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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009632

No of Pages: 78

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was carried out to determine the effect of visa restriction on the choice of travel destination among intended travellers from Umuahia municipal, Abia State. The objectives of the research were to ascertain the causes of visa restriction imposed on intended travellers from Umuahia municipal, to determine the forms of visa restriction experience by intented travellers from Umuahia municipal, to establish the relationship between visa restriction and travel destination. Methodology used for the research was survey research design. The population for the study consist of 103. Sample size is same as the population since it is not very large, a non-probability sampling techniques was used. It is called convenience sampling which allows only accessible respondent to be used for the study. Questionnaire was used to generate the data. Simple descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, frequency distribution were used to analyze the data generated for the research. The findings of the analysis revealed that the causes of visa restriction imposed among intended travellers from Umuahia municipal are incomplete information, invalid travel insurance, invalid passport, false travel document, insufficient explanation for the purpose and circumstances of the planned stay, error in date of birth, any alteration directly or indirectly, insufficient document like lack of fund and unknown reason with grand mean of 2.8. Majority of the respondents agreed that visa denial through bad records like criminal record or misinformation given outrageous visa requirement, being allowed limited time to the particular country depending on the type of visa applied for and restricted movement within target country as the forms of visa restriction experienced with grand mean of 3.3. The study also found that there were relationship between visa restriction and travel destination with a grand mean of 2.7 which is above the decision rule. Based on the findings, the study concludes that Umuahia travelers had adequate knowledge that false travel document, invalid passport, invalid travel insurance, incomplete information, insufficient explanation for the purpose and circumstances of the planned stay, error in date of birth, any alteration directly or indirectly, insufficient document like lack of fund and unknown reason causes visa restriction imposed by immigration’s on intended travellers among Umuahia municipal. Also, too much stress are involved in obtaining visa. Access, accommodation, attractions, activities and amenities are key elements to tourist destinations. The study recommends that visa issuing authorities should provide a guide for visa applicants when completing visa forms as this will eliminate issues such as incomplete applicant information and wrong application format which are one of the reason given for visa restrictions experienced. Countries should devise means of enforcing visa duration of visitors as this would invariably reduce the level of restrictions experienced as a result of checking illegal immigration. Visa issuing authorities should give consideration to first time visa applicants as any unfavorable outcome might affect their overall attitude towards traveling.


Title Page                                                                                                                                 i

Approval Page                                                                                                                          ii

Certification                                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                    v

Tables of Contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                            viii

List of Figures                                                                                                                           ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                    x


1.1     Background of Study                                                                                                        1

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                                                                  3

1.3     Objective of the Study                                                                                                      4

1.4     Research Questions                                                                                                          4

1.5     Significance of the Study                                                                                                  5

1.6     Scope of the Study                                                                                                           5


2.0      Introduction                                                                                                                    7

2.1      Conceptual Framework                                                                                                    7

2.1.1   Visa                                                                                                                              7

2.1.2   Types of Visa                                                                                                                 10

2.1.3   Visa Restriction                                                                                                              12

2.1.4   Reasons for Visa Denial                                                                                                  13

2.1.5   Visa restriction and economic consequences in Umuahia and Africa at large                 16

2.1.6   Tourism                                                                                                                          17

2.1.7   Types of Tourism                                                                                                            18

2.1.8   Forms of Tourism                                                                                                           20

2.1.9   Classification of Tourism                                                                                                 22

2.1.10 Concept of Tourism Destination                                                                                       23

2.1.11 Key Elements of Tourist Destination’s                                                                             23

2.1.12 Types of Tourism Destination                                                                                          24

2.1.13 Factors which aff ect choice of destination among Umuahia Travelers                                    28

2.2      Theoretical Framework                                                                                                    29

2.2.1    Random Utility Maximization (RUM) Model of Migration                                               29

2.2.2    Migration system and Network Theory                                                                            31

2.2.3    Unifying Migration Theory                                                                                             32

2.3       Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                                               34

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                                       36

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY                               

3.1      Research Design                                                                                                             38

3.2      Study Area                                                                                                                     38

3.3      Population for the Study                                                                                                  39

3.4      Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                                    39

3.5      Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                         39

3.6      Validation of the Instrument                                                                                            40

3.7      Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                            40

3.8      Data Collection Techniques                                                                                             40

3.9      Data Analysis Techniques                                                                                               40


4.1     Presentation of Analysis                                                                                                   42

4.2    Major Findings                                                                                                                 49

4.3     Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     50


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                       53

5.1.1    Restatement of the Problem                                                                                            54

5.1.2     Description of Procedures Used                                                                                     54

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                    55

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                          55

5.4      Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                                         56

REFERENCES                                                                                                                         57

APPENDIX                                                                                                                              61

                                                             LIST OF TABLES

Table 4.1     Demographic characteristics of respondents                                                                 42

Table 4.2     Number and percentage of respondents who have applied for visa before now              44     

Table 4.3     Number and percentage of respondents who have travelled outside Nigeria                   44 

Table 4.4     The percentage number of respondents who have experienced visa restriction               45

Table 4.5     Causes of visa restriction imposed on intended travellers from Umuahia                              45

Table 4.6      Distribution of respondents according to what they considered as forms of visa  restriction experienced            47                                                                                

Table 4.7      Relationship between visa restriction and travel destination restriction experienced     48                                                                                                   










                                                            LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1           Types of tourism                                                                                             18

Figure 2           International tourism                                                                                      19

Figure 3           Domestic tourism                                                                                           20

Figure 4           Forms of tourism                                                                                            20       










Visa  restrictions  represent  an  important  hurdle  to  and  deterrent  against unwelcome  visitors  that  is  binding  before  visitors  even  arrive  at  one’s  borders.  First, there  is  the  additional  cost  and  hassle  of  applying  for  the  visa  before  travel  either  via post,  which  can  take  weeks  or  months,  via  employing  a  professional  visa  service provider  or  in  person,  which  implies  travelling  to  the  embassy  or  one  of  the  few Consulates  and  often  queuing,  possibly  for  hours  until  served.  Second,  the  issuing consulate  or  embassy  can  of  course,  and  sometimes  does,  deny  the  application  without giving  any  reason to Umuahia applicant.  As Torpey (1998)  has  put  it:  “Passport  and  visa  controls  are the  ‘first  line  of  defense’  against  the  entry  of  undesirables.” Yet,  visa  restrictions  are  likely  to  deter  both  welcome  and  unwelcome  travellers. They  will  deter  foreign  businessmen  and  businesswomen  as  well  as  foreign  tourists and  other  travellers  to  the detriment  of  the  domestic  economy.  Neumayer  (2010) for  an  analysis  of  the  effect  of  visa  restrictions  on  bilateral  trade  and  foreign  direct investment stated that already  the  League  of  Nations  in  the  inter-war  period  and,  after  world war  II,  the  Council  of  Europe  reminded  nation-states  that  visa  restrictions  inhibit international trade and tourism (Salter 2003). By imposing visa restrictions on foreign travellers, countries are thus, in some sense, damaging themselves and denying themselves of certain boast mainly in the tourism sectors and developments of the country entirely. Many  countries  use  visa  restrictions  as  a  mechanism  to  prevent  entry  to unwelcome  travellers.  The  cost  and  hassle  of  obtaining  a  visa  represent  an  important hurdle  for  many  travellers,  as  it  forces  them  to  submit  an  application  to  the  consular office  of  their  intended  destination,  which  can  ask  for  processing  fees,  impose  long waiting  times,  and  possibly  deny  the  visa  with  or  without  giving  any  reasons.  Political, economic,  and  security  matters  use  to  lie  behind  entry  restrictions  of  people  at country  borders  (US  Office  of  Immigration  Statistics,  2010).  However,  all  these regulations  present  indirect,  but  clear  effects  on  other  people  (and  economic)  flows, as,  for  example,  the  arrival  of  tourists.

Tourism may be defined as the movement of the people from their normal place of residence to another place (with the intention to return) for a minimum period of twenty-four hours to a maximum of six months for the sole purpose of leisure and pleasure. Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which imply tourism expenditure (United Nations World Tourism Organization, 2008). According to WTO (1993) “Tourism encompasses the activities of persons traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.” The Rome conference (1963) defined tourism as ‘a visit to a country other than one’s own or where one usually resides and works’. This definition, however, did not take into account domestic tourism, which has become an important money-spinner and job generator for the hospitality industry. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (1995) helps us break down the definition of tourism further by stating tourists can be: Domestic (residents of a given country travelling only within that country), Inbound (non-residents travelling in a given country) and Outbound (residents of one country travelling in another country). Tourist destination according to Popescu and Rotariu (2012), is defined as a geographical area that has a critical mass of development that can satisfy the objectives of the tourist. A tourist destination is a country, state, region, city or town which is marketed or markets itself as a place for tourists to visit.  Also Srinivas refers broadly  to  destination  as  an  area  where  tourism  is  a  relatively  important activity and where the economy may be significantly influenced by tourism revenues. The destinations are well defined geographically and understood by the tourists as unique entities and exhibit several core provisions (Zygmunt 2013). These provisions are accessibility, attractions, package activities, and auxiliary services. According to WTO (2000), a destination is a unique place where a visitor spends at least one night and exhibit tourism products such as attractions, support services, and tourism resources complete with defined management, physical and administrative boundaries, and a well known image.

It is estimated that seventy percent of tourists visit the ten major tourist destinations while thirty percent share the other destinations. It is, therefore, indicative of the intensity of competition for the less known destinations (Biganoa, 2004). WTO differentiates the tourist destinations into several world blocks; the Americas, Europe, the Pacific, East Asia, Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. However, it is possible to differentiate the American region into North America and South America because the two blocks have very distinct but different ecological, socio-cultural, and economic orientation (Vengesayi 2003). For instance, South America is recognized for its biodiversity whereas North America is not.


The tourism industry has of recent witnessed a lot of restrictions and travel bans imposed on those that want to travel. Many Countries have visa restrictions and travel ban in order to check and control the inflow of visitors in and out of their country and to prevent illegal immigration and other criminal activities thereby forcing travelers to apply for a visa and allows the authorities to vet potential visitors. In recent times, the tourism industry has witnessed a lot of restrictions and travel bans imposed on tourists. An overview of visa restrictions in Nigeria would reveal the problems that contribute to the bad economy of the nation. Visa restrictions are likely to deter foreign visitors from affected countries who might want to develop the nation (Nigeria) and boost its economy. Visa restrictions also reduce the flow of tourist, business people and other travelers and thereby damage a Country's tourism industry, reduce its trade as well as its scientific, cultural and other exchange with foreign countries (Neumayer, 2005).

This study is set out to address reasons why Umuahia travelers are being denied visa to travel to their desired destination. Visa restrictions could take the form of outright visa denial with or without reason, restricted access within the host countries, travel ban etc.


The major objective of this study is to assess the effect of visa restriction on the choice of travel destination among intended travellers from Umuahia municipal, Abia State, the study sought:

      i.         To ascertain the causes of visa restriction imposed on intended travellers from Umuahia.

     ii.         To determine the forms of visa restriction experience by intended travellers from Umuahia.

   iii.         To establish the relationship between visa restriction and travel destination.



The following are the main questions the research was based on

      i.         What are the causes of visa restriction imposed on intended travellers from Umuahia?

     ii.         What are the forms of visa restriction experience by intended travellers from Umuahia?

   iii.         What are the relationship between visa restriction and travel destination?


The research work will be beneficial to the following;

Airlines: Airlines will benefit from this study in the sense that if travel ban is abolished among travelers there will be influx of people willing to travel which will lead to massive profit of the organization thereby increasing their business.

Researchers: Researchers will benefit from the study of this work as they will not find it difficult to research/teach on this topic as it will be a plus to more research on this particular aspect.

Host community:  It will be a great help to the host community (Umuahia travelers) in understanding the various reasons for visa restrictions and if the findings are implemented they will try to avoid visa denial by agencies

Stakeholders in the travel/ tourism industry: The findings of the study will be useful to stakeholders in the travel and tourism industry as they would have full knowledge of the reason why visa agencies deny tourist visa and measures will be put in place to avoid such denial.

Country/State/Government: Nigeria, Abia state and government will benefit by influx of tourists which will improve the internally generated revenue (IGR) of the government.

How beneficiaries will know: Beneficiaries will know of this knowledge through seminars, flyers, radio/television broadcast, internet such as Facebooks, Instagram etc.


This study focused on evaluating the effects of visa restrictions on the choice of travel destination among intended travellers from Umuahia municipal, Abia State. In order to actualize this work, Umuahia, Abia State was used as research center base because of those who intend/embarks on various trips. The study focused on understanding extend in which visa restrictions affect the choice of travel destination among the respondents. The study was limited to the effect of visa restrictions on the choice of travel destination and tried as much possible not to bring other effects into view. 

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