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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008232

No of Pages: 71

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the effect of price differential towards made in Nigeria textile products in relation to foreign made textile products on consumer preference in Abia state, Nigeria. The specific objectives where to examine the purchase behaviour of made in Nigeria textile products; ascertain consumer’s rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile products in to that of foreign textiles; analyse the effect of price difference on consumer preference of made in Nigeria Product in comparison with foreign products; ascertain the existence of price differential in made in Nigeria textile products; determine the existence of price differential of Nigeria made textiles in comparison to foreign made textiles; analyse the factors influencing purchase of  made in Nigeria textiles products. Secondary and Primary data were used for the study. Data were obtained from 120 respondents in the study area using a well-structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using both simple descriptive statistics and logit regression model. The result shows that income, taste, product quality, and level of education were the significant variable that influences purchase of made in Nigeria textiles in the study area. It was recommended that adequate provisions should be put in place by the government to encourage the manufacturers of made in Nigeria textile products. Enabling environment should be created for them to access adequate credit facilities and marketing inputs which will enhance their level of providing adequate and quality products to their customers.


Title page                                                                                                                              i

Declaration page                                                                                                                   ii                                                                                                           

Certification page                                                                                                                 iii                                                                                                         

Dedication                                                                                                                            iv                                                                                                       

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                v                                                                                                  

Table of contents                                                                                                            vi - vii                                                                                            

List of tables’                                                                                                                       viii                                                                                                 

Abstract                                                                                                                                 ix                                                                                                     


1.0 INTRODUCTION                                                                                                         1

1.1 Background to the study                                                                                                  1

1.2 Statement of the problem                                                                                                 3

1.3. Research questions                                                                                                          3

1.4. Objectives of the study                                                                                                    3

1.5 Research hypotheses                                                                                                        4

1.6 Significance of the study                                                                                                  5

1.7 Scope of the study                                                                                                            5


2.0 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                                  6

2.1 Conceptual framework                                                                                                    6

2.1.1 Consumer choice preference                                                                                        9

2.1.2 Factors Influencing Consumer preference                                                                  14

2.1.3 Consumer Decision Making Process                                                                          16

2.1.4 Determinants of Consumer Brand Choice                                                                  22

2.1.5 The Development and State of made in Nigeria Textile Industry                              24

2.1.6 The Attitude of Consumers towards made in Nigeria Textile Materials                    27

2.1.7 The nature and scope of price differential                                                                  27

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                                                   29

2.3 Empirical Review                                                                                                            32


3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                                                 34

3.1 Research design                                                                                                               34

3.2 Study area                                                                                                                        34

3.3 Population of study                                                                                                          34

3.4 Sampling technique                                                                                                         35

3.4.1. Sample size                                                                                                                  35

3.4.2. Method of data collection                                                                                            35

3.5: Method of Data Analysis                                                                                                35

3.5.1 Model specification                                                                                                      36


4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                                    36

4.1 Data presentation and analysis                                                                                         37

4.2 Socio-economic characteristics of the respondents                                                         38

4.3 Purchase behaviour of made in Nigeria textile products                                                 42

4.4 Consumers rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile in against that of foreign       44

4.5 Price difference on consumer preference of made in Nigeria Product in comparison     with foreign product                                                                                                               45

4.6 Existence of price differential in made in Nigeria textile products                                  46

4.7 Existence of price differential of Nigeria made textiles in comparison to foreign          made textiles                                                                                                                           48

4.8 Factors influencing purchase of made in Nigeria textiles product                                   49



5.1 Summary                                                                                                                          51

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                       55

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                            56




List of Table

Table 4.1 Distribution of questionnaires                                                                              37

Table 4. 2 Frequency distribution of Nigeria consumers’ according to age                        38

Table 4.3 Frequency distribution of respondents according to gender                                39

Table 4.4: Distribution of respondents based on marital status                                           39

Table 4.5: Distribution of respondents by level of education                                              40

Table 4.6: Distribution of respondents by sizes of household                                             40

Table 4.7 Frequency distribution of enterprises by yearly income                                      41

Table 4.8 Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Occupation                                      41

Table 4.9 Trend of consumer patronage of made-in-Nigeria Textile                                  42

Table 4.10 Type of made-in-Nigeria Textile Purchased                                                      43

Table 4.11 Consumer rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile                                   44

Table 4.12 Consumer’s rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile in relation                     to that of foreign textiles                                                                                                      45

Table 4.13 Effect of Price difference on consumer preference of made in Nigeria         Product in comparison with foreign product                                                                       45

Table 4.14 Existence of price differential in made in Nigeria textile products                   47

Table 4.15 price differential of Nigeria made textiles in comparison to foreign                  made textiles                                                                                                                        48

Table 4.16: Logit regression result of factors influencing purchase of made in                Nigeria textiles product Abia state                                                                 49










1.1 Background to the study

Nigerian consumer has access to several products from around the world and the information on the country of origin may be used to evaluate these products (Adekunle, et al., 2014). There is a popular belief that the qualities of local products are lower than those of their imported counterparts. In spite of the widespread belief that locally manufactured textile products are inferior in quality to the foreign ones; complaints of the high prices of locally-made items are also rampant (Achumba, 2013).

Consumers want to take advantage of the affluent and latest services that technology and business can offer. They make a rational choice by comparing and contrasting textile product features and performance.

 Consumers preference are influenced by such factors as brand familiarity, the level of involvement in the purchase decision, the level of involvement evoked by the product class, the familiarity with countries and preference for domestic products and the price of the textile product (Adekunle et al., 2014; Batra and Brynjol, 2012). Consumers are personalities whose behaviour is governed by different and varied influences such as: their society beliefs, attitude, past learning, experience, perception and expectations.

These form their taste choice and product preference. Not only that, economic factors which tend to favour consumer preference for foreign products centre around product quality, price, and availability (Leon and Kanuk, 2013).

The abundance of foreign textile product of many kinds of in Nigerian markets makes it easy for consumers to satisfy their yearnings for these imported items. A number of psychological forces also operate in the consumer to influence his perception towards local and foreign products (Leon and Kanuk, 2007).

Firstly, there are individuals who, in the search for distinctiveness, exclusiveness and egotism, seek out those products which can confer these qualities. For many Nigerians, foreign textile products probably have images that bestow these qualities on the buyer or owner. Secondly, for many people, oversea countries are places they would cherish to visit either for sightseeing or for image-boosting purposes; as a result they buy their products as a way of identifying themselves with those countries (Ogunnaike, 2010).

In general, made-in- Nigeria goods are perceived as inferior, even when the foreign products were not really better in value or physically different from the domestic alternatives, except for the labels describing them as imported or made-in- Nigeria. No wonder some goods made-in-Nigeria are sometimes labelled made-in- England, Paris, London as to facilitate acceptance (Ogunnaike, 2010).

Furthermore, Price Differential is charging a different price on the same good or service to different people. Basically the seller foreign and local textile product in the country tries to charge the highest price they believe the individual consumer is willing to pay for foreign textile product. Price differential requires segmentation of the market and that whatever it is price differential which applies to many luxuries that appear to be unique or special from the buyers’ standpoint. Another pricing strategy that deals with a customer’s perspective of a product is Psychological/ Oddpricing.  Psychological pricing can be the same as quantity discount; the buyer may likely purchase a product due to reduction in price. The consumer decides through an emotional response, instead of a rational basis. The communication network systems in Nigeria adopt this for their internet product services (Ogunnaike, 2010 and Dele, 2013).

Price differential is identified as the practice of firms to charge different prices for the same product to different consumers given that the price differentials cannot be explained in terms of differences in costs of providing the good or the service.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Over the years, the Nigerian consumer have developed a taste for foreign textiles, going to the market places one cannot fail to notice how consumers regard foreign products as having a better quality than locally manufactured ones. With the trade liberalization policy, the country has experienced unrestrained imports of all kinds of textile materials. This has led to a very strong competition by both foreign and local textile products, each seeking to gain a higher patronage from the Nigerian consumer (Bola et al., 2011)

Sadly in the past decade, we watched with concern as one local textile factory after the other closed shop. The latest local factory that closed last year was the United Nigeria Textile UNTL which used to produce fine wax that was a good match for any imported brand. The closure of textile factories was not limited to  but was repeated in Funtua, the headquarters of cotton production belt, Kano the commercial centre of Northern states and Lagos the nation’s business capital and closure of the textile company was attributed to lack of patronage from  local customers (Adekunle and jester, 2014).

Furthermore, Nigeria consumers see locally manufactured goods as inferior in quality when compared with their foreign counter parts (Dele, 2013)

No amount of patriotic slogans about made in Nigeria goods has been able to correct this trait in Nigerian consumers. It has persisted to the extent that many retailers in Nigeria use the foreign tags or labels as a selling tool especially in justifying high product prices (Dele, 2013)

Nigerians, tend to ignore locally made materials in preference for imported materials this as lead to price differential. This negative attitude towards home made products contribute to the economic development of advanced countries and relegate cultural heritage of the country in various fields of arts to the background.


1.3. Research questions

1. What are the purchase behaviour of consumer of made in Nigeria textile products?

2. What are the consumer rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile in relation to that of foreign product?

3. What are the effect of price difference on consumer preference of made in Nigeria product in comparison with foreign products?

4. What are the existence of price differential in made in Nigeria textile product?

5. What are the existence of price differential of Nigeria made textile in comparison to foreign made textiles?

6. What are the other factors influencing purchase of made in Nigeria textiles product?


1.4. Objectives of the study

The broad objective of the study is to examine the effect of price differential towards made in Nigeria textile products in relation to foreign made textile product on consumer preference in Abia state, Nigeria.

The specific objectives are to;

i.               examine the purchase behaviour of made in Nigeria textile product

ii.               ascertain consumer’s rating of the price of made-in-Nigeria textile in relation to that of foreign textiles

iii.            analyse effect of Price difference on consumer preference of made in Nigeria Product in comparison with foreign product

iv.            ascertain existence of price differential  in made in Nigeria textile products

v.               determine the existence of price differential of Nigeria made textiles in comparison to foreign made textiles

vi.            analyse the factors influencing purchase of  made in Nigeria textiles product     


1.5 Research hypotheses

The following hypotheses were stated in null form;

H01: purchase behaviour does not significantly and negatively influence made in Nigeria textile product

H02: Consumer rating does not significantly and negatively influence price of made in Nigeria textile in relation to that of foreign textile

H03: Price difference does not significantly and negatively influence consumer preference of made in Nigeria product in comparison with foreign product

H04: Existence of price differential does not significantly and negatively influence made in Nigeria textile product

H05: Existence of price differential does not significantly and negatively influence made in Nigeria textile product in comparison to foreign made textiles

H06:  Income of consumers, taste, product quality, Level of education, Gender, Age does not significantly and negatively influence consumer preference of made in Nigeria product


1.6 Significance of the study

The choice of this topic was based on self-interest and the need to take a look at effect of price differential towards made in Nigeria textile products in relation to foreign made textile  on consumer preference in Abia state.

The findings of this study in Abia State, Nigeria. Nigeria will contribute immensely in aiding the government, policy makers, and economic planners in policy formulation.

The findings of this study will also be of immense help in providing an insight and knowledge to the general public and made in Nigeria goods consumers in Abia State and Nigeria at large.

To the academia, the findings of the study will contribute to the available literature on the current research work on effect of price differential towards made in Nigeria textile in relation to foreign made textile on consumer preference in Abia state.


1.7 Scope of the study

The research work will focus on the effect of price differential towards made in Nigeria textile products in relation to foreign made textile on consumer preference in Abia state.


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