack bars                                                                           127


4.21     Soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content of snack bars

produced with different levels of whole African breadfruit seed flour         129


4.22     Soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content of snack bars

produced with different levels of dehulled African breadfruit

seed flour                                                                                                        131


4.23     Soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content of snack bars

produced with different levels of malted African breadfruit seed flour        133


4.24     Soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre content of snack bars

produced with different levels of defatted African breadfruit seed flour     135


4.25     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

            seed flours  on total dietary fibre (TDF) content of snack bars                      137


4.26     Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of

whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                               139


4.27     Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of

dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                           141


4.28     Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of

malted African Breadfruit Seed Flour                                                                        143


4.29     Starch fractions of snack bars produced with different levels of

defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                                       145


4.30     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flours on slowly digestible starch (SDS) content of snack bars             147


4.31     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flours on the total starch (TS) content of snack bars                              149


4.32     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African

breadfruit seed flours on percentage in vitro starch digestibility (IVSD)

of snack bars                                                                                                   151


4.33     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flours on percentage in vitro protein digestibility (IVSD) of snack

bars                                                                                                                  155


4.34     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flour on in vitro glycemic index (IVGI) of snack bars                           158


4.35     Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of added

whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                               161


4.36     Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of

dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                           164


4.37     Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of

malted African breadfruit seed flour                                                              167


4.38     Amino-acid profile of snack bars produced with different levels of

defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                                       169


4.39     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flour on total essential amino-acid (TEAA) content of snack bars        172


4.40     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

            seed flour on total amino-acid (TAA) content of snack bars                         174


4.41     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

seed flour on total viable count (TVC) of snack bars                                     176


4.42     Effect of premilling treatments and substituted levels of African breadfruit

 seed flour on total mould count (TMC) of snack bars                                   179


4.43     Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                               182


4.44     Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                           185


4.45     Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

malted African breadfruit seed flour                                                              187


4.46     Sensory properties of snack bars produced with different levels of

defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                                       190                                                     

4.47     Effect of processing methods and levels of African breadfruit seed flour

            on overall acceptability (preference) of snack bars                                         192







3.1       Flow diagram for the processing of African breadfruit seeds to flour           34

3.2       Flow diagram for the production of maize flour                                            37

3.3       Flow diagram for the production of full fat coconut grits                             39

3.4       Flow diagram for the production of ABS-based snack bars.                         41







4.1       Photographs of snack bars produced with different Levels of

whole African breadfruit seed flour                                                               76


4.2       Photographs of snack bars produced with different levels of

dehulled African breadfruit seed flour                                                           77


4.3       Photographs of snack bars produced with different levels of

malted African breadfruit seed flour                                                              78


4.4       Photographs of snack bars produced with different levels of

defatted African breadfruit seed flour                                                                       79                   












Snack foods have become significant part of human diets due to their availability, affordability and convenience, thereby attracting the attention of consumers (Patil et al., 2016; Nørgaard et al., 2014; Nor et al., 2013; Brennan et al., 2013). Mostly available in the markets are snacks made with refined flours from cereals, and are usually rich fats, salts and digestible carbohydrates (Struck et al., 2014; Brennan et al., 2013). The small nature of snacks makes them handy, easy to manage and distribute. In developed countries, snacks are eaten in between meals to check hunger, provide energy and tasty appeal, but in the developing countries, they are eaten as main meal because of their readily availability and affordability (James and Nwabueze, 2013). With the recent increase reported about the consumption of snack foods, there has also been a corresponding increase in obesity and thus an unhealthy population (Oliveira et al., 2015; Struck et al., 2014; Brennan et al., 2013; Woolnough et al., 2008). Consequently, growing interests has been observed in the recent time by the researchers on health-promoting snack foods. The role of diets in disease conditions have been extensively studied (Nagai et al., 2006).


Snack bars are commonly referred to as cereal bars (Khouryieha and Aramouni, 2013). Cereal bars are standard, well-accepted and convenient foods ideal to deliver fruit-derived phenolic antioxidants and fibre (Foschia et al., 2010; Agbaje et al., 2014). They are often made of a base of processed cereal grains and may contain different ingredients such as nuts, seeds, fruits, raisins, and chocolate (Khouryieha and Aramouni, 2013). Among fast foods, snack bars are known for their convenience and balanced nutritient composition (Silva et al., 2013). Cereal bars are generally made with a mixture of cereals and dried fruit, compressed and shaped. Glucose or sugar syrup is usually the aggregator element for other ingredients in the bars, providing quick absorption of energy (Silva et al., 2013). Cereal bars consumption, according to Dutcosky et al. (2006), increased due to change of people’s lifestyles and the desire for snack foods, fast and ready-to-eat meals and convenience.


High-fibre cereals and snacks has gained more interest in the food industry. The dietary benefits of this type of food are outstanding and well documented. According to recent researches, a high fibre diet benefits the heart, prevents heart attack, lowers the risk of blocked arteries and strokes, lowers sugar and insulin levels in the blood, and blood cholesterol. In addition to reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases, high fibre diets fill the stomach and thereby reduce the appetite. Thus, high fibre diets protect against obesity (Schill and Munz, 2013). Therefore, the consumption of dietary fibre plays is important in preventing some diseases, including colon cancer, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and gastrointestinal disorders. Insoluble fibre, which is often found in cereals, is mainly related to intestinal regulations, whereas soluble fibre, mainly found in fruits and vegetables, is involved in lowering blood cholesterol and glucose adsorption (Leoro et al., 2010).


Maize (Zea mays L.) grains are popular cereals, readily available and cheap in Nigeria. A grain of maize is said to contain about 1.5 % minerals, 3 % crude fibre, 4 % crude fat, 11 % protein, 65 % starch and some other forms of carbohydrate (Sivasankar, 2005; Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985).


Treculia africana (African breadfruit) is a tropical ever-green leguminous tree that has immense potentials as a source of nutrients to man and other domestic animals. African breadfruit seeds are rich in protein, minerals, and fibre, and is readily available in Nigeria. The seeds are obtained from fruit head, boiled or roasted, dehulled and eaten with fresh milky corn, coconut, palm kernel or eaten alone as snacks. In the rural areas, they are sometimes made to porridage and used for weaning babies (Runsewe et al., 2001; Nwabueze et al., 2008; Nwabueze and Iwe, 2010).


Coconut is known as a very important versatile economic crop. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and dietary fibre. Coconut is considered as a "functional food" due to its ability to provide numerous benefits to human health. Coconut flour has no gluten, contains low digestible carbohydrates, and are cheaper than flours obtained from most other nuts. Coconut flours are also contain important nutrients and dietary fibres that promote health, and tastes great. Coconut dietary fibre is of particular importance has been reported by researchers to produce butyric acid in the stomach, which helps to inhibit formation of tumors. Coconut flour substituted snacks have low glycemic index, and are recommended for management and control of diabetes mellitus and in the maintenance of weight (Yalegama and Chavan, 2004). It can reduce serum total cholesterol and triglycerides in moderately raised serum cholesterol levels of human (Trinidad et al., 2001).  Fibre readily absorbs fluids. It also appears to absorb harmful carcinogens and other toxic substances (Ramaswamy, 2013).



In today’s world, the busy lifestyle and desire for convenience has caused many to depend on convenient foods such as snacks, breakfast cereal, ready-to-eat foods which can be eaten directly or reconstituted with warm or cold milk or water. Snacks available in the market today are high in calorie and fat and low in proteins, vitamins and micronutrients (Ranhotra and Vetter, 1991). The awareness of the importance of food fibres has led to the demand and subsequent development of a large market for fibre-rich products and ingredients (Rodriguez et al., 2006). The raw materials used for this research could be possible sources of these nutrients which are the current snacks lack. African breadfruit is readily available in Nigeria and there is no known snack bars with these nutritional balance anticipated from this source. There is therefore need to develop and produce snack bars that make a complete or near complete nutritious and healthy snacks.



The main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of high fibre and nutrient snack bars from blends of African breadfruit seed flour, maize flour and coconut grits.

Specific objectives include:

i.                    To produce maize flour, coconut grits and whole, dehulled, malted whole, and defatted whole African breadfruit seed flours.

ii.                  To produce snack bars from blends of maize flour, coconut grits and whole, dehulled, malted and defatted whole African breadfruit seed flours.

iii.                To evaluation nutrient and phytochemical composition of the snack bars.

iv.                To determine the crude fibre content and glycemic index of the snack bars.

v.                  To determine the starch fractions and starch digestibility of the snack bars.

vi.                To determine the protein digestibility and amino-acid profile of the snack bars.

vii.              To evaluate the microbial and sensory qualities of the snack bars.



The study is necessary in the scaling up operations in processing and utilization of local farm produce such as African breadfruit seeds, maize and coconut. This will also create an alternative to the conventional wheat-corn snacks, such as biscuits, cookies or short cakes, available in the market today. The high fibre snack bars that are produced will provide cheap and convenient high fibre nutrition to the ever busy public, and will also help combat/prevent various diseases associated with lack or insufficient fibre in human diets.

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  • Anonymous

    5 days ago

    Thank you guys for the document, this will really go a long way for me. Kudos to project shelve👍

  • Anonymous

    6 days ago

    You guys have a great works here I m really glad to be one of your beneficiary hope for the best from you guys am pleased with the works and content writings it really good

  • Anonymous

    6 days ago

    Excellent user experience and project was delivered very quickly

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    The material is very good and worth the price being sold I really liked it 👍

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    Wow response was fast .. 👍 Thankyou

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    Trusted, faster and easy research platform.

  • TJ

    3 weeks ago


  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    My experience with projectselves. Com was a great one, i appreciate your prompt response and feedback. More grace

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Sure plug ♥️♥️

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Thanks I have received the documents Exactly what I ordered Fast and reliable

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Wow this is amazing website with fast response and best projects topic I haven't seen before

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Genuine site. I got all materials for my project swiftly immediately after my payment.

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    It agree, a useful piece

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Good work and satisfactory

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Good job

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Fast response and reliable

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Projects would've alot easier if everyone have an idea of excellence work going on here.

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Very good 👍👍

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Honestly, the material is top notch and precise. I love the work and I'll recommend project shelve anyday anytime

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Well and quickly delivered