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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006735

No of Pages: 98

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This thesis is centered on enhancing the performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with damper windings. The MATLAB/SIMULINK function program that makes use of the Runge-Kutta fourth order numerical method to solve a set of first order differential system of equations describing electrical and mechanical models was developed. MATLAB m-files were developed and used to solve the Runge-Kutta fourth order method for both transient and steady state respectively. The transient motor differential equations are expressed in rotor reference frame with flux linkage as state variables. The motor used in this thesis is a 3-phase, 1.0 KW, 50Hz, 8-pole, 230V permanent magnet synchronous motor. The dynamic behaviors of the motor under varying voltages (230V, 208V and 255V) and varying stator resistance (0.6Ω and 1.2Ω) were studied. By digital simulation of the resulting differential equations, typical transient responses of the motor were represented. Results reveal that increase in voltage leads to increase in motor speed and rotor torque. Also, at lower stator load resistance, the motor possesses initial peak magnitude of the rotor speed and motor torque (545 rad/s and 200Nm) respectively. But at high value of the stator load resistance, the motor attains a maximum load angle of 15.50.    


Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Abstract xiv

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Research 3
1.4 Scope of the Thesis 4
1.5 Thesis Outline 4


3.1 Materials                   33
3.2 Methods                   33
3.2.1 Electrical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 34    
3.2.2 Electrical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 38
3.2.3 Mechanical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 42
3.2.4    Mechanical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings with two-mass system  44

4.1 Results 48      
4.1.1 Computer simulation 48
4.2 Discussion 51
4.3 Result of the Transient Behavior of the Motor Without Damper Windings 
Under Varying Load Conditions 60               

5.1 Conclusion 71
5.2 Recommendations 71
References 72
Appendices 79


4.1 Motor parameters for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 50

4.2 Motor parameters for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 51


3.1: Equivalent circuit of a PMSM with damper windings 34

3.2: Equivalent circuit of a PMSM without damper windings 42

3.3: Mechanical model block diagram of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 43

3.4: Two-mass mechanical system model diagram for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 44

3.5: Two-mass mechanical system model block diagram for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 45

3.6: SIMULINK model for simulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 46

3.7: SIMULINK model for simulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 47

4.1: Graph of induction torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings  51

4.2: Graph of excitation torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings  52

4.3: Graph of reluctance torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings  52

4.4: Graph of stator phase current against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings  53

4.5: Graph of motor toque against rotor speed for permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings  54

4.6: Graph of electromagnetic torque against time for varying applied voltage of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 55

4.7: Graph of rotor speed against time for varying applied voltage of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 55

4.8: Graph of load angle against time for varying applied voltage of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 56

4.9: Graph of rotor speed against time for varying stator resistance of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 57

4.10: Graph of load angle against time for varying stator resistance of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 57

4.11: Graph of motor torque against time for varying stator resistance of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 58

4.12: Graph of motor torque against time for varying equivalent field current of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 59

4.13: Graph of rotor speed against time for varying equivalent field current of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 59

4.14: Graph of load angle against time for varying equivalent field current of permanent magnet synchronous motor with damper windings 60

4.15: Graph of stator line current against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 61

4.16: Graph of electromagnetic torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 61 
4.17: Graph of hybrid torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 62

4.18: Graph of reluctance torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 62

4.19: Graph of q-d axis current against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 63

4.20: Graph of q-d axis voltage against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 64

4.21: Graph of rotor speed against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 65
4.22: Graph of electromagnetic torque against time for permanent magnet Synchronous motor without damper windings 65
4.23: Graph of copper losses against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings 66

4.24: Graph of electromagnetic torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying saliency factor 66

4.25: Graph of rotor speed against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying saliency factor 67

4.26: Graph of copper losses against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying saliency factor 67

4.27: Graph of hybrid torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying saliency factor 68     

4.28: Graph of electromagnetic torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying stator resistance 69

4.29: Graph of rotor speed against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying stator resistance 69     

4.30: Graph of hybrid torque against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying stator resistance 70

4.31: Graph of copper losses against time for permanent magnet synchronous motor without damper windings varying stator resistance 70

Rs Stator Winding resistance
Ld d-axis inductance
Lq q-axis inductance
Vq q-axis voltage
Vd d-axis voltage
wm Rotor angular velocity
l Amplitude of the flux induced by the permanent magnets of the rotor in the stator phases.
P Number of pole pairs
id d-axis current
iq q-axis current
ifm Equivalent rotor field current
Lis Stator leakage inductance
Likq q-axis rotor cage leakage inductance
rikq q-axis rotor cage resistance
Lmq q-axis magnetizing inductance
Likd d-axis rotor cage leakage inductance
rikd d-axis rotor cage resistance
Lmd d-axis magnetizing inductance
wr rotor angular speed
ld d-axis flux linkage
lq q-axis flux linkage
Tem Electromagnetic torque
Th Hybrid torque
Tr Reluctance torque
Pc Copper losses
TL Shaft mechanical torque
Tind Induction torque
Tex Excitation torque
Jm1 moment of inertia of induction motor
Mw shaft torque
JL moment of inertia of the DC motor
Cw stiffness constant of the shaft system
ωmL mechanical speed of the DC motor
PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
IPM Interior Permanent Magnet
PM Permanent Magnet
BDCM Brushless DC Motors
E M F Electromotive Force
IPMSM Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
PI Proportional Integral
ILC Iterative Learning Control
EMTP Electromagnetic Transient Programme
PSIM Power electronic Simulator


Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) can be defined as a type of alternating current synchronous motor with a sinusoidal back EMF waveform and whose field excitation is produced by permanent magnets. However, it gets increasing importance in low cost drives applications such as pumps, fans and lots more applications in the range up to a few kilowatts. Also, PMSM are widely used in low and mid power applications such as computer peripheral equipments, robotics, adjustable speed drives and electric vehicles (Jaswant, et al 2001). The ever growing demand and wide application of PMSM drives has necessitated the development of simulation tools capable of analyzing the behavior of motor drive. The role of simulations in the development of cost effective and efficient motor drives cannot be overemphasized. These simulation tools can perform dynamic simulations of motor drives in a visual environment so as to give more detailed information on the motor performance, particularly before construction or development stage. Most (PMSMs) are designed to have permanent magnets mounted on the surface of the rotor. This makes the motor appear magnetically ‘‘round’’ and the motor torque is the result of the reactive force between the magnets on the rotor and the electromagnets of the stator (Nisha and Parvathi, 2016). Nevertheless, the PMSM are strongly non-linear systems (Rahman, et al., 1984). On the other hand, some PMSMs have magnets buried inside of the rotor frame. These motors are known as Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) motors. Sequel to this, the radial flux generated is more concentrated at specific spatial angle than it is at others. This gives rise to an additional torque component known as reluctance torque which is affected by the change of motor inductance along the more concentrated and non-concentrated flux paths (Nisha and Parvathi, 2016).

The steady state modeling of PMSM has received considerable attention from several authors (Hosinger, 1980; Binns, et al., 1976). Compared to DC and induction motors, the PMSM has a lot of merits, especially high efficiency, high torque per volume and low moment of inertia (Okoro, 2004). The transient performance of PMSM has received less attention from researchers (Hosinger, 1980; Binns et al., 1976). This is mainly because of the non-linearity involved in the motor equations. 

It has been observed that PMSM usually have difficulties dealing with unstable loads, in worst case the load torque can go from 100% to 20% within seconds, stay at 20% for two seconds, and then back up to 100%. This load fluctuation can make PMSM to step out of the synchronous speed. Because PMSM are not intended to work outside synchronous speed, it may fail after the load variation.  

This effect has resulted to increase in cost and inefficiency in most PMSM. In this thesis, we will enhance the performance of this motor by adding damper windings to the rotor. Also, we will implement a simulation that includes all realistic components of a PMSM. However, this circuit will enable easy calculation of currents, voltages and losses in different parts of the motor under transient and steady state conditions. 

More so, a damper winding consists of several conducting bars on the field poles of synchronous motor, short circuited by conducting rings or plates at their ends, which is used in preventing pulsating variations of the position or magnitude of the magnetic field linking the poles. For every variation in load, the damper winding produces a torque to amend the effect of the load variation. Also, damper windings are capable of providing starting torque needed in self starting of synchronous motors. By adding damper windings in the rotor of a PMSM, "Hunting of motor" can be suppressed. Once there is a variation in load, excitation or variation of the motor, the rotor of the PMSM will oscillate to and fro about an equilibrium position. 
Often times, these oscillations may become too violent and causes loss of synchronism. The motor will then come to a halt

The two major problems of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors are:

i. Inability of the motor to maintain synchronism throughout its operational period

ii. Inability of the motor to be self starting.

In this thesis, we will solve the above problems by introducing damper windings at the rotor of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. 

The main aim of the proposed research is to enhance the performance of PMSM with damper winding.

The objectives include:

To review related works on PMSM.

To analyze the effect of damper windings on PMSM.

To compare the dynamic behaviors of the machine with and without damper windings.

To study the dynamic behavior of the motor under varying machine parameters.  

To study the effect of saliency factor on PMSM without damper windings.

In this research, we intend to show how damper windings help to enhance the performance of PMSM in dynamic state. The effect of damper winding on PMSM will be studied. The dynamic behaviors of the motor with and without damper windings, the dynamic behavior of the motor under different machine parameters and the effect of varying the saliency factor for PMSM without damper windings will also be studied.

Chapter Two presents a comprehensive survey of previous work on the study on the simulation of transient performance of PMSM with and without damper windings. The proposed Electrical and Mechanical simulation using a two-mass mechanical model is presented in Chapter Three. The determination of the dynamic behavior of the motor under varying parameters, the effect of varying the saliency factor for PMSM without damper windings and discussion of results of the proposed model are shown in Chapter Four. Conclusion and recommendations are summarized in Chapter Five.

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