This research project is very crucial study for petals Ltd. The study was motivated by the necessity of packaging as promotional tools in the marketing of beauty care products. This research project aimed at the following: to identify packaging as a promotional, in order to increase sales and profitability of the product, to determine whether a good package can help improve a brand image, to determine whether a good packaging can help to increase its sales, to determines whether a good package can serve as a substitute to advertising. The population of study comprises of the personnel of petals Ltd., distributors and consumers of petals beauty care. The researcher used data collections methods such as questionnaire and oral interview. Tables and percentages were used in presenting and analyzing to data collected. ANOVA technique was used to test the various hypotheses. The overall promotional tool adopted by petals has helped to increase sales and profitability of the product tremendously. Based on the findings, the researcher recommences the following: The company should: Be unique in packaging design, choose the type of packaging that must be assessed against its attributes during the appraisal of the design proposals. They should have it in mind that packaging is a complement to media advertisement. Since the company knows that properly designed package serves as a constant reminder of the firm’s production. It is recommended that it should incorporate all those things that will project the company’s image. The conclusion of the study of the petals Beauty care which is one of the leading cosmetics produce by petals Nigeria Limited has been successful and in order to keep up its marketing of the product, the company should use a properly designed attractive and captivating package.
page i
Dedication iv
of content vi
of Tables viii
Abstract ix
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
Objective of the study 4
Research Questions 4
1.5 Hypothesis formulation 4
1.6 Significance of the study 5
1.7 Scope of the study 5
1.8 Definition of terms 6
Literature Review
2.1 Historical background 8
2.2 Relevant models 10
2.2.1 System approach to packaging 10
2.3 Current literature based on the study 14
Research Methodology
3.1 Research design 17
3.2 Sources of Data 17
3.3 Population of study 18
3.4 Sample design 18
3.4.1 Sample unit 18
3.4.2 Sample size 18
3.4.3 Sampling procedure 20
3.5 Instrument of data collection 21
3.6 Validity and reliability of the sampling
instrument 21
3.7 Statistical techniques 22
3.8 Limitation of the study 24
Presentation, analysis and interpretation
of data
4.1 Presentation of data 26
4.2 Test of hypotheses 33
4.2.1 Test of hypothesis one 33
4.2.2 Test of hypothesis two 35
4.2.3 Test of hypothesis three 37
4.3 Discussion of Findings 39
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of findings 42
5.2 Conclusion 43
5.3 Recommendation 44
5.4 Suggestion for further studies 45
Table 4.1: Questionnaire
administration and return rate 26
Table 4.2: Growth
of packaging in the country 27
Table 4.3: Packaging
promotes the company image 28
Table 4.4: Advertising
not successful without quality package 28
Table 4.5: Customers
judge a product through its packaging 29
Table 4.6: Packaging
cannot likely reduce advertising option 29
Table 4.7: Package
not considered over company reputation 30
Table 4.8: Packaging
has influence on purchase 30
Table 4.9: Product
package with other uses increase purchase 30
Table 4.10: Judging
a product through its package 32
Table 11: Packaging
increase price 32
1.1 Background of the study
The world of marketing today is a world of
unprecedented competition where company with goods and services need to work
extra-hard to survive such company must adopt sound marketing mix in order to
compete favourable. The basic aspect of marketing mix is the product
development and product mix. The product mix or component is however not
complete without packaging.
Throughout the world, packaging plays a significant
role in the protection, presentation and promotion of consumer goods and
durables, it helps in the storage, reduces damage and loss to good –on – transit
and minimize pilferage.
Traditionally, packages have been viewed in a very
utilitarian fashion, that is, as a way of protecting the physical goods as it
moves through the distribution channel. However, packaging in developing nation
would sound to be out of place when we still see market women and traders wrap
their wares with banana leaves, used newspaper, and green leaves. These
traditional methods of packaging notwithstanding, the need for packaging are
growing fast and cannot be over emphasized. In recent times marketers have been
conscious of the fact that packaging is important in the decision to purchase a
product. Emphasis have therefore been shifted from the traditional belief of
manufacturers that package is meant for protecting a product only. It can now
be seen that in most of the super-market various colourful and indigenous
package are used especially when the products are competing for attention.
According to the contribution of Onah, (1996) in the
book, mass media and marketing communication principles, perspectives and
practices, where a survey was conducted in Nigeria, “usable when Empty”
dominated the elements of package appeal with 36.9% frequency of mention. When
the respondent were asked to indicate the type of packaging, plastic (46.9%)
and glass (30.5%) came top most in the list (Nkeora and Associates 1970).
However, packaging is not important only in after use services, the success of
the modern super market derives primarily from the establishment of self-services
operation at such a small net profit figure is dependent upon the movement of
goods based on packaging.
Packaging could be said to exist in all field of human
activity, the marketing consultant who tastefully furnishes his offices is
trying to package both himself and his offices for acceptance by his client.
Also, the young single girl who uses cosmetics, to enhance her beauty is
packaging herself for greater acceptance by the life-seeking bachelor.
The aim of this research work therefore, is to examine
the use of packaging as a promotional tool in the marketing of beauty care
product. Also, it aims at finding out to what extent packaging influences
behaviour and salient features that make it a potent respect of competition.
1.2 Statement of Problems
Despite the increasing popularity of packaging in the
promotion of goods and services, one cannot but agree that there are areas of
problems which need to be studied. Though some business organizations are now
using packaging to promote their wares, yet many business organizations in
Nigeria concentrates their marketing efforts on the traditional element in the
marketing mix, for the performance of their marketing activities. The rate at
which wave or products are being advertised, one may be forced to ask questions
bothering on the use of packaging.
In the application of marketing mix, many companies
are faced with one problem of the other. It will not be out of place that they
are confronted with packaging related problems. Such problem among others may
be the following.
There is the need to know whether packaging is a good
promotional tool: whether it affects consumer buying decision, whether it
projects the image of a company and whether its usage is a good compliment or
substitute for advertisement. Does the package of a product constitute one of
the determinants of the seller of that product?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to determine the effect
of packaging as a promo tool in the marketing of beauty care product. Other
objectives includes to;
determine the effect of products design on
the consumers purchase decision.
determine the effect of colour in
projecting the image of the company
Evaluate the effect of shape as an
advertising tool.
1.4 Research Questions
What effect has products design on the
consumers purchase decision?
What is the effect of colour in projecting
the company’s image?
Of what importance is shape to the
advertising of a product?
1.5 Hypotheses Formulation
There is no significant relationship
between product design and the consumers purchase decision.
Colour plays no significant role in the
protection of the image of the company.
There is no significant impact of shape to
the advertising of a product.
1.6 Significance of Study
This research work is significance in the sense that
the out come will go a long way to solve the research problems. It will show
the importance of packaging as promotional tool, to both consumers and
To the company, it will show the effect of the
packaging as a promotional tool in the marketing of their products.
To the consumers, it will show that package is part of
the product bought by them.
1.7 Scope of the Study
This work is centred in the use of packaging as a
promo tool in the marketing of Beauty care products. This study is unavailable
narrowed down to framen industry limited marketers of petals cosmetics Enugu.
Enugu state will therefore serve as the population for this study.
1.8 Definition of Terms
v Sales Person
The seller or salesperson is the provider of the goods
or services completes a sale in response to an acquisition or to an
appropriation. It involves the passing of title of the item, and the
application of due settlement of a price, the obligation for which arises due
to the seller’s requirement to pass ownership.
v Brand Image
The impression in the consumer’s mind of a brands
total personality (real and imaginary qualities and short comings). Brand image
is developed overtime through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme,
and is authenticated through the consumer’s direct experience.
v Impulse Buying
An impulse purchase or impulse buying is an unplanned
decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase. One who
tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse purchaser or impulse
v Consumer Patronage
Patronage concentration is a term used in marketing.
It is the share of individual consumer’s expenditures in an industry that is
spent at one company. It is the amount that a person spends at one company
divided by the amount that person spends at all companies in the industry.
v Marketing
Marketing is defined as human activity directed at
satisfying needs and wants through exchange process (Koller, 1980).
v Packaging
Packaging is referred to as what is used to protect
the product from damage during shipping and handling and to lessen spoilage of
the product is exposed to air or other elements.
v Promotion
This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity,
personnel selling and directs marketing (Adirika, 2007).
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