COPYRIGHT ...................................................................................................................
Background of the Problem
1.2 Statement of the Problem ...............................................................................................6
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Research Questions ........................................................................................................8
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Definition of
1.8 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Effect of Recruitment Policy
on Employees’ Achievement of Set Targets .................12
2.3 Effect of Appraisal Policy on
Employees’ Performance .............................................19
2.4 Effect of Compensation
Policies on Employees’ Performance ...................................25
2.5 Chapter
........................................................................................................29 CHAPTER THREE
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research
3.3 Population
and Sampling Design
3.4 Data Collection Methods
3.5 Research Procedures
3.6 Data Analysis Methods
3.7 Chapter Summary
4.1 Introduction
4.2 General Information
4.3 Effect of Recruitment Policy
on Employees’ Achievement of Set targets ..................41
4.4 Effect of Appraisal Policy On
Employees’ Performance ............................................44
4.5 Effect of Compensation Policy
On Employees’ Performance .....................................48
4.6 Chapter Summary
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................52
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Discussion
5.4 Conclusions
5.5 Recommendations
..................................................................................................................78 LIST
Table 3.1
Permanent Staff Population
Table 3.2
Sampling Frame
Table 3.3
Sample Size Determination
Table 3.4
Sample Size per Stratum
Table 3.5
Reliability Test
Table 4.1
Response Rate ....................................................................................................
Table 4.2
List of Mentioned HR Policies
.......................................................................... 40
Table 4.3
Mean and Standard Deviation Recruitment
Policy............................................ 43
4.4 Recruitment Policy Analysis Based on
Employee Clusters ............................. 44
Table 4.5
Mean and Standard Deviation Appraisal Policy ................................................
Table 4.6
Appraisal Policy Analysis Based On Employee Clusters
.................................. 47
Table 4.7
Mean and Standard Deviation Compensation Policy
........................................ 50
Table 4.8 Compensation Policy
Analysis Based on Employee Clusters ........................... 51
Figure 4.1 Gender Distribution
Figure 4.2
Age Groups .......................................................................................................
Figure 4.3 Education Level
Figure 4.4 Years of Service
Figure 4.5
Employee Clusters
Figure 4.6 HR
Policies Affects Performance
..................................................................... 39
Figure 4.7 Effectiveness of HR
............................................................................ 40
Figure 4.8
Recruitment Policy Affects New Role Adjustment..........................................
Figure 4.9
Appraisal Policy Affects Individual performance
............................................ 45
Figure 4.10
HR Compensation Policy Affects Organization’s Competitive Edge ............ 48
HR Human Resource
HRM Human Resource Management
KShs Kenya Shillings
SHRM Strategic Human Resource Management
HPWS High Performance Work Systems
BSC Balance Score Card
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences
1.1 Background of the
Guest (2007), described Human Resource Management (HRM) as a
set of policies designed to enhance organization’s integration, employee
commitment, flexibility and quality work.
HRM in general covers three aspects of employees’ performance. First is
planning; at this stage identification of company’s goals and recruiting
personnel with the right skills to achieve these goals is crucial. Secondly,
monitoring; which involves training where need be, surveying, appraising and
providing feedback. Last but not least, compensation. Appreciation for work
well done is very important in any organization. It motivates employees which
in turn increases productivity and consequently enables the company achieve its
Effectiveness and efficiency of HRM in any organization is
dependent on the HR policies set in place. Some of the benefits of these
guidelines are: it gives an overview of an organization’s culture, it is an
official means of communication between an organization and a recruit, it
provides details on terms of employment, it forms a basis from which staff is
oriented and trained, and it also acts as a reference point for managers and
staff in future engagements.
A recurring issue in HRM however, is the idea that a certain
bundle or combination of HR policies, properly applied, is required for the
achievement of high performance (Wright and Boswell, 2002). This bundle, first
identified by McDuffie (1995), has proved difficult to confirm as different
research groups have different lists. What these approaches have in common
nonetheless, is that they identify a distinctive set of HR policies that can be
applied successfully to all organizations irrespective of their setting (Redman
and Wilkinson, 2009). Pfeffer (1994, 1998), is perhaps the best known for this,
developing initially a list of 16 best practices which were subsequently
narrowed down to seven (1998) typically referred to as ‘best practice.’ The
seven practices include: - employment security, selective hiring, selfmanaged
team(s) working, high compensation contingent on organizational performance,
extensive training, reduction of status differentials and sharing information.
According to Marchington and Wilkinson (2005), the approach
assumes that the set of policies adopted would have the same effect on all
employees; improved attitudes and
behaviours, lower levels of absenteeism and labour turnover, increased high
levels of productivity, quality and customer service which would in turn lead
to increased profits for organization. This research has been extensively
discussed, with a variety of authors identifying methodological and theoretical
problems. For instance, even when an agreed list could be created, there is the
problem of whether an organization needs all the policies on the list or just
some, and the question of whether one policy is only effective when linked to
another. Reference is often made to ‘deadly combinations’ where one policy,
say, individual performance related pay, clashes with another, like team work
(Delery 1998; Boxall and Purcell, 2000). Marchington and Grugulis (2000), have
also challenged this view pointing out that organizations are complex with many
different types of employees who may be managed successfully through diverse
sets of HR practices within a single organization.
As a response to this school of thought, various authors
drew attention to the importance of analyzing the wider context within which
organizations operated. One such perspective is the
‘best fit’ approach by Schuler and Jackson, (1987) which
argues that performance is maximized when the HR policies adopted are
consistent with the business strategy. The same argument was later reviewed by
Boxall and Purcell, (2003) and a number of issues have been raised concerning
the impact of the outer and the inner context. Perhaps the most basic point of
all is the assumption that firms have a competitive strategy with which HR
policies can fit (Ramsay, et al., 2000). Even if the firm does have a strategy this
view assumes that the one they have is the most appropriate for them. This may
not be the case if firms do not have sufficient knowledge of their external
environment or if they have misinterpreted the information that they have
Wright and Snell (1998) also argued for the need to have
both fit and flexibility (Boxall and Purcell, 2003). This is the ability to
move from one best fit to another, and be able to adapt to the situation where
the need to change is virtually continuous.
According to Wright and Snell (1998), flexibility provides organizations
with the ability to modify current practices in response to non-transient
changes in the environment. In particular there is a need to achieve fit
between the HR system and the existing competitive strategy while at the same
time achieving flexibility in a range of skills and behaviors needed to cope
with changing competitive environments.
The Lepak and Snell model of HR Architecture expresses these
ideas in a more accessible form. They argued that ‘To date most strategic HRM
researchers have tended to take a holistic view of employment and human
capital, focusing on the extent to which a set of practices is used across all
employees of a firm as well as the consistency of these practices across firms’
(Lepak and Snell, 1999, 2002). There was a belief that the most appropriate
mode of investment in human capital varies for different types of capital.
Their model distinguishes between employees on the basis of the value they
create for the organization (the extent they contribute towards the creation of
competitive advantage) and the extent to which their knowledge and skills are
specific to that organization (uniqueness). This approach also raises various
questions. In particular there is the issue of consistency: if an employer
wishes to pursue an inclusive culture based approach why should they treat
employees differently? If certain activities are externalized there is a danger
that the core competences of organization would be lost. There is also a moral
question too – why should different groups be treated differently? Lepak and
Snell (1999, 2002) played a very vital role in identifying the possible
heterogeneity of policy between internal and external groups, but they did not
address one of this study’s major concerns over the previous research: the
relatively limited attention which is given to studying employee attitudes.
Indeed, it is ironic that very few studies actually collected data directly
from the very employees who are seen as central to organizational performance.
A discussion pointed out by McKenna and Beech (2014) who attributed the success
of HRM strategies on communication and involvement of employees in the on
goings in an organization. As it is though, most of the previous studies have
relied on the implied or assumed effect of HR policies on employee attitudes
and behavior.
To get a better insight on the effects of HR policies on
employees performance; the study focused on the banking sector namely
Co-operative Bank of Kenya. The bank is one of the largest commercial banks in
Kenya. Licensed and regulated by the Central bank of Kenya; the national bank
regulator. Its history dates back to 1931 when the first legislation to
specifically govern the registration of Co-operatives - Co-operative Societies
Ordinance was enacted. Notably at the time the ordinance did not allow Africans
to participate in cooperatives. In 1966, previously enacted Ordinance(s) was
replaced with the Co-operative Societies Act. This was done in order to
increase oversight of the Co-operative movement by the government having noted
the importance of Co-operatives as tools of development in the country. As a
result of the initiative and advice of Kenya National Federation Co-operatives
(KNFC), a group of people from the Department of Co-operative Development
visited Israel to study ways and means of establishing a viable Co-operative
bank. In the same year, a joint paper by the Ministry of Finance and Marketing
& Co-operatives Development recommending the establishment of the bank was
issued (Co-operative Bank of Kenya, 2017a).
The Co-operative Bank was officially granted its banking
license and became operational on 10th January 1968. On 16TH December 1977 the bank
registered a finance company; the Cooperative Finance Limited (its first
subsidiary). This was to enable it to conduct the business of a financial
institution for long-term financial requirements. This was later actualized on
8th March 1993. In the following year 1994, Co-operative bank converted to
become a fullyfledged commercial bank offering the complete range of financial
services beyond the captive Co-operative sector to include; personal, corporate
and institutional customers (Cooperative Bank of Kenya, 2017a).
Over the years the bank has grown within and beyond Kenyan
financial markets. For instance, in October 1998; the bank signed a contract
with MoneyGram International and became one of the agents for the company's
international funds remittance business (Cooperative Bank of Kenya, 2017a).
The bank has sustained its recovery and growth path. In 2009
the Bank undertook the most rapid expansion of service outlets by opening an
additional 22 branches within one year to close 2009 with 74 branches up from
52 as at the close of 2008.The expansion has continued over the years with the
bank currently boasting of 114 branches. The expansion has also influenced a
large workforce population presently estimated at 3,600 (Co-operative Bank of
Kenya, 2017b).
It is important to note that the Bank was initially
registered under the Co-operative Societies Act at the point of founding in
1966. This status was retained up to and until June 27th 2008 when the Bank's
Special General Meeting resolved to incorporate under the Companies Act with a view
to complying with the requirements for listing on the Nairobi Securities
Exchange (NSE).The bank went public and was listed on December 22nd 2008.
Shares previously held by the 3,805 Co-operatives Societies and unions were
ring-fenced under Coop Holdings Co-operative Society Limited which became the
strategic investor in the Bank with a 64.56% stake (Co-operative Bank of Kenya,
Whilst my research focused on one case study; the importance
of banking and financial services in the world service industry cannot be
understated (Mishkin, 2001). The industry today constantly wrestles with
revolutionary trends: accelerating product and technological changes, global
competition, deregulation, demographic changes, work force diversity, and at
the same time, they must strive to implement trends towards a service and
information age society. Increasingly, banks are competing for the high
performing employees. New paradigm companies recognize that an important
element in business management practices is the need to successfully motivate
and retain high talent employees who survive organizational restructuring,
downsizing, consolidation, reorganizing and re-engineering initiatives.
Due to this tumultuous business environment, one of the
challenges facing the banking industry is the effective human resource (HR)
policies geared towards retention of critical (core) employees and aligned
organizations core business goals to achieve high performance. This has made
Human Resource Management (HRM) to become more strategic in its focus and
operation (Heys and Kearney, 2001) within current organizational set-up. HRM is
being viewed as a strategic staff enterprise aligned with organizational
values, mission and vision.
This study tried to fill this gap in knowledge by exploring
the strategic perspective between the bank’s HR policies and its bottom line
employees. Noting policies was a wide area to cover; the research looked at the
motivational factors in Human resource policies. Those were specific to,
recruitment, appraisal and compensation. In essence, recruitment process
enabled organizations to achieve strategic objectives through employment and
optimization of skilled individuals (O’Meara and Petzall, 2013).While
appraisals as summarized by Demo, Neiva, Nunes, and Rozzett (2012, p. 400), are
organizationally articulated proposal, with theoretical and practical
constructions, to evaluate employee’s performance and competence, supporting
decisions about promotions, career planning and development. Lastly,
compensation involved rewards employees receive in exchange for their
performance. Generally, the value employees give to the compensation and
benefit package have an influence on human resources outcomes namely,
performance, productivity, satisfaction, retention, and attraction (Kelil,
2013). Therefore, the study examined the existing HR policies specific to the
above mentioned variables, the bank managers’ perspective, why they made the
decisions they did and crucially the attitudes of non-management staff towards
these policies.
1.2 Statement of the
According to Deb (2009), the banking sector like many other
sectors has over the years placed its competitiveness on traditional sources of
success such as product, technology, and protected markets amongst others.
However, the emergence of globalization; where local businesses have gone
worldwide has completely disrupted the traditional business landscape. With
different market forces in play, business selling patterns are no longer as
predictable. Globalization has provided alternative markets for buyers and
sellers in turn increasing more pressure on the bottom line of the
organization, making natural resources no longer a “default”
source of business success. In addition, technological and financial products
have become increasingly prone to duplication hence ruling them out as sources
of competitive edge. Organization’s quest to differentiate themselves from
their competitors has finally been placed on the employees of the organization
(Wagner III & Hollenbeck, 2014).
Human Resource as the new competitive advantage has led to
an eminent shift in the organization’s view of HRM. Organizations have no
choice but to move away from the traditional practice of personnel management
whose duties were restricted to administrative roles such as salary payments.
Human resources management and the banking sector (2004), states that growing
realization of the importance of proper HRM in the corporate sector has led to
head of HRM being included in the senior teams of thriving businesses.
The banking sector has made great strides over the years.
Deb, (2009) further notes that the industry has grown from a few institutions
that just accept deposits and provide credit facilities to complex multi-player
participants in the financial market. Kenya for instance, currently has 42
commercial banks and as at mid-June of 2015 its overall bank sheet reached KSh.
3.6 trillion up from KSh 3 trillion in the previous year (Central Bank of
Kenya, 2016). Like many other progressive sectors, banking requires
multi-layers of qualified manpower. To create a robust talent pool, an
organization has to employ the right management tools and techniques and this
is where the right HR policies come into play. For many years though, banks
have managed human resources like other physical assets. Recruitment processes
have been done in a mechanical way; hiring people with specific educational
background irrespective of their real value to the institution (Deb, 2009).
The case study confirmed the above mentioned HR sentiments
to a great extent. For starters, a big percentage of employees were graduates
with a business administration background who had a little or no experience in
banking at point of recruitment. Secondly, at the recruitment stages general
information on the company’s policies was provided mostly covering the
organization’s culture, training and compensation. Although the document came
with a disclaimer that the policies would be added or amended at any time
dependent on legal regulations and company policy, very little had been changed
over the years (Co-operative Staff Handbook, 2009).
The process of strategic placement and transformation of HRM
in organization continues to be implemented by progressive organizations.
However, as pointed out by Wright and Boswell (2003) when examining HRM it is
important to distinguish between policies and practice. This is because while many organizations may
have the policies in writing, their actual application may not be what is
experienced on the ground. Co-operative bank for instance, has over the years
attracted and employed talented individuals with high academic qualifications.
A general observation of the bank has shown a number of highly skilled
individual ends up leaving the bank after a short period of time. On the other
hand, the performance of those that opt to stay, have been observed to be high
at the beginning of employment but later tends plateau or decrease all
together. Which begs the question, which variables affect performance? Can these performance variables be enhanced
if HR policies are in place? It is with this in mind that the study explored
the effect of HR policies from Cooperative bank employees’ perspective.
1.3 Purpose of the
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Human
resource policies on employees’ performance.
1.4 Research Questions
1.4.1 Effect of recruitment policy on employees’
achievement of set targets?
1.4.2 Effect of appraisal policy on employees’
1.4.3 Effect of compensation
policy on employees’ performance?
1.5 Scope of the Study
Presently in Kenya there are 42 registered commercial banks.
The study however was restricted to Co-operative bank of Kenya which is one of
the largest commercial banks in the country. The bank currently operates 114
branches throughout the country. In addition, it boasts of a staff
establishment of 3,000 permanent employees. However, the study concentrated on
175 permanent employees from the bank’s 7 CBD branches. They included; Aga Khan
walk, City hall, Co-operative house, Moi Avenue, Parliament road, Ukulima and
University way branches.
1.6 Significance of
the Study
From the research, its findings established the need for
policies that are relevant and sensitive to the decision making process and
consequently success of the organization. The benefactors of the research
1.6.1 Co-operative
Bank Managers
The management will get an understanding of the effect of
current policies and which or how to adjust or eliminate to suit its
organization business strategy. In addition, with improved policies managerial
effectiveness will be enhanced in decision making process.
1.6.2 Co-operative
Bank Employees
The employees particularly non-management staff will learn
the different policies in place and its benefits to both the staff and the
organization as a whole.
1.6.3 Other Commercial
Banks in Kenya
They will be able to draw comparisons and similarities of
their policies and practices as compared to Co-operative bank. Consequently
improve their human resource management.
1.6.4 Researchers
Through the study, researchers will gain more insight into human
resources policies in the banking industry. Moreover, the study from its
recommendations will provide areas for further research.
1.7 Definition of
1.7.1 Personnel
This is the recognition of human personality of an employee
and how he or she can become an asset in an organization. It mainly involves
the administrative aspects of employees’ management such salary payment (Reddy,
1.7.2 Human Resource
It is the improved version of personnel
management which looks at employees as a resource. This is the process of
employing, training, developing, utilizing, and compensating employees’
services as guided by the organization’s rules and regulations (Simons,
1.7.3 Policy
These are guidelines formulated by an organization to govern
its actions, which helps the organization achieve its long and short term goals
(Deb, 2006).
1.7.4 Human Resource
These are specific employment guidelines, which are used by
an organization to manage its people (Deb, 2006).
1.7.5 Employee
This is how well a person executes their duties and
responsibilities; based on expectation or set standards (Randhawa, 2007).
1.7.6 Learning
According to Senge (1990, p.3), ‘these are organizations where people continually expand
their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive
patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and
where people are continually learning to see the whole together’.
1.7.7 Job Analysis
It is a detailed
study of the essential factors of a particular job. It includes job
description, skills, attributes and equipment required (Dessler, 2015).
1.7.8 Banking
This is a sub- section of the financial sector that accepts
deposits from the public and creates credit facilities for lending. It also
uses the same as leverage to create more wealth through investments (Ronald,
1.7.9 Commercial Banks
According to Gup (2016, p.68), ‘these are national banks,
state-chartered and or other financial institutions that operate under general
banking codes authorized by law to accept deposits and, in practice do so, or
the obligation of which are regarded as deposits for deposit insurance’.
1.8 Chapter Summary
Chapter one has detailed the background of the problem,
statement of the problem along with the purpose of the study. In addition, the
study has listed the three research questions that looked at recruitment,
appraisal and compensation policies, their relevance and their effect on
organization’s and employees’ performance. The research was focused on
co-operative bank of Kenya. With its outcomes considered to be beneficial to
the bank itself, its employees, other commercial banks, as well as other
The next chapter has documented literature review which
sought to look at information previously researched on the subject by other
researchers and their take on the subject. The third chapter on the other hand
elaborated on research design, data collection methods and analysis. The fourth
chapter thereafter presented results and findings of the study. Lastly, chapter
five discussed conclusions, findings and recommendations based on the case
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