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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008212

No of Pages: 60

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work is centered on Effect of Product Packaging on Consumer Patronage of Toothpaste in lkwuano Local Government Area, Abia state, Nigeria. The specific objective of the study is to examine the influence of product size on consumer purchase intention, examine the impact of product colour on consumer purchase intention, evaluate the effect of product quality on consumer purchase intention, ascertain the effect of labeling on consumer purchase intention, ascertain the relationship between toothpaste package design and consumer patronage in the study area. The methodology adopted for the study was based on descriptive survey, it was observed that There are a few necessities or consumables that consumers of all ages, sex or status cannot do without − such as toothpaste. Consumers are bombarded with too many choices of product brands to use, one of which is toothpaste. The study investigated the effects of Product Packaging on Consumer Patronage of Toothpaste in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Result from the socio-economic characteristics of the toothpaste consumers shows that a total of 50.9% of the toothpaste consumers were males; while the remaining 49.1% were females. Marital status of the respondents shows that approximately 39.09% of the sampled toothpaste consumers were single, while 37.27%, 14.54% and 9.09% represent married, divorced and widowed respondents separately. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Toothpaste quality and consumer purchase intention shows that there is a significant positive relationship between the two variables. The result of the analysis shows that the higher the excellent packaging quality of the toothpaste, the higher the consumers purchase intention.  By implication, it can be deduced that a 1% shift/increase in toothpaste package quality will result in 90.1% shift/increase in consumers purchase intention. It has been established from the study that toothpaste size and consumer purchase intention were found to be positively linked; thus reducing one entails the reduction of the other. Hence, it could be indicated that toothpaste packaging size influences the consumers purchase intention. This could be as a result of the fact that many consumers might like larger product quantity and quality at the same price or at lower prices. Multiple Regression Result for Toothpaste Packaging and Consumer Patronage shows that toothpaste labeling and consumer purchase intention were found to be positively linked; thus, reducing one entails the reduction of the other. Hence, it could be inferred that exceptional toothpaste packaging labels influences the consumers purchase intention. Since packaging has become a primary vehicle for communication and branding of toothpaste, toothpaste manufacturers are therefore enjoined to design high quality package. There should be evaluation and re-evaluation of the quality of their packages in order to explore all the opportunity accrued to packaging concept through policy formulation and implementation.



Cover page                                                                                                                              i

Title page                                                                                                                                ii

Declaration page                                                                                                                     iii

Certification                                                                                                                           iv

Dedication                                                                                                                              v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  vi

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vii

List of figures                                                                                                                         ix

List of Tables                                                                                                                          x

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xi




1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Problem Statement                                                                                                     4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                    6

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  6

1.6       Justification of the Study                                                                                            6

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      8




2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              9

2.1.1    The Concept of Packaging                                                                                         9

2.1.2    The Concept of Product Packaging                                                                            10

2.1.3    Impact of Packaging on Consumers’ Patronage                                                        12

2.1.4    Customer Patronage/Purchase Intention                                                                    13

2.1.5    The Concept of Consumer Buying Process                                                                14

2.1.6    Ethical Issues in Product Packaging                                                                           15

2.1.7    Labeling as an Aspect of Packaging                                                                          16

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              17

2.2.1    Howard-Sheth Model of Consumer Behaviour                                                          17

2.2.2    The VIEW Theory                                                                                                      20

2.3       Empirical Literature Review                                                                                      21




3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         22

3.2       Study Area                                                                                                                  22

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                              23

3.4       Sampling Procedure and Sample Size                                                                        23

3.5       Method of Data Collection                                                                                         25

3.6       Instruments for Data Collection                                                                                 25

3.7       Validity of the Instrument                                                                                          25

3.8       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                      25

3.9       Method of Data Analysis and Model Specifications                                                  26




4.1       Socio – Economic Characteristics of Respondents                                                    27

4.2       Influence of Toothpaste Size on Consumer Purchase Intention                               31

4.3       Impact of Toothpaste Colour on Consumer Purchase Intention                                    32

4.4       Effect of Toothpaste Quality on Consumer Purchase Intention                                    34

4.5       Effect of Toothpaste Label on Consumer Purchase Intention                                  35

4.6       Relationship between Toothpaste Packaging and Consumer Patronage in

Ikwuano L.G.A., Abia State, Nigeria                                                                         36




5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    41

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  43

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      44
















Figure 2.1: Constituents of Response Outputs                                                                       19

Figure 3.1: Diagrammatic Representation of the Sampling Technique                                    24

Fig. 4.1: Bar chart showing the  Brands of Toothpaste patronized by the respondents

in the study area                                                                                                                      30












Table 4.1: Summary of Socio Economic Profile of Respondents                                          27

Table 4.2: Brands of Toothpaste Patronized by the respondents in the study area                 29

Table 4.3: Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Product Size and Consumer

Purchase Intention of Toothpaste in the Study Area                                                  31

Table 4.4: Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Toothpaste Colour and

Consumer Purchase Intention in Ikwuano L. G. A., Abia State, Nigeria                        32

Table 4.5: Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Toothpaste Quality and

Consumer Purchase Intention in the Study Area                                                        34

Table 4.6: Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Toothpaste Label and Consumer

Purchase Intention in the Study Area                                                                         35

Table 4.7: Multiple Regression Result for Toothpaste Packaging and Consumer

Patronage in Ikwuano L.G.A., Abia State, Nigeria                                                    37







1.1       Background of the Study

Packaging can be defined as the container which is necessary to convey a product to the ultimate consumer, as contrasted with packing (cartons, crates, etc.) that is required for bulk shipment (Jennifer, 2008). Similarly, packaging is the art of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale which is bought by the consumer.

The competitive nature of the business environment has increase the effectiveness of the role of packaging in projecting the attractiveness and the nature of consumers purchase intention (Lifu, 2012). This has made it vital for firms to package their products in a way that will present the uniqueness and the attractiveness of the product among various competitive products (Jennifer, 2008).

The need for business and marketing oriented organization to consider the vitality of the competitive global market also paves the way for continuous re-evaluation of their packaging attributes. This will help in creating competitive advantage of the products in the global market. Therefore, packaging can be seen as driving tool for stimulating and creating impulsive buying behaviour which can aid in increasing consumer purchase intention.

In today’s competitive environment, the role of packaging has changed due to increasing self- service and changing consumer’s lifestyle. Firm’s interest in the package as a total of sales promotion is growing increasingly. The package becomes an ultimate selling preposition stimulating impulsive buying behavior, increasing market share and reducing promotional costs.

The globalization of the world has made necessary for manufacturers to present their products in an attractive manner in order not to only differentiate their products from the competitors’ products but also as an instrument of attraction. The need to package products also necessitates an edge or competitive advantage of providing products to the end consumers. It is a well-known fact that one basic variable for creating consumer attention is packaging. This tool has helped in projecting the image of products in the global market.

According to Rundh (2005) package attracts consumer’s attention to particular brands, enhances its image, and influences consumer’s perceptions about products, thus packaging a certain product based on your consumer needs, the producer can use labeling or image description to arouse the interest of the consumer to purchase that product, when the consumer is moved by the image or label used to package the product he or she desires or makes a purchase for that product that is needed.

A consumer is defined as someone who acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. Satisfying customer wants and needs is all about marketing, and in the course of doing so, it facilitates the achievement of an organization’s objectives. The objectives can only be achieved in the market place. A consumer purchase decision/patronage is a series of choices or judgment made by a consumer prior to making a purchase that begins once the consumer has established a willingness to buy. The consumer must then decide where making the purchase, what brand, model, or size to purchase, when to make the purchase, how much to spend, and what method of payment will be used, but this decision can only be influenced by the product package, how different is the product from other brands, thus packaging affects consumer purchase decision.

Consumer preferences and patronage are the major issues that should be taken into account when designing the package for a particular product. In spite of factors such as new technology or material development, consumer’s choices and desires are the important elements that drive the marketing process. Emily (2010) explained that, consumers are the key actors in planning and implementing packaging of a particular product. He further stated that, the key issue for packaging design is to understand the consumers.

Toothpaste is a household consumer product that is often used by many consumers on a daily basis. Like many other basic goods, the toothpaste market in Nigeria has witnessed a massive expansion in the last two decades. This is not only due to the considerable increase in the number of users but also in the multiplication of new brands on the retail stand. Competitions are now stiffer than ever before as the market, which used to be dominated by fewer than about 4 (four) brands, are now flooded with a variety of other local and imported toothpastes.

In the Nigerian oral care market, the brands of toothpaste include Colgate, Oral B, Closeup, Pepsodent, Macleans, Sensodyne, MyMy, Dabur, to mention a few; and these come in different colour variants, sizes, and compositions. Vani et al., (2010) remarked that toothpaste manufacturers have introduced many varieties of toothpaste with different ingredients to solve the problems of consumers. The availability of many competing brands of toothpaste in Abia State, Nigeria has made the competition to be very stiff and this has also motivated the various toothpaste producers to embark on aggressive sales promotion techniques to induce the trader (wholesalers and retailers) or other channel members and consumers to patronize their brand of toothpaste. The researchers were therefore motivated to assess the effects of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Ikwuano LGA of Abia State, Nigeria.

In this regards, packaging overall features and appearance can underline the uniqueness and originality of the toothpaste product. Quality judgments are largely influenced by the toothpaste characteristics reflected by packaging, and these play a role in the formation of brand preferences. If the package communicates high quality, consumers frequently assume that the toothpaste is of high quality. If the package symbolizes low quality, consumers transfer this “low quality” perception to the toothpaste itself (Silayoi, 2004). The package becomes the symbol that communicates favorable or unfavorable implied meaning about the toothpaste which justifies the end of purchase intention.

To this end, toothpaste packaging is therefore an essential aspect of projecting their firm’s brand’s image, which is sometimes designed to convey images of high quality, while at other times signaling affordable price (Ulrich et al., 2010). Though, toothpaste packaging is the final stage of actual production, it is perhaps, a very important aspect of production activities. No doubt, some firms do not bother much about packaging because they believe once the product is of good quality, consumers will buy. This belief is sometimes erroneous as poor packaging can dissuade customers from buying the toothpaste irrespective of its quality (Lifu, 2012). Good and attractive packaging in the view of Jennifer (2005) may add value to the toothpaste and attract a trial from customers. However, for the toothpaste to catch the attention of the customers, it must be tactically packaged in such a way that, at first sight, it should appeal to the consumer. This will invariably increase customers patronage of the toothpaste.

This paper scrutinizes the effects of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Nigeria. This implies that the project is an important step forward in finding out the impact of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Nigeria. The research is intended to unravel the effect of Packaging on consumer choice of toothpaste products in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria.

1.2       Problem Statement

A poorly packaged product poses serious problem to the salesmen, as it will require so many explanations to persuade the consumers to purchase the product (Lifu, 2012).

The abundance of scientific literature on ‘packaging and consumer patronage’ doesn’t provide unanimous answer on the effectiveness of packaging as a major determinant of consumer purchasing parity. This poses a great problem to this all important thematic issue. Also, diversities of the results in this area depend not only on research models constructed and methods employed, but on the context of the research too. Thus, there is the necessity to investigate this issue in Abia State, using Ikwuano LGA as a case study.

As long as toothpaste packaging is involved, there is a problem or challenges militating against toothpaste packaging. This problem exists by some manufacturing firms of toothpaste. Some manufacturing firms do not obtain the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control number, manufacturing date, and expiry date. Some toothpaste package is poorly designed in such a way that the packaging could not attract, or convert a prospect to become a customer. Some toothpaste even get damaged mainly on transit, while being convey from point of production to the point of consumption.

Consumers, as agreed by Lifu (2012), determine the sales and profits of a firm by their purchasing decisions and as such their motives and actions determine the economic viability of the firm. Unfortunately, managers of business firms were not always concerned with efficient product packaging. There was a time when firms only focused on sales results with little concern for efficient toothpaste packaging. Hence, the study of the effects of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this project is to analyze the effects of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:

      i.         examine the influence of product size on consumer purchase intention;

     ii.         examine the impact of product colour on consumer purchase intention;

   iii.         evaluate the effect of product quality on consumer purchase intention;

   iv.         ascertain the effect of labeling on consumer purchase intention

     v.         ascertain the relationship between toothpaste package design and consumer patronage in the study area.

1.4       Research Questions

This project will answer the following questions:

      i.         What are the influence of product size on consumer purchase intention?

     ii.         What are the impact of product colour on consumer purchase intention?

   iii.         What are the effect of product quality on consumer purchase intention?

   iv.         What are the effect of labeling on consumer purchase intention?

     v.         What relationship exists between toothpaste package design and consumer patronage in the study area?

1.5       Research Hypotheses

HO1:    There is no significant relationship between picture quality and customer purchase intention.

HO2:    Labeling, colour combination and picture quality will not jointly and independently predict Consumer Purchase Intention.

1.6       Justification of the Study

Good quality product that matches the price often calls for repeated purchase or patronage from consumers which enable the firm to stay in business. Good and attractive packaging of products creates market for the firm than its promotional activity. This is because consumers most times are attracted at first sight to the packaging style of a product (Terblanche, 2006) and according to Best (2002), it creates value by helping customers decision making process.

This project will be of immense value to the producers in the toothpaste industry. Facts about consumer preferences and attitudes make for better product planning, marketing and enhanced consumer satisfaction. In advanced economies, such consumer indicators are useful for defining company policies, as well as its immediate and distant goals. In other words, such feedbacks enable the firm to identify their target customers, what their needs are, their preferences, where, when and how the product is needed and of course, those factors that motivate a consumer to buy.

This study will also be of great benefit to those companies seeking to introduce new products. With the identification of existence or nonexistence of brand loyalty among consumers and the factors contributing to it, the company can now find out a suitable unique selling proposition to use and appeal to their desired target market. This will also enable them decide whether to enter the market competing with the leaders or be a follower or even nichers in the industry.

Also to benefit from this study are the advertising agencies, the print and electronic media whose input in the promotion of those products depends so much on consumer perception and choice (response).

Finally, it is also expected that this study will be of immense help to dental health practitioners. If consumer attitudes as regards brand choice are known, dental heal;:h workers would be even in better positions to offer useful advice either to their patients or to the government. The consumers really need some expert advice for the overall dental health care especially given to such wide variety of products, many of which are suspected to be substandard.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The scope of the project focuses on determining the effects of product packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Also, the scope of the study encompasses determination of the degree at which packaging of toothpaste product influences consumers patronage. The scope of the project also included analyzing the relationship between packaging and consumer patronage of toothpaste in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State; and the examination of the effect of poor packaging on consumer patronage of toothpaste in the study area.


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