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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007270

No of Pages: 153

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study assessed diabetic risk in an apparently healthy young adult population. One hundred and sixty-five (165) subjects: males-90(54.6%), females-75(45.4%) aged 18-30years were recruited for the study. International Diabetic Federation (IDF) structured questionnaires were used in the study. Anthropometric indices, such as height, weight, waist circumference (WC); biochemical indices, such as fasting blood glucose (FBG), and physiological parameters {blood pressure (BP)}, were measured using standard procedures. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated and Diabetic risk scores predicted using IDF risk calculator (IDFRISC). Glycated haemoglobin (HbAlc), and C-Reactive proteins (CRP) were determined in a subset (n=50) of the subject population representing 30.4% and used for further diabetic risk predictions based on the United Kingdom diabetes index and American Heart Association/Center for disease control index (AHA/CDC). Demographic distribution of the subjects was as follows: mean ages of females and males were 22.6±3.7 and 22.9±3.4yrs respectively. Result for anthropometric indices showed that mean height(cm) was significantly (p≤0.05) lower in females (164.7±6.5) than males (176.8±78), while mean body weight (kg) had no significant difference between the sexes, females (67.6±9.7) and males (69.3±9.5) . There was also no significant (p≥0.05) difference in mean BMI; (females 24.7±2.9 males; 22.1±2.4) and mean waist circumference (females 77.6±7.9; males75.7±5.9cm) across the sexes. Fruit consumption pattern among the sexes showed that females consumed a significantly (p<0.05) higher (0.39±0.49) amount of fruits than males (0.20±0.40). Level of physical activity (females -0.53±0.50; males 0.52±0.59), mean blood pressure  {systolic-females122.7±12.7) and males  (127.9±10.94)} and diastolic –female (74.89±5.03) and males (75.33±5.02), mean FBG (mg/dl) in females(62.6±11.26)  and males(62.6±10.3) showed no significant (p>0.05) difference across the sexes. Mean HbAlc (8.81± 0.43) and CRP(females-1.19±0.58 and males -1.92±0.67 ) also showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the sexes.  The mean calculated risk score points for females (6.13±3.9) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than for males (4.26±3.30). Based on the IDFRISC 110 subjects (66.6%) had a low risk of diabetes, 27subjects (16.4%) had a slightly elevated risk of diabetes, another 27 subjects (16.4%) had a moderate risk of diabetes, while 1 subject (0.6%) was at a high risk of diabetes.  Using the UK diabetic index for HbAlc, 20subjects were normal, 8subjects were pre-diabetic and 22subjects were observed to be diabetic, while based on the AHA/CDC index for CRP 10 subjects were normal, 40 subjects were found to be pre-diabetic and none of the subjects was observed to be diabetic. These findings when analyzed alongside family history obtained from questionnaires   suggested that risk of diabetes mellitus is higher in young female adults than males, heritable and requires a deliberate and concerted screening effort to identify populations and individuals at risk of developing the disease.



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                                       v

Table of contents                                                                                                        viii

List of tables                                                                                                               x

List of figures                                                                                                             xi

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii


1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                     4

1.2 The Clinical Algorithm for DM                                                                           8

1.2 Aim of the Study                                                                                                  9

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                                                        9

1.4 Justification for the Study                                                                                                10

1.5 Statement of Problem                                                                                           11


2.1 Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus                                                                      13

2.2 The Biochemistry of Diabetes                                                                              18

2.3 DM Treatment and Management                                                                          24

2.4 Epigenetics and Susceptibility to Diabetic Gene                                                  26

2.5 Genetic Markers for Diabetes Mellitus                                                                29

2.6 Diabetes and the Risk Assessment Using the Diabetes Risk Score                     31

2.7 Some Tools Used In Calculating Diabetic Risk Assessment                                32

2.8 The IDFRISC Diabetes Risk Calculator                                                              39

2.9 FINDRISC Diabetes Risk Calculator                                                                  39

2.10 The INDRISC Diabetes Risk Score Calculator                                                  36

2.11 Performance of Diabetes Risk Scores                                                                 44

2.12. Biochemical Indices/Biomarkers for Diabetic Risk Assessment                       45

2.12.1 Role of haematological indices                                                                        45

2.12.2  Role of anthropometric factors/parameters                                                     55

2.12     Diabetes Assessment and Consequences                                                        57


3.1 Materials/Instruments                                                                                           58

3.2 Kits                                                                                                                       58

3.3 Reagents, Chemical and Solutions                                                                       59

3.4 Storage and stability of reagents                                                                          60

3.5 Specimen Collection and Preparation                                                                   61

3.6 Methods and Measurements                                                                                 61

3.7 Estimation of Total Haemoglobin (Hb)                                                                63

3.8 Estimation of Glycosylated Haemoglobin/Glycated Haemoglobin

      Glycohaemoglobin (HbAlc)                                                                                  64

3.8.1 Principle                                                                                                             64

3.8.2 Hemolysate preparation                                                                                     64

3.8.3 Glycohemoglobin preparation                                                                            64

3.9 Estimation of Total Hb fraction                                                                            65

3.9.1 Procedure                                                                                                           65

3.10 Estimation of C – Reactive Protein                                                                    65

3.10.1 Test procedure                                                                                                 66

3.11 Data Analysis                                                                                                      67



4.1 Results                                                                                                                  69

4.2 Discussion                                                                                                             91


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                            107

52  Recommendations                                                                                                107

5.3 Areas for Further Research                                                                                   109

      References                                                                                                           114










 2.1 Some tools used in diabetic risk assessment                                .                                   33

 2.2: 10year risk prediction of developing DM based on the FINDRISC Score model         36

2.3: Classification of Risk Factors and their Risk scores                                                        38

4.1: Key characteristics distribution of the international diabetes risk calculator and some hematologic indices.                                                                                                                        61

 4.2 Distribution of risk factors in the normal healthy adult population (n=165) based on the IDF diabetic risk calculator                                                                                                         63

 4.3: Table of Means for the Haematologic distribution between Male (n=27) and Female (n=23) Subjects (n=50). Aged 18-30yrs                                                                                                 65

 4.4: Diabetes Care United Kingdom rating of percentage glycated haemoglobin and their equivalence to mg/dl with respect to DM                                                                             46

 4.5: CRP prediction for diabetes according to the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), 2018                                                                        49

 4.6: Prevalence of DM risk using glycated haemoglobin (HbAlc) in male and female subjects aged 18-30yrs.                                                                                                                                  66

 4.7  Prevalence of DM risk using CRP in the male and female  subjects aged 18-30yrs    67

 4.8: Demographic distribution of % incidence Rate, of Hematologic data in male and female subjects.                                                                                                                           68









                                                              LIST OF FIGURES



 4.1 Relative mean distribution of age (years) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                                        69

 4.2: Relative mean distribution of height (cm) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                                  70

4.3 Relative mean distribution of body weight (kg) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                      71

 4.4 Relative mean distribution of BMI (kg/m2) for the male, female and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                                        72

 4.5 Relative mean distribution of waist circumference (cm) for the males,

females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.          73

 4.6 Relative mean distribution of fasting blood glucose (mm/dl) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                   74

 4.7 Relative mean distribution of physical activity for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on IDF risk calculator.                                            75

 4.8 Relative mean distribution of family history for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                                  76

 4.9 Relative mean distribution of daily fruit/vegetable intake for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                               77

 4.10 Relative mean distribution of systolic blood pressure for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                            78

 4.11 Relative mean distribution of diastolic blood pressure for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator.                                           79

 4.12 Relative mean distribution of calculated risk score (points) for the male, female and total respondents from the population based on the IDF risk calculator                                   80

 4.13 Mean relative distribution of C-reactive protein CRP (mm/dl) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on the hematologic assessment.                  81

 4.14 Relative mean distribution of glycated haemoglobin. HbAlc(%) for the male, female and total respondents from the population based on hematologic assessment.            82

4.15 Relative mean distribution of Total haemoglobin, Hb(mm/dl) for the males, females and total respondents from the population based on hematologic assessment.                                83






The World Health Organization (WHO), describes Diabetes mellitus (DM) as a metabolic disorder with heterogeneous aetiologies including chronic hyperglycaemia and disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein resulting from defects in secretion of insulin activity, action of  insulin, or a combination of both events in the body (WHO,1999a). The relative specific effects of diabetes on the long-term include microvascular complications such as the development of retinopathy in the eyes, nephropathy in the kidney and neuropathy in the peripheral nervous system due to the atherosclerotic plague in the vasculature supplying blood to heart, eyes, brain, limbs and kidney at an early stage, and a complete obstruction of these vessels with increased risks of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, claudication and gangrene at a later stage (Hanssen  et al., 1992 and Brownlee, 2005). People suffering from diabetes are susceptible to increased risk of cardiac, peripheral, arterial and cerebrovascular disorders (Fox et al., 2007 and Abdul-Ghani et.al., 2009). Diabetes and less forms of glucose intolerance, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG), does not only persist amongst persons of diverse ethnicity but can also be found in almost every population in the world now, and epidemiological evidence suggests that, without effective prevention and control programs, the global burden of diabetes is likely to continue to increase unabated (Zimmet et al., 2001; Alberti et al., 2007 and Abdul-Ghani et.al., 2008). Diabetes affects many people in the work force, with a major deleterious impact on both individual and national productivity. As a result, Diabetes and its complications now confer a socio-economic consequence which has a serious negative impact on the economies of developed and developing nations of the world (WHO, 2016). It was against this background that on 20th December, 2006, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed Resolution 61/225 that declared diabetes an international public health issue and also declared  14th November World Diabetes Day as an official Day to commemorate DM by United Nations and her numerous member-countries. Several guidelines for the diagnosis of diabetes have been published by WHO since 1965 till date. In 1991, Both diagnosis and classification was reviewed and was published as the guidelines for the Definition, Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus (WHO, 1999b). Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and its potential utility in diabetes care was first mentioned in the 1985 WHO report (WHO, 1985). As more relevant information needed for the diagnosis of diabetes became available, WHO, in collaboration with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), convened a meeting of joined experts in 2005 to review and update the recommendations on diagnosis only (WHO, 2006). After consideration of the available data and the recommendations made at that time by other international and global organisations, the following recommendations was made by the 2005 consultation (WHO, 2016):

1.                   The previous WHO diagnostic criteria should not be changed (WHO, 1999b).

2.                    The diagnostic cut-point for IFG (6.1 mmol/l; 110 mg/dl) should not be changed.

 HbA1c should not be adopted as a diagnostic test, as the challenges of accuracy in its measurement out-weighed the convenience in its usage. WHO convened a second consultation meeting of joined experts in order to update the 1999 and 2006 reports in March 2009, for the inclusion of HbA1c in diabetes diagnosis based on available evidence (WHO, 2016). However, the American Diabetes Association (ADA)  modified the WHO and IDF recommendations of 2016 on Diabetes definition, diagnosis and classification  with new standards for medical care in diabetes defined (Diabetes care, 2016; and ADA, 2010b). Some of the 2016 ADA recommendations included giving treatment to vulnerable populations with diabetes like persons with food insecurity, cognitive dysfunction or  mental illness and Human immune Virus (HIV) as well as considered the differences associated with ethnicity, socioeconomic status, culture and gender in diabetes (Diabetes care, 2016).The 2016 recommendations declared all diagnostic test for diabetes effective and non-discriminatory and stated clearly that no diagnostic test e.g fasting plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose after a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test and glycated haemoglobin is preferred over another for diagnosis as all are effective and can be applied without discrimination to any intended population (Diabetes care, 2016). It also ratified the relationship between age, BMI, risk of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. Based on this ratification, the recommendations is now to test adults beginning at age 45years regardless of their weight or BMI, including asymptomatic adults and adults with monogenic syndromes (Diabetes care, 2016). The use of information communications technologies (ICT) such as diabetic apps and text messaging, good nutrition, vaccination, bariatric surgery for those obesse and overweight were also recommended to affect lifestyles (Diabetes care, 2016). The terms cardiovascular diasease (CVD) was replaced with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), nephropathy was replaced with diabetic kidney disease, retinopathy was replaced with diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy was replaced with diabetic neuropathy as these were more specific terms associated with diabetes with better emphasis (Diabetes care, 2016). Also, for children and adolescents, the previous recommendation was to obtain lipid profile at 2years of age, the updated recommendation is now to obtain the lipid profile at 10years of age (Diabetes care, 2016). Also for pregnant and lactating mothers with diabetes, the previous recommendation for glycated haemoglobin of <6% (42mmol/mol) has been changed to a target of 6-6.5% (42-48mmol/mol). This is to either tighten or relax the test sensitivity depending on the hypoglycaemic risk status (Diabetes care, 2016). Furthermore, glyburide used in gestational diabetes mellitus was recommended to be deemphasized in all medical care procedure and report because recent evidence now suggests it may be inferior to insulin and metformin in diabetes management (Diabetes care, 2016). The members of the consultation for ADA/WHO diabetes recommendations included experts in medicine, surgery, pharmaceutics, diabetology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, epidemiology and public health (Schunemann et al., 2008).


The ADA has established DM as a complex chronic illness that required routine medical care with a need for risk-reduction by a set of multifactorial strategies that would ultimately lead to glycaemic control (Diabetes Care, 2016). Also, the ADA has reported a growing number of subjects to Diabetes (ADA, 2016). Therefore, education of patient self-management and support are critical in prevention of acute complications and will make the reduction of the risk of chronic complications from diabetes possible (Diabetes Care, 2016). Hence, the need to deploy predictive tools and standard medical care to monitor and control the growing pattern and distribution of chronic diseases such as diabetes in any given population overtime (Diabetes Care, 2016; and ADA, 2010a). In Medicine, clinical risk of a disease can be calculated using predictive tools. Anderson et al., (1991); defined as “the possibility, chances or probability of developing a disease state in a given time or period either at present or future". Within the clinical setting, the diabetes risk score calculators as a predictive tool, have contributed important success in individual patient disease treatment, management and prevention (Hippisley-cox et al., 2007). The application of predictive tools to populations can give an insight into the role played by risk factors on the future burden of diabetes mellitus in an entire region or nation and further show the urgent need of interventions and screening programs at the population level (Wild et al., 2004). At the population level, clinical algorithms have been applied for diabetes mellitus (Manuel et al., 2005 and Manuel et.al., 2010), but with considerable challenges. Clinical risk tools require clinical data that are not readily available at the population level, and for Diabetes mellitus(DM), several Risk Scores exist (Eddy and Schlessinger, 2003) such as the American Diabetes Risk Score (Selph et al., 2015), the Australian Diabetes Risk Scores (Chen et al., 2010), the atherosclerosis risk in communities (Schimdt et al., 2005), the Cambridge Diabetes Risk Scores (Griffin et al., 2003), the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score; FINDRISC (Lindstrom et al., 2010), the Indian Diabetes Risk Score INDRISC  and Framingham Risk Score (Anderson et al., 1991 and Fox, and  Sorlie, 2007) etc. These risk scoring tools require clinical data that are usually collected infrequently or not at all at the population level, as fasting blood sugar (Eddy and  Schlessinger, 2003). In addition they are applicable only to specific population, such as those with co-morbid conditions and or those in specific age ranges (Stern et al., 2009). For a population algorithm, the input variables should represent the entire population. Thus, it should be population-based for meaningful use by health policy makers, accessible to a wide audience, and regularly collected to update estimates. The creation and application of a population-based algorithm for diabetes is realistic and achievable, because the risk factors for diabetes are popular and common, thus it can be measured in population health surveys through self-reported questionnaires. (Rosella et al., 2009). Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and premature mortality, and morbidity, such as blindness, kidney failure and non-traumatic amputations from microvascular complications (Li et al., 2008) as well as hyperosmolar coma. The prevention and delay of the onset of diabetes using lifestyle modifications that primarily target weight loss or therapeutic pharmaceutical interventions has been demonstrated in randomized trials (Lindstrom et al., 2006). This prompted numerous countries to enforce diabetes screening, intervention and prevention programs nationwide (Colagiuri et al., 2010). As a result of this national advocacy programs by these countries guidelines that helps to evaluate and access for early  diabetes intervention and subsequent prevention was developed (Paulweber et al., 2010). Furthermore, alternative methods of identifying individuals at high risk of developing diabetes are needed especially in developing countries of Africa particularly Nigeria (Buijsse et al., 2011 and Abdul-Ghani et.al., 2007). To reduce cost, individual-level intervention programs are needed to typically target high risk persons who have a greater chance of developing diabetes when they are still in their normal states of health (WHO, 2006). To date, diabetes prevention trials and screening included persons with impaired glucose tolerance, who can be identified only by conducting an oral glucose tolerance test (WHO, 2006). Massive population  screening, using  the oral glucose  tolerance test method, may be less feasible in identifying persons who might be at high risk  or benefit from health promotion interventions by either  government, corporate or individual sponsored screening for diabetes especially in developing countries of Africa (Noris et al., 2008) such as Nigeria where not much community-based sensitisation, public awareness and insufficient funding is given to non-communicable chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus (Ejike et al., 2010; Ijeh et al., 2010a). Also, it appears diabetes is even increasing amongst the educated members of the society meaning that conventional education is not a criteria to be risk-free from DM. This was observed by Odenigbo and Osuu (2012) that out of a sample of 197 diabetic patients aged 30+ years, 52% had tertiary education, 27% had normal weight, 57% and 12.5% were obese and overweight respectively. They also observed that the relationship between Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) with  nutritional status was not significant (p>0.05). The concluded that their is need for diabetes education since a large subgroup of Nigerians have poor nutritional status despite their high educational background (Odenigbo and Osuu, 2012). Nyenwe et al., (2003) when working on type 2 Diabetes risk in Port-Harcourt observed that out of 502 subjects aged 40+ years, 34 (6.8%) subjects were diabetic, of this subgroup (n=34), 14 (41.2%) of them were unaware of their risk status, and the remaining  20 (58.8%) were aware  and a total of 83.7% of the subjects diabetic were asymptomatic. They concluded that prevalence of type 2 diabetes in port-Harcourt was relatively high. In Nsukka, Anoshirike et al., (2019) having assessed 1470 staff of the University of Nigeria (UNN) aged 25-70 using a multistage sampling technique, observed that 85.4%  skipped breakfast, 43.1% exercised, 37% were overweight, 6.7% were obese and 21.4% males as well as 100.0% females were at risk of cardiovascular diseases. They concluded that poor dietary and lifestyle pattern, high prevalence of overweight and obesity, risk of cardiovascular diseases among the staff of the university of Nigeria campus. In Umudike a sample of 189 subjects, 90 being males and 99 being females aged 22-84 years was studied by Ijeh et al., (2010b) and the authors observed a varying glycaemic and blood pressure phenotypes in Umuahia. They implicated non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in the risk of DM with the highest prevalence in those with high cholesterol especially those with diabetes and hypertension (DH; 48.1%), followed by those who were normoglycemic but hypertensive (NH;46.7%), and went on to conclude that Dyslipidaemia is a surrogate risk to DM and High blood pressure ( Ijeh et al., 2010c) . Therefore, given the enormity of diabetic health challenges in Nigeria evidenced from these studies, mass population-based screening is urgently needed. However, screening targeted at populations with high risk of diabetes (such as Nigeria) using the oral glucose tolerance test is often cumbersome with higher cost, nonetheless, the yield and economic efficiency of the assessment would probably be increased (Noris et al., 2008). Thus, finding simpler, non-evasive, easy-to-use, and more pragmatic methods that is cheap, less-burdening and would cover a larger population faster in lesser time with high precision and acceptable accuracy is desirable. This is geared towards identifying those at high risk of DM or those with an onset cum progression to diabetes. Also, they will benefit from such targeted prevention programs in Nigeria and other developing countries with a paramount goal of controlling a possible pandemic (Lindstrom et al., 2010). This understanding and proactive action against diabetes is important towards delaying the outbreak of a pandemic to the disease in future, and the urgency of this in contemporary lifestyle modifications and adjustment to healthy living cannot be over-emphasized (ADA, 2006). Furthermore, it is noteworthy that there are several risk factors and their corresponding risk score calculators for Diabetes. Some of these are highlighted in table 2.3 of this study. Risk score calculators used in DM studies use varying distribution of risk factors depending on the study population. In fact no two risk score calculators have exactly same risk factors. Some of these risk score calculators and populations were it was applied are highlighted in table 2.1 of this study. The international diabetes federation risk score calculator (IDFRSC) was chosen for this study for notable reasons (see 2.6 and 2.7 for details) and the risk factors utilized for this calculator as age (years), gender (male or female), height (m), weight (kg), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), fasting blood glucose (FBG, mm/DL), family history (maternal or paternal line), physical activity (active or not active), fruits and vegetables intake (everyday or not everyday), blood pressure; systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure  (SBP/DBP), and the risk score points.


  According to the American Association of clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) and American college of Endocrinology (ACE), the clinical algorithm is for comprehensive management of persons with type 2 diabetes (T2D), developed to provide clinicians with a step-by-step practical guide that considered the whole patient, his/her spectra of risks and complications, as well as evidenced approaches that elicit prevention and treatment (see appendix for details).

The following are the key steps of the algorithm;

1. Lifestyle modifications helps good living e.g. weight control, physical activity, sleep etc.

2. Avoid hypoglycaemia.

3. Avoid weight gain and obesity.

4. Individualize all glycaemic targets eg glycated haemoglobin (AIC), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postprandial plasma glucose (PPG).

5. Optimal AIC is <6.5% or as close to normal as is safe and achievable.

6. Therapy choices are affected by initial AIC, duration of diabetes and obesity status.

7. Choice of therapy reflects cardiac, cerebrovascular and renal status.

8. Comorbidities must be managed for comprehensive care.

9. Clinical goals are gotten as soon as possible adjustable at  3months or less until clinical goal is met.

10. Choice of therapy should be easy to use and affordable.

11. AIC should be 6.5% or less for those on any insulin regimen as long as continuous glucose monitoring (cgm) is being used (AACE and ACE, 2019).    

1.3       AIM OF THE STUDY

The study is aimed at calculating a 10-year risk of Diabetes mellitus and its associated health consequences in a selected young normal healthy adult population in Umudike, Abia state, Nigeria


The specific objectives of the study was to use a diabetic risk calculator and other selected hematologic indices to;

                    i.            To determine the proportion of the study population at high risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

                  ii.            To determine the portion of the population already diabetic.

                iii.            To help those at high risk understand their health status for early intervention, lifestyle modification and prevention.


Diabetes is a wide-spread long-term disease that kills millions of people in Nigeria and indeed around the world. Diabetes prevalence in Nigeria stands at a staggering figure of 1.56 million persons living with the disease. In Africa, a projected 14,835,000 more people will live with the disease in less than 2 decades (2030). Sao Tome and Principe is the least-affected in the continent, with just about 1000 people living with the disease and a double of that figure by 2030. In the United States of America (USA), more than 2 million people live with the Disease and 1.9 million new cases of diabetes being diagnosed in the last 20 years, while 7 million cases were reported undiagnosed in 2010. China poses as the diabetic capital of the world with her 92 million people affected by the disease and a projected 150 million by 2030. This means 1 in every 10 Chinese has DM. India, the world’s second affected region is projected to have 109 million people living with diabetes by 2035. Currently, the incidence rate (risk) of diabetes in the world shows that 1 in every 30 people is at risk of developing diabetes by the 2050. Going by this incidence trend in diabetes epidemiology around the globe, DM will become a real global pandemic by 2030. Today, diabetes takes more lives than HIV/AIDS and breast cancer combined, claiming the life of 1 person every 3 minutes worldwide (National Health Service UK, 2014 and ADA, 2016). The study will give an insight into the prospective emergence of Diabetes Mellitus within the next decades by using standard anthropometric protocols and other defined modern integrative techniques and approach by statistically analysing the results gotten from the data obtained in this study. This will assist the evaluation and   the possible calculation of the risk of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria by finding those at high risk for DM for the coming decades.


This study seeks to determine the risk of diabetes in Nigeria over a defined period of time, using the standard anthropometric indices and Diabetic Risk Calculator, and other selected biochemical parameters. However, while this study will give a possible correlation between genetic, environmental, nutritional and medical susceptibilities with chances of developing diabetes by predicting the prospects in human years, the data gotten from respondents may not be so accurate as the responders may not morally respond to methods described above. Also, there is a tendency for selection bias to be positive as people who volunteer for assessment studies are responders that are more health conscious to the rest of the population. This may have a better outcome in diagnosis. This study is limited to healthy young adults (>18 <30 years) and will not include the aged (>30years) and  pregnant mothers as such cannot predict the diabetes risk in these group of people. Furthermore T2D is common at >40years of age and a study population of this age bracket  maybe ideal for studying Diabetes, but this study investigated and predicted  the risk of diabetes and not diabetes itself, and therefore the ideal age would be to use subjects <40years of age who are already healthy at present but stand a chance of developing the disease in future. Also, most biochemical studies use a sample size of 30> or <50 for specificity of results, but for human population studies the sample size is usually>100 to understand the growing trend or pattern amongst the controlled population. This study therefore used a large population (>100) to understand the distribution pattern of the disease in umuahia and Nigeria at large.


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