This study investigates the factors that influence the e-service quality through online shopping. E-service quality is the difference between customers’ expectations for service performance priorities the service encounters and their expectations about service performance prior to the service offering. Due to the recent growth in e-service quality in the field of e-commerce, the importance of monitoring and measuring e-service quality has provided value to the virtual world. Perceived risk has been studied in marketing for over 40 years and appears to be an appropriate construct to understand consumer adoption of e-commerce payment systems. The internet’s impact upon the Malaysian market is significant and this has made it convenient for consumers to purchase products/services from the reader and to go through the product information over the internet. The findings indicate the analysis of e-service quality through online shopping.
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
Abstract x
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Objective of the Study 3
1.4 Research Questions 3
1.5 Research
Hypothesis 4
1.6 Significance
of the Study 5
1.7 Scope of the Study 5
1.8 Organization of the Study 5
1.9 Operational Measure of Variables 5
2.1 Service Quality 5
2.2 E-Service Quality 8
2.3 Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 10
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.5 Empirical Review 12
2.6 Theoretical Review 15
3.1 Research Design 19
3.2 Area of Study 19
3.3 Design and Administration of the
Questionnaire 19
3.4 Sampling Techniques 19
3.5 Research Population/Determination of Sample
Size 19
3.6 Selection of Data/Collection of Data 20
3.7 Validity and Reliability 21
3.8 Data Analysis 21
3.9 Operational Measures of Variables 21
4.1 Presentation of Data
Summary Statistics 26
Model Estimation 26
Test of Hypotheses 28
5.1 Summary of Findings 30
5.2 Conclusion 31
5.3 Recommendations 32
References 33
Table 2.1: Dimensions
of Service Quality (SERVQUAL Scale) 7
Table 2.2: E-Service
Scales 8
Table 4.2: Descriptive Statistics 26
Table 4.3: Coefficientsa 27
development of information and communication technology, internet and worldwide
(www) has become an important tool in business environment which has a major
impact in business world (Nazli, 2015).
service has recorded an explosive growth in the electronic commerce in the past
several years. (Ahmed, 2011). Businesses are gaining competitive advantages by
using e-commerce to interact with customer on regular bases. E-service quality
is the overall customer assessment and judgment of e-service delivery in the
virtual market place as it offers a lot of benefits to the customers such as
enhanced control, ease use and reduced transaction charges (Scullin &
Nicholas, 2001, Yang & Fang, 2004) cited in Ahmed, 2011).
use online service as an assurance to their customer that they maintain a
competitive quality of service in future in efforts to avoid losing their
customers (Rod et al., 2009).
Providing a good service quality is one of the major issues especially in
organization engaging in online business, where a satisfied customer is willing
to repeat again.
noted by Ahmed, Mahmoud and Hani (2014) companies with good service quality
will lead to higher customers’ satisfaction and customer loyalty, resulting in
repeat purchases and profitability.
an organization to gain competitive advantage it must use technology to gather
information on market demand and exchange if between organizations for the
purpose of enhancing the service quality (Seth & Deshmukh et al., 2005). Electronic service has strategic
importance in businesses striving to address customer satisfaction in the
electronic market place. As cited by Parasuraman & Zinkhan (2002) in
Asadpoor & Aboifazi (2017) opined that electronic service contribute two
key advantages; information efficiency and transaction efficiency. The use of
information technology has not only transformed the nature of service provided
by organization (online retailer) but has changed the process of providing
services (Paluch & Blut, 2013).
to Lee, Petrick, Crumptun (2007) marketing has adopted electronic business in
order to provide superior service that satisfies customers, creates customer
value and ultimately develop loyalty. Electronic service quality facilitate,
effective and efficient shopping, purchasing and delivery. A lot of researches
have been conducted in the area of e-service quality delivery in order to
create customer satisfaction among customers of online retailer (Bekhet &
Al-Alak, 2011). Much of the studies in e-service quality take a communication
of traditional service quality dimensions and web interface quality dimension
as the starting points. Therefore, these research aim at to access the effect
of e-service quality on customer satisfaction of online shopping in Abia State.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
today’s challenging business environment, the evaluation of customer
satisfaction on service quality is the primary goal of service firms that would
like to survive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. In today’s
challenging business environment, the evaluation of customer satisfaction on
service quality is the primary group of service firms that would like to
survive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Researchers have identified
several dimensions of e-service quality, but the consistency in the proposed
dimension is lacking. Most of the e-service quality dimensions studied is
limited to financial institutions and hospitality industries.
companies to deliver superior service quality online, it is necessary to understand
customer’s perceptions about service quality and how to evaluate it Zeithaml
(2002). Again, it seems that the e-service quality strategies used by the
online retailers or firms are similar to those of traditional service quality
rather than research based thought programmes, hence inability of the online
retailer to state the best e-service quality dimensions that are perceived by
customers as superior service quality online in the online market.
on the empirical studies, no study has tried to analyzed the effect of
e-service quality and customers satisfaction and advise the firm in the best
one to be amended or discarded. This gap is the thrust of this study.
1.3 Objective of the Study
main objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of e-service quality on
customer satisfaction among online shoppers in Abia State. The specific objectives
i. to
determine the dimensions of online service quality available to online shoppers
in Umuahia
ii. to
determine the effect of website design on customer satisfaction
iii. to
determine the effect of reliability on customer satisfaction
iv. to
determine the effect of responsiveness on customer satisfaction
v. to
determine the effect of trust on customers satisfaction
vi. to
determine the effect and personalization on customer satisfaction.
1.4 Research Questions
The study will answers the following
research questions.
i. What
are the dimensions of online service quality available to online shoppers in
ii. To
what extent does website design effect customer satisfaction?
iii. To
what extent does reliability effect customer satisfaction?
iv. To
what extent does responsiveness effect customer satisfaction?
v. To
what extent does trust effect customer satisfaction?
vi. To
what extent does personalization effect customer satisfaction?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses are stated
in null form.
Ho1: There is no
significant relationship between website designs on customer satisfaction.
Ho2: There is no
significant relationship between reliability on customer satisfaction.
Ho3: There is no
significant relationship between responsiveness on customer satisfaction.
Ho4: There is no
significant relationship between trusts on customer satisfaction.
Ho5: There is no
significant relationship between personalizations on customer satisfaction.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study when completed will be
useful to the following groups;
The Academic Community: The
study will add to existing literature on the research topic.
The Online Shopper: The
study will also identify the various strategies (e-service dimension) that
strongly influence customers’ satisfaction.
1.7 Scope
of the Study
research is domiciled in e-marketing and consumer behaviour. The geographical
scope is those that patronize online firms in Umuahia, Abia State.
scope covers online shoppers.
1.8 Organization
of the Study
work is organized in five chapters. The first chapter centres on the
introduction of the research project, while the second chapter reviews the
various literatures on service dimensions and customer satisfaction. The third
chapter discusses the research methodologies that are used in this project. The
fourth chapter deals with analysis of the data and presentation of findings.
The final chapter deals with recommendations and conclusion of the research
1.9 Operational
Measure of Variables
E-service quality
is defined broadly to encompass all phases of a customer’s interactions with a
Customer satisfaction:
A collective outcome of perceptions; evaluation and psychological reactions to
the consumption experience with a product/service.
Online shoppers:
Customers that buy a product online.
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