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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009621

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Recently, work-life balance has been of pervasive concern to both employers and employees, it is a very important tool while choosing a career. The major aim of this study is determine the factors influencing employee perceptions of work and life balance. Examining the relationship between work life balance and organization productivity. Determining the relationship between work flexibility and organizational productivity. Finding out the relationship between leave plan and organizational productivity. Examining the relationship between employee and their work performance in relation to their environment. The study adopted a descriptive survey design, with a sample size of 50 data collected were analyzed using simple percentages and tables and the hypothesis adopted were analyzed using Chi-square statistical method. The study concluded that work life balance is a veritable tool for any organization seeking to advance in all ramifications of their service delivery, the researcher recommended that leave plan, incentives and encouragements should be part of the work life balance so as to encourage the employee performance and boost their morale and that the presence of work life balance in an organization will boost organizational growth and development. Financial constraint, inadequate timing and attitude of respondents were listed as limitations of this study. The researcher also recommends more study on the factors of work life balance should be x-rayed in higher organizations.


Title page                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   i

Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                   ii

Approval page                                                                                                                                                                                                                           iii

Certification                                                                                                                                                                                                                               iv

Dedication                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                                                                                                                 vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                                                                                                                             x

List of Figures                                                                                                                                                                                                                            xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                  

1.1           Background to the study                                                                                              1

1.2           Statement of Problem                                                                                                      5

1.3           Objective of the Study                                                                                                     5

1.4           Research question                                        6

1.5           Research Hypothesis                                                                                                       6

1.6           Significance of the Study                                                                                                7

1.7           Scope of the study                                                 8


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                            

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK                                                                                            

2.1.1Concept of work-Life Balance                                                                                                               9

2.1.2 Components of Work-Life Balance                                                                                                      14

2.1.3Work-Life in the Tourism Profession                                                                                                   15

2.1.4The Impact of Work-Life Imbalance on Employee's Life                                                    16

2.1.5 Work-Life Balance Initiatives                                                                                                                19

2.1.6Benefits of Work-Life Programs                                                                                    27

2.1.7Challenges of Work-Life Balance Policies                                                                    31

2.1.8 Employee Performance                                                                                                 33

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              35

2.2.1    Role Theory                                                                                                                35

2.2.2    Social Exchange Theory                                                                                             36

2.2.3    Spill over Theory                                                                                                        38

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                                                       39

2.3.1    Employee Assistance Programmes and Employee Commitment                                    39

2.3.2    Leave Policy and Job Satisfaction                                                                              40       

2.3.3    Alternative Work Arrangements and Productivity                                                    42


CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                         

3.1         Research design                                                                                                                   44

3.2         Source of Data                                                                                                                                    44

3.2.1      Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                          44

3.3       Population of the study                                                                                               44

3.4       Sampling Procedure and Technique                                                                           45

3.5         Reliability of Instrument                                                                                                                   46

3.6         Validation of the Instrument                                                                                                           46

3.7      Method of Data Analysis                                                                                                       46


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                        

4.1         Introduction                                                                                                                                        48

4.2.        Questionnaire Distribution Response Rate                                                                                   48

4.3         Demographic Characteristics of Respondents                                                               48

4.4         Analysis of Questionnaire                                                                                                                50

4.5         Test of Hypothesis                                                                                                                             53

4.5         Discussion of Findings                                                                                                         56


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                                

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                                    58

5.2Recommendation                                                                                                                                       58

5.3 Limitations of Methodology                                                                                                      59

Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                                                       59

References                                                                                                                                                        60

Appendix                                                                                                                                                           66



Table 2.1: The importance, personal and societal consequences of work-life imbalance 17

Table 4.1 Gender of Respondents                                                                                                                48

Table 4.2 Age of Respondents                                                                                                         49

Table 4.3 Years of Experience of Respondents                                                                             49

Table 4.4 Mean Responses on the relationship between work life

balance and organizational productivity                                                                                       50

Table 4.5 Means responses on the relationship between flexibility

and organizational productivity.                                                                                                     51

Table 4.6 Mean responses on the relationship between

leave plan and organizational productivity.                                                                                  52

Table 4.7 Mean responses on the relationship between employee

and their work performance in relation to their environment.                                                53

Table 4.8 Contingency table for Hypothesis 1                                                                                54

Table 4.9 Contingency table for Hypothesis 2                                                                                55






Fig. 2.1 Benefits of Work-life Balance Initiatives to Organizations                               30

Fig. 2.2 Benefits of Work-life Balance Initiatives to Employee                                        31






1.1       Background of the Study

Work life balance which primarily deals with employee’s ability to properly prioritize between work and his/her life style, social life, health, family etc. is greatly linked with employee’s productivity, performances and job satisfaction. Where there is proper balance between work and life, employees tend to put in their best efforts to work because they are happy and satisfied. It defined work life balance as satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home with a minimum conflict and it could be a condition of equilibrium where the demands of a personal work equal that of the personal life (Clarke 2004).

A central characteristics of work life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work to achieve a good result and the longer working hours may harm personal health, endanger safety and increase stress. Developing economy has higher challenges and labour market pressures added to poor social infrastructures, poverty high, social amenities, poor communication skills, unemployment and corruption (Kersley Barbara, Carmen Apin, John Forth, Alex Brason, Helen Bewley, Gill Dixon, SarahOxenbridge 2005). These condition of work of an average Nigerian worker and life of the Nigerian which aims is to make a cognitive psychological coping behavior that stimulate desirable satisfaction and effectual workers in Nigerian are affected by the lack of work flexibility, elevated work pressures that desire the performance and productivity of the work force. Inadequate work life balance is a problem that poses a big risk to workers wellbeing, their performances as well as the organizational performances (Lewis 2004). Many employees often have difficulties, in attempting to balance employment responsibilities with their social life. Given the benefit of work life balance practices and the potential to help improve employee’s jobs performances in times of increased organizational commitment, job satisfaction, reduction in turnover rate. Most organization has introduced programs to assist the employees in achieving a balance work life which include, flexible working hours, employee’s assistance program and leave programmes. Most research studies have shown that when there is a happy home, workplaces automatically become conflict free and enjoyable places to be. Increasing attrition rates and increasing demand or work life balance have forced organizations to look beyond the mere human resources interventions. Unfortunately, the growing gap between work and social life is intensifying, the problem of this current working situation are diverse and reaching from clinically time pressure to decrease of birth rates and working mothers. Despite the populating of work life balance, conflict as a topic of academic and practitioner debate, and the mounting prevalence of work life balance practices (aka family-supportive or family friendly policies) in organization around the world (Kersley Atal, 2005), research on the organizational effects of such practices is not well integrated.

Today work life balances have become the subject of wide disciplines ranging from psychology, management of human’s resources to organizational behavior. The reason or such interest is due to the fact that almost everyone has a problem of work-life balance competing multi-faced demands between work and home responsibilities have assume increase relevance or employees in recent years, due to large part of demographic and work place changes, such as, quarter numbers of women in the work force (dual career couples), transformation in family structures (a rise in the number of single parents), a growing reluctance to accept the longer hours culture and technological advancements in respect to this changes and conflict they generate among the multiple roles that individuals that occupy, organization are increasingly pressured to designs various kinds of practices intended to facilitate employees effort to fulfill both their employment’s related and personal commitments, the way how work life balance can be achieved and enhanced is an important issue to boost human resource (Hobson, Delunas and Kesie 2007).

Employee performance simply means how a member of staff fulfils his/her duties or their roles, completes required task and behaves in the workplace. It helps employees to reach their full potential while improving overall performance which can leave positive effect on morale and quality of work produced.Employee performance is one of the biggest contributions to business success. Employee satisfaction affects employee performance, which also contributes to the success of a company. Even though employee satisfaction differs from employee to employee, the success of a company still lies in the hands of its employees. Employees have the power to create and reinforce a company’s reputation, both positively and negatively, because of this, it is important for companies to keep their employees satisfied. Although many factors contribute to employee performance and satisfaction, such as, managerial standards, motivation, commitment, time spent at work, and employee evaluations, this study focused specifically on how work and home-life balance effect hotel employee satisfaction (Root, 2014). Keeping hotel employees satisfied is not always easy since hotels are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; there are few 8-5 workdays, and few weekends off. They are open on holidays, special occasions, on birthdays and anniversaries. Hotel employees are expected to work irregular hours, long shifts, and carry heavy workloads (Deery and Jago, 2009). This causes emotional exhaustion and results in lower levels of performance (Deery and Jago, 2009). Demanding work can cause work stress to spillover to home, which causes stress at home (Riordan, 2013). The stress from home is then brought back to work eventually leading to poor work and home-life balance (Karatepe, 2010). Job stress for hotel employees include salaried employees who work constantly as well as hourly wage employees who work very few hours each.

In African patriarchal society, the impact of work-life balance (WLB) on employees particularly women is challenging. This may well be because women combine the very tasking domestic duties with their paid work activities (Cross and Linehan, 2016). And although both men and women are said to experience inter-role conflicts between work and family domains, women typically assume more family responsibilities than men (Pillinger, 2012). It is common knowledge that African patriarchal system is essentially one of the major reasons women are subjected to serious work stress as well as work-life imbalance that affects their motivation and commitment to work; this in final analysis impinges on the productivity and performance of African organizations (Aluko, 2009).

However, Clark (2004) defines work-life balance as contentment and good functioning at work and at home with negligible role conflicts. Work-life balance is about finding the right balance between one’s work and one’s life (outside work) and about feeling comfortable with both work and non-work commitments (Abbott and De Cieri, 2008). Many people find it difficult to manage their time in a way that is healthy for work and for personal life not because they are poor at time management, but basically because a good part of the time is not theirs (Glass and Finley, 2016). Work-life balance is a very important phenomenon that is of great concern to various employees in both private and public sector. It goes beyond prioritizing the work role and one’s personal life. It also affects the social, psychological, economic and mental wellbeing of the individual. All these have been reflected in the output of the individual, which affects his or her performance in the work place on the long run (Oludayo and Gberevbie, 2015). Work-life balance has implication on employee attitudes, behaviours, wellbeing as well as organizational effectiveness (Lewis and Gambles, 2007).

Tourism centers are information center providing visitors to a location with information on the areas of attractions,lodging, maps and other items relevant to tourism.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

There is a growing concern that the quality of homes and workers life is declining and thereby causing poor workers contribution and performances at workplaces. Studies have shown that when there are happy homes, workplaces automatically become a conflict free and enjoyable place to be. This has made most management of business organizations to look beyond the mere attracting and maintaining activities of the human resources management to embrace the concept of work life balance of their workers. This is deliberately designed to improve employee job performances in terms of increased organizational commitment, job satisfaction and reduction in the rate of employee turnover. It is also believed that organizations introduce these programs to enhance applicability of work life balance that will in turn assist employee in achieving a conducive working condition which includes flexible working hours, employee assistance programs and leave programs. It is against this background that this study is designed to evaluate the impact of work life balance in an organization productivity and how Nigerian workers cope with adverse working conditions in their various domain.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing employee perceptions of work and home-life balance, and to determine whether the regional locations of the work influence those perceptions.

The findings of this study can be beneficial to both tourism employers as well as tourism employees.

The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between work-life balance and its effect in productivity other specific objective of the study include;

i.  Examining the relationship between work life balance and organization productivity.

ii.  Determining the relationship between work flexibility and organizational productivity.

iii. Finding out the relationship between leave plan and organizational productivity.

iv. Examining the relationship between employee and their work performance in relation to their environment.

1.4       Research Questions

i.   How does work life balance influence organizational productivity?

ii.  How does work flexibility affect organizational productivity?

iii. How does leave plan affect organization productivity?

iv. What is the relationship between employees and their performance in relation to the environment?


1.5       Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses will be adopted to guide the process of the research findings:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between employee work life balance and employee productivity.

HO2: There is no relationship between time management and organization productivity.

HO3: There is no significant relationship between employee work flexibility and organizational productivity in tourism centers.

HO4: There is no significant relationship between effective organisational leave plan and organizational productivity in tourism centers.

1.6       Significance of the Study

Corporate bodies: this is an organization or group of person that is identified by a particular name and acts as an entity.

Hospitality Firms: is a broad category of fields within the service industry that offers services which includes; lodging, food and drink service, event planning, theme parks, travel and tourism agencies, restaurant and bars.

Employees: is someone who gets paid for work done for a person or company or an organization

Managers: A person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. Their main function includes; planning, organizing, leading and controlling

Tourism Centers: Tourism centers are information center providing visitors to a location with information on the areas of attractions,lodging, maps and other items relevant to tourism.

Society: its aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. A group of people involved with each other through persistent relations and sharing the same geographical territory.


1.7       Scope of the Study

The content scope of the study includes the following:

Dimensions time management, work flexibility and leave plan, measured by effectiveness and efficiency. Thus, work life balance leads to improve the job performance by improving the employee loyalty, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and productivity as well as reducing employee turnover and absenteeism.

The geographical scope is limited to only tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. They include; Pleasure Park in Port Harcourt and Port Harcourt Zoo.

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