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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007739

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Dynamic modelling of a DC-DC chopper for improved performance is carried out. Modern power electronic systems require high quality, small, lightweight, reliable and efficient power supplies. High frequency (HF) electronic power processors are used in the direct current to direct current (DC-DC) power conversions for functions such as: conversion of DC input voltage to DC output voltage; regulation of the DC output voltage against load and line variations; reduction of voltage ripple on the DC output voltage below the required level; provision of isolation between the input source and the load; and protection of the supplied system and the input source from electromagnetic interference. Two controller types of Class A DC-DC choppers have been presented using two basic element (thyristor and Metal oxide silicon field effect transistor or metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) with difference converter configurations – half, semi, full, and dual arrangements- with a view to ascertaining ones with better performance. These configurations were studied and results obtained from implemented model in Simulink MATLAB. Model for DC drive used in the proposed system in form of Laplace transformation equations which was equally implemented in MATLAB/Simulink was presented. Brief comparisons between thyristor-based and MOSFET-based controllers showed thyristor converters consistently showed higher revolutions per minute (2230) and speed, but lesser efficiency in terms of speed control. However, MOSFET-based controllers showed greater efficiency in speed control but lower revolution per minute (1520), implying better speed control between actual and reference speed.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Abstracts                                                                                                                     vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                       viii

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi



CHAPTER 1: 1INTRODUCTION                                                                        1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Problem Statement                                                                                          4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.4       Scope and Limitation of the Study                                                                5

1.5       Significance of the Study                                                                               5


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              6

2.1       The DC Motor                                                                                                 6

2.2       Speed Control of DC Motor                                                                           8

2.2.1    Armature control of DC series motor                                                             9

2.2.2    Field control method of speed control                                                           11

2.3       Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)                                                                        11

2.4       Proportional-Integral Controller                                                                     12

2.5       Proportional Integral Derivative Controller                                                    12

2.6       Speed Control DC Motor Using Microcontroller                                           13

2.6.1    Power rectifier (bridge)                                                                                   13

2.6.2    The full-wave bridge rectifier                                                                         13

2.6.3    Filter circuit                                                                                                     14

2.7       Chopper Controller                                                                                         15

2.7.1    Applications of chopper                                                                                  16

2.7.2    Chopper operation                                                                                          16


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   22

3.1       Methodology Overview                                                                                  22

3.1.1    Separately excited DC motor (field and armature equations)                                    22

3.1.2    Basic torque equation                                                                                     23

3.1.3    Steady state torque, speed and power drawn                                                 23

3.2       Modelling of DC Motor for Drive System                                                     24

3.3       Thyristor-Based Techniques of DC Motor Speed Control                             28


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    37

4.1       Results                                                                                                             37

4.1.1    Output of converter drives                                                                             37

4.1.2    Output of proposed systems                                                                           41

4.2       Discussion of Comparison of Thyristor-Based and MOSFET-Based

DC-DC Converter                                                                                          46



5.1       Summary                                                                                                         49

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      49

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          50

References                                                                                                      51





2.1       Advantage and disadvantages of various DC motor (Hoft, 2012)                8


4.1       Summarised comparison of thyristor-based and MOSFET-based

Converter                                                                                                        47








2.1       Flux control circuit diagram (Mohan and Undeland, 2007)                           9

2.2       Armature and Rheostatic control (Mohan and Undeland, 2007)                   10

2.3       (a) The full-wave bridge rectifier; (b) output waveform (Hoft, 2012)                       14

2.4       Filter circuit (a) input waveform (b) Filter circuit (c) Output waveform (Hoft, 2012)                                   15

2.5       Diagram of Chopper First Quadrant (Dubey, 2009)                                             17

2.6       Diagram of Chopper Second Quadrant (Dubey, 2009)                             17

2.7       Diagram of Chopper Two Quadrant (Dubey, 2009)                                      18

2.8       Two Quadrant Type B chopper or D Chopper Circuit (Dubey, 2009)    19

2.9       Positive first quadrant operation and negative fourth quadrant operation

(Dubey, 2009)                                                                                                 19

2.10     E-type chopper circuit diagram with load emf E and E reversed

(Dubey, 2009)                                                                                                 20

3.1       Block diagram of chopper controller                                                              22

3.2       Single phase half-wave converter drive                                                          28

3.3       Semi-converter drive (single phase)                                                                29

3.4       Full wave converter (single phase)                                                                  30

3.5       Dual converter drive (single phase)                                                                30

3.6       Half converter drive (single phase)                                                                 31

3.7       Semi-converter drive (single phase)                                                                32

3.8       Full wave DC-DC converter (single phase)                                                    32

3.9       Simulink MATLAB implementation of thyristor-based DC-DC controller

(half-wave)                                                                                                      33

3.10     Simulink MATLAB implementation of thyristor-based DC-DC controller

(full-wave)                                                                                                      34

3.11     Simulink MATLAB implementation of MOSFET-based DC-DC controller

(half-wave)                                                                                                      35

3.12     Simulink MATLAB implementation of MOSFET-based DC-DC controller

(full-wave)                                                                                                      36

4.1       DC output voltage for half wave converter drive (single phase) at 90°

firing angle                                                                                                      37

4.2       Output voltage waveform of half wave converter drive (single phase)

at 30° firing angle                                                                                           38

4.3       Load current of full wave converter (single phase) at 30° firing angle          38

4.4       DC output voltage for full wave converter drive (single phase) at 30°

firing angle                                                                                                      39

4.5       Output voltage waveform of full wave converter drive (single phase)

at 30° firing angle                                                                                           39

4.6       Load current of full wave converter (single phase) at 30° firing angle          39

4.7       DC output voltage of semi-converter drive at 30° firing angle                      40

4.8       Output voltage waveform of semi-converter drive at 30° firing angle           41

4.9       Load current of semi-converter drive at 30° firing angle                               41

4.10     DC output voltage for full wave converter drive (single phase) at 30°

firing angle                                                                                                      41

4.11     Output voltage waveform of full wave converter drive (single phase)

at 90° firing angle                                                                                           42

4.12     Load current of full wave converter (single phase) at 90° firing angle          42

4.13     Speed response at reference speed same as rated speed (half wave

thyristor-based converter)                                                                               43

4.14     Electrical torque of half wave thyristor-based converter                                43

4.15     Speed response at reference speed same as rated speed (full wave

thyristor-based converter)                                                                               44

4.16     Electrical torque of full wave thyristor-based converter                                44

4.17     Speed response at reference speed same as rated speed (half wave

MOSFET-based converter)                                                                             45

4.18     Electrical torque (black) and field current (red) of half wave MOSFET-

based converter                                                                                               45

4.19     Speed response at reference speed same as rated speed (full wave

MOSFET-based converter)                                                                             46

4.20     Electrical torque (black) and field current (red) of full wave MOSFET-

based converter                                                                                               46

4.21     Actual vs reference speed (MOSFET)                                                            47

4.22     Actual vs reference speed (thyristor)                                                              48







Modern power electronic systems require high quality, small, lightweight, reliable and efficient power supplies. High frequency (HF) electronic power processors are used in the direct current to direct current (DC-DC) power conversions. Functions of DC-DC converters includes the: conversion of DC input voltage to DC output voltage; regulation of the DC output voltage against load and line variations; reduction of voltage ripple on the DC output voltage below the required level; provision of isolation between the input source and the load; and protection of the supplied system and the input source from electromagnetic interference (EMI) (Singh and Nirmal, 2014).

The DC-DC converters can be divided into two main types, the hard-switching pulse width modulated (PWM) converters, and the resonant and soft-switching converters.  The PWM DC-DC converters are widely used at all power levels, and its properties are well understood (Rodrigues et al., 2010). Some benefits of PWM converters include low component count, high efficiency, constant frequency operation, relatively simple control and commercial availability of integrated circuit controllers, and ability to achieve high conversion ratios for both step-down and step-up applications. A major drawback of PWM DC-DC converters is that the rectangular voltage and current waveforms cause turn-on and turn-off losses in semiconductor devices. This limits the practical operating frequencies to hundreds of kilohertz. Rectangular waveforms also inherently generate electromagnetic interference (EMI) (Mohan and Undeland, 2007).

The development of high performance motor drives is very essential for industrial applications. DC motors provide excellent control of speed for acceleration and deceleration. The power supply of a DC motor can connect directly to the field of the motor, which allows for precise voltage control, and is necessary for speed and torque control applications (Talavaru et al., 2014). Its importance is due to simplicity, ease of use, reliability, inexpensive for low horsepower ratings, as well as being less complex compared to the alternating current (AC) drive system. DC motors are preferably used as adjustable speed machines, and a wide range of options have evolved for this purpose. AC drives with this capability would be more complex and expensive (Afrasiabi and Yazdi, 2013).

A series field DC motor is capable of providing starting and accelerating torques in excess of 400 % of rated values, DC motors have long been the primary means of electric traction (Okoro, 2004). Other applications include for mobile equipment such as golf carts, quarry and mine winders. DC motor is considered a single input single output (SISO) system possessing torque/speed characteristics compatible with most mechanical loads. This makes a DC motor controllable over a wide range of speeds by proper adjustment of the terminal voltage. Nowadays, induction motors, brushless DC motors and synchronous motors have gained widespread use in electric traction systems (Okoro, 2004). DC motors are always good options for advanced control algorithm because the theory of DC motor speed control is extendable to other types of motors as well (Okoro, 2004).

Before the advent of modern silicon control rectifier (SCR) controllers, speed control of DC machines were achieved using passive devices such as bank of resistors, mercury arc rectifiers, magnetic amplifiers or Ward Leonard speed control schemes (Ogata, 2011).  The Ward Leonard system is an AC motor - DC generator set that feeds a variable voltage to the armature of a shunt wound DC motor to vary the motor's speed. While the Ward-Leonard system has good speed and torque control with a speed range of 25:1, it was phased out due to the excessive cost of purchasing three separate rotating machines, as well as the considerable maintenance necessary to keep the brushes and commutators of two DC machines in proper operating conditions. Today's SCR controlled DC drives have numerous advantages over previous electrical drive systems, such as the Ward Leonard drive (Kiran et al., 2014). In the first method, variable resistance inserted between the fixed- voltage DC source and the motor. This method is inefficient because of loses in the resistance. In the second method, the motor -generator set is used to supply the power to the motor whose speed is to be controlled. A variable DC output voltage of the generator is obtained by controlling the field current of DC generator which is driven by a constant speed DC motor. This system is still used in some industrial drives; therefore the system is bulky, costly, slow in response and less efficient. In 1960 high power thyristor device became available to make the solid-state DC power converter practical. These converters offer greater efficiency, fast response, smooth operation, smaller size and lower weight and cost.

The chopper circuit of force commutated thyristors is another effective method of controlling the armature voltage and speed of a DC machine. The chopper is a static power electronic device that converts fixed DC input voltage to a controlled (variable) DC output voltage. It can be used to obtain a variable output voltage for varying the speed of a DC motor by changing the mark period ratio of the chopper (Mohan and Undeland, 2007). A DC Chopper comprises series connections of DC input voltage source, controllable switch and load resistance. In most cases, the switch has unidirectional voltage-blocking and current-conduction capabilities. Power electronic switches are usually implemented with power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), MOS-controlled thyristors (MCTs), power Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) or gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs).

The thyristor-controlled chopper performs a switching action between the supply and the load.  The increasing cost of fuel for operation of internal combustion engines, rapid rate of depletion of energy sources and the possibility of scarcity has necessitated the need to find alternative means of driving electric cars, trolleys and forklifts using the DC-DC chopper. A Chopper may be considered as the DC equivalent of an AC transformer since they behave in an identical manner. As choppers involve one stage conversion, they are considered more efficient. Choppers are now being used all over the world for rapid transit systems. These are also used in trolley cars, marine hoist, forklift trucks and mine hauliers (Hoft, 2012; Ayasun and Karbeyaz, 2007).

This project aims to model a DC-DC chopper that provides an improved and alternative switching performance. The performance of the chopper in a DC motor system is to be evaluated via computer simulation such as the MATLAB/SIMULINK software.



DC motors play vital roles in every academic and research laboratory, technical workshops or industries; hence, the necessity to study and suggest remedies for DC motor speed control. Prior to this project, people may have encountered difficulty in getting an efficient, reliable, durable and relatively inexpensive DC-DC controller. This project will provide a procedure for adapting a suitable model to control DC motor speed, and thus indicate an improved performance of existing DC-DC chopper.


The main objective of this project is to obtain a dynamic model of a DC-DC chopper for improved switching performance.

The specific objectives of this project are to:

        i.            Investigate the existing type of SCR DC motor controllers;

      ii.            Obtain mathematical models for MOSFET and Thyristor -based DC-DC choppers;

    iii.            Model and simulate the chopper controller using MATLAB/Simulink; and

    iv.            Carry-out comparative analyses of modelled DC-DC choppers to ascertain the chopper which yields a better performance.


The scope of the work is to comparatively evaluate the performances of the MATLAB/Simulink modelled DC-DC chopper. This project is limited to thyristor and MOSFET –based choppers.


A chopper is an electronic switching device that switches voltage ON and OFF in a remarkably high speed on a motor in a process called chopping. Hence, the following significance:

  1. Systems containing chopper have smooth control capability and are highly efficient and fast in response.
  2. Since it operates on the pulse width modulation (PWM) principle, it is fast in response (no time delay in its operation) as it takes a fixed DC input voltage and gives variable DC output voltage.
  3. The size and cost of the system are reduced as a chopper is used to step-down or step-up the fixed DC input voltage in the absence of a transformer.

    iv.            DC motor speed control experimentation in schools is possible since the chopper is a relatively inexpensive and simple to use.


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