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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009204

No of Pages: 146

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study ascertained the effect of soil conservation practices on productivity of arable crop farmers in Abia-State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study were to examine the socio-economic characteristics of arable crop farmers using soil conservation practices in the study area, identify types of soil conservation practices used among the arable crop farmers, estimate the use-level of soil conservation practices, analyze the determinants of the use-level of soil conservation practices, determine the productivity of the arable crop farmers, analyze the effect of soil conservation practices and other factors on productivity and determine the various constraints to the use of soil conservation practices by the arable crop farmers in Abia State.The study adopted a multi-stage purposive and random sampling techniques in selecting 120 respondents for the study.  Primary data were collected with the use of a well-structured questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least square (OLS) techniques. The results showed that the mean age of the farmers was 49 while male farmers dominated farming activities in the area, the mean household size was 7 persons, and the mean farming experience was 19 years while 82% of the respondents were married and the mean farm size was 1.0 hectares while  99% of the respondents in the study acquired one form of formal education or the other. Farmers were aware of the different types of soil conservation practices  but the currently major in use includes: multiple cropping, cover crop/planting of legumes, use of organic and inorganic manure and crop residue recycling. The mean use-level of soil conservation practices was 0.471, from the results60 % of the arable crop farmers had low use-level and 40% of the farmers had high use-level. t The tobit regression estimate of the determinants of the use-level of soil conservation practices in the study area showed that education, amount of credit obtained farming experience, extension services, and toposequence significantly and positively influenced use-level of soil conservation practices, while farm income and cost of conservation practices significantly and negatively influenced use-level of soil conservation practices. A mean productivity level of 2.97 and 3.72 were achieved by the low and high users respectively. The polled result of the effect of soil conservation practices and other socio-economic factors on productivity of the arable farmers showed that age, social capital, amount of credit obtained, extension visit, farm size and labour significantly and  positively influenced productivity of the farmers while distance of farm from farmer’s home has a negative effect on productivity. The major constrain to the use of soil conservation practices is inadequate farm credit. The study concludes that farmers inability to apply the appropriate conservation practices that suits their soil, and in appropriate quantity needed and small farm size leads to low farm productivity thus, extension agents should devote their time in assissting farmers in application of appropriate conservation practices especially new invented practice and mechanical practices.



Title Page                                                                                                                              i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                v

Table of contents                                                                                                                  vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         x

Abstract                                                                                                                                    xi


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                     

1.1   Background Information                                                                                                    1

1.2   Problem Statement                                                                                                              3

1.3   Objectives of Study                                                                                       5

1.4   Hypotheses of the Study                                                                                         6

1.5   Justification for the Study                                                                                         6

CHAPTER 2:  REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                 

2.1 Conceptual Literature                                                                                                    8

2.1.1 Soil                                                                                                                                   8

2.1.2 Soil conservation                                                                                          8

2.1.3 Land degradation                                                                                                       9

2.1.4 Productivity                                                                                                                  9

2.1.5 Soil erosion                                                                                                                 11

2.1.6 Different use-Level of soil conservation practices                                        12

2.1.7 History of soil conservation in Nigeria                                                             13

2.1.8 The need for soil conservation                                                                           14

2.1.9 Aim of soil conservation                                                                                       22


2.1.10 Soil conservation and erosion control practices developed by research

And recommended to farmers in southeast Nigeria                                                                                                                                                 22                                                                       

2.1.11 Agronomic soil conservation practices                          23

2.1.12 Soil management practices                                                                                  31

2.1.13   Mechanical methods                                                                                           34

2.1.14 Conceptual frame work                                                                                        36

2.2       Theoretical Literature                                                      37

2.2.1 Theory of productivity                                                                                             37

2.2.2 Theory of soil conservation                                                                                   39

2.3 Review of Empirical Literature                                                                                                                                                                           40

2.3.1 Review studies on soil conservation practices and productivity                                                                                                                  40

2.3.2 Determinants of the use level of soil conservation practices                       46

2.3.3 Determinants of productivity                                                                              51

2.4 Analytical Framework                                                                                             55

2.4.1 Descriptive statistics                                                                                              55

2.4.2 Regression analysis                                                                                                 56

2.4.3 Tobit regression model                                                                                         57

CHAPTER 3:  METHODOLOGY                                                    

3.1              Study Area                                                                                                       60

3.2            Sampling Procedures                                                                       61

3.3.1                 Data Collection                                                                                              62

3.4              Data Analysis                                                                                                  63

3.4.1          Model specification                                                                                      64



4.1 Socio-economic characteristics of arable crop farmers

     using soil conservation Practices                                                                        70

4.1.1 Age of the respondent                                                                                      70

4.1.2 Sex of the respondent                                                                                      72

4.1.3          Household size of the respondent                                                       73

4.1.4          Marital status of the respondent                                                         74

4.1.5          Farm size of the respondent                                                                  74

4.1.6          Experience of the respondent                                                               75 

4.1.7          Education of the respondent                                                                76

4.2              Soil Conservation Practices Used among the Arable Crop Farmers        77

4.3              Use-Level of Soil Conservation Practices of Arable Crop

                    Farmers In Abia State                                                                              82

4.4              Determinants of the Use Level of Soil Conservation Practices 85

4.5              Productivity Level of Arable Crop Farmers                                        89

4.6              Effect of Soil Conservation Practices and other Socio-Economic

Factors on the Productivity of arable farmers                                                         91

4.7              Constraints to the Use of Soil Conservation Practices by Arable

Crop Farmers                                                                                                  91


5.1              Summary                                                                                                      105

5.2              Conclusion                                                                                                   108

5.3              Recommendation                        108

References            111



4.1            Socio-economic characteristics of the arable farmers                       71

4.2              Types of soil conservation practices used among the arable Crop farmers          77

4.3              Distribution of the respondents according to use level of soil conservation practices             83

4.4              Classification of the respondents according to use level of soil conservation practices          84

4.5              Determinants of the use-level of soil conservation practices in the study area      85

4.6              Distribution of respondents according to their productivity levels          90

4.7              Classification of the respondents according to use productivity level     91

          4.8              Effect of soil conservation practices and other socio-economic

                              factorson  theproductivity ofhigh users arable crop farmers.                             92

4.9              Effect of soil conservation practices and other socio-economic

                    factors on theproductivity of low users arable crop farmers.                    94

4.10           Effectof soil conservation practices and other socio-economic

                    factors on the productivity of arable crop farmers (combine effect)                96

4.11           Constraints to the use of soil conservation practices by arable

                    soil farmers       102








1.1 Soil conservation practices                                                                    23     

1.2 Conceptual frame Work                                                                                    37




                 CHAPTER 1




Soil is an important resource on which sustainable agriculture and livelihood of the farmers relay on and this calls for a proper management of this valuable resource to uphold long-term agricultural productivity of  the farm households. According to Ellis,(2000) not less than a quarter of the world population belongs to farm households and most of which are in less developed countries of the world resulting to an increase pressure on the available soil for food production. This pressure on the soil results to soil infertility and land degradation, which leads to low Agricultural productivity. According to Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO, 2007) the use of soil for agricultural production is one of the strongest influences affecting environmental quality in many developing countries. Specifically, practices like unguided application of agrochemicals, bush burning, deforestation, over-grazing, continuous tillage and uncontrolled farm mechanization affect the quality of soil and vegetation cover, thereby resulting into land degradation.

Land degradation was a significant global issue during the 20th century and remains of high importance in the 21st century as it affect the environment, agronomic productivity, food security and quality of life (Eswaran et al., 2001).Land degradation is a phenomenon that is either natural or human-induced. Asadu et al., (2004) grouped land degradation into soil erosion, soil infertility and soil pollution by oil spillage and industrial waste. Soil degradation processes occurs as a result of loss of topsoil by the action of water or wind, chemical deterioration such as nutrient depletion, physical degradation such as compaction and biological deterioration of natural resources including the reduction of soil biodiversity (Lal, 2001).Soil degradation is accelerated when the forest cover is removed, pastures are overgrazed and unsustainable land use patterns  such as  short fallow periods and the shift from conventional bush fallowing system to permanent cultivation caused by population pressure and agricultural activities. Decline in agricultural productivity as a result of soil degradation is evaluated in terms of inputs use such as fertilizer/manure, water management and tillage methods to boost production (Mbagwu, 2003). Soil degradation is a severe issue in Nigeria, where smaller scale and resource poor farmers follow extractive farming practice, constituting a hazard to the land whose containment is helpful for agricultural development, particularly in societies that are agricultural based (Iheke and Onyenorah, 2012).

Due to changing human needs and competition for different uses of land, there is need for systematic land use and sustainable soil conservation approach. In affirmation, Yohanna et al., (2012) suggested that, a soil that has been degraded required fallowing and soil conservation activities for effective rehabilitation. Corroborating this fact, Panda (2007) emphasized that soil conservation remains the only known way to sustain the productivity of agricultural land. Badejo and Togun (2001) stated that, effective soil conservation on agricultural lands guarantees sustainable food productivity potential of the soil.

The report of Agricultural Information Bank AIB (2011) justified the need for increased adoption and practice of soil conservation practices by farmers being more economical, sustainable, effective and ecological friendly, as it improves resource use through an integrated management approach, it contributes to sustainable production and its advantages include lower inputs, stable yields and productivity and improved soil nutrients exchange. It has been noted that yield of crops are higher on crop farms with conservation practices than farm without conservation practices in the same ecological zone (Ibewiro et al., 2000; Saloko and Tian, 2003). Research on soil conservation has been conducted for many years in sub-sahara Africa (e.g., Fournier,1967; Greenland and Lal, 1977; Quansah, 1990; Kayombo and Mrema, 1998; Ehrenstein, 2002) and in Nigeria (Onu, 2006; Junge et al., 2008 and Iheke and Onyenora 2012).


Soil is a medium which supports crop production, efficient crop production depends greatly on the quality of the soil but due to some factors like: increase in population, method of farming, high food demand, soil type, implements used in farming etc, there is a reduction in soil quality resulting to low productivity of the soil. With increasing population  growth in Abia-State from 2338,487 (NPC 1991) to about 2,845,380 in 2006; and 3,727,300 in 2016 (National Bureau of Statistics- NBS 2016), there is increase in food demand thus the need for an increase in food production. To ensure food security, farmers now have to cultivate intensively with little or no fallow periods, involving in continuous cropping beyond soil threshold limits. This has resulted in high depletion of the soil which affects the soil quality, thus leading to low soil productivity (Aruleba and Ajayi, 2011). 

Also this population increase results to land scarcity, conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses, this leaves a small space for agricultural activities which does not encourage commercial farming but supports subsistence and peasant farming, and thus this hinders economic growth. Therefore, farmers tend to overuse and exercise uncontrollable farming activities on the available fragmented land (Bite et al., 2008).According to Evan, (2009) low productivity of food crop farmers’ results from land fragmentation, this goes in line with Onyenweaku et al., (2010) who stated that about 90% of Nigerian’s food are produced by small-scale farmers who cultivate small plots of land and the limited available land, this has made shifting cultivation a thing of the past.

Most farmers in Abia State still use traditional methods of farming which involve clearing of existing vegetation, burning of cleared vegetation, burning of crop residues, intensive tillage, making of mounds in-sloppy areas etc. These methods of farming and tools used especially in land preparation affect the bio-physical quality of the soil which results to loss of soil fertility and low farm productivity in teams of output.

Soils in Nigeria suffer deficiencies such as low percentage of organic matter and nitrogen, shallow depth, high acidity and high content in sesquioxides i.e high level of iron and aluminum oxides (Osodeke et al; 2005). These soils are easily leached thereby causing aluminum, iron and manganese toxicity which is prone to high infiltration, erosion and loss of useful soil micro flora and fauna which could be a hindrance to crop production. Soil erosion has detrimental effect on productivity and soil quality since most of the soil nutrient and soil organic matter are stored in the top-soil that are mostly affected by erosion (Ahuneku, 2004). Consequences of soil erosion include damage to farmlands and farm structures, damage to crops and cultural vegetations, reduction in soil fertility and productivity. These however, affect the farmers who depend largely on the productivity of the soil for their livelihood (Igbokwe et al., 2008), Abia State farmers are not exempted from these effect. However, it is unfortunate that in the study area there is little study on the effect of soil conservation practices on the productivity of arable crop farmers in Abia State, Nigeria. Hence, the need for this study in Abia State.



The broad objective of the study was to examine the effect of soil conservation practices on productivity of arable crop farmers in Abia State the specific objectives were to:

i. examine the socio-economic characteristics of arable crop farmers using soil conservation practices in the study area;

ii. identify types of soil conservation practices used among the arable crop farmers in the study area;

iii. estimate the use-level of soil conservation practices used by the arable crop farmers in the study area;

iv. ascertain the determinants of use-level of soil conservation practices by the arable crop farmers;

v. determine the productivity of low and high use-level of conservation practices of the arable crop farmers;

vi. ascertain the effect of soil conservation practices and othersocio-economic factors on the productivity of arable crop farmers in Abia State; and

vii. determine the various constraints to the use of soil conservation practices by the arable crop farmers in Abia State.


H1: Education, amount of credit obtained, extension visits, farming experience and topo-sequence positively affects the use-level of soil conservation practices while farm income and cost of conservation practices negatively affects the use-level of soil conservation practices.

H2: Use-level of soil conservation practices, age, social capital, amount of credit obtain, extension visit, farm size, labour are positively related to productivity while distance from home to farm is negatively related to productivity.

                   1.5   JUSTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY

In most of the developing countries of the world, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the key to real socio-economic growth is the judicious exploitation of soil resources to increase agricultural productivity. In Nigeria, population is increasing rapidly and increased crop and animal yields are essential to feed the population and to exchange surplus for manufactured goods and social services (Ohaeri, 2000). Hence, the need for appropriate soil conservation practices that will enhance soil fertility and land productivity.

The effect of soil infertility and erosion is a concern which leads to increasing promotion of soil conservation practices in Nigeria. Government has funded water-shed management and soil conservation projects like Nigeria Erosion and Water-shed Management Project (NEWMAP) and farmers have been admonished to invest their own resources in soil conservation practices so as to increase the efficiency with which these resources are allocated to soil conservation activities, the effects of soil infertility and erosion need to be assessed. The cost of erosion and other soil degradation factors can be used to determine the priority for action, and the benefit of the potential causes of action can be used to assess their sustainability and efficiency in resource use.

This study explores how high productivity can be achieved with the help of soil conservation practices and would serve as an exploratory step to identifying those soil conservation practices and socio-economic factors affecting soil conservation and productivity of arable crop farmers.

This research will also be a guide to other researchers that may want to do further studies relating to soil conservation practices, within the study area and Nigeria in general.

Thus, this research findings are expected to be of help to policy makers as a reference material in policy formulation especially in Abia State to ensure adequate food security in the State and Nigeria at large.

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