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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007214

No of Pages: 209

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Quality characteristics of flours and gluten-free cracker biscuit produced from blends of undehulled African breadfruit seed, water yam and coconut was evaluated. Composite flours and cracker biscuit were produced from different blends of undehulled African breadfruit seed flour: water yam flour: defatted coconut grits (100:0:0, 70:20:10, 60:30:10, 50:40:10, 40:50:10). The flour and cracker biscuit produced from 100 % wheat flour served as a reference sample. The samples were subjected to analysis using standard laboratory procedures. Data obtained were statistically analyzed by Analysis of Variance and mean separation by Duncan multiple range test. The bulk density of the flours ranged from 0.70 to 0.88 g/ml, oil absorption capacity ranged from 1.61 to 1.90 g/ml, water absorption capacity ranged from 1.03 to 2.56 g/ml, foam capacity ranged from 17.32 to 20.66 %, foam stability ranged from 55.60 to 64.11 %, gelatinization temperature ranged from 72.00 to 85.00 ºC and wettability ranged from 1.44 to 2.22 g/ml, with flour blends samples having higher value of bulk density, oil absorption capacity, water absorption capacity, foam stability, gelatinization and swelling index. The flour blends samples and its cracker biscuit were significantly (p<0.05) higher in antinutrient factors, amylose, amylopectin, mineral and vitamin content than the control. The proximate composition of the samples revealed that crude protein, fat, crude fibre and ash were higher in composite flour and cracker biscuit made from it, with the exception of carbohydrate and energy value. Cracker biscuits made from flour blends of African breadfruit seeds and water yam had higher weight, thickness and break strength, and lower length and width. Crackers made with 70% African bread fruit seed flour, 20% water yam flour and 10% defatted coconut grits had the least glycemic response, index and load, thus implying that it will be more suitable for consumers suffering from degenerative diseases. Results of organoleptic attributes of the cracker biscuit showed that sample 101 (cracker biscuit produced from 100% wheat flour) was rated the best in general acceptability followed by sample 106 (cracker produced from 40% African breadfruit seed, 50% water yam flour and 10% defatted coconut grits). Generally, the cracker biscuits produced from the flour blends compared favourably with the conventional cracker biscuit made from wheat flour, thus showing prospects for industrial application.



Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                            ii                                                                                                                          

Declaration                                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv                                                                          Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v                                                                                                              

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi List of Tables                                                                                                                                     xi List of Figures                                                                                                                     xiii  Abstract                                                                                                                           xiv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION

1.1        Background of the study                                                                                            1

1.2        Statement of problem                                                                                                 3

1.3       Justification                                                                                                                 4

1.4       Objective of the study                                                                                                            5

                                                                                                                                                                    CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1       Roots and tubers                                                                                                         7

2.2       Yam                                                                                                                            8

2.3       Water yam                                                                                                                   9

2.3.1    Water yam an underutilized crop                                                                                10

2.3.2    Nutritional value of water yam                                                                                   11

2.3.3    Anti-nutritional factors of water yam                                                                         12

2.3.4    Processing and use of water yam                                                                                14

2.4       Legumes                                                                                                                      16

2.5       African breadfruit                                                                                                       17

2.5.1    Dietary benefit of African breadfruit seeds                                                               19

2.5.2    Hostile to wholesome components of African breadfruit seeds                                 20

2.5.3    Processing and usage of African breadfruit seeds                                                      23

2.6       Coconut                                                                                                                      24

2.6.1    Nutritional value of coconut                                                                                       25

2.6.2    Health benefits of coconut                                                                                         26

2.6.3    Food usage of coconut                                                                                               27

2.7       Overview of gluten                                                                                                     32

2.8       Composite flour                                                                                                          33

2.9       High fiber snacks                                                                                                        35

2.10     Crackers biscuit                                                                                                           37

2.10.1  Roles of ingredients for preparation of crackers biscuit                                             38

2.11     Evaluation of food                                                                                                      40

2.11.1  Functional properties of flour                                                                                     40

2.11.2 Chemical properties of food                                                                                        42

2.11.3 Amylose and amylopectin content of food                                                                 45

2.11.4 Overview of glycemic response, index and loads                                                       46 Glycemic index and loads of some commonly

 consumed foods in Nigeria                                                                                        47 Significance of low glycemic index and loads                                                         49

2.11.5 Sensory evaluation of food                                                                                         49



3.1       Sources of raw materials                                                                                             51

3.2       Sample preparation                                                                                                     51

3.2.1    Production of water yam flour                                                                                   51

3.2.2    Production of wheat flour                                                                                          53

3.2.3    Production of African breadfruit seed flour                                                               53

3.2.4    Production of defatted coconut grits                                                                         56

3.3       Formulation of composite flour                                                                                  58

3.4       Production of cracker biscuits                                                                                    59

3.5       Methods of analysis                                                                                                    62

3.6       Determination of functional properties of flour                                                         62

3.6.1    Bulk density                                                                                                                62

3.6.2    Water absorption capacity                                                                                          62

3.6.3    Oil absorption capacity                                                                                               63

3.6.4    Foam capacity and stability                                                                                        63

3.6.5    Swelling index                                                                                                            64

3.6.6    Gelatinization temperature                                                                                          64

3.6.7    Wettability                                                                                                                  64

3.7       Determination of amylose and amylopectin                                                               65

3.7.1    Amylose                                                                                                                      65

3.7.2    Amylopectin                                                                                                               65

3.8       Determination of antinutrient factors                                                                                     65

3.8.1    Tannin                                                                                                                         65

3.8.2    Phytate                                                                                                                        66

3.8.3    Oxalate                                                                                                                        67

3.8.4   Saponin                                                                                                                        67

3.9      Proximate analysis                                                                                                       68

3.9.1   Determination of moisture content                                                                              69

3.9.2   Determination of crude protein content                                                                      70

3.9.3   Determination of ash                                                                                                   70

3.9.4   Determination of fat content                                                                                       71

3.9.5   Determination of crude fiber                                                                                       71

3.9.6   Determination of carbohydrate                                                                                    72

3.9.7   Determination of caloric value                                                                                     73

3.10    Mineral analysis                                                                                                           73

3.10.1 Determination of phosphorus                                                                                      73

3.10.2 Determination of calcium and magnesium                                                                  74

3.10.3 Determination of potassium                                                                                         75

3.10.4 Determination of zinc                                                                                                  75

3.10.5 Determination of sodium                                                                                             76

3.10.6 Determination of iron                                                                                                  75

3.11    Vitamin analysis                                                                                                           75

3.11.1 Determination of carotenoid                                                                                        77

3.11.2 Determination of vitamin B1 (thiamin)                                                                        77

3.11.3 Determination of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)                                                                   78

3.11.4 Determination of vitamin B3 (Niacin)                                                                          79

3.11.5 Determination of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)                                                               80

3.11.6 Determination of tocopherol                                                                                        80

3.12    Determination of glycemic index                                                                                81

3.12.1 Subject characteristics                                                                                                  81

3.12.2 Test foods/samples                                                                                                       81

3.12.3 Study design                                                                                                                81

3.12.4 Calculation of glycemic index                                                                                     82

3.12.5 Calculation of glycemic load                                                                                       83

3.13    Determination of physical properties                                                                           83

3.13.1 Weight, length, width and thickness                                                                           83

3.13.2 Break strength                                                                                                              83

3.14    Sensory evaluation                                                                                                       84

3.15    Experimental design                                                                                                    84

3.16    Statistical analysis                                                                                                        84




4.1       Functional properties of flour from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                     85


4.2:      Proximate composition of flours from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                    92


4.3:      Antinutrient content of flours from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                     99



4.4       Amylose and amylopectin content of flours from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                    103


4.5       Mineral content of from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                    105


4.6       Vitamin content of flours from blends of undehulled African

 bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                                111


4.7       Proximate composition of cracker biscuits from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                    117


4.8       Antinutrient content of cracker biscuits from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                                        123


4.9       Amylose and amylopectin content of cracker biscuit from blends of

 undehulled African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                    128


4.10     Mineral content of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                                        130


4.11     Vitamin content of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                                        137


4.12     Physical properties of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

            African bread fruit and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                143


4.13     Glycemic response (mg/dl) of the standard food (Glucose)

and crackers biscuit at various time intervals (0 to 120 min)                          146

4.14     Glycemic index and glycemic load of cracker biscuits                                               149

4.15     Sensory evaluation of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

African bread fruit and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                152



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  157

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      158

            References                                                                                                                  160

Appendix                                                                                                                    186






3.1: Flour blends formulation                                                                                                 58


3.2: Recipe for production of cracker biscuits                                                                        60


4.1: Functional properties of flour from blends of undehulled African

       bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                          86


4.2: Proximate composition of flour from blends of undehulled African

       bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                          93


4.3: Antinutrient composition of flour from blends of undehulled African

       bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                          100


4.4: Amylose and amylopectin properties of flour from blends of

       undehulled African bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted

       coconut grits                                                                                                                    104


4.5: Mineral content of flour from blends of undehulled African

       bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                          106


4.6: Vitamin content of flours from blends of undehulled African

        bread fruit seed and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                         113


4.7: Proximate composition of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

       African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                                             118


4.8: Antinutrient composition of cracker biscuits from blends of

       undehulled African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                          124


4.9: Amylose and amylopectin properties of cracker biscuit from blends of

       undehulled African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                          129


4.10: Mineral composition of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

         African bread fruit, water yam and defatted coconut grits                                           131


4.11: Vitamin composition of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

         African bread fruit and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                   138



4.12: Physical properties of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

         African bread fruit and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                   143


4.13: Glycemic response (mg/dl) of the standard food (glucose) and

         crackers biscuit at various time intervals (0 to 120 min)                                                147

4.14: Glycemic index and glycemic load of cracker biscuits                                      150

4.15: Sensory evaluation of cracker biscuit from blends of undehulled

         African bread fruit and water yam with defatted coconut grits                                              153










3.1: Flow chart for the production of water yam flour                                                           52

3.2: Flow chart for the production of wheat flour                                                                  54

3.3: Flow chart for the production of African breadfruit flour                                              55

3.4: Flow chart for the production of defatted coconut grits                                                 57

3.5: Flow chart for the cracker biscuits production                                                                61












Crackers, a type of biscuits is more or less unsweetened, salty, thin and crisp. It is known to possess very low sugar and fat content (Uchegbu and Ishiwu, 2016). In Nigeria, crackers comprise a mainstream cereal foods consumed by the youthful and the old. A portion of the explanations behind such wide ubiquity are low cost compared with other processed foods, good nutritional quality and accessibility in various structures, differed taste and longer time span of usability (Petrović et al., 2016).


Generally, crackers are made from wheat flour. Notwithstanding, numerous circumstances, for example, the fact that wheat can't be produced in tropical nations like Nigeria because of climatic conditions (Nwanekezi, 2013) and expanding pace of protein vitality lack of healthy sustenance which is a significant reason for the high occurrence of bleakness and mortality in many developing nations (WHO/UNICEF, 1998) required research on the utilization of indigenous flours in production of baked products like crackers.


As of late, the utilization of indigenous flours with high fibre has picked up significance in the detailing of different nourishment items (El-Sharnouby et al., 2012). This may be on the grounds that dietary fibre brings down serum cholesterol, heftiness and the solid state of the digestion tracts (Odom et al., 2013; Rehinan et al., 2014).


African breadfruit (Treculia africana) comprises a significant reserve of basic nourishment supplements that are accessible at certain basic times of the year when dependable wellsprings of these supplements are under development and are rare (Nwabueze and Okocha, 2008). African breadfruit are substantial in fibre (Okoye and Obi, 2017), protein, starch, fat, and minerals (Okorie, 2013). Its protein helps meet lacking utilization of protein nourishment; particularly in rustic parts of Nigeria (Uluocha et al., 2016). The amino acid profile of African breadfruit is described by low grouping of sulfur amino acids, for example, methionine, trytophan and cysteine yet has high substance of lysine, arginine and histidine (Okorie, 2013). The seeds of African breadfruit can be processed into various food items. Its flour has a decent potential for use as a functional ingredient agent in bakery and confectionery products due to its high water assimilation limit, solvency, mass thickness, froth limit and fast consistency attributes (Okonkwo and Ubani, 2012).


Water yam (Dioscorea alata) is a significant type of the dioscoreacea family developed in certain parts of Nigeria for its huge roots with fine eatable fleshes (Ezeocha and Oti, 2013). Water yam additionally alluded to as "winged yam" or "more noteworthy yam" has tubers that are white, dark coloured or earthy red in shading (Riley et al., 2006). They are known for their high wholesome substance, with 5.69 to 8.31 % protein, 81.53 to 87.64 % sugar, 16.72 to 35.20 mg/100g vitamin C, 260 to 400 mg/100g potassium, 100 to 340 mg/100g phosphorus (Udensi et al., 2008), and 1.37 to 2.31% fibre (Ezeocha and Ojimelukwe, 2012). Additionally, water yam is a harvest with potential for expanded consumer request because of its low sugar content essential for diabetic patients (Ezeocha and Ojimelukwe, 2012). Notwithstanding the staggering dietary advantages of water yam, they are less famous when contrasted with different assortments of yam and is regularly viewed as nourishment for poor people (Nwike et al., 2017).


Coconut (Cocus nucifera) is the stone of the drupes borne by the coconut palm, a member of the monocotyledonous family Palmae. Coconut is known as the "wonder nourishment" and is viewed as impeccable eating routine since it contains practically all fundamental supplements required by the human body (Rehman et al., 2004). It is named a "functional nourishment" since it gives numerous medical advantages past its healthful substance (Ramaswamy, 2014). Due to immense nutritional potential of coconut such as 9 g/100g dietary fibre, 14 mg/100g calcium, 2113 mg/100g phosphorus and 356 mg/100g potassium (Sangamithra et al., 2013), there have been significant efforts to incorporate it in different food products.



The increasing urbanization coupled with growing number of working mothers, have profoundly contributed to the popularity and increased consumption of snack foods such as cracker biscuits. Wheat flour, the main ingredient for cracker biscuits production is mainly imported to Nigeria because of unfavourable climatic conditions for its commercial growth. This importation places a considerable burden on the foreign exchange reserve of Nigeria's economy (Gernah et al., 2010; Nwanekezi, 2013).


Despite the overwhelming nutritional advantages of water yam and its potential for economic enhancement, relatively little research attention has been devoted to it (Nwike et al., 2017).

Due to celiac disease, consumers have increasingly slowed down wheat foods. Celiac disease, which is an immune-meditated genetic disorder that is triggered by consuming gluten is estimated to affect 0.5 to 1 % of the world population, making it one of the most chronic prevalent disorders in the whole world. Common symptoms includes but not limited to diarrhea, fatigue and abdominal pain. Unfortunately, celiac disease does not have a cure, but it can be controlled by removing gluten from the diet (Presutti et al., 2007).


High fibre diets have been reported to have numerous health benefits (Odom et al., 2013; Rehinan et al., 2014), but despite these benefits most people fall short of the recommended daily requirement, averaging on 15 grams per day, far below the suggested daily fibre intake of 25 to 38 grams for adolescents and adults (Salvin, 2008).


Protein energy malnutrition is a common problem in the poor socio-economic groups of developing countries such as Nigeria. It is not a disease but a range of pathological condition arising from inadequate or unbalanced diet. Consumption of inadequate food is a major cause of the high incidence of malnutrition, morbidity and mortality in many developing countries (WHO/UNICEF, 1998).



Considering the increase in prices of baked products as a result of high cost of imported wheat, this study aims at production of cracker biscuits from composite flours of African breadfruit, water yam and coconut grits. This will reduce over reliance on wheat thereby saving the Nation’s foreign exchange, creating awareness and variety. The results of this study will also provide a baseline data on water yam utilization. This will go a long way to diversify its use and in turn lead to its increased utilization ultimately to ensure food security.


Frequent intake of the developed cracker biscuits will help to lower serum cholesterol, obesity and the healthy condition of the intestines. Dieticians’ in developing countries such as Nigeria and individuals suffering from protein energy malnutrition, celiac disease and diabetes will also find these cracker biscuits highly valuable.


Processing of cracker biscuits from blends of African breadfruit seeds, water yam and coconut will encourage farmers producing this crops due to high demand and utilization of their crops. This will in turn put money in their pockets.




The main objective of this work was to produce and evaluate gluten free flour and cracker biscuits from blends of undehulled African bread fruit, water yam and coconut.

The specific objectives were to:

                    i.            produce composite flours and cracker biscuit from undehulled

African bread fruit, water yam and coconut

                  ii.            determine the functional properties of the composite flours

                iii.            determine the amylose and amylopectin of both composite flours

 and cracker biscuits

                iv.            determine the anti-nutritional factors of both composite flours and cracker biscuits

                  v.            determine the proximate, mineral and vitamin content of the composite flours and cracker biscuits

                vi.            evaluate the glucose response, glycemic index and loads of the cracker biscuits

              vii.            evaluate the physical and sensory properties of the cracker biscuits.


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