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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007302

No of Pages: 86

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The effectiveness of powdered leaves of Imperata cylindrica (spear grass), Sida acuta (wire weed), Chromolaena odorata (siam weed) and Gmelina arborea (Gmelina) at different dosages (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5g) against Sitophilus zeamais infesting stored maize grains was assessed. Treatments were mixed with 100 g of maize grains (landrace, Esa’ ma yewangha), infested with 30 adults S. zeamais and stored in 200 ml glass jars with perforated lids. The setup was maintained under ambient conditions (25 - 300C and 70 - 90% RH) between April and June, 2017. Mortality assessment was at 2, 4 and 6 days after treatment (DAT), after which all adults were sieved out and the setup kept undisturbed for 5 weeks. The trial was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) and replicated four times. Analysis of variance showed that Cypermethrin caused significantly higher mortality than the tested plant powders. Cumulative mortality of adult S. zeamais significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased with increased treatment dosages and durations of storage. There were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher mortality in maize grains treated with 7.5 g/100 g of S. acuta (55.00 and 64.17%) and I. cylindrica (53.33 and 60.00%) compared with C. odorata (44.17 and 50.83%) and G. arborea (35.83 and 40.00%), respectively at 4 and 6 DAT. Results also showed that the efficacy of these plant powders on weevil emergence was dose dependent with higher doses providing greater protection of the maize grains. Cypermethrin treated grains had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower values than those treated with plant powders in all parameters tested. Significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower mean progeny emergence (3.0 and 3.5), and grain weight loss (1.1g and 1.30g) was recorded in I. cylindrica and S. acuta, respectively in 7.5g/100g grains compared with (9.3 and 15.0) and (2.9g and 4.3g) in C. odorata and G. arborea, respectively. However, these treatments did not significantly affect seed germination. The insecticidal properties exhibited by these plant powders make them attractive in upgrading traditional post-harvest protection practices. The result of this study can encourage and serve as a possible means of ensuring a steady supply of good quality maize grains.


Cover page                                                                                                                  i

Title page                                                                                                                    ii

Declaration                                                                                                                  iii

Certification                                                                                                                iv

Dedication                                                                                                                  v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                     

1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                     1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                     4

1.3 Justification of the Study                                                                                     5

1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                         6


2.1 Origin and Domestication of Maize                                                                     7

2.2 Requirements for Maize Cultivation                                                                     7

2.2.1 Temperature                                                                                                       7

2.2.2 Rainfall                                                                                                              8

2.2.3 Soil                                                                                                                     8

2.2.4 Topography                                                                                                        9

2.3 Harvesting and Storage of Maize                                                                         9

2.4 Uses and Nutritional Value of Maize                                                                   9

2.5 Constrains of Maize Production                                                                           11

2.6 Major Insect Pests of Stored Maize                                                                      12

2.7 Description and Biology of Sitophilus zeamais    Motschulsky                           12

2.7.1 Losses and damage caused by S. zeamais                                                         13

2.7.2 Factors affecting development of stored products pests                                   14       

2.8 Control of Sitophilus zeamais                                                                               16

2.8.1 Cultural control                                                                                                  16

2.8.2 Physical control                                                                                                  16

2.8.3 Biological/biotechnical control                                                                          17 Use of parasites and insect pathogens                                                                        18 Use of resistant cultivars                                                                                 18

2.8.4 Chemical control                                                                                                20 Use of synthetic insecticides                                                                          20 Cypermethrin                                                                                                  21

2.8.5 Botanical control                                                                                                22 Imperata cylindrica (spear grass)                                                                    25 Sida acuta (wire weed)                                                                                   25 Chromolaena odorata (siam weed)                                                                26 Gmelina arborea (Gmelina)                                                                           27


3.1. Experimental Site                                                                                                 29

3.2 Collection and Preparation of Botanicals and Insecticide                                    29

3.2.1 Test plants                                                                                                          29

3.2.2 Synthetic insecticide                                                                                          29

3.3 Test Insects and Maize Cultivar                                                                           32

3.4 Sexing of Adult Sitophilus zeamais                                                                      32

3.5 Infestation Procedure                                                                                           32

3.6 Tested End Points Mortality                                                                                 33

3.7 Progeny Emergence                                                                                              33

3.8 Damage Assessment                                                                                              34

3.9 Viability Test                                                                                                        34

3.10 Statistical Analysis                                                                                              35



5.1 Conclusions                                                                                                           50

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                50











3.1: Botanicals tested, part used and their Phytochemical constituents                     31

4.1: Percentage cumulative mortality levels of Sitophilus zeamais

       treated with four selected plant powders and cypermethrin over

       a six day trial                                                                                                        37

4.2: Mean progeny emergence of Sitophilus zeamais in stored maize

        grains treated with four selected plant powders and

        cypermethrin at 5WAT                                                                                       39

4.3: Mean percentage damage of Sitophilus zeamais in stored maize

        grains treated with four selected plant powders and cypermethrin                    41

4.4: Weight loss of maize grains treated with selected plant powders

        and cypermethrin                                                                                                43

4.5: Mean Percentage germination of maize grains treated with

        selected botanical concentrations                                                                       45










Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major staple crop in the world, belonging to the family Poaceae. It is one of the most versatile emerging cash crops having wider adaptability under varied climatic conditions. After wheat and rice, maize is the third most grown cereal in the world (Lyon, 2000). According to WASDE (2017), the world was projected to produce 1.04 billion metric tons of maize in 2017 with United States leading with 384.7 million tons followed by China, 219.5 million tons. In Africa, South Africa had the highest production with 13 million tons and Nigeria accounted for 7.2 million tons (WASDE, 2017). The grain is very nutritious, with about 70-72% digestible carbohydrate, 4-4.5% fats and oils and 9.5-11% proteins (Larger and Hill, 1991).

In Nigeria, maize has the largest area devoted for cultivation, which has continued to expand because of technological advancements (Adedire and Lajide, 2003). It occupies less land area than either wheat or rice but has a greater average yield per unit area of about 5.5 tons per hectare (Ofori et al., 2004). The crop is grown in many southern states in Nigeria, for various purposes; including fodder for animals, and food for man (IITA, 2009).

Increasing production and productivity of maize has been achieved through the development of high yielding stress tolerant varieties. Despite this intervention at production level, there is evidence of food insecurity arising from food storage losses. Storage losses due to pests threaten livelihoods of farmers across Africa (Kamanula et al., 2011) with maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) gaining much attention beacuse it attacks both field crops and stored grains (Haines, 1991).

Sitophilus zeamais Mots. is serious pest of economic importance in stored products worldwide. The population dynamics of Sitophilus species is favoured in food materials that have more than 10% water content (Haines, 1991). Voracious feeding by S. zeamais on the whole grain causes weight loss with fungal growth, quality loss through increase in free fatty acids and it can completely destroy stored grains in all types of storage systems/facilities (Trematerra et al., 2007).  The grain damage caused, affects both farmers and traders. S. zeamais larvae are internal feeders on the maize grains (CABI, 2012). Internal feeding affects seed viability thus negatively affecting seed germination where non-hybrid (retained seed) is used for new season planting.

Different technologies such as environmental manipulations to hinder growth, maturation and reproduction of storage pests have been effectively used (Oduor et al., 2000). Such environmental manipulations have been attained by employing a number of control measures, including the use of pesticides, cultural and physical control measures (CABI, 2012, Pereira et al., 2009).  Stored crop insect management technologies among rural communities include the application of chemical pesticides (belonging to different toxicological classes) that are expensive to buy, unreliable in terms of time availability and inadequate in handling practices (Rugumamu, 2011). Their use are often associated with a number of drawbacks (Benhalima et al., 2004) including the occurrence of resistance in insects, accumulation of residues in food, damage to human health and also cause negative effects on the non-target organisms, environmental contamination, besides the increase in production costs (Campos et al., 2013). This problem is acute for subsistence farmers who produce and store their harvested maize grains locally often under conditions favorable for insect colonization (Abebe et al., 2009). Rationally it makes more sense and is economical to safeguard the crop that has been harvested instead of trying to make up for the losses through increased production. Most studies that have been conducted have been directed to growing of crops in the field with limited attention paid to protect the crop in storage (Derera et al., 1999).

One alternative to conventional control is the use of plants with insecticidal properties, whose parts can be prepared and applied as powders, extract, and oils. The use of more natural and sustainable methods that can offer compatible control efficacy plus benefit of reduced hazards to the environment is most favoured (Isman, 2006; Arabi, 2008; Abdelgaleil, 2009). With recent demands for maize in different homes, there is need to study the various plant species reported to have medicinal properties in Nigeria and test their potential as insecticides against maize weevil to provide information for proper handling of the products. It is against this background that this study was conducted to find out the efficacy of spear grass (Imperata cylindrica), wire weed (Sida acuta), Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) and Gmelina leaves (Gmelina arborea) on Sitophilus zeamais in stored maize grains.


Due to high subsistence grain production practiced by majority of the world population, damage resulting from insect infestation especially maize weevil contributes to heavy economic losses. These losses can be up to 80% of the total production (Fox, 2013), with insects accounting for 30%–40% (Abass et al., 2014). In Sub-Saharan Africa, from harvest to consumption of maize, the maize weevil, S. zeamais can attack cereals causing more than 30% damage which can increase to 90% after five months of storage if unprotected (Boxall, 1986). In Nigeria, grain production and consumption is often hampered as a result of post-harvest losses caused by storage pests and other spoilage agents. Nigeria recorded over 24.9% losses in maize grains, estimated as 56.7 billion Naira (Deepak and Prasanta, 2017). Damaged grains are prone to contamination by mycotoxins (Kankolongo et al., 2009). Insect pests are continously gaining advantage in Nigeria due to favourable climatic conditions as well as poor management and storage facilities, posing serious problems to agriculture (Ogban et al., 2015).


Due to increasing pest damage and resistance to pesticides, environmental and health concerns posed by the use chemical pesticides, there is need to identify, evaluate and recomend new, available and benign alternatives for control of S. zeamais. Plant powders from I. cylindrica, S. acuta, C. odorata and G. arborea could serve as alternatives to chemical insecticides which may offer a new dimension to pest control, moreover, these plant materials are available in the environment and at no cost to the farmers.



        i.            To determine the protectant efficacy of I. cylindrica, S. acuta, C. odorata and G. arborea for the control S. zeamais in stored maize grains

      ii.            To determine the treatment dosage that will significantly reduce S. zeamais population infesting stored maize grains

    iii.            To determine viability of seeds treated with the botanicals, I. cylindrica, S. acuta, C. odorata and G. arborea


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