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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007374

No of Pages: 116

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Corrosion processes results to numerous failures and eventual losses in industries. These failures imposed by corrosion effects can be reduced through the use of inhibitors. The aqueous extracts of Aloe Vera gel was investigated as a novel corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in both acid and alkaline media using gravimetric method. Corrosion rate, inhibition efficiency, degree of surface coverage, adsorption mechanism, free energy and thermodynamic parameters were determined through the performance of the corrosion inhibition efficiency obtain in both media. The adsorption on mild steel surface agrees with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model, the negative Gibbs G and equilibrium constant K values indicated the spontaneity, physisorption, stability of the adsorption and the exothermic nature on mild steel, suggesting that Aloe vera gel is a common inhibitor for corrosion for Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) media and can be used as a replacement to toxic and non-bio gradable inhibitors.


Cover page                                                                                                                             Pages  

Title Page                                                                                                                   

i Declaration                                                                                                  

ii Certification                                                                                                            

iii Dedication                                                                                                              

iv Acknowledgement                                                                                                              v

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                           x List of Figure                                                                                                                         xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                   vii   

CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                 

1.0  INTRODUCTION                                                                                                    1

1.1 Inhibition                                                                                                                           2

1.2 Aim and Objective                                                                                                            3

1.3 Statement of Problem                                                                                                      3

1.4 The Present Research                                                                                                       3

1.5 Significance of Study                                                                                                         4


CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                 

2.0 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                                       5

2.1 Adsorption                                                                                                             6

2.2 Adsorption Isotherm                                                                                                         7

2.3 Classification of Corrosion                                                                                                8

2.3.1 Dry corrosion                                                                                                                 8

2.3.2 Wet corrosion                                                                                                                8

2.4 Forms of Corrosion                                                                                                           8

2.4.1 Uniform corrosion                                                                                                         9

2.4.2 Galvanic or two metals corrosion                                                                                 10

2.4.3 Pitting corrosion                                                                                                           11

2.4.4 Crevice corrosion                                                                                                           11

2.4.5 Intergranular corrosion                                                                                                 12

2.4.6 Selective leaching                                                                                                          13

2.4.7 Erosion corrosion                                                                                                           14

2.4.8 Stress corrosion                                                                                                             15

2.5 The Problem of Corrosion                                                                                    15

2.6 Corrosion Inhibitors                                                                                                          17

2.6.1 Types of Corrosion                                                                                                         17 Organic Inhibitor                                                                                                        18 Inorganic Inhibitor                                                                                                      18 Green Corrosion Inhibitor                                                                                           18

2.7 Classification of Corrosion Inhibitors                                                                               19

2.7.1 Passivators                                                                                                                     19

2.7.2 Pickling inhibitors                                                                                                          20

2.7.3 Vapour phase inhibitors                                                                                                 20

2.8 Plants Extract from Aloe Vera Gel                                                                                   20

2.9 Review of Related Past Work                                                                                           23

2.9.1 The leaves extract of different plants                                                                           23


CHAPTER 3                                                                                                                 

3.0 METHODOLOGY                                                                                                   26

3.1 Materials                                                                                                                          26

3.2 Experimental Procedure                                                                                                   26

3.3 Preparation of Aloe Vera Gel                                                                                           26

3.4 Gravimetric Method                                                                                                         27

3.5 Thermodynamics of Corrosion                                                                                         27

3.5.1 Film attractive power                                                                                                    28

3.5.2 Corrosion rate                                                                                                                28

3.5.3 Percentage inhibitor efficiency                                                                                     29

3.5.4 Degree of surface coverage                                                                                          29

3.5.5 Free energy of adsorption                                                                                             30

3.5.6 Enthalpy and entropy of adsorption                                                                              27

3.5.7 Artificial neural network (ANN)                                                                         31

3.5.8 Multiple regression (MR)                                                                                              31


CHAPTER 4                                                                                                                 

4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                                               32

4.1 Thermodynamics Principle                                                                                               32

4.2 Adsorption Isotherm Model                                                                                              32

4.3 Effect of Concentration on the Corrosion of Mild Steel                                                   33

4.4 Effect of Exposure Time on the Corrosion of Mild Steel                                                  33

4.5 Effect of Inhibitor Concentration on the Corrosion of Mild Steel                                    34

4.6 Prediction of Corrosion Rate of Mild Steel Multiple regression and

Artificial Neural Network                                                                                           34                                           

CHAPTER 5                                                                                                                 

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                             44

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                                             45

      Reference                                                                                                                         46

      Appendix                                                                                                                           67








2. 1      Phytochemical components of Aloe Vera gel                                                            22

3.1       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

without additives.                                                                                                       44


3.2       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

without additives.                                                                                                       45


3.3       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 5ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                                46


3.4       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 5ml of Aloe vera gel.(cont’)                                                                      47


3.5       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

containing 5ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                                48


3.6       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

containing 5ml of Aloe vera gel.(cont’)                                                                      49


3.7       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 10ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                              50


3.8       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 10ml of Aloe vera gel.(cont’)                                                                    51


3.9       Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

containing 10ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                              52


3.10     Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 10ml of Aloe vera gel.(cont’)                                                                    53


3.11     Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 20ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                              54


3.12     Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of HCl

containing 20ml of Aloe vera gel. (cont’)                                                                   55


3.13     Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

containing 20ml of Aloe vera gel.                                                                              56


3.14     Weight loss (mg) parameters of mild steel samples in 0.5M of NaOH

containing 5ml of Aloe vera gel.(cont’)                                                                      57





2.1        Uniform Corrosion of metal sheet.                                                                9

2.2              Galvanic Corrosion of a pipe.                                                                         10

2.3       Pitting Corrosion of inside and outside of a pipe.                                          11

2.4       Crevice Corrosion of on the surface of a flange.                                           12

2.5        Intergranular Corrosion of a copper pipe.                                                     13

2.6        Selective Leaching Corrosion on the surface of a metal.                              13

2.7        Erosion Corrosion along the elbow of a metal pipe.                                      14

2.8        Stress Corrosion of metal.                                                                              15

4.1       Variation of Weight Loss (mg) with Exposure Time (hrs) for

Mild Steel in 0.5M HCl containing different concentration of the 

inhibitors extract.                                                                                           35       

4.2       Variation of Weight Loss (mg) with Exposure Time (hrs) for Mild

Steel in 0.5M NaOH containing different concentration of the

inhibitors extract.                                                                                           36


4.3       Variation of Corrosion Rate (mmpy) with Exposure Time (hrs) for

Mild Steel in 0.5M HCl containing different concentration of the

inhibitors extract.                                                                                          37


4.4       Variation of Corrosion Rate (mmpy) with Exposure Time (hrs) for Mild

Steel in 0.5M NaOh containing different concentration of the

inhibitors extract.                                                                                           38


4.5       Variation of Corrosion Rate (mmpy) with Concentration of inhibitor

            (ml) for Mild Steel in 0.5M HCl containing different concentration

of the inhibitors extract.                                                                                 39


4.6       Variation of Corrosion Rate (mmpy) with Concentration of inhibitor

(ml) for Mild Steel in 0.5M NaOH containing different concentration

of the inhibitors extract.                                                                                 40


4.7       Inhibition Efficiency (%) with Exposure Time (hrs) for Mild Steel

in 0.5M HCl containing different concentration of the inhibitors extract.    41

4.8       Langmiur Adsorption Isotherm of Aloe vera on Mild Steel.                          42




1.0                                                  INTRODUCTION

Corrosion is the deterioration of materials by chemical interaction with their environment. It cuts short the lifetime of steel products such as bridges and automobiles. The cost of corrosion is huge and reducing corrosion is one of the most important problem in engineering.  Corrosion is all around us and can affect our lives in many ways, because metals are widely used in our world. Corrosion-related failures in industries is often catastrophic.

Failures caused by corrosion could and do lead to a direct failure of a component which could affect the entire system and can not only be very expensive in terms of down-time to repair or replace equipment, but can also be costly in loss of productivity, human life and health as to the environment (Corrosion Control Solutions, 2013).

Corrosion is a constant and continuous problem, often very difficult to eliminate completely, (Rani and Basu, 2012). Most metals corrode on contact with the following: water, moisture in the air, acids, bases, salts, aggressive metal polishes, and other solid and liquid chemicals.

In practice corrosion can never be stopped but can be reduced to a reasonable level. Due to problem from corrosion that are confronting industries, several methods of corrosion control and prevention have been put in place. These include: cathodic protection, lubrication, anodic protection, alloying, coating, inhibition etc. The choice and application of these methods are based on their efficiency, economic factors and the nature of the corrosive environment (Njoku, 1998). Many attempts have been made to predict analytical corrosion behaviors. Multiple Regression (MLR) and Artificial Neural Network were used in attempt to predict the corrosion rates with the aid of the SPSS software.

1.1       INHIBITION

Inhibition is one of the most practical method for protection against corrosion in corrosive environments.  Inhibitors are substances that directly or indirectly coat a film on a metal surface to protect it from its environment. Metals are suppressed by the action of adsorptive inhibitors which may prevent the adsorption of the aggressive ions, and by the formation of a more resistant film on the metallic surface (El Maghraby, 2009).

Corrosion inhibition is of great practical importance, being extensively employed in curtailing wastage of engineering materials and minimizing corrosion control costs, in oil extraction and processing industries, heavy industrial manufacturing, water treatment facility, water-containing hydraulic fluids, engine coolants, ferrous metal cleaners, automatic transmission fluids, automotive component manufacture, cutting fluids etc. to minimize localized corrosions and failures (Loto et al., 2012).

The use of natural products otherwise tagged, green corrosion inhibitors has been advocated because of the cost, toxic nature and environmentally unfriendliness of some of the inorganic and organic corrosion inhibitors. Moreover, they are readily available, cheap and a renewable source of materials. Steels are used in many engineering applications and are subjected to acidic environment.  Thus it becomes imperative to investigate the corrosion behavior of mild steels in acid solution as well as their response to inhibition in such media (Njoku, 1998). Inhibitors had great acceptance in the industries due to excellent anti-corrosive proprieties. Thus environmentally friendly inhibitors like the organic inhibitors in the form of Aloe Vera gel is my best option in doing the comparative studies of this work.


The aim of the work is to generate experimental data towards the control of corrosion using Aloe Vera gel extract inhibitor on Mild steel.


The objectives of the research are:

i.          Evaluating the effects of Aloe Vera gel extract on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M HCl and 0.5 M NaOH through Weight loss measurement.

ii.         Determining metal-inhibitor interaction mechanism using adsorption isotherm; Langmuir isotherms.

iii.        Determining the inhibition mode of the inhibitors using the kinetic parameters.

iv.        To carry out ANN modelling of the corrosion data emanating from the Weight loss experiments.

v.         To carry out ANOVA (MLR) modelling of the corrosion data emanating from the Weight loss experiments.


Most of the corrosion inhibitors used in the processing industry are synthetic in nature, hence not environmentally friendly. Human health hazards like lung cancer are known to have arisen as a result of long time exposure to inorganic inhibitors such as chromates, phosphates, etc.

Many research efforts have shown that gaps exist in the modelling of experimental corrosion data. Among such gaps is the fact that there appears to be no Artificial modelling of experimental data, thereby encouraging constant recourse to experimentation.


i.          The development of an alternative corrosion inhibitors that is effective and environmentally friendly when compare to chromates which are toxic and carcinogenic in nature (Loto et al., 2012).

ii.         Most of the corrosion inhibitors are not just only synthetic and hazardous in nature but very expensive. Therefore, it is desirable to source for cheaper and environmentally safe inhibitors (Paul et al., 2012).

iii.        Due to the availability of these plants and the simplicity in processing them into inhibitors, they are preferred to synthetic chemicals.


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