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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002913

No of Pages: 71

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Cooperative society is the coming together of a group of people who have a common feature (e.g working in the same place) and the same mind set of helping each other in the group financially.

This study is to design and implement data base for cooperative management system that will ease the procedures of cooperative society both for the members and management of the cooperative society.

Cooperative management system provide solutions to the problems encountered in manual processing of the registration, storage, update, loan grant and retrieval of members' record in NAFRC cooperative society.

The software tools use include the Unified Modeling Language (UML), Data flow diagrams (DFDS) while object oriented analysis was use in the developing techniques.












1.1       Background of the study

1.2       Statement of the problem

1.3       Aim and objective of the study

1.4       Significance of the study

1.5       Constraint      

1.6       Methodology




2.1       brief history of NAFRCO-operative society   

2.2       overview of co-operative society

2.3       software methodology

2.4       The concept of object orientation     

2.5       The RUP model

2.6       Extreme programming

2.7       System investigation  

2.8       Overview of the existing system

2.9       Proposed system

2.10     Using co-operative method as a management strategy



3.1       Analysis of research technique used 

3.2       Functional requirement

3.3       Non-functional requirement  

3.4       Unified modeling language (UML) for analysis and design

3.5       Use case diagram

3.6       Activity diagrams




4.1       Software

4.2       Choice of data base management system used and justification

4.3       Programming language used and justification




5.1       Summary of Findings 

5.2       Limitations     

5.3       Conclusion

5.4       Recommendation




Fig. 3.1            Use Case Diagrams

Fig. 3.2            Activity Diagram Showing Flow Of Process.

Fig. 4.1            Login Page

Fig 4.2             Location

Fig 4.4             Main Menu

Fig 4.5             Entry Page

Fig 4.6             Member Bills & Payment

Fig 4.7             Setup Page for Member

Fig 4.8             Member Bill Type Page

Fig 4.9             Opening Balance Page

Fig 4.10           Bill Report For The Period

Fig 4.11           Member Bills Payment Module

Fig. 4.12          Member Loan Transaction

Fig 4.14           Loan Creation Form Page

Fig. 4.15          Loan Repayment Module Page

Fig. 4.16          Member Contribution

Fig. 4.17          Account Status Page

Fig. 4.18          Contribution Withdrawal Page

Fig 4.19           Administrative Page

Fig 4.20           Membership Business

Fig 4.21           Item Creation Module Page

Fig 4.22           Item Purchases Page

Fig. 4.23          Deposit Register Page

Fig. 4.24          Materials Requisition Page

Fig. 4.25          HR & Payroll Setup

Fig. 4.26          Employee Registration Form

Fig. 4.27          Salary Setup Page

Fig. 4.28          Employee Status Setup Page

Fig. 4.29          Reset Employee Status

Fig 4.30           Employee Status Setup Page

Fig 4.31           Employee Master Setup Page

Fig. 4.32          Employee Wages & Salaries Setup

Fig 4.33           Print Preview

Fig. 4.34          Staff Loans Setup Page

Fig 4.35           Staff Loan Form

Fig. 4.36          Grant a Loan to Staff Setup

Fig. 4.37          Loan Transaction Form

Fig. 4.38          Deduction Period Page

Fig. 4.40          How to Run Payroll

Fig. 4.41          Payroll Menu

Fig. 4.42          Select Period

Fig. 4.43          Period Payroll

Fig. 4.44          Preview the Pay Slip

Fig. 4.45          Preview Page

Fig. 4.46          Preview Page

Fig. 4.47          Preview Page

Fig. 4.48          Wet Pay

Fig. 4.49          Print Preview Salaries

Fig. 4.50          Print Preview Post Salaries    

Fig. 4.51          Print Preview of Transaction 

Fig. 4.52          Current Transaction   

Fig. 4.53          Login to Application   

Fig. 4.54          Login Site of Workplace









Cooperative Society in the actual sense of it is the coming together of a group of people who have a common feature (e.g. working in the same place) and the same mind set of helping each other in the group financially.  But gradually with the advent of civilization, government parastatals and private firms now saw the need to in-cooperate a structured cooperative system into the employee management structure which brought about a cooperative system for employee’s whereby they would have a monthly or yearly contribution been made to the co-operative account, the co-operative also has a yard-stick of granting loans to the members of the co-operative society, the co-operative society also extend gestures like sales of lands, properties and furniture to the members and give them an opportunity of paying within a stipulated time either months or years in as much as the member still retains his/her membership in the co-operative society.

The activities been performed in the department of the co-operative society have always been in a manual format but with the advent of technology, it is imperative that all the activities that goes on in the co-operative society should be computerized so as to make the activities very easy to carry out and at the same time very fast.

From the case of our study it is noted that a lot of co-operative society be it the stand

alone type or the one been sprung up by a firm, do not have a well-structured co-operative system (i.e. a database co-operative management system), which has brought the need of developing a viable system for NAFRC Co-operative Society to stand as a land mark for other cooperative societies.




Since a co-operative society happens to be a welcomed idea by firms and government parastatals, the research project seeks to create a Database co-operative management system that combines the functions of documentation, implementation, fast transaction and data security, into one functional platform, thereby making co-operative societies procedures easier both for the members and managements of the co-operative society.




The main aim of the study is to design and implement database cooperative management systems that will easy the procedures of co-operative society both for the members and management of the co-operative society.

The objective of the study includes:

·           To eliminate inconveniency generally suffered by the management of the co-operative society

·           To eliminate inconveniency generally suffered also by the members of the co-operative society.

·           To ensure members data security.

·           To ensure accuracy in terms of transactions been made.

·           To ensure timeless and accuracy in the processing of prospective member bio-data and facts.

·           To design a security-based system which allows only authorized users access to file.s

·           The system will be designed to enhance easy access and retrieval of files. 


Aim of the study:

The main aim of the study is to provide solutions to the problems encountered in manual processing of the registration, storage, update, loan grant, and retrieval of members records in NAFRC Co-operative Society.



The need to replace the old system (if there is any) with a new improved system, taking into cognizance the features offered by a computer-based system, is due to the fact that the current system is unable to cope with the increasing exponential growth in the utility and need for efficiency of the co-operative society procedures.

The following reasons also gave rise to the need for computerizing the existing system.

·           Provision of competitive services rendered.  This could be achieved through faster processing and retrieval of data/information.

·           Cost Saving:   This is one of the most common reasons for computerization.  A new system serves as a replacement for a time consuming and therefore expensive manual system, role-governed, repetitive procedure by a quick and cheap computer substitute.

·           The Manual system is always exposed to mutilation and fire outbreak, which may result to loss of information.

·           Inability of the old system to cope with the rising demands of data processing in the department.  For instance, increase in the volume of transaction procession may make the system to be slow which proves its inefficiency compared to the new system.


1.5        CONSTRAINTS;

·           Each System must be configured individually to be able to access the database server,

·           Some of the modules are not functioning because of the short time duration of project completion which caused insufficient information gathering from the case study being used.

·           The application can only be used on a Microsoft windows operating system.



Often times, new computer systems replace existing manual systems, and the new systems may be replace after sometime.  The process through which this change is effected happens in series of stages and the whole process is called the “System Life Cycle”.

A new system life cycle normally triggers some results such as the perception of a business need, failure or limitations of system causing dissatisfaction or heightened awareness of modern development.  Whatever reason, it is the management who will initiate the selection of a project for preliminary study of investigation.

The stages involved in system life cycle are:

·        Preliminary Survey

·        Feasibility Study

·        Investigation and fact recording

·        Analysis

·        Design

·        Implementation  

·        Maintenance and Review

These stages will be examined in later chapters.

Methodology is simply the process through which structured system analysis is carried out i.e. the different methods involved in system design.

·           Providing a recommended series of task to be carried out so that the Methods fit together as a whole.

·           Leading themselves to some degree of automation and the corresponding controls that go with.

·           Providing a number of well-defined and complementary in which to represent information about important of the system aspect.

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