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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007876

No of Pages: 95

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study determines the effect of package on consumer’s patronage of selected Procter & Gamble consumer products in Abia state. Data were collected from 390 respondents of P&G consumers through questionnaire. The data collected were on package design, package size, package color, package material and package label. The data were analyzed using simple regression and correlation analysis. The regression analysis indicates that package design, color and package size have a positive and significant influence on customer’s patronage while the correlation analysis results showed a positive and significant relationship between package material, package label and customer’s patronage. We concluded that package could act as effective persuasive tool through its unique attractions at the decision-making stage of purchase. Hence, we recommended that an effective and a unique package design be formulated and implemented. P&G package size should be increased, they should provided different package sizes for various families. Cultural differences should be considered when choosing their package color, attractive colors should be used for their product. Quality package material should be used for their products. Necessary information should be provided, deceptive information should be avoided to promote consumers trust, repurchase and loyalty.

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Cover Text        i

Title Page         ii

Declaration Page         iii

Certification        iv

Dedication                    v

Acknowledgements         vi

Table of Contents                                 vii-x

List of Table                       xi-xii

List of Figures        xiii

                       Abstract xiv


Background of the Study           1

Problem Statement            3

Objective of the Study                 4

Research Questions          4

Research Hypotheses             5

Significance of the Study                    5

Scope of the Study                6

Organization of the Study             7


2.1 Conceptual Framework                      8

2.1.1 The concept and definition of package      8

2.1.2 Objective of package       10

2.1.3  The strategic importance of package                12

 2.1.4 Package element                  13

2.1.5   Package colour      16

2.1.6  Package material                        17

2.1.7 Package label     19

2.1.8  Font style                          20

2.1.9  Package design                                     20

2.1.10  Package imagery                21

2.1.11  Package size   23

2.1.12  Package shape 24

2.1.13 Attractiveness of package 24

2.1.14 Criticism of package 26

2.1.15  Consumer buying behavior 26

2.1.16 Consumer decision- making     27

2.1.17 Consumer decision-making and Package 28

2.1.18 Cooperation between consumer and company 29

2.1.19  Consumer benefits 30      

2.2 Theoretical Framework 32

2.2.1  Kanu’s theory of attractive packaging quality (2001)          32

2.2.2 Howard model of consumer behavior variables (1969) 33

2.2.3  Shapiro’s model of quality perception, (1970) 34

2.2.4  Olson’s model of product quality, (1972,)         35

2.3  Empirical Framework         39


3.1 Research Design           44

3.2  Study Area                   44

3.3 Population of the Study          46

3.4  Sample Size Determination               46

3.5  Sampling Procedure           46

3.5.1 Instrument            47

3.5.2  Source of Data        48

3.5.3 Validity                48

3.5.4  Reliability 49

3.6 Data Analysis Technique            49

3.7  Model Specification             49


4.1 Questionnaire Distribution        52

4.2 Sex of Respondents                    53  

4.3 Age of Respondents        53

4.4  Educational Qualification of Respondents       54

4.5 Knowledge and Usage of P&G Products        54

 4.6 Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Design 55

4.7 Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Size       55      

4.8. Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Color 56

4.9 Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Material     56

4.10     Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Label     57

4.11     Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Customers Patronage   57

4.12     Effect of Package Design on Customer’s Patronage of Selected

            P&G Consumer Product                                                                       58

4.13     Effect of Package Size on Customer’s Patronage of Selected

           P&G Consumer Product                                                                        59

4.14    Effect of Package Color on Customer’s Patronage of Selected

           P&G Consumer Product                                                                        60

4.15    Relationship Between Package Material and Consumer’s Patronage

          of Selected P&G Consumer Product                                                      61

4.16    Relationship Between Package Label and Consumer’s Patronage

          of Selected P&G Consumer Product                                                      62

4.17    Discussion of Findings                                                                           63


5.1 Summary of Findings                             65

5.2 Conclusion                      66

5.3 Recommendations                        67

5.4  Areas for Further Research                       68

REFERENCES                            69

APPENDICES                79  





                    4.1    Questionnaire Administration 52

                       4.2     Sex of Respondents 53

4.3    Age of Respondents 53

4.4     Educational Qualification of Respondents             54

4.5     Knowledge and Usage of P&G Products 54

                        4.6     Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on package Design             55

                        4.7     Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Size                  55

                         4.8    Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Color        56

 4.9    Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Material     56

                         4.10   Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Package Label      57

 4.11   Descriptive Statistics Showing Responses on Consumer Patronage     57

 4.12   Simple Linear Regression Analysis Showing the Effect of Package

                                  Design on Consumers Patronage of Selected P&G Consumer Product   58

 4.13   Simple Linear Regression Analysis Showing the Effect of Package

           Size on Consumers Patronage of Selected P&G Consumer Product      59

 4.14   Simple Linear Regression Analysis Showing the Effect of Package

           Color on Consumers Patronage of Selected P&G Consumer Product    60

 4.15     Pearson Product Moment Correlation Showing the Relationship

            Between Package Material and Consumer’s Patronage of Selected

                                    P&G Consumer   Products                                                                      61

   4.16    Pearson Product Moment Correlation Showing the Relationship

             Between Package Label and Consumer’s Patronage of Selected

            P&G Consumer Products                   62








 2.1      Conceptual Representation of the Variables 31

 2.2      Shapiro’s Model of Quality Perception         35

 2.3      Olson Model of Product Quality     38 











Product package has become an essential part of successful business organization and vital means of differentiating items and attracting the consumer’s attention towards a particular brand. Certainly, there are various factors that persuade or affect consumer’s purchase decision but package elements are often used in gaining consumer’s attention which influences their purchase decision Vidales,(2005). This study focuses on consumer’s purchase behavior towards package attributes.

Package refers to the container, packet or wrapper that holds a product or group of products together to prevent its from leakage or breakage, also to safeguard the product from diverse hazard such as heart, germs, moisture loss. Apart from protecting the product from damage during storage and distribution, package has been seen as an important sales and promotional tools that stimulate and attract consumer’s attention towards a product through its variables like design, color, size, image, shape, material, and printed information or label.


 Due to the presence of numerous competitors, the need for a well designed container becomes outmost concern to organizations in order to attract, inform, maintain, make returns and also returned their customers.  Pilditch (1957) viewed packaging as the silent salesman in the store and it is the only communication between a product and its final consumer during purchasing period. Today, Packaging has become the ultimate selling proposition that stimulating consumer buying behavior which goes a long way to communicate the product quality Kuvykaite, et al, (2009). In order to attract consumer’s attention, rigorous efforts have been made to innovate and design package attributes that offer consumers more choice while helping the marketers not only to differentiate their brands in an increasingly competitive market but also to retain their target market with good offering in form of quality Kuvykaite,et al, (2009).

But as the markets grows and expand, producers should position their products by offering a package format that provides versatility, sustainability and convenience to consumers

Kotler (1999) noted that today’s customers are harder and difficult to please, they are also smarter, more price and quality conscious and more demanding, it is therefore imperative for the producers to offer them with a package format that are attractive, informative, unique, convenience, easy to use  etc as it will enable them make decisions at the place of purchase.  

Despite the actuality that packaging is an essential and motivational factor influencing purchasing intension of consumers, Prendergast and Pitt, (2006), it is also important to learn about the effects of package attributes on consumer’s purchase behavior in attempt to utilize the customer value and this study will address this issues.



Package elements seem to be the major factor stimulating consumers attention and their purchase behaviour. This is because consumer products could easily be appraised through its package (Prendergast and Pitt, (2006).  

However, there is conformity on how package attributes should be classified in the consumer product market. But there has not been detailed research methods used to determine the individual impact of these attributes of packaging on consumer’s purchase decision Kuvykaite et al., (2009). Moreover, the previous researches did not provide common answers concerning the effect of package attributes  on consumer’s buying behaviour Kuvykaite et al.(2009). Silayoi and Speece, (2004), (2007); Vila and Ampuero, (2007). The differences on the study area and the results are based on the chosen research models and the context used for the research.  For that reasons, it is imperative to look into these issues in more detail as to identify which attributes of package has the most decisive effect upon the consumer’s purchase decision. Moreover, effective packaging has not been given proper consideration as some quality products are poorly package and this has cause a lot of  product failures  in the marketplace.

Unfortunately, the degree to which package characteristics affect customers patronage in developing economy like Nigeria has not been precisely established. This therefore becomes the main thrust of this study.




The major objective of the study is to determine the effect of package on consumer’s patronage of selected P&G consumer products. Specifically the study is to:

• examine the effect of package design on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products;

• examine the effect of package size on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products;

• ascertain the effect of package color on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products.

• determine the relationship between package material and consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products.

• ascertain the relationship between package label and consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.


• What is the effect of package design on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products?  

• What is the effect of package size on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products?

• What is the effect of package colour on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer products?

• What is the relationship between package material and consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods?

• What is the relationship between package label and consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods?  


HO1: Package design has no significant effect on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.

HO2: Package size has no significant effect on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.

HO3: Package colour has no significant effect on consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.

HO4: There is no significant relationship between package material and consumers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.

HO5: There is no significant relationship between package label and customers’ patronage of selected P&G consumer goods.

                     1.6   SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

The study will make the following contributions to the understanding of the subject matter. Package identifies and helps to differentiate the goods of one’s producer from that of other producers. Product package is important to customers because it simplifies shopping facilities, process information concern with purchase option, provides confidence that the consumer has made the right decision, helps to ensure quality and often satisfy certain status needs.   

Packages also benefits sellers by enhancing the effectiveness of their marketing programs. Particularly those concerned with promotion. It helps to enhance brand loyalty while promoting profitability since it costs less to retain customers than to acquire new one.

This will also add to the knowledge of marketers and managers with regards to solving packaging related problems. To the society, packages provides hygiene and tightness handling also protect the products fragrant, aroma, scent smell, and odor etc by this air pollution and hazardous chemicals are control.  It also provides them with necessary information that will enable the society to always choose quality product and not price. Above all, this study will add to existing literatures on the topic, it is expected that researches will find some of the recommendations of this work useful in conducting further research.


The study is aimed at determining the effect of package on customer patronage of selected P&G consumer products. The study was narrowed to the consumers of P&G consumer products in Abia State, Nigeria.  Abia state with 17 local government areas is quite large, therefore, the study were focused on eight local government areas from   three Senatorial Zones in Abia State, this include Umuahia North, Umuahia South , Ikwuano , Osisioma, Aba North, Aba south , Ohafia, and Bende However, Package Design, Size, Colour, as well as Package Material and Label on consumers patronage were determined from the selected P&G consumer products. The selected products include: Pampers dipper, Always pad, Ariel detergent, and Oral-B mouth wash.


The study is organized in five chapters, chapter one captured introduction; background of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, research questions, research hypotheses and scope of the study. Its chapter two reviews the related literature to the study, the conceptual framework, theoretical framework, empirical framework and operational framework. Its chapter three captured research methodology, research design, study area, sample size and sampling plan, data collection procedure, data analysis techniques and model specification. The results and discussion of research analysis are in chapter four while summary, conclusion and recommendations were captured in chapter five.

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