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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008230

No of Pages: 75

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study investigated Customer Service as a Determinant to Customer Satisfaction of any Selected Commercial Bank. The statement of problem of this study states that Nigeria Banks have fallen short of the expectations of their customers in recent time. Thus, customers have experienced challenges ranging from delay, non-availability of staff at service points, unprofessional conduct or rudeness by the staff of the bank, poor standard of records or improper information etc. (personal observation). Customers are the major products of every bank and the way these products are managed determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the banks and ultimately their performance. The major objectives of the study evaluate the relationship between effective customer service delivery and customers’ retentionTo examine the relationship between effective customer service delivery and bank operation performances. Lastly. To ascertain relationship between effective customer service management and customer’s loyalty. To achieve the objectives of the study, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information. In testing the hypothesis Pearson’s product Moment Correlation was used. The findings shows that there is a significant relationship between effective customer service delivery and customers’ retention. Secondly there is a significant relationship between effective customer service delivery and bank operation performancesLastly, there is a significant relationship between effective customer service management and customer’s loyalty. The researcher therefore recommends that Financial institutions especially banks should value and rate the services rendered to customers.



Title page                                                                                                                                                        i

Declaration                                                                                                                                                      ii

Certification                                                                                                                                                     iii

Dedication                                                                                                                                                       iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                 v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          x                                                                    

Abstract                                                                                                                                 xii


1.0. Background to the study                                                                                                  1

1.2 Statement of the problem                                                                                                 3

1.3 Objectives of the study                                                                                                     4

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                          4

1.5  Research Hypotheses                                                                                                5

1.6 Significance of the study                                                                                                  5

1.7 Scope of the study                                                                                                            6


2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                                                    7

2.1.1. Customer Service                                                                                                         7

2.1.2 The customer perceived service quality                                                                        10

2.1.3 Good Customer Service                                                                                                11

2.1.4 Superior Customer Service                                                                                            11

2.1.5 Customer Satisfaction                                                                                                   14

2.1.7 Positive Aspects                                                                                                            14

2.1.8 Negative Aspect                                                                                                            15

2.1.9 Meeting Customer Service Standards                                                                                 16

2.1.10. Exceeding customer expectation                                                                                16

2.1.11. Involvement of Customer                                                                                           18

2.1.12. Customer Loyalty                                                                                                       19

2.1.13 the difference between Loyalty and Retention                                                            20

2.1.14. Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty and Retention                    21

2.1.15 Barriers to customer satisfaction                                                                                 23

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                                                    23

2.2.1 The modern customer service theory                                                                            23

2.2.2 Comparatively, the traditional theory                                                                            24

2.3  Empirical Framework                                                                                                      25

2.4 Summary of Gaps                                                                                                             27



3.1 Research Design                                                                                                               29

3.2 Population of the study                                                                                                     29

3.3 Study Area                                                                                                                        29

3.4 Sample size and sample Techniques                                                                                30

3.5 Sources of data and data collection Method                                                                     32

3.6 Reliability and Validity of instrument                                                                              32

3.7 Model specification                                                                                                          33

3.8 Data Analysis Technique                                                                                                 34



4.1 Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     35

4.2 Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                           54

4.3 Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     57



5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                                       59

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        59

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                            60












4.1 Distribution of respondents according to institution                                                        35

4.2 Distribution of respondents according to department                                                      36

4.3 Distribution of respondents according to year of experience                                          36

4.4 Distribution of respondents according to level of position                                              37

4.5 Distribution of respondents according to highest qualification                                       37

4.6 Distribution of respondents according to gender                                                             38

4.7 The applications of good and effective customer relationship management assist in the understanding of your customers                                                                                      39

4.8 Crm practice solved your business problems or make you understand your customers and improve your overall business performance.                                                                             40

4.9 Crm is an essential tool used by financial institutions in business performance                perspective.                                                                                                                            41

4.10 The data collected by the crm applications are used to design new products or set a new business strategy by your bank.                                                                                               42

4.11 The satisfaction derived from the use of crm application/technique acts as an impulsive in maintaining good customer relationship                                                                               43

4.12 Banks operational performance is dependent on good and effective customer relationship management.                                                                                                                           44

4.13 The complains laid by customers are properly treated by banks                                    45

4.14 Customers are impressed with the quality of relationship existing between them and their banks as a result of the quality services rendered by their banks                                     46

4.15 Often at times, customers are motivated towards patronizing financial institution as a result good customer relationship management.                                                                                    47

4.16 Banks often give preferential treatment when dealing with their customers                    48

4.17 Poor service rendition and non-maintenance of customer relationship deters customers in turning to other banks                                                                                                                     49

4.18 Availability and use of atm has increased customer satisfaction and loyalty             50

4.19 Frequent availability of alternate channels such as internet banking and mobile banking has deduces customer loyalty                                                                                                    51

4.20 Reductions in cost on transaction (cot) promulgate customer’s loyalty                         52

4.21 Interest given to customers as an incentive induces customer’s loyalty                         53









1.0. Background to the study

Today, customers have more power in deciding their bank of choice. Consequently, keeping existing customers, as well as attracting new ones, is a critical concern for banks. Customer satisfaction is an important variable in evaluation and control of customer service rendition. Poor customer satisfaction will lead to a decline in customer’s loyalty, and given the extended offerings from the competitors, customers can easily switch banks. Banks need to leverage effectively on their customer relationships and make better use of customer information across the institution. Vinay Tiwari, (2012).

Thus, customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. In a competitive marketplace where a business competes for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy (Anyanwu, 2017). Customer satisfaction is an asset that should be monitored and managed just like any physical asset. The relationship between customer service and customer satisfaction is a vital one. 

In a competitive market place, understanding customer needs become crucial, therefore companies and banks in this case, have moved from product-centric to customer-centric positions. Customer satisfaction is influenced by the type of service provided. Satisfaction is a challenge particularly in the bank based service as customers can easily switch from one bank to another of a better service. Therefore, it becomes paramount for customers satisfaction to be consider important while delivering services to them (customer)

Okafor (2016) opines that customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Everyone in the organization is providing one or all of these- perhaps they recognize which ones perhaps not. Kurtenbach (2011) explains that those who are successful in customer service rank their customers experience as the top priority.

Ettore (2001) is of the view that, concentrating on current customer’s information can and should be obtained to better understand their view of the service provided.

The quality of service provided determines the level of satisfaction of the customer even though what is seen as quality by one customer may not necessarily be quality to another.

Considering the high costs of acquiring new customers and apparently, high customers turn-over of many banking services. It is very important to find out what causes customer satisfaction. (Siadat, 2008, cited Van Rie, Lijander and Jurriens 2001).

High levels of customer satisfaction bring several positive aspects to a company; it is believed that customer satisfaction has a positive relationship with economic profit (Anderson, Fornell, and Lehmann, 2014). Moreover, it will lower customer’s price sensitivity (Fornell, 2012), and contribute to the creation of loyal customers, which in turn implies a stable future cash-flow (Matzler et al., 2016). 

Any organization that has satisfied customers is bound to increase customer base and hence profitability. Satisfied customers may sell your organization either consciously or unconsciously. 

It is therefore important that service industries provide quality service to customers so as to satisfy them, make them loyal and retain them at the end.


Greenberg, (2001) states that, banking sector is a customer-oriented service where the customer is the key focus. Research is needed in such sector to understand customers’ need and attitude so as to build a long term relationship with them. The effective relationship between customers and banks depends on the understanding of the different needs of customers at different stages. The ability of banks to understand and respond towards the customers’ needs make the customers feel like a valuable individual rather than just part of a large number of customers.


1.2       Statement of the problem

Nigeria Banks have fallen short of the expectations of their customers in recent time. Thus, customers have experienced challenges ranging from delay, non-availability of staff at service points, unprofessional conduct or rudeness by the staff of the bank, poor standard of records or improper information etc. (personal observation).

Ogunnaike and Ogbari, (2008) note that customer service in our banking industry can be mistaken to mean customer delay and frustration. According to the authors almost every Nigerian bank encounters similar problem in meeting customers’ expectation of services and customer satisfaction. The issue of money transfer in banks is one major problem that customers of certain banks have been made to experience. In most cases, the customer hardly receives the payment of the money transferred in his account immediately.

Also, the long queues and huge crowds in the banking halls can be highly devastating and discouraging most times, especially when the weekend is near. Most times, this long queues are as a result of the breakdown of the computers used by these cashiers, sometimes it occurs as a result of the cashier pushing duty to one another, as to who is to attend to the customer or not. Customers are the major products of every bank and the way these products are managed determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the banks and ultimately their performance.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The main objective of this work is to examine customer service as a determinant of customer satisfactions in the banking sector. The Specific objectives include the following:

      i.         evaluate the relationship between effective customer service delivery and customers’ retention.

     ii.         examine the relationship between effective customer service delivery and bank operation performances.

   iii.         ascertain relationship between effective customer service management and customer’s loyalty

1.4 Research Questions

      i.         What is the relationship between effective customer service delivery and customers’ retention?

     ii.         What is the relationship between effective customer service delivery and bank operation performances?

   iii.         What is the relationship between effective customer service management and customer’s loyalty?


1.6  Research Hypotheses

H01: there is no significant relationship between effective customer service delivery and customers’ retention.

H02: there is no significant relationship between effective customer service delivery and bank operation performances.

H03: there is no significant relationship between effective customer service management and customer’s loyalty.

1.6 Significance of the study

Financial Institutions: Banks has customer service as one of its products, hence the need to find out whether they really are providing that service and what ways they can improve so as to have competitive advantage over rivals in the market.


 Academic Environment: this work will serve as a consulting literature for scholars and researchers who wish to inquire into customer service and its importance in customer satisfaction.


Bank Customers: the work will enlighten customer on the need to know their rights and demand for best service as at when due. Thus, through this work, customers will stand a chance to compare and contrast the activities of banks with respect to effective service delivery.


Business Policy Makers: Making informed decisions when it comes to quality customer service to satisfy the customers will become effective and importance through the consultation of this research. It will serve as an eye opener in enlightening business policy making on the need to put customers into consideration in every policy made in the bank.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study comprises workers and customers of access bank, Eco bank and First Bank, No 5, Azikiwe road, Port Harcourt, rivers state. Due to competition in recent times in the banking sector, the study covers employees of the bank who are always in contact with the customers and the difficulties they face in delivering their service as well as the customers experiences with the employees of the bank.


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