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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007174

No of Pages: 104

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing globally and there is a concomitant increase in the prevalence of infections associated with it. Diabetic ulcers have become a major escalating public health issue that has its morbidities, impairments and debilitating consequences. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the bacteriological and multidrug resistant profile of chronic diabetic foot ulcers in patients in Mbano metropolis. One hundred and fifty samples were collected. Samples were processed by standard microbiological methods such as microscopy, culture and biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was done by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique for the aerobic isolates. The total number of isolates obtained in this study was 210. One hundred and thirty seven (65.5%) were Gram negative, fifty three (25.5%) were Gram positive and twenty (9.5%) were anaerobes. The most frequently isolated organism in this study was Escherichia coli (32.1%), and the least was Enterobacter spp (1.57%) for the aerobes. For the anaerobes, Peptococcus spp (15%), Peptostreptococcus spp (40%), Bacteroides spp (30%) and Fusobacterium spp (15%). The percentage of isolates producing Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamse (ESBL) among E.coli isolates was 44%, with Proteus vulgaris 4% as the least. Percentage of biofilm forming organisms were E.coli (36.8%), S.aureus (23.1%), and Proteus vulgaris 4.2%. E.coli was sensitive to Ciprofloxacin at 57.3% while S. aureus was sensitive to Ofloxacin (63%). Enterococcus faecalis was 100% sensitive to Streptomycin while Enterobacter spp was 100% sensitive to Ofloxacin. No methicillin resistant S. aureus was encountered. The AmpC producers encountered were Klebsiella pneumonia 10% and E.coli 8.1%. The plasmid profile of 15 resistant isolates were studied using the Alkaline lysis method and Gel Electrophoresis. Subsequently, the plasmid analysis and curing using ethidium bromide at various concerntrations were performed.  The isolates were exposed to the antibiotics for which they demonstrated resistance initially and the findings revealed nine isolates had plasmids thus suggesting that the mode of antibiotic resistance may be plasmid-mediated. Proper management of diabetic wound infection with appropriate antibiotic therapy should be encouraged.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Figure                                                                                                                          x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi



1.1       Aims and Objectives                                                                                       8


2.1       Infections Associated with Diabetes Mellitus                                                9

2.1.1    Skin and soft tissue infections                                                                        9

2.1.2    Urinary infections                                                                                           16

2.1.3   Gastrointestinal & liver infections                                                                   17

2.1.4   Respiratory infections                                                                                      20

2.1.5   Head and neck infections                                                                                21

2.2     Diabetic Ulcer                                                                                                   23

2.2.1   Etiology                                                                                                           22

2.2.2   Altered Metabolism                                                                                         25

2.3     Drug Resistance                                                                                                28

2.3.1   Types of resistance                                                                                           27                     

2.3.5    Multidrug resistant staphylococci                                                                  35

2.3.6    Multidrug resistant enterococci                                                                      37

2.3.7    Extended spectrum Beta-Lactamases                                                             38

2.4       Biofilm Formation                                                                                          40

2.5       Mobile Bacterial Genetic Elements                                                                42


3.1       Study Location                                                                                               44

3.2       Study Population                                                                                                        44

3.3       Procedure for the Collection and Processing of Pus                                      45

3.4       Procedure for Anaerobic Culture                                                                   45                                        

3.5       Identification of Organisms                                                                            45                                                                       

3.6       Biochemical Tests                                                                                           46

3.7       Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing                                                               48       

3.71     ESBL screening and confirmation                                                                  49       

3.72     Procedure for AmpC                                                                                      49

3.73     Procedure for MRSA                                                                                      50

3.8       Procedure for Biofilm                                                                                     51       

3.8.1    Plasmid extraction                                                                                          51

3.8.2    Plasmid analysis                                                                                              51

3.9       Plasmid curing                                                                                                52

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                           

4.1       Results                                                                                                             54

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                      68


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      73

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          74

            References                                                                                                      75

            Appendices                                                                                                     91









                                                            LIST OF TABLES


Age and sex distribution of diabetic ulcer patients



Distribution of Bacterial Isolates



Distribution of Anaerobic Organisms



Distribution of Organism With Biofilm Formation



Distribution of ESBL



Distribution of AmpC producers



Antibiogram of Gram Negative isolates



Antibiogram of Gram Positive isolates



Distribution of plasmids and resistant isolates.



Distribution of organisms with cured plasmids and antibiotic resistance










             1   Plasmid Profile of Isolates                                                                         67





Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common metabolic disorder that is characterised by hyperglycaemia emerging from defects in insulin secretion and action (ECDCDM, 1997). Diabetes Mellitus includes Type 1 DM which can be associated with autoimmune damage of the pancreatic beta cells (Shoback et al., 2001)., Type 2 DM, resulting from insulin resistance and disorder of insulin secretion and gestational diabetes the third main form that occurs in pregnant women with no history of DM (Bell and Hockaday, 1996). Increased blood glucose level associated with Diabetes and the concomitant metabolic abnormality may be associated with secondary damage in numerous organs, especially the kidneys, eyes, nerves and blood vessels (ECDCDM, 1997).  It presents with symptoms such as weight loss, visual impairment, thirst and polyuria and it may lead to a clinical condition known as Ketoacidosis (Butalia et al., 2016). Consequently it could also lead to retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. In 2015, the World Health Organization estimated that as many as 366 million people suffered from diabetes and in 2030 the number would rise to 552million (World Health Organization, 2015). Diabetes is the sixth leading reason behind death globally (World Health Organization, 2016).

Obesity, alcoholism, smoking and increased sedentary lifestyles have contributed immensely to the proliferation of diabetic cases globally (Tuomi et al., 1997). There is also substantial proof that reinforces the association of diabetes to a group of genes. The focus for research over the years has been the identification of genes contributing to the risk of diabetes (Butler and Joffer, 2012). Unlike Type 1 diabetes which is strongly associated with the MHC genes, type 2 has few genes with profound and major effect. These genes have been detected and as the cases of diabetes mellitus proliferate, it becomes imperative to monitor blood glucose levels and ensure proper dieting and regular exercise. Patients with poor blood sugar regulation are considered immunosuppressed which is a consequence of the debilitating effects of elevated blood sugars on the immunological system (Clement and Susan, 2004).

The immune system is made up of two classes: innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity, the initial line of defense, is triggered when a pathogen initially presents itself. This portion of immunity is demonstrated at birth and is non­-specific in its mode of action. Futhermore, it serves the entire immune system by galvanizing specific cells against pathogen invasion to activate the adaptive immune system. The innate immune system has physical and chemical mechanisms of response (Bagdade et al., 1974).

Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are a class of white blood cells that have granules in their cytoplasm with different morphologies (Breedveld et al., 2017). The procedure involved in pathogen suppression are:

(1) PMN cleaveage to vascular endothelium by the help of the cell surface adhesion molecule L-selectin and then integrins,

(2) migration and navigation through vessel wall towards a chemotactic gradient.

(3) phagocytosis and microbial killing. Although an increase in PMN adhesion to vascular endothelium has been documented in patients with diabetes, the significance of this change in mediating a predisposition to infection is unclear (Nolan et al., 1978).

Adaptive immunity is a specific facet of a properly functioning immune system that gives protection against previous infections suffered by the host (Holmskov et al., 2003). These responses are mediated by lymphocytes, which consist of natural killer (NK) cells, B cells and T cells. Vaccinations and exposure to pathogens benefit the adaptive immune system by establishing immunologic memory which ensures that the same antigen is contained effectively on subsequent exposure (Rajiu and Raju 2010). Risk of infection is inevitable when the pathogen evades the innate immune system machinery and infects the host. Increased blood glucose causes other disturbing changes in the function of the immune system such as reduced complement response, leukocyte cleaveage and bactericidal activity.

Hyperglycemia affects the overall immunity through different mechanisms. Elevated blood sugar levels in diabetic patients could lead to acidosis, which compromises the activity of the immune system (Hill et al., 1974). Chronic hyperglycemia impedes movement through blood vessels, causing irreparable damage to the nerve as time progresses (Eriksson et al., 1989) Hence, the skin, one of the major boundaries in innate immunity, is not capable of protection against trauma and inflammation due to the presence of these damaged nerves and this makes the host unaware of any trauma until an infection emerges. Consequently, skin and soft tissue infections abound in diabetic patients with increased blood glucose level. Along with poor management of diabetes, cellulitis and diabetic foot ulcers have difficulty healing and this could lead to chronic conditions such as osteomyelitis (Schaper and Nabuurs-Franssen, 2002). Such conditions are properly managed by isolating the causative organisms and subjecting them to sensitivity test to ensure that the right antibiotic is dispensed for effective treatment. It is also important to ensure proper wound care by a competent medical staff.  Damaged nerves can be seen all over the body including the urinary tract. With damage to the nerves in the urinary tract, urine retention will inevitably encourage the emergence of urinary tract infections (Stevens et al., 2012).

Although the most common infections in diabetic patients involve the skin and urinary tract, more severe infections may arise if blood sugars are not controlled effectively. High glucose levels limit and deregulate neutrophil synthesis, which is essential in the immune system to attack a foreign object (Davey et al., 2005). Cytosolic calcium in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) becomes elevated in the presence of hyperglycemia and is inversely proportional to the occurrence of phagocytosis in patients with type II diabetes. High levels of cytosolic calcium inhibit the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for phagocytosis (Gough et al., 1997). The ability of PMN leukocytes to mobilize to the site of infection and stimulate apoptosis is severely compromised.

The ability of bacteria to survive in the presence of hyperglycemia activates the immune response to fight such infections. Futhermore, a hyperglycemic state negatively affects the body’s ability to respond to antimicrobial therapy (Mowar and Baum, 1971). Common bacterial infections include those caused by Gram negative organisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and E. coli. Gram-positive organisms, such as Staphylococci and Streptococci are common, also. Anaerobic organisms may be present due to decreased blood and oxygen movement into the blood vessels for the synthesis of leukocytes. Other infections include fungal infections such as Candida, and viral infections (Muller et al., 2005).

Holistically, infectious diseases are predominant and chronic in patients with diabetes mellitus which consequently increases their mortality. A larger part of these diabetic infections  is caused by the hyperglycemic environment that encourages immune system dysfunction example; neutrophil malfunction, neuropathy, depression of the humoral immunity and antioxidant system, macro and micro angiopathies, decrease in antibacterial activity of urine, gastrointestinal  and urinary dysmotility (Flemming et al., 2014).

Foot ulcers are a serious clinicopathological outcome of diabetes with recent studies revealing that life time risk of developing a foot ulcer in diabetic patients could be as high as 25% (Ahmed and Choudhury, 2006). They lead to proximate and non-traumatic causes of leg amputation (Lipsky, 2004). The prevalence of foot infections in persons with diabetes ranges from a lifetime risk of up to 25% in all persons with the diagnosis, to 4% yearly in patients treated in a diabetic foot center (Singh et al., 2005).  Diabetic foot infections are characterized by cellulitis and post-traumatic infections, but results through ulcerations secondary to progressive peripheral neuropathy. This leads to the loss of preventive sensation, as well as foot deformities, gait disorders, anterior displacement of weight-bearing during walking, and reduced mobility (Pataky et al., 2005). These complications are commonly accompanied by arterial insufficiency and other chronic immunological disturbances. Various organisms inhabit the wound and in most patients one or more species of organisms multiply in the wound which may lead inexorably to tissue damage. Among the bacterial pathogens, Gram positive organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are the most prevalent in wound infection while Gram negative organisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species and Proteus species are rare. Predisposition to urinary tract infections in Diabetes mellitus results from several factors. High urine glucose content and defective host immunity are key factors (Patterson and Androiole, 1997). Due to common or recurrent infections, diabetic patients have more antibiotic treatments compared with other subjects which can increase the antibiotic resistance rates in the bacteria (Watters et al., 2014). Early diagnosis is crucial in case of life-threatening infection (Zhanel et al., 1991). Due to the presence and increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria, empirical therapy for severe infections should be later corrected through in-vitro susceptibility data from the laboratory (Stapleton, 2002). Therapy by narrow-spectrum antibiotics can prevent the increase in antibiotic resistance and emergence of multi-drug resistance in diabetic patients (Rayfield et al., 1982). Presently there is increasing empirical evidence suggesting that diabetes is a risk factor for antibiotic–resistant S.pneumonia, MRSA with basal sensitivity to vancomycin and vancomycin-resistant enterococci as well as ESBL producing Gram negative bacteria and carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas spp followed by Acinetobacter species. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a group of Gram positive bacteria that are genetically distinct from other strains of Staphylococcus aureus. They come into existence through horizontal gene transfer, multiple drug resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and natural selection (Gurusamy et al., 2013). Extended Spectrum Betalactamses (ESBL) are enzymes capable of breaking down penicillins, broad-spectrum cephalosporins and monobactams. They are seen on plasmids that are transferable from strain to strain and between the same bacterial species (Jacoby, 1997). Comprehensive evaluation of different aspects of diabetes control aid in the reduction of infection susceptibility. Literature suggests maintaining blood glucose levels below 200 mg/dL. Glucose levels above 200 mg/dL can lead to increased risk of infections (Kahn et al., 1996). To aid in the maintenance of proper perfusion through blood vessels, adherence to standard of care is very important. Standard of care includes maintaining HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin) < 7%, blood pressure <130/80 mmHg, proper control of lipd profile levels (Lyudmila and Ivan, 2013). 

Reported cases of diabetic infections which investigated the prevalence of microbes and their associated multi-drug resistance have been published in developed countries. Contrastingly, the bacteriology of diabetic ulcers in Nigeria has not been studied extensively especially in some parts of the country. The alarming fact is Imo State has many diabetic individuals and the cases are poorly documented and the incidence of foot problems and amputations cannot be overemphasized. The increased relationship of multi-drug resistant(MDR) pathogens with diabetic ulcers further compounds the problem faced by the physician or the surgeon in treating diabetic ulcers without resorting to amputation (Yoga et al., 2006). Infection with MDR pathogens incurs a lot of expenses and leads to delayed hospital stay, and sometimes increases the chances of mortality in diabetic patients. Careful selection of antibiotics based on the susceptibility pattern of the isolates from the lesions is most realiable for the proper management of these infections. Presently, there is limited data on ESBL-producing organisms from diabetic foot infections especially in this part of the world. The territorial prevalence of T2DM in Nigeria has been reportedly variable across different areas of the country which could be a manifestation of cultural, tribal and food values and lifestyles (Gabriel et al., 2015). In Nigeria, the prevalence of T2DM was calculated to be 2.2% by the Expert Committee on non-communicable diseases in 1997 with highest prevalence of 7% in Lagos Island and 0.5% in Mangu, Plateau State (ECDCDM, 1997). In the 2013 International Diabetic Foundation global study, a prevalence of 5% was estimated for Nigeria, accounting for 3.9million cases among persons aged 20–79 years (Guariguata et al., 2014); 3.6% was reported in Abia State South East non-communicable diseases survey (Okpechi et al., 2013). These statistical findings offers a strong basis for investigation into the pathology of diabetic ulcers hence, the study was designed to determine the bacteriological profile of diabetic ulcers in Imo State and their in vitro susceptibility to routinely used antibiotics. The prevalence of multidrug resistant pathogens in patients with diabetic ulcers was also studied.

1.1 AIM

The aim of this research was to establish the common bacterial pathogens associated with diabetic ulcers in Imo State and determine the antibiogram. The generated data could form basis for antibiotic prescriptions before culture results are obtained. This will be of local clinical relevance that would provide clinicians with therapeutic options.


  1. To isolate and identify organisms associated with diabetic ulcers.
  2. To obtain the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of various isolates.
  3. To identify ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta lactamase) producers, biofilm forming organisms, AmpC producers, plasmid profile of isolates, methicillin resistant S. aureus and anaerobic organisms associated with diabetic ulcers.


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