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No of Pages: 89

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No society is free from crime by its members and to that extent, there is the need for the establishment and management of an institution to punish, reform, and rehabilitate the criminals that are found guilty, hence the need for institutions like the court, the police and the correctional centres. However, the success of such institutions is largely dependent on the activities of its personnel. Consequently, this study examined the relationship between personnel motivation and job performance of staffs in correctional centres in Delta State. Data collected from three correctional centres in the state were subjected to simple linear regression and the results produced mixed findings as not all hypothesis were confirmed. It was found personnel motivation predicts their job performance however results involving the dimensions of the two construct under study were mixed. Discussions were made as well as recommendations and suggestions for future studies.





TITLE PAGE  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -   -           i

DECLARATION        -           -           -           -           -           -           -   -           iii




1.1     Background of the Study          -           -           -           -           -   -                       1

1.2     Statement of the Problem          -           -           -           -           -   -                       5

1.3     Objectives of the Study -           -           -           -           -           -               6

1.4     Research Questions       -           -           -           -           -           -   -           7

1.5     Research Hypotheses - -           -           -           -           -           -   -           7

1.6     Justification of the Study          -           -           -           -           -   -                       7

1.7     Significance of the Study          -           -           -           -           -   -                       8

1.8     Scope of the Study        -           -           -           -           -           -   -           8

1.9     Operational Definition of Terms           -           -           -           -   -                       9




2.1     Personnel Performance -           -           -           -           -           -   -           11

2.1.1 Dimensions of Personnel Performance -           -           -           -   -           13

2.2     Employee Motivation   -           -           -           -           -           -   -           16

2.2.1 Types of Motivation -   -           -           -           -           -           -   -           20       

2.2.2 Import of Motivation in an Organization          -           -           -               21

2.3     Theoretical Framework -           -           -           -           -           -   -           23

2.3.1 Expectancy theory         -           -           -           -           -           -   -           24

2.4     The Nigeria Correctional Service -       -           -           -           -   -           26

2.4.1 Employee Motivation, Performance and Correctional Centers in Nigeria- 28

2.4.2 Factor that Enhance Personnel Motivation in Nigeria Correctional Centers  -           29

2.4.3  Factors Militating against Personnel Performance in Nigeria’s Correctional Centers     33

2.4.4 Delta State Correctional Centers and the Challenges of Personnel Performance      34 

2.5     Empirical Review



3.1 Research Design   -           -           -           -           -           -           -   -           36       

3.2 Sampling Design -            -           -           -           -           -           -   -           -           38

3.2.1 Target Population-         -           -           -           -           -           -   -           38

3.2.2 Study Population-          -           -           -           -           -           -   -           38

3.2.3 Sampling Technique-    -           -           -           -           -           -   -           38

3.3 Research Instruments       -           -           -           -           -           -   -           39

3.4 Procedures and Methods of Data Collection        -           -           -   -           40

3.5 Method of Data Analyses-            -           -           -           -           -   -           41



4.1     Sample’s Description

4.2     Research Hypothesis Testing

4.3     Qualitative Analysis & Results

4.4     List of Research Findings



5.1     Summary

5.2     Recommendations

5.3     Limitation of the Study and Suggestions for Further Studies


APPENDIX: Questionnaire





1.1       Background to the Study

Above all else, all organization desires to function optimally and effectively. However, the success of any organization is fundamentally hinged on the outputs of the personnel. An organization has goals that can only be achieved by the efforts of personnel working therein. In the field of organizational and personnel studies, employee performance is gaining increased acceptance as a measure or index of organizational productiveness and efficiency (Pradhan& Jena, 2017). In the strictest sense, what is known as “organizational performance” is an aggregate and function of the performance of its personnel. Even as technology is being fast-tracked into the workplace and robots are now replacing humans in some job roles, it is still generally agreed that organizations and systems are people. Mwai, Namada, and Katuse (2018) upheld the relevance of personnel in an organization by asserting that they are the most valuable of all the resources that are available for use in accomplishing the organization’s objective. They further contend that organizational performance is a reflection of the personnel’s ability to review and implement policies and strategies on organizational growth and success so much so that failure of leadership to execute the aforementioned has proved costly for the organization. Organizational functionality and performance are thus an attestation of a committed, vibrant and efficient workforce. Hence, organizational productivity and efficiency rely heavily on how well the personnel of such an organization is positioned to effect changes and attain desired goals as productive and effective employees make productive and effective organizations (Ahmed &Ramzan, 2013). 

Performance can be defined as a perceptible or quantifiable behavior of an individual or collective in a specific context (Olanipekun&Aina, 2014). This is a generic definition as performance has varied interconnected meanings and implications across contexts. In organizational literature, employee performance is seen as the actions and activities of the worker on the job and how capably the worker performs the assigned task (Basaza, 2017). Since personnel performance involves workers performing work-related tasks and how well it is done, it is, therefore, a crucial construct as it appears to be a major criterion by which the efficiency, effectiveness, and success of any organization are determined. To further buttress this assertion, William (2004) explained that organizational performance is jointly determined by the personnel capacity and willingness to put in their best at work. The willingness and ability of personnel are important factors in organizational advancement and necessary components for effective and efficient performance in every organization. This implies that beyond a certain level, lack of willingness and ability cannot be compensated for in an organization – the lack thereof is costly and can ultimately lead to the demise of the organization. 

A major consideration for management is the problem of getting the desired result. Organizations are often concerned with what should be done to achieve a high level of personnel performance. Consequently, the motivation of personnel for greater and efficient productivity for attaining the goals of the organizations has been identified as a major key. Hence, one of the key elements of organizational efficiency and productivity is motivation. Personnel performance is greatly determined by the level of motivational practices the human resource department engages in. Personnel management places a significant emphasis on the importance of motivational schemes including rewards and recognition towards molding a productive and efficient workforce. (Bateman, Snell, &Konapaske, 2019). This means giving close attention to how individuals can best be motivated through such means as incentives, rewards, leadership, and the work they do, and the context within which they carry out the work. The focus here is to develop a vibrant attitude of motivational processes and the work environment that help to ensure that individuals deliver results per the expectation of management (Bloisi, 2007) because performance cannot be achieved without adequate motivational strategies.

Within organizational and management literature, various definitions have been expounded on for motivation. It is seen both as a force and a process. According to Diefendorff and Chandler (2011), motivation is a covert influence that gives direction, vigor, and sustenance to behavior overtime and across changing circumstances. It is seen as a driving force for moving and directing personnel behavior resulting in better productivity. Motivation can also be defined as the internal or external driving force that produces the willingness to perform an act to a conclusive end. (Nnabife, 2009). It is a factor that affects the job performance of the personnel as well as the overall efficiency of the organization. Personnel motivation is also the process in which an organization gives economic and other motivational incentives to its employee after maintaining certain goals or objectives of the organization. It is generally seen as a powerful instrument used by management to induce workers to give in their utmost best willingly and enthusiastically towards the actualization of organizational goals. Motivation is an important matter for every organization whether public or private for its success and advancement. It plays a key role in job satisfaction, higher productivity, and efficient performance of the workforce and is key to a business's economic recovery. (Aremu&Adeyoju, 2003; Zameer et al., 2014).

Certain internal and external factors stimulate desire and energy in personnel to be interested and committed to a job or make effort to attain a goal. It usually results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of a need or desire, incentives or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and that of his peers. These factors are the grounds for certain behaviors. This is what we refer to as motivation. Motivation further means the way individuals are inspired to behave in a desired manner to receive some positive rewards or to satisfy certain human needs. According to Armstrong and Taylor (2017), motivational indices such as recognition, working conditions, job security, personnel life, salary, relationships with management, staff supervision, and promotion policies create favorable feelings on personnel thereby giving them a sense of belonging which ultimately leads to more efficiency, effectiveness and committed workforce for better performance.

One of the organizations that need adequate attention in terms of motivation and personnel performance is Nigeria’s correctional centers. No society is free from crime by its members and to that extent, there is the need for the establishment and management of an institution to punish, reform, and rehabilitate the criminals that are found guilty, hence the need for institutions like the court, the police and the correctional centers formerly known as Nigerian prison. A correctional center can be viewed as a place used to contain and rehabilitate criminals who are convicted or awaiting trial. It can also be seen as a place delimited and declared as such by laws of the state and created to ensure restraint and custody of individuals accused or convicted of violating the criminal laws of the state. The Nigeria correctional centers are indispensable departments of the federal ministry of interior and are headed by a Controller General of prisons. Over the years, the Nigeria correctional centers have not been yielding any significant result in confining and rehabilitation of criminals who have been convicted of violating the criminal laws of the state; there has been multiple instances of jail-break and freed inmates usually fall back to crime due to the inability of the centers to rehabilitate, reform and reintegrate them smoothly into the society. While inadequate funding and understaffing of the centers have been pointed out as the reason for this, this has also been reflected in the motivation of the officers currently in the system. 

Due to inadequate funding, the resulting lack of motivational schemes has resulted in inadequate and low performance on the part of the personnel. Also, due to understaffing, the existing officers are prone to high levels of job stress and burnout due to increased workload and role overload. This also can affect their motivation level It is evident that the correctional centers saddled with the responsibility of refining, reforming, and rehabilitating criminals convicted, needs a lot to be done to get or induce its personnel to attain the desired goal. Like all other employees, the personnel in the correctional centers need to be motivated for better and efficient performance. Issues of low productivity, inefficiency in service delivery, and lack of proper public resources utilization need addressing since the optimum personnel performance is closely related to job satisfaction, job security, wages/remuneration, etc. (Ochoti et al, 2012). If the personnel are de-motivated or dissatisfied with their working conditions then it leads to unproductive behaviors (Oshagbemi, 1983). Therefore, motivation as a driving force that induces personnel satisfaction and performance needs adequate implementation and a mere look at the current state of correctional centers in Delta State shows this to be lacking. 

The working conditions of personnel in Delta State correctional centers are in a deplorable state, uniforms are mostly procured by the warders, communication and transportation equipment are inadequate, and no car loan except for senior officers’ cadre. Accommodation for personnel is also a challenge; there are no prison barracks inmost of the correctional centers in Delta State so warders are forced to live far off the centers, making it difficult for personnel to be punctual to work. The few accommodations provided for personnel are obsolete and dilapidated which are preserved for only senior officers. Another factor that posed a serious challenge to effective personnel performance in the Delta State correctional centers is poor remunerations. The take-home basic salaries are so meager that the welfare of personnel is compared to that of prisoners. This makes it hard to accomplish the reformation, rehabilitation, and integration of criminals convicted by-laws into society. Personnel mobility is very poor; promotion is solemnly given to staff with godfathers to lobby for them. A warder can remain in a particular rank for more than ten (10) years, without promotion and refreshers course, thus making staff development low. The combination of these inadequacies has dampened the morale of the correctional personnel resulting in negligence of duty and indiscipline in Delta State. It is against this backdrop that this study aimed at examining motivation and personnel performance in Nigeria correctional centers with references to selected correctional centers in Delta State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Human resource perception as being a valuable asset is hinged on the interconnectedness between employee performance and organizational performance (Ahmed &Ramzan, 2013). An organization thrives only when its personnel succeed optimally at job-related tasks and meeting the organization’s objectives. Accordingly, much has been invested into understanding how to manage personnel performance to augment the organizational productivity. Within this intervention, motivation has emerged as one of the spearheads as a review of extant literature shows that it is up there with some of the commonly associated constructs with personnel performance alongside job satisfaction and work stress. The link between employee motivation and employee performance has been established within organizational studies and management literature. It is unarguable that motivated personnel are goal-driven, better satisfied, and as a result, perform better than not motivated personnel (Basaza, 2014). However, the pathways of this relationship are not established and there are inconsistencies in extant literature about the totality of this relationship in the work context. Motivation and performance are both multi-dimensional constructs and should be measured as such. However, a review of extant literature examining this relationship depicts the failure of many studies to do so especially concerning job performance. Therefore, the context-specific factors involved in this relationship are not established so also the relationship between the dimensions of both constructs. Hence, organizations have taken a one-sided approach in enhancing this relationship. For instance, organizations attach so much value to financial incentives that non-financial incentives are apparently given less value in compensating the workforce. Organizations could therefore not avail themselves of the human resources at their disposal as research has shown that money is not a strong motivator as it used to be (Gayle, 1997). More often than not, people’s dissatisfaction with their working conditions and the meaning of their jobs leads to turnover intention. Thus, there is a research gap in the relationship between motivation and personnel performance in the context and to the extent that the relationship between the sub-dimensions of motivation and that of job performance is not well established. Hence, there is a deficiency in knowing what aspects of motivation leads to what aspects of employee performance. Tanner Jr. and Chonko (1995), noted that not everyone is motivated by the same rewards, management must work modalities towards tailoring the motivational environment to the individual within the boundaries and policies of the organization to the end of improved employee performance. However, the extant literature is insufficient to execute such modalities due to the highlighted research gap.

Also, a search throughonline databases shows that most studies examining motivation and performance are carried out in first-world countries and the few conducted in third-world countries do so within the confines of white-collar jobs. Hence, there exists a research gap in the literature in understanding this relationship and empirically so amongst law enforcement officers and more specifically correctional officers. This study seeks to cover these research gaps by examining the relationship between motivation and personnel performance by measuring both as multidimensional constructs and thereafter seek to uncover the underlying relationships between the various subdimensions. Also, the context of the study is the selected correctional center in Delta State – a law enforcement agency in Nigeria, a third-world country.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine motivation and personnel performance in Nigeria’s correctional centers regarding selected correctional centers in Delta State. Other specific objectives are to:

  1. Examine the effect of motivation on personnel performance of workers in selected correctional centers in Delta State
  2. Examine the effect of extrinsic motivation on personnel performance of workers in selected correctional centers in Delta State
  3. Examine the effect of intrinsic motivation on personnel performance of workers in selected correctional centers in Delta State

1.4 Research Question

The following research questions will guide the study:

  1. To what extent does motivation affect personnel performance in selected correctional centers in Delta State?
  2. To what extent does extrinsic motivation affect personnel performance in selected correctional centers in Delta State?
  3. To what extent does intrinsic motivation affect personnel performance in selected correctional centers in Delta State?

1.5: Hypotheses

  1. Motivation will positively and significantly predict (a) personnel performance (b) personnel task performance (c) personnel adaptive performance and (d) personnel contextual performance in correctional centers
  2. Intrinsic motivation will positively and significantly predict (a) personnel performance (b) personnel task performance (c) personnel adaptive performance and (d) personnel contextual performance in correctional centers
  3. Extrinsic motivation will positively and significantly predict (a) personnel performance (b) personnel task performance (c) personnel adaptive performance and (d) personnel contextual performance in correctional centers

1.6 Justification of the Study

Management support towards encouraging personnel participation, mutual commitment, and understanding of the diversity issues play an important role in motivating personnel (Snydur, 2014). Furthermore, Kumar and Garg (2019) believed that an organization's core potential lies in its motivated and satisfied personnel who consistently contribute towards organizational goals and objectives. Many scholars, writers, and publishers have likewise written on the issue of motivation and employee performance in organizations, but the area of motivation and personnel performance in Nigeria’s correctional centers specifically correctional centers in Delta State have not been given adequate attention. Contributing to bridge this gap offers justification for this study.

1.7 Significance of the Study 

This study will be of relevance in the following ways. First, this study will ultimately generate some findings, and from a different environment to the existing ones. The findings will add up, both in volume and environment with the existing ones. Depending on its pattern, the body of empirical findings could be used to construct a middle-range theory on employee motivation and personnel performance relationships. Therefore, by contributing to a body of empirical knowledge that has potential for a theory on employee motivation and personnel performance relationship, the present study is of importance to theory builders. This is understandable as theory development depends on research and research depends on theory.

Second, this study will produce some results. The results could, in whole or part confirmed or disconfirmed the hypotheses. In whatever form the results come, they will achieve two related purposes. The results will offer additional explanations and understanding of the existing findings and will provide additional bases for further studies. Consequently, this study will be of relevance to management science researchers.  And third, this study proposed that motivation will positively impact personnel performance in correctional centers. If the proposed direction is confirmed, useful practical information will be exposed. Correctional centers administrators will become aware of the significant role motivation plays in personnel performance and with such information as a tool, correctional centers administrators can manipulate motivation to improve personnel functioning. Accordingly, this study will be of relevance to correctional centers administrators. 

1.8 Scope of the Study

By design, every research has its scope. It is implausible that a single research effort can address all that should be addressed in a given topic, no matter how narrow that topic could be. On this understanding, the scope of this study is presented below. Motivation is an instrument used by management to induce employee performance in organizations via schemes such as recognition, promotion, reward, conducive environment, economic incentives, job security, and satisfaction. This study is limited in scope to examine motivation and personnel in selected correctional centers in Delta State. In the extant literature several models with different dimensions exist on employee motivation and performance (e.g., Anderson & Williams, 1991; Ryan, 2011; Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier, & Villeneuve, 2009). Although some levels of overlaps were reported among dimensions of the models, this study adopted Gagné, Forest, Gilbert, Aubé, Morin, and Malorni’s (2010) scale on employee motivation and Pradhan and Jena’s (2017) scale on employee performance. Therefore, the scope of this study is within employee motivation and performance elements represented in the adopted scales. The study will cover Okere-Warri, Sapele, and Agbor correctional centers.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined as used in this study:

  1. Motivation: employee motivation refers to “the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need” (Orasa, 2014).
  2. Performance: employee performance refers to an individual’s work achievement after investing the needed exertion for the job. It is conceptualized as having three dimensions: task performance, adaptive performance, contextual performance.
  3. Personnel: It refers to individuals that are employed in an organization either contractually, full-time, or part-time to perform a specific task. They are responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of the organization.
  4. Intrinsic Motivation: willingness rooted within a person or the task itself to exert required effort towards getting a job done. It is doing something for its own sake because it is interesting and enjoyable (Gagne et al., 2010).
  5. Extrinsic Motivation: willingness external to a person to exert required effort towards getting a job done. It is doing something for instrumental reasons (Gagne et al., 2010).
  6. Task performance: it involves “job explicit behaviors which include fundamental job responsibilities assigned as a part of job description”. (Pradhan& Jena, 2017).
  7. Adaptive performance:this refers to an “individual’s ability to acclimatize and provide the necessary support to the job profile in a dynamic work situation” (Pradhan& Jena, 2017).
  8. Contextual performance:this is a form of “prosocial behavior demonstrated by individuals in a work set-up. Such behaviors are expected of an employee but they are not overtly mentioned in one’s job description” (Pradhan& Jena, 2017).

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