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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007494

No of Pages: 105

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examined the effect of audit quality on value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria. The study employed ex post facto research design. Data for analysis was gotten from the published financial reports of 12 listed deposit money banks spanning a period of 5 years (2015 to 2019). The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method using Multiple regression model was used to analyze the data generated with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Version 21). Findings from the study revealed that audit fee has a positive significant effect on value relevance of reported earnings per share of the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Further findings revealed that audit firm size has a positive insignificant effect on value relevance of reported earnings per share of the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria and finally, it was revealed that audit tenure has a negative insignificant effect on value relevance of reported earnings per share of the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Based on the findings the study recommends that, deposit money banks should endevour to balance the costs of audit by paying prudent fee for audit services such that it will not impede or influence the external auditors judgement on the reported financial figures in order to minimize the risk of reduced independence. Such practices if not considered that lead to audit risk of poor judgement that might distort the value relevance of financial reports of the banks thus; lead to a situation where investors base there judgement on reported earnings figures that are inappropriate.Also, deposit money banks should not maintain the services of a particular audit firm over a long period of time as this impedes the quality of audit service offered as a result of the familiarity is developed between the audit firm and client overtime.


Cover Page                                                                                          i

Title Page                                                                                            ii

Declaration                                                                                       iii

Dedication                                                                                        iv

Certification                                                                                      v

Acknowledgement                                                                            vi

Table of Content                                                                               vii

Abstract                                                                                            x


1.1 Background to the Study                                           

1 1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                          4

1.3  Objectives of the Study                                                    6

1.4 Research Questions                                                               6

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                         7

1.6 Significance of the Study                                                                   7

1.7 Scope of the Study                                                                           8

1.8 Limitation of the Study                                                                    9

1.9 Operational Definition of Term                                                        9


2.1Conceptual Review                                                                           11

2.1.1Concept of audit quality                                                       11

2.1.2 Determinant of audit quality                                             13 Audit fee                                 13                         Audit tenure                            15                         Audit firm size                                  16                               

2.1.3 The debate on audit quality measures                       17

2.1.4 Value relevance of financial report                          20

2.1.5 Audit quality and value relevance of financial report    20                               

2.1.6 Financial reporting                                                        21

2.1.7 Overview of the Nigerian banking sector         24                   

2.2 Theoretical Review                                                             25

2.2.1 Agency theory                                                              25

2.2.2 Signaling theory                                                                      28

2.2.3 Stewardship theory                                                    30

2.2.4 The policeman theory                                                31

2.3 Empirical Review                                                               32

2.4 Summary of Empirical Review                                         52

2.5 Gap in Literature                                                              62


3.1 Research Design                                                      64

3.2 Area of the Study                                                                       64

3.3 Population of the Study                                                       64

3.4Sample Size and Sampling Technique                           64

3.5 Sources of Data                                                                    65

3.6 Data Analysis Technique                                                        65

3.7 Definition of Variables                                                              66

3.7.1 Independent variables                                                      66

3.7.2 Dependent Variables                                                         66

3.8 Model Specification                                                               66



4.1 Data Presentation                                                                   68

4.2 Data Analysis                                                                          68

4.2.1 Data Validity Test                                                                68

4.2.2 Descriptive statistics                                                           70

4.2.3 Correlation analysis                                                             71

4.2.4 Regression of the estimated model summary                 72

4.2.5 Test of hypothesis                                                               74

4.3 Discussion on Findings                                                           75



5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                77

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                 77

5.3 Recommendations                                                                    78

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge                                                      79

5.5 Areas of Further Research                                                     79

                    References                                                                      81

                    Appendices                                                                      89









The Nigerian business environment has been perceived in some quarters as not too conducive to investors; both local and foreign (Okolie, 2014). Adjudged reasons for this assertion include the inability of financial reports to meet the needs of this group of users (Okolie, 2014). The prevalence of fraud, excessive earnings management and other financial crimes in the country has reduced the level of confidence reposed in these financial statements; and inability of these statements to perform their requisite functions as such adjudged to be of no value relevant for investment decision making(Chadegani, 2011). In the light of the cost of frauds to the business and the offender, it is important to develop strategies to prevent or detect business fraud, taking a cursory look at the risk factors associated with business, giving due attention to the motives attached with it and establishing how to effectively manage it on a daily basis (Akinjobi&Omowumi, 2010). Hence, the auditors are looked upon as ‘messiahs’ in correcting this anomaly, and thereby directly, or indirectly reposing the confidence of investors in the financial reports of firms as the financial reports are adjudged to be of value relevant when the perceived audit quality on those report is high (Chadegani, 2011).    

The demand for external audit services originated from the agency issues which arise out of the separation of ownership and control of firms. Firms are invariably owned by disparate shareholders but the daily operations of the firms are controlled by professional managers; who may or may not hold significant shareholdings in the firm. This means that the shareholders of the firm have a residual claim on the firm’s resources and that the managers of the firm will have to communicate their stewardship of the firm’s resources to shareholders; normally through the periodic issue of a set of financial statements (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000). In order to ensure that the financial information published by firms are reliable and of value relevance to users, it is normally required that the statements are certified by an auditor - an objective and rigorous third party who performs independent examinations that give financial statements credibility with users (Akinjobi&Omowumi, 2010).

Audit is playing an important role in developing and enhancing the global economy and business firms. Investor confidence is fundamental to the successful operation of the world's financial markets in line with decision making by managers. When making decisions about capital allocation, investors need to be assured that financial information they are given is credible and reliable. The quality of audits and audit opinions expressed on financial reports are crucial to achieving a sustained investor‘s confidence and providing accounting informations that of value relevance. Independent auditors play a vital role in enhancing the reliability of financial information by attesting to the trustworthiness of the financial statements (Temitope, Segun, Olayinka & Olubunkunola 2013).

It has been advocated by auditing scholars that the main aim of an audit assignment is to produce a quality report. The emphasis here is on ‘value relevant reports’, hence, it is presumed that the major role of the auditor is the production of a quality report that are of value relevance; achieved through strict adherence to the principles of high audit quality. Chadegani (2011) asserted that audit quality is used by investors as a market assessment tool that there is probability that a given auditor will both detect material misstatements in the client’s financial statements and report the material misstatements in order for the financial report not be misleading. This probability depends upon the broad concept of an auditor’s professional conduct, which includes factors such as objectivity, due professionalism and conflict of interest (Mgbame, Eragbhe & Osazuwa, 2012).

In essence, auditing is used to provide the needed assurance for investors when relying on audited financial statements. More precisely, the role of auditing is to reduce information asymmetry on accounting numbers, and to minimize the residual loss resulting from managers’ opportunism in financial reporting thus making the reports of value relevance to investors (Adeyemi & Fagbemi, 2010). Effective and perceived qualities (usually designated as apparent quality) are necessary for auditing to produce beneficial effects as a monitoring device. 

In underdeveloped countries like Nigeria, the efficient practices of the auditors in their responsibilities have not yet developed very well (Muluneh 2007). World Bank (2007) also reported that most of the external auditors in Nigeria complain audit quality in the country was very low. This raises the question of what audit quality is and the factors that determines audit quality. However, the concept of audit quality has proved difficult to define with certainty. It is not immediately or directly observable and is difficult to measure (Power, 2007). Moreover, audit markets’ participants have conflicting roles and different expectations that lead to different interpretations of audit quality (Sutton, 2013). As a result, different people tend to have different definitions and ways of measuring it, which suggests ambiguity and subjectivity in the term audit quality(Watkins, Hillison & Morecroft, 2004).

Following, the above mostly used definition of audit quality, numerous studies were conducted in developed as well as developing economies in varying magnitude to examine the variables that influence the quality of auditing (Craswell, Francis & Taylor 1995; Becker, Defoud , Jiambalvo, & Subramanyam 1998; Dehkordi & Makarem 2011) and number of factors were discovered. Most of the studies showed that audit quality can be influenced by the type of audit firm, audit independence, audit size, audit tenure, audit rotation and audit fee.

It is therefore, based on these tenets, that this study examined the effect of audit quality on value relevance of Nigerian deposit money banks’ financial report. Having established that the contribution of the auditor is basically through the production of reports that are of value relevance, we investigate the factors that could influence the achievement of high audit quality and its’ effect on the value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria. 


The spate of audit failure in the world, especially the Nigerian banking failure of 2005, has brought great disappointment to users of financial report. The bane of the problem has been linked to long term of audit firm tenure which has also been linked with creative accounting that further affects the quality of financial reports thus making them less value relevant. In Nigeria audit setting, the challenge of audit tenure and audit quality reporting has not attracted much empirical study beyond mere anecdotal opinions (Mgbame, Eragbhe & Osazuwa, 2012). In view of these studies, auditor tenure has become the focus of much debate. Should a firm replace its auditors on a regular basis, or should the auditor be allowed to build a long term relation with the client?

The production of a quality audit report is perceived to foster engendered confidence in financial reports by the users of those reports. Investors in particular tend to place better trust in financial statements that are audited; as the expected independence of the auditor boosts the assurance that important investment decisions can be made on the thrust of those statements which is adjudged to be of value relevance. The increased confidence of these set of financial users tend to attract the inflow of capital which has the long-run effect of creating growth and development in the business environment as a report of the reported market figures that those intending investors are interested in (Adeyemi & Fagbemi, 2010). However, inefficiencies on the part of management could lead to ‘structured financial statements’. These financial statements ordinarily do not show the true state of affairs and financial position of the organization and hence, could jeopardize the decisions of prospective investors. Adverse results on investment would reduce the credibility of the financial statements; which would in turn reduce the level of capital flow, thereby deteriorating the state of the business environment (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000). These are all issues that the corporate world is faced with in regards to the quality of audit function. The onus therefore rests on the auditors to address these issues through efficient and effective execution of the audit assignment, and the resultant production of a quality report that are of value relevance.

There are many studies carried out by research on the audit quality in Nigeria. for example Amahalu and Ezechukwu (2017) ascertained the determinants of audit quality with a focus on selected Deposit Money Banks listed on the floor of Nigeria Stock Exchange from 2010-2015. The variables used includes audit fee, audit tenure and audit firm size. Consequently, Adeyemi, Akhalumeh, Agweda, Ogunkuade (2017) carried out research in order to investigate the factors affecting audit quality in Nigeria. The variables includes audit independence, audit fee and audit tenure. Similarly Augustine, Chijioke, Adeyemi, Obehionye and Ehi (2017) examined determinants of audit quality in Nigerians business environment. The determinants includes audit tenure, audit fee and audit firm size. There is limited study that have linked these audit quality determinants to value relevance of the commercial banks’ financial reports which breeds a methodological and empirical gap. The study intends to fill in the gap by including drawing up a model that takes into consideration audit quality and value relevance of Nigerian commercial banks’ financial report. Hence, this study investigates the effect of audit quality on value relevance of DMB’ financial report in Nigeria.


The main objective of the study is to examine the effect of audit quality on value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria. Other specific objectives include to:

i.               Examine the effect of audit fee on value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria.

ii.              Determine the effect of audit firm size on value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria.

iii.            Examine the effect of audit tenure on value relevance of deposit money banks’ financial report in Nigeria.


The following questions are to guide the study:

i.               To what extent does audit fee affect the value relevance of deposit money banks financial report in Nigeria?

ii.              What is the effect of audit firm size on the value relevance of deposit money banks financial report in Nigeria?

iii.            What is the effect of audit tenure on the value relevance of deposit money banks financial report in Nigeria?


The following hypotheses stated are tested.

H01: Audit fee has no significant effect on the value relevance of deposit money banks financial            report in Nigeria.

H02: Audit firm size has no significant effect on the value relevance of deposit money banks financial report in Nigeria.

H03: Audit tenure has no significant effect on the value relevance of deposit money banks  financial report in Nigeria.



The study is significant to the following group of people; banks, investors, auditors and researchers.

Banks: The findings of this work will enlighten banks on major determinants of audit quality in banking industry and how it affects the value relevance of their financial report. Audit quality being the major determinants of investors confidence, is very important to banks and other business firms for the purpose of increasing the number of investors as audit quality is perceived to instill confidence in investors on the reported accounting figures. More so, the findings of this work will educate banks in making decision on the type of audit firm to consult and how it can guarantee investors’ confidence.

Investors: Investors are the stakeholders as well as the shareholders of every corporate organization. Investors need to be confident before making their decision on whether to invest in a particular organization or not. However, the quality of financial reporting of the major determinant of investors decision making. Also, the determinant of financial reporting quality is based on the perceived quality of audit. Therefore, the findings of this study will enlighten investors on how audit fee, audit firm size and audit tenure can affect the value relevance of financial report. Thereby, making them to rely on the financial statement during investment decision.

Auditors: The study findings may be of great value to auditors towards enhancing accountability as well as quality of financial reporting. The findings will auditors how lack of audit quality can affect corporate image thereby affecting investors’ confidence negatively. The findings on the importance of audit quality will help auditors to be diligent in discharging their duties and avoid any form of compromise knowing that the investors depends on their report when making investment decision.

Academicians and Scholars: The study will also provide empirical findings that may be of importance to researchers and students in the areas of Finance, Accounting and Audit. These findings may be used to improve understanding of the determinants of audit quality of commercial banks. Additionally, the study may result in an improved understanding on the determinants of audit quality of commercial banks. The study findings will be an addition to existing literature on audit fee, audit tenure, audit independence and their effect on audit quality.


The study investigates the effect of audit quality on value relevance of deposit money banks financial report in Nigeria. The study will be carried out using only deposit money banks that are listed on Nigeria stock exchange for the period of five years ranging from 2015 to 2019. The reason for the choice of listed deposit money banks is in line with high regulations embedded in listing requirement as firms that are listed are exposed to more regulations with thus posit a better environment for quality of audit services. The reason for the period (2015-2019) is because of the resurgence in economic revolution championed by monetary policies drive as ascribed by the new CBN policy orchestrated by the Mohammad Buhari administration which has attracted the interest of diverse investors into the business of deposit money banking as the leading institution in this economic policy drive.


The current research is restricted only to the listed deposit banks. Furthermore, this research was mainly conducted based on the secondary data collection. The other data collection methods like survey had not been considered. As a result they may not be 100% accurate. In addition to these, data representing the period of 2015 to 2019 were used for the study.

The research has compiled a large database of listed deposit money banks accounting data that demonstrate what can be done even with the limitations of currently available data.

More so, the methodology did not capture other variables like; audit independence, audit switch and joint audit that are proxy for audit quality. This thus makes it impossible for a more holistic conclusion to be drawn as shown in the R2 value in the study model.


Audit fee: The amount of fee paid by a client is capable of determining the quality of audit being offered. That in most cases audit fee that appears to be too small does not give the audit firm enough resource to employ competent audit staff that will carryout the audit function whereas audit fee that is too high might warrant an induced casual relationship between the audit client and firm that will impede the judgment of the auditor thus audit firm should be at par with the required services such that it will not affect the quality of audit. This study will use the reported audit fee of the commercial banks as a reflection of audit quality.

Audit firm size: The size of an audit firm is seen as a surrogate for audit quality, meaning that larger audit firms have a bigger reputation to safeguard and therefore will ensure a more independent quality audit service.

Audit tenure: Auditor Tenure is defined in this study as the length of the auditor-client relationship. It is the number of years an audit firm is engaged with a client. A rather too long association between the auditor and his client may constitute a threat to independence as personal ties and familiarity may develop between the parties, which may lead to less vigilance on the part of the auditor and even to an obliging attitude of the latter towards the top managers of the company thus deteriorate the quality of audit service offered.

Value relevance: Value relevance implies the ability of the financial information contained in the financial statements to explain market measures. Value relevance can be analyzed by examining the relationship between market value of equity (stock price) with accounting data such as earnings per share.



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