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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009320

No of Pages: 131

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The effect of ejaculation frequency on semen characteristics and composition of seminal plasma of Dutch-belted (DB) and New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits was studied. 36 matured rabbits-18 of each breed were used. The semen characteristics and seminal plasma components of the DB and NZW breeds of rabbits were investigated following two frequencies of ejaculation also determined were the relationship between the semen characteristics and seminal plasma components and the effect of ejaculation frequency on libido. The study involved two treatments. Each treatment was subdivided into two groups of 9 rabbits each. These two groups were further subdivided into 3 replicates of 3 rabbits each. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in sperm concentration NZW (132.39) and DB (103.77), total sperm NZW (90.03 and DB (51.89); total viable sperm cell NZW (116.68) and DB (84.57); and total abnormality NZW (1.38) and DB (2.22). Significant differences (p<0.05) were also observed between collection rhythms (EF1 and EF2).Progressive motility EF1(83.39) and EF2(71.69);live sperm proportion EF1 (89.04) and EF(80.59); sperm concentration EF1(127.93) and EF2(108.24); total sperm EF1(76.76) and EF2(62.78); and total viable sperm cell EF1(113.91) and EF2(87.23). Interaction between breed and ejaculation frequencies of the semen characteristics indicated significant differences (p<0.05).Breed effect on seminal plasma composition indicated significant difference (p<0.05) in fructose, Glutamic acid and zinc. The effect of ejaculation frequency on seminal plasma components indicated significant difference (p<0.05) in Glutamic acid and zinc in EF1 and EF2. The interaction of breed and ejaculation frequency on the seminal plasma components studied indicated significant differences (p<0.05). A positive relationship was found between breeds at single ejaculation (EF1) between zinc and reaction time (r=0.623); progressive motility gave a positive relationship with Glutamic acid(r=0.632);Within the NZW breed at single ejaculation, a significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between Glutamic acid and reaction time giving a high negative correlation(r=-0.826);total sperm gave a  positive relationship with sodium (r=0.811); total variable sperm gave a positive relationship with sodium (r=0.737); normal sperm gave positive relationship with sodium (r=0.795). These results suggest that the New Zealand White breed of rabbit is superior in semen quality characteristics as well as libido to the Dutch-belted breed as observed in the two frequencies of ejaculation studied.


Title page                                                                                                        i

Declaration                                                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                                                      iii

Certification                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                          v

Table of Contents                                                                            vi

List of Tables                                                                                                  xi

List of Plates                                                                                                   xii

Abstract                                                                                                          xiii

CHAPTER 1:    INTRODUCTION                                                            1

1.1       Background of  Study                                                                         1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                         4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                      5         

1.4       Justification                                                                                        5

CHAPTER 2:  LITERATURE  REVIEW                                                 6

2.1       History of Rabbits                                                                              6

2.2       Domestication of Rabbits                                                                   7

2.3       Rabbit Production                                                                               10

2.3.1    Breeding stock                                                                                    10

2.3.2    Housing                                                                                               10

2.3.3    Feeding                                                                                               11

2.4       Rabbit Health and Management                                                         13

2.5       The Value of Rabbit Meat                                                                  15

2.6       Rabbit Reproduction                                                                          16

2.6.1    Reproductive Anatomy                                                                       16

2.6.2    Spermatogenesis                                                                                 18

2.6.3    Sperm Production                                                                               20

2.7       Libido                                                                                                 23

2.8       Artificial Insemination                                                                       24

2.9       Semen Characteristics                                                                        25

2.9.1    Semen                                                                                                 25

2.9.2    Seminal Plasma                                                                                  26

2.10     Factors Influencing Semen Production                                              31

2.10.1  Individual and Genetic                                                                       31

2.10.2  Frequency of Collection                                                                     31

2.10.3  Lighting                                                                                              33

2.10.4  Temperature                                                                                       33

2.10.5  Age                                                                                                     34

2.10.6  Health status                                                                                       34       

2.10.7  Feeding protocols                                                                               35

2.10.8  Semen collection                                                                                37

2.11     Characteristics of Spermatozoa                                                          38

2.11.1  Sperm concentration (Sperm count)                                                   38

2.11.2  Semen volume                                                                                    39

2.11.3  Semen colour                                                                                      40

2.11.4  Sperm motility                                                                                    41

2.11.5   Spermatozoa morphology                                                                 42

2.11.6  Live and dead sperm proportion                                                         43

2.11.7  Semen pH                                                                                           43

CHAPTER   3:  MATERIALS AND METHODS                                    45

3.1       Experimental Site                                                                               45

3.2       Experimental Animals and Management                                           39

3.2.1    Experimental diet                                                                               41

3.3       Experimental Treatment and Design                                                  48

3.4       Experimental Animals and Management                                           48

3.5       Statistical Analysis                                                                             49

3.6       Experimental Procedures and Data Collection                                  49

3.6.1    Body weight                                                                                       49

3.6.2    Reaction time and Libido                                                                   50

3.7       Seminal Characteristics                                                                      50

3.7.1    Semen volume (ml) and Colour                                                         50

3.7.2    Motility (%)                                                                                        50

3.7.3    Live sperm proportion (%)                                                                 50

3.7.4    Total sperm                                                                                         51

3.7.5    Abnormal sperm proportion (%)                                                        51

3.7.6    Sperm cell concentration (×106ml)                                                    51

3.8       Seminal Plasma Constituents                                                             52

3.8.1    Fructose                                                                                              52

3.8.2    Glucose                                                                                               52

3.8.3    Glutamic acid                                                                                     53

3.8.4    Sodium                                                                                                53

3.8.5    Zinc                                                                                                     54

3.8.6    Statistical analysis                                                                              54

CHAPTER  4 :  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                       55

4.1       Semen Colour                                                                                     55

4.2       Effect of Breed on Semen Characteristics of Rabbits                                    55

4.3       Semen Characteristics                                                                        58

4.4       Effect of Ejaculation Frequency on Semen Characteristics               60

4.5       Effect of Interaction between Breed and Ejaculation

Frequencies of Rabbit Semen Characteristics                                         65


4.6       Effect of Breed on the Seminal Plasma Components of Rabbits            72

4.7        Seminal Plasma Components                                                       74

4.7.1      Effect of Ejaculation Frequency on the Seminal Plasma

Components of Rabbits                                                                75


4.7.2      Interaction Effect of Breed and Ejaculation Frequency on

      the Seminal Plasma  Constituents of Rabbits                               78



4.10     Correlation of Semen Quality Parameters and

Seminal Plasma Components of Once Ejaculated of

NZW and DB Breeds of Rabbits                                               82



4.11     Correlation                                                                                          83

4.12     Correlation of Semen Characteristics Parameters and

Seminal Plasma Components of Twice Ejaculated NZW

and DB Breeds of Rabbits                                                         84



4.13     Correlation of Semen Characteristics Parameters and

Seminal Plasma Components of Once Ejaculated and

Twice Ejaculated New Zealand White Rabbits                        86



4.14     Correlation of Semen Characteristics Parameters and

Seminal Plasma Components of Once and Twice Ejaculated

Dutch-belted Rabbits                                                                 88



CHAPTER  5 :    CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                90                         

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                          90

5.2       Recommendation                                                                               93

References                                                                                          94








Table 3.1:        Partitioning of rabbits into groups                                          48

Table 4.1:        Effect of Breed on Semen Characteristics                              51

Table 4.2:        Effect of Ejaculation Frequency on Semen

                        Characteristics                                                                        64


Table 4.3:         Effect of Interaction of Breed and Ejaculation Frequency

on Semen Characteristics                                                           71       

Table 4.4:        Effect of Breed on Seminal Plasma Components                  74

Table 4.5:        Effect of Ejaculation Frequency on Seminal Plasma

Components                                                                            77


Table 4.6:        Effect of Interaction of Breed and Ejaculation Frequency on Seminal Plasma Components                                                        81

Table 4.7:        Correlation of Semen Characteristics Parameters

and Seminal Plasma Components of Once Ejaculated

New Zealand White and Dutch-belted Rabbits                      83


Table 4.8:        Correlation of Semen Characteristics Parameters and

 Seminal Plasma Components of Twice Ejaculated

New Zealand White and Dutch-belted Rabbits                      85



Table 4.9:        Correlation of Semen Characteristics and

Seminal Plasma Components at Once Ejaculated

and Twice Ejaculated New Zealand White Rabbits               87


Table 4.10:      Correlation of Semen Characteristics and

Seminal Plasma Components of Once Ejaculated

and Twice Ejaculated Dutch-belted Rabbits                          89








Plate 1:                        Artificial vagina                                                          46

Plate 2:                        Eppendorf tubes                                                          47














Today, rabbit farming has become a well received progression in animal farming. This is due to rapid human population growth and low protein intake which are some of the major problems that developing countries face (Akpa et al., 2012). The increasing demand for animal protein coupled with inadequate supply of animal source of protein from the principal livestock species such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry has made it important that attention be shifted to other micro-livestock such as rabbit (Biobaku and Dosunmu 2003; Fayeye and Ayorinde 2003). This is because rabbit production has been perceived to have the potential of alleviating the problem of inadequate animal protein supply in developing economies. This according to Ghosh et al. (2008), is attributed largely to the rabbit’s high rate of reproduction, early maturity, rapid growth rate, efficient food utilization and meat of high nutritional value. In line with efforts directed towards meeting the daily needs of the citizens, Foods and Agricultural Organization (1987) states that rabbits may play a partial role in bridging the animal protein gap. 

Research on rabbits in recent years in Nigeria has been mostly in the effect of diet, or growth performance, meat chemical composition and quality (Awonorin et al., 1994). Therefore, in order to improve the reproductive capability of rabbits in Nigeria, assessment of the semen characteristics of the breeds of rabbit found here is of paramount importance. Akpa et al., (2012) affirms that the assessment of rabbit semen is an excellent indication of the reproductive capacity of the animals.  It is therefore important to understand and improve the reproductive performance of rabbits in Nigeria, in order to select bucks of high fertility and for the purpose of using ejaculate that can be relied upon to give a high conception rate for aiding artificial insemination programmes and increased productivity. Hence, the ability for a farmer to record good success in breeding of farm animals depends greatly on the fertility status of the animals used. Umesiobi et al., (2000) opined that parameters for measuring reproductive performance in male animals include: sperm concentration, sperm motility, live/dead spermatozoa and proportion of morphologically deformed sperm. Furthermore, Gbadamosi and Egbunike (1999) stated that reproductive inefficiency is the most limiting constraint to effective rabbit production in the tropics. Therefore, to forestall some of these inefficiencies, artificial insemination introduced over 20 years ago in rabbit farming (Paufler et al., 1979; Battaglini et al., 1986; Theau-Clement and Roustan, 1992) has proved a beneficial technique in terms of management, profitability, genetics and health. One of the most immediate benefits has been the reduction in the number of males. As a result, males used must be more intensively selected. Breeding males must have good semen yield both in terms of quality and quantity (Panella and Castellini, 1990; Battaglini, 1992; Castellini and Dal Bosco, 1998).

In order to predict fertility before artificial insemination, different in vivo tests techniques have been developed and modified to evaluate spermatozoa quality. It has also enabled breeders to determine the fertility status of a sperm cell (Paal et al., 2014). These tests include the Computer- assisted semen analysis (CASA), which provides a repeatable estimate of many spermatozoa movement and also allows the determination of specific motion characteristics of a sperm cell. Alvarino, (2000) stated that seminal characteristics are affected by many factors which include: breed, feeding, health status, rearing condition, season and collection frequency, etc.

Studies on the effect of collection rhythm on rabbit semen characteristics have particularly been focused on volume, concentration, pH, live and motile cells, and kinetic characteristics of spermatozoa (Carvajal et al., 1993; Bencheikh et al., 1995; Lopez et al., 1996; Theau-Clement et al., 1999; Nizza et al., 2003). Several authors have studied various semen collection rhythms that vary from one to four ejaculations per day (Bodnar et al., 1996; Bunaciu et al., 1996; Lopez et al., 1996), weekly schedules varying from once weekly (Bunaciu, 1995; Bunaciu et al., 1996) to daily collections (Bodnar et al., 1996). Previous studies have examined how the intensification of collection rates has increased the quantity of semen per week but inevitably had an adverse effect on quality. Bencheikh (1995) and Moce et al., (2000) agree that two ejaculates collected once a week (in a period of at least 15 minutes), gives good semen production results.

The libido of rabbit studs is also of interest as it is the physical expression of the physiological state of the animal as well as the degree of responsiveness of the animal to its environmental conditions. Morsy (2007) found that the reaction time was longer in the hot season (74 seconds) than in the cold season (46 seconds). This, he further reported may be related to the adverse effect of the hot season, which resulted in low physical performance of bucks under environmental Egyptian conditions and/or low quality semen occurring during hot conditions. On the other hand, Zeidan et al., (1997) reported that the delay in reaction time may be due to a decrease in testosterone level and minimal spermatogenesis.

As production directly depends on reproduction, the reproductive performance of rabbits becomes an important aspect in determining the profitability of commercial rabbit breeding (Apori et al., 2014); therefore, the present study investigated the effect of ejaculation frequency on the semen characteristics as well as the seminal plasma components of two breeds of rabbit bucks.


The difficulties encountered in breeding rabbits of optimum quality here in the tropics primarily for the purpose of meat production, spurred on this research. Many rabbit farmers in the tropics have little or no knowledge about the reproductive physiology of the Dutch-belted and New Zealand White rabbits since little or no comparisons between the breeds have been done. No evaluation on the seminal plasma constitution is available for enlightenment. Apparently, evaluating the effect of ejaculation frequency on seminal characteristics and composition of seminal plasma would create the much needed awareness for the production of excellent breeds of rabbits in the tropics; and eliminate/reduce the negative effects of inappropriate use of the buck by farmers.



1.     To determine the semen characteristics of the Dutch-belted and New Zealand White breeds of rabbits taken once a week and twice a week respectively.

2.     To determine the seminal plasma composition of the Dutch-belted and New Zealand White breeds of rabbit.

3.     To determine the relationship between seminal plasma components and semen characteristics of rabbits following two frequencies of ejaculation.

4.     To determine the effect of ejaculation frequency on libido in the Dutch-belted and New Zealand White breeds of rabbit.


Among the numerous challenges faced by animal breeders in this part of the world, that of under-utilization of the male greatly affects the yield of animals in every farm. This automatically reduces the quantity of animal protein available to the masses. Therefore, to curb losses accruing from the continual use of low- performing rabbit bucks in rabbit farms, the outcome of this study will provide valuable knowledge in addition to the previous researches done on the performance of rabbit bucks as regards the semen characteristics as well as seminal plasma composition of two breeds of rabbit bucks. The result of this study will produce baseline information to farmers on the appropriate mating frequency to be undertaken for the breeds of rabbit bucks used for the study thereby, assisting rabbit farmers in fully harnessing the reproductive potentials of the two breeds of bucks experimented with.


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