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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007508

No of Pages: 91

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the effect of Audit Committee Characteristics on Financial Reporting Quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (2006-2017). The increased cases of financial reporting manipulation and scandals reported in the Nigerian banking industry have more than ever casts doubts about their financial reporting quality. The effectiveness of the audit committee over the years seems not to be fully actualized owing to some financial scandals being experienced by organizations despite audit committees being in full operations. This study used cross-sectional data sourced from the financial report of selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. A Five-variable model was developed with the variablesAudit Report Lag, Audit committee independence, Audit committee frequency of meeting, Audit committee size and Audit committee financial expertise. Multiple Regression analysis with an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation technique was employed and the fixed effect model was selected with the aid of the Haussman test. Given the outcome of the empirical analysis, findings revealed that Audit committee independence; Audit committee frequency of meeting, Audit committee size had positive and significant effect on financial reporting quality, while Audit committee financial expertise has a negative and significant effect on financial reporting quality. The study amongst other thing recommended that to effectively improve audit committee independence the regulatory authority should up its monitoring of the banks to ensure that banks Chief Executive Officers do not influence the election/appointment of member of the audit committee, and the regulatory authorities should make efforts to increase the minimum number of meetings to be held by the audit committee


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

List of Table                                                                                                                           ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                  x



1.1        Background to the Study                                                                                      1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           5

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              8

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                    9

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  9

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           10

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      10



2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              12

2.1.1    Overview of audit committee                                                                                     12

2.1.2    Audit committee in Nigeria                                                                                        13

2.1.3    Functions of audit committee                                                                                     15 Financial accuracy                                                                                                      16 Risk management                                                                                                       17 Control assessment                                                                                                     17 External auditor oversight                                                                                          18 Effective use of internal auditing                                                                               18

2.1.4    Audit committee characteristics                                                                                 20 Audit committee independence                                                                                  20 Frequency of audit committee meeting                                                                      22 Financial expertise of audit committee members                                                       24 Audit committee size                                                                                                  26 Experience of the audit committee member                                                              27

2.1.5.   Deposit money banks in Nigeria                                                                                28

2.1.6    Concept of financial accounting quality                                                                    30 The objectives of quality financial reporting                                                             31 Measurement and models of financial reporting quality                                            33 Financial reporting quality in Nigerian deposit money banks                                    37

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              38

2.2.1    Agency theory                                                                                                            38

2.2.2    Stewardship theory                                                                                                     39

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                                                       40

2.3.1    Summary of empirical review                                                                                    46

2.3.2.   Gap in literature                                                                                                         51



3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         52

3.2       Study Area                                                                                                                  52

3.3       Type and sources of Data                                                                                           53

3.4       Population of the Study                                                                                              53

3.5       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                               53

3.6       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                            53

3.7       Model Specification                                                                                                   54

3.8       Classifications and Explanations of Relevant Variables used in the Model              55



4.1       Presentation of Data                                                                                                   59

4.2       Results and Discussion                                                                                               59

4.2.1    Descriptive Statistics                                                                                                  59

4.2.2    Presentation of regression results                                                                               60 4.3 Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                     63


5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                                 65

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  65

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      65

5.3.1    Contributions to knowledge                                                                                       66

5.3.2    Recommendations for Further Studies                                                                       67

            References                                                                                                                  68

            Appendices                                                                                                                 76












4.1:      Descriptive Statistics                                                             59

4.2:        Result of the fixed effect model of audit committee characteristics

and financial reporting quality model                                    60

4.3:      Result of the random effect model audit committee characteristics and financial reporting quality model                60

4.4:      Result of the Hausman Test                                                       61











All over the world, a lot of financial reporting scandals have rocked the business and financial community in the recent years and this had given the indication that there is an urgent need for an improvement in the process of reporting financial activities, thus its quality (Jeanjean and Stolowy, 2009). Owing to an astronomical increase in worldwide corporate scandals, evidence exists that there has been a significant increase in regulatory demand for accountability in the world business environment (Dauda, 2015). The quality of financial report occupies a strategic position in the decision making process of the users of financial statements especially investors (Dezoort and Salterio, 2001). The aim of such report (financial) is basically to provide insights on the performance especially financial and the level of adherence to corporate governance tenets by the organisation, which has to be available to stakeholders for proper decision making (Al-Mamun, Yasser, Rahman, Wickramasinghe and Nathan 2014); even as the sanctity of income statement of corporate organizations in Nigeria and globally has become the crux of debate among accounting academics and practitioners for a very long time (Higson, 2003).

Financial reports are regarded as being of good quality when they reflect the true financial position and operational performance of the organization. On the other hand, financial reports characterized by manipulations and lack creative accounting practices are regarded as being of low quality they symbolize fraudulent financial reporting (Mbobo and Nweze, 2015)

When the financial reports disclose quality information, the decision of the users of the reports could be well informed (Abubakar, 2011). There is no gain saying of the view that the quality, acceptability and reliability of a company’s annual report to a large extent is dependent on the system or procedure put in place to protect the interest of the shareholders to receive a proper and correct standing of the organisation (Abdulrahman and Ali, 2006). The concern for quality financial reporting stems from the fact that financial report is the medium by which organizations communicate to the owners and the external society about their operational performance. Thus, financial reports serve as a means by which the owners can gauge the health status of their organizations (Mbobo and Nweze, 2015).

The limited access to managerial information makes interested parties and providers of funds whether equity or debt providers to lean so much on financial statement.

However, top management in most cases get involved in manipulating the process of reporting the financial standing and capacity of the organisation by taking advantage of loophole in the provisions of accounting standards to the disadvantage of the users of such financial statement (Klein, 2002; Yusof, 2010). According to Mbobo and Nweze (2015) fraudulent financial reporting has contributed to the high rate of business failures in recent times, especially in the banking sector of Nigeria. These failures, such as those of Oceanic Bank Plc, Afribank Plc and Intercontinental Bank Plc have left in their trails, dire consequences and hardship on the shareholders as well as bank depositors. In effect, the providers of funds that is, the investors, especially in the banking sector, seem to have lost confidence in the capability of the management to adhere strictly to the tenets of corporate governance code/mechanism and protecting shareholders’ funds (Ojeka, Fakile, Anijesu and Anijesu, 2016).

In reaction to cases of fraudulent financial statements and other abuses that influence the quality of financial reports, corporate governance mechanisms such as audit committee have come to be emphasized by the regulatory authorities across the globe (Ormin, Tuta and Shadrach, 2015). This necessitated key players in the financial system (especially regulatory authorities) to respond quickly with an approach that would indicate competence and a broad understanding of the causes as well as an apt appreciation and efficiency of what needed to be done to fix the system. There was the need and necessity to restore believe on the financial systems (Ojeka, Iyoha, and Obigbemi, 2014), and it is imperative to note specifically that origin of audit committee being part of the corporate governance mechanism/structure stems from the outcry emanating from the abuse of power and privileges exhibited by management of organisations that has translated or manifested in various and notable financial scandals, falsification of financial report and fraudulent and ill advised manipulation of accounting policies (Kalbers and Fogarty, 1998).

Audit committee is often seen as having the potentials to address the problem associated manipulating financial report (Blue Ribbon Committee, 1999). Being a major determinant for an active and effective mechanism to achieve good corporate governance control and monitoring system. Corporate organisations all over the globe is now being expected by their individual corporate regulations to institute an active audit committee with a mandate to making the sure the sanctity of financial report and the process of audit  by making  the external auditor truly objective and independent, doing a thorough job.

An active audit committee is expected to ensure a vibrant and strong corporate governance mechanism for banks (Dauda, 2015). It is obvious today that the effect of the failure of the audit committee to peruse the financial statement and ensure compliance with the spirit corporate governance represents has been manifested in a string of corporate abuses such as management excessiveness, consumption of perquisites, creative accounting, manipulating records, arbitrarily appreciating unsatisfactory performance by extending underserved bonus, thereby making rubbish of the incentive schemes (Adelopo, 2010).

The Audit committee happens to be a committee of company’s Board of Directors saddled with the responsibilities of representing the company`s shareholders, to superintend the process of reporting the company`s financial statement to ensure to ensure integrity, fair and true view of the statement, the company’s compliance to statutory demands, ensuring the external auditor’s qualification, independence, performance and the internal audit functions (Dauda, 2015). Audit committee was first introduced in the USA following the McKesson and Robbins financial scandal in 1939 (Markham, 2006).  Since then formation and utilization of the audit committee became a global practice. The committee to make that the annual report put out by management is correct, devoid of any manipulation and can be trusted for any purpose intended for use, ensuring that whatever performance is reported happens to be in line with the aspiration of the shareholders (Dauda, 2015).

Iyoha (2012) focusing on Nigeria, documents the concerns about companies’ financial reporting quality. The concerns regarding financial reporting quality have raised questions regarding the effectiveness of monitoring mechanisms of companies like the audit committee. For audit committee to be active and successful, the Blue Ribbon Committee, (BRC) identified some important Characteristics/qualities that has to be exhibited by the audit committee for it to be regarded as an active committee. Such characteristics/qualities comprises: degree of audit committee independence, committee size, experience of members, frequency of meetings and financial expertise of members (Hamdan, Mushtaha and Al-Sartawi, 2013). Ofo (2010) noted that the regulatory provision on audit committee in Nigeria is unique and significantly differs from what obtains in other countries. This difference particularly relates to audit committee composition (independence) and activity level (issues of meeting frequency and attendance). With the increased occurrence of financial report falsification and failures, Ofo (2010) states that a prompt and concerted effort is needed review the structure, format and operations of audit committees of public companies in the country so as to ensure that they are effective and therefore achieve the purpose for their establishment.

Although Deposit Money Banks (DMBs), have formed audit committees to meet up with

statutory demands, effectiveness of the audit committee and the magnitude in which the committee can enhance quality financial reporting of DMBs is yet to be properly established, hence it is therefore imperative to investigate if audit committee characteristics can effectively enhance the quality of financial report and disclosure especially in Nigeria.


It is worthy to note specifically whether or not financial information will command confidence and reliance by users is dependent on the perceived financial reporting quality. The increased cases of financial reporting manipulation and scandals reported in the Nigerian banking industry have more than ever casted doubts about the quality of their financial report. Apart from fraud being significantly on the rise in the industry, most of the banks have huge problems of non-performing loans (Mamman and Ormin, 2012). Banks are faced with the dire and hydra headed problem of huge non-performing loans.   Unfortunately, these problems more often than not are not reflected in the performance or disclosed in the financial statement. It is based on the foregoing that prompted Bello (2009) questioned the mega profits that are usually declared by banks in comparism to firms in the real sector of the economy. Worried by the prevailing trend , the regulatory authorities was prompted to develop the code of corporate governance, together with conditions required for the institution of the audit committee to make sure that the financial statement produced by the banks meet the high quality required in the banking industry (Ormin et al., 2015).

They also outlined some important Characteristics/qualities that have to be exhibited by the audit committee for it to be regarded as an active committee. Such characteristics/qualities comprises: degree of audit committee independence, committee size, experience of members, frequency of meetings and financial expertise of members (Hamdan et al.,2013).

Ideally, these qualities/characteristics are key, basic and central to the effectiveness of the audit committee in achieving the goal of quality financial reporting. Since the independence of the audit committee is required to ensure that management influence is reduced and shareholders interest is represented and protected in preparation of financial reports, audit committee size and expertise ensures quality and diverse membership with the relevant financial knowledge, experience and expertise to enhance the quality of financial statement. Also the audit committee must meet regularly to ensure correctness, track, reduce the gap time between management and auditors publishing of financial report and ensure that the statement provides a fair view of the firms financial standing thereby improving the quality of financial reports. The much desired effectiveness of the audit committee over the years seems not to be fully actualized owing to some financial scandals being experienced by organizations despite audit committees being in full operations.

However, due to collapse of corporate skyscrapers such as Enron, WorldCom, Satyam and near collapse of Cadbury, near liquidity crunch of the banking sector, the regulators have seriously questioned the effectiveness and efficiency of the role audit committee and external auditors in making that financial reports of banks are presented fairly reflecting the true state of affairs to reduce ineffectiveness (Al-Mamun et al., 2014).

The effect of the failure of the audit committee to peruse the financial statement and ensure compliance with the spirit corporate governance represents has been manifested in a string of corporate abuses such as management excessiveness, consumption of perquisites, creative accounting, manipulating records, arbitrarily appreciating unsatisfactory performance by extending underserved bonus, thereby making rubbish of the incentive schemes (Adelopo, 2010).

But this has been a question of debate by many researchers, with no conclusive evidence on how audit committee characteristics affect financial reporting quality, even as Ormin et al.,(2015), Dechow  and  Dichev (2002), Al-Mamun et al.(2014),Owens-Jackson et al (2009), Martinez and Fuentes (2007), Carcello and Neal(2003), have all emphasized from their studies  that audit committee characteristics influence financial reporting quality, while Dauda,(2015), Mustafa and Meier (2006), Hua-Wei and Sheela (2008), Hamdan and Mushtaha, (2011) in their studies did not establish or support the view that audit committee characteristics have enhanced the financial reporting quality. The extent to which the existence of audit committee has resulted in quality financial reporting has yet not been successfully proven in Nigeria and because there appears to be lack of consensus among researchers who studied it earlier. This is the lacuna which this work sets to address. 


The broad objective of the study is to assess the effect of audit committee characteristics on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria, while the specific objectives are to:

1.     ascertain the effect of audit committee independence on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

2.      assess the effect of audit committee frequency of meeting on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

3.     examine the effect of audit committee size on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

4.      ascertain the effect of the financial expertise of the audit committee members on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.


The following research questions were formulated and they include;

1.     To what extent does audit committee independence affect the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria?

2.     How does audit committee frequency of meeting affect financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria?

3.     To what extent does audit committee size affect the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria?

4.      How does audit committee financial expertise affect the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria?



In a bid to guide the research work, the following research hypotheses were formulated and stated in null form;

1.      Audit Committee Independence has no significant effect on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

2.      Audit Committee frequency of Meetings has no significant effect on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

3.     Audit Committee size has no significant effect on the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.

4.     Audit Committee financial expertise has no significant effect on financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria.


The need to investigate the effect of audit committee characteristics on the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, but the extent to which the activities of the audit committee has improved the quality of financial reporting has not been successfully proven by scholars, this makes it imperative to fully understand how audit committee characteristics affects the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Policy makers and regulatory agencies:  The result of the study provides the policy makers and regulatory agencies, regulatory basis to strengthen audit committee to serve as a monitoring mechanism, therefore, better promote financial reporting quality of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria.

Stakeholders: This study also provides vital insights to the stakeholders on the workings and characteristics of the audit committee so as to enable them insist on its existence wherever they have interest.

Management of banks: It also provides management of banks with the required knowledge in order to guarantee so as to ensure the proper functioning of the audit committee that will ensure the quality of the financial report

The academia, researchers and students: This study in no small measure increases the list of growing literature seeking to explain how audit committee characteristics affect financial reporting quality on the listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria as a result provide and serve as literature for further research for the academia, researchers and students.

1.7 Scope of the study

This study which aims to assess the impact of audit committee characteristics on the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria is limited in scope to the empirical study of the impact of audit committee characteristics on financial reporting quality on the listed Deposit Banks in Nigeria, using selected listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The period of the study cover 2006 to 2017. The choice of the base year was predicated on the fact that it is the year CBN Code on Corporate Governance with emphasis of the functions of audit committees came into existence and was made mandatory in the banking industry after the bank recapitalization exercise of 2005.


Conducting a research in Nigeria has not always been an easy task, and this research work is no exception. In the course of conducting this research work, the researcher experienced some limitations such as accessibility of required data and measurement error. These limitations would not affect the outcome of work negatively, since the research adopted measures and relied on estimation techniques used by existing works which had and overcame such limitations. 


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