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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009416

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The use of housefly larvae as fish and animal feed is becoming prevalent in Nigeria and globally. Despite the possibility of differing maggot production capacities among them, no distinction is made between the origins of the manures used in the culture of housefly larvae. Musca domestica were therefore cultured in chicken broiler, chicken layer, and pig dungs. Maggot yield, heavy metals and nutrient dynamics in fresh and used dungs were studied. The heavy metals examined were Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Selenium (Se), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Periodic maggot yield was significantly different among the manures (p<0.0001). Maggot yield was significantly affected by manure type (p<0.0001), and was significantly higher in chicken layer manure, followed by chicken broiler manure, and least in pig manure (p<0.05). The concentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, N, P, K was significantly higher in raw manure samples compared to used manure (p<0.001) across the three treatments. Se was not detected in the samples across the three treatments. Surprisingly, significantly higher maggot yield was observed at higher total heavy metal concentrations. However, maggot yield showed a significantly negative correlation with total Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK).



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                             viii

List of Figures                                                                                                             ix

List of Plates                                                                                                               x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi


1.1        Background of the Study                                                                          1

1.1.1      Waste materials used in aquaculture                                                                      3

1.1.2    The chemical composition of chicken manure                                               3

3.1  1.1.3    Nutrient content of swine manure                                                              5

1.1.4    Benefits and potentials of utilising insects as an alternative protein source  5

1.2       Statement of Problems                                                                                 6

3.2  1.3       Justification of the Study                                                                             6

3.3  1.4       Aim and Objectives                                                                                        7

1.4.1    Specific objectives                                                                                       7


2.1        Livestock Farming and Feed Production                                                 8

2.2       Use of Maggots in Animal Production and Aquaculture                               8

2.2.1    Life cycle of housefly                                                                                     10

2.2.2      Taxonomy                                                                                                       11

2.3       Nutrient Composition of Maggots                                                                  12

2.4        Utilisation of Maggot Meal in Fish Diets                                                 14

2.5        Factors Affecting Maggot Production                                                      15

2.6        Heavy Metal Content in Animal Manure                                                 16

2.7        Sources of Heavy Metal Exposure to Humans                                         18

2.7.1      Sources of specific heavy metals                                                                   18 Lead                                                                                                                18 Cadmium                                                                                                        19 Chromium                                                                                                       19 Copper                                                                                                            20

2.8        Routes of Exposure, Bio-Uptake and Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals

      in Humans                                                                                                 20

2.9        Animal Husbandry in Aquaculture                                                          21

2.10     Classification of Nutrients in Poultry                                                             24

2.11     Classification of Nutrients in Piggery                                                            26


3.1        Area of the Study                                                                                      27

3.2        Construction of Wooden Culture Boxes                                                  28

3.3       Experimental Procedure                                                                                 30

3.4       Production of Maggot                                                                                     32

3.5        Conversion of Swine, Broiler and Layer Manure by Maggots                  32

3.6        Heavy Metal Analysis                                                                              32

3.6.1    Digestion procedure                                                                                       32

3.6.2    Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) Procedure                              33

3.6.3      Preparation of STANDARDS for AAS Calibration                                      34

3.7       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         35


4.1           Results                                                                                                            36

4.2        Discussion                                                                                                 44

4.2.1      Capacity of maggot production                                                                      44

4.2.2    Heavy metal and NPK in manure                                                                   46


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      51

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          51

REFERENCES                                                                                                         51


Table                                                                                             Page No.

4.1:      Weight of maggot production (g)                                                                   36

4.2:      Levels of total heavy metals in manure samples (mg/l) in fresh and     

            used pig, broiler and layers in raising M. domestica larvae for five-day           40

4.3:      Levels of NPK in manure samples (mg/kg) in fresh and used pig,                                     broiler and layers in raising M. domestica larvae for five days                      42

4.4:      Levels of NPK in manure samples (mg/kg) in fresh and used pig, broiler

            and layers in raising M. domestica larvae per variable /element for

            five days                                                                                                          43



Figure                                                                          Page No.

3.1:                  Map showing area of the study                                                           27

4.1:                  Concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper,

and lead) ( in chicken layer manure, before and after

the culture of Musca domestica larvae                                               37

4.2:                  Concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper,

                        and lead) ( in chicken Broiler manure, before and

                        after the culture of Musca domestica larvae                                      38

4.3:                  Concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper,

                        and lead) ( in pig manure, before and after the culture

                        of Musca domestica larvae                                                                 39

4.4:                  Variation in Treatment 3 with respect to maggot yield and total

                        heavy metal                                                                                        41









Plate                                                                                       Page No.

1:         Maggot production box                                                                                  29

2:         A pan for maggot production                                                                         31






Manure is an unavoidable by-product of livestock and poultry production, as well as a vital organic matter source and fertilizer for crop and pasture growth. Environmental protection has made manure management a need (Cang et al., 2004; Farzan et al., 2010). It's considered a complete fertilizer because it combines the benefits of both organic and inorganic fertilizers and can be used without the usage of chemicals (FAO, 2003).

In the European Union (EU), livestock production creates roughly 1400 million tons of manure per year (Foged et al., 2012), and excess manure can be adopted as basis of organic manure or substrates for maggot development. Fertilizer treatment, energization, and compressive techniques are among the most commonly used technologies to date (Charlton et al., 2015), as a result of their rich nutritional contents, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K), animal manures are primarily employed as organic fertilizers for agricultural production in a given nations like France (Kumar et al., 2013; Loyon, 2016).

Poultry dung has the potential to be a protein source. It has piqued the interest of animal nutritionists across the globe due to its high protein, calcium (5.4%), potassium such as potassium oxide (K2O), magnesium as MgO (0.335%), and mineral content (Garrett et al., 1997). Recently, fish farming systems, especially integrated farming systems, have been stimulated to reprocess waste from animal dungs, especially poultry and pig, as food for fish rather than discarding them (Adenji 2007).

However, some components in manure (heavy metals, antibiotics, and infections) are detrimental to human health and ecosystems, limiting its development and use (Eneji et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2013). Heavy metals like zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and arsenic (As) were found in high concentrations in swine dung, according to Cang et al. (2004). Heavy metals were also found to reach the environment through manure, with levels of Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Cr in manure increasing quickly between 1990 and 2010, particularly in pig and poultry dung (Zhang et al., 2012a; Wang et al 2014).

Furthermore, the untreated application of swine manure, which contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK), to agricultural output causes eutrophication (Smith et al., 2007). Manure continues to be a substantial basis of pollution. Manure management methods that are relatively innocuous and optimize resource usage are required for the long-term viability of animal production. The conversion of manure by insects is a quick and cost-effective way of manure management. Many insects can help reduce manure volume and turn it into high-quality fertilizer. Houseflies (Musca domestica) are the greatest diversified flies, capable of converting decomposing organic materials into animal-derived nourishment (Hussein et al., 2017). They are simple to yield and process (Aniebo and Owen, 2010; Anene et al., 2013) and significantly less expensive than other animal protein sources (Ajani et al., 2004).

Pig dung (Pastor et al., 2011), cattle blood and wheat bran (Aniebo and Owen, 2010), poultry manure (Hwangbo et al., 2009), and cattle gut and rumen content are only some of the organic wastes that maggot can live on (Anene et al., 2013; Hussein et al., 2017). Maggots can be produced from decaying organic matter such as animal dungs or faeces (cow, pig and chicken) or any exposed food materials selected as breeding grounds (Madu and Akilo, 2001). The maggot nourishes on organic waste, in which it finds itself taking in only fluid and tiny particles. Waste is defined by Adler and Sikora (2004), as materials that are no longer needed but may be used as feedstock or raw material elsewhere. Wastes, according to (Bolan et al., 2004), do not necessarily signify useless or worthless items, as waste in one location may be utilized as a feedstock or raw material in another.

1.2.1      Waste materials used in aquaculture

Excretory or faecal waste accounts for a portion of the nutritious content of poultry feed. These nutrients can help fish farming by acting as fertilizers, encouraging the growth of natural food species like phytoplankton and detritus. On such natural feeds alone, a variety of carps and tilapias can thrive (Eneji et al., 2013).

The yearly growth of fish as well as their natural feeds is ensured by steady and increasing water temperatures and sunlight. The tropics are best for cultivating fish using poultry manure as an input since typical water temperatures remain over 25°C, but it is also done in sub-tropical and sub-temperature climes during favourable times of the year (20°C).

Poultry, swine wastes, and by-products can all be used to feed aquaculture at various intensities. Poultry and swine manure may promote fish production in many ways, both indirectly and directly. Fresh or processed poultry and pig dung can be used in sun-lit tropical ponds for natural food production. Although some nutrients can be obtained directly from garbage, natural foods based on waste-derived nutrients are more important. Carps and tilapias, which feed low in the food web, gain the most from this sort of management because they can successfully consume plankton, benthic, and detrital food species (Ahmed et al., 2013).

1.1.2    The chemical composition of chicken manure

The chemical composition of poultry manure differs based on factors such as the source of manure, the feed given to the animals, the animals' age, condition, storage/handling methods, and litter use (Mariakulandai and Manickam, 1997). Fresh poultry manure contains about 77-80 percent water, but 5 percent of the dry matter is nitrogen, 3.9 percent is phosphorus, and 2.4 percent is potassium (Kroodsma, 1986). Uric acid and urea account for about 60–70% of the total nitrogen emitted in poultry manures (Nahm, 2003). Chicken manure has a crude protein level of more than 20%, making it suitable for fish production.

Chicken manure comprises an increasing ratio of manufactured soluble vitamins and has an energy content of 110-140kcal kg-1 manure (Tuleun, 1992). Fish feed straight on manure detritus and nutrients released into the system, fresh manure leads to promote fish development than fermented or stored manure (Yejin et al 1987). During storage, the nutritional value (physical, chemical as well as biological quality) of animal dung normally degrades. Under some climatic conditions, nitrogen loss (in the form of ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite volatilization) can be as high as 90% (FAO, 2003).

When chicken dung is dumped into a pond, it undergoes microbial breakdown, providing nutrients for the growth of microscopic green plants (Algae or phytoplankton), which are the foundation of the aquatic trophic level (food chain) (Aquaculture South Africa, 1999). Zooplankton (microscopic organisms) devour phytoplankton, while zooplankton provides food for small fish and aquatic insects, that is to say that decaying decomposition of chicken dung releases both phyto and zooplankton.

The incorporation of manure as well as other nutrients boosts the production of phytoplankton, the pond's primary productivity, which is then devoured by larger fish. The primary nutrients released by microbial decomposition of manure are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (Boyd, 1982). Secondary nutrients include calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulphur (S), while heavy metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) are minor nutrients (Fe).

Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are necessary to encourage greater phytoplankton growth in ponds without feeding. They are also used early in the production cycle in feed-based pond production to stimulate phytoplankton that is base of the food web providing natural food organisms beneficial to fish fry and shrimp, but because nitrogen is more volatile than phosphorus, the fish yield is probably more directly associated to manure nitrogen level.

1.1.3    Nutrient content of swine manure

Swine manure contains 13 essential plant nutrients required by plants. Nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chlorine (Cl), boron (B), iron (Fe), and molybdenum (Mo) are examples of these elements (Mo) (Zhang and Zhao, 2007).

Plant nutrients come from the animals’ food, supplements, medications, and drinking water. Using swine manure as a fertilizer for crops, trees, or fish ponds can meet part or all of a plant or animal's nutritional needs. The amount of nutrients delivered is determined on the manure's nutrient content. The amount of nutrients in swine dung depends on the animal's age, ration, temperature, collection and storage methods, and moisture content (Zhang and Zhao 2007).

1.1.4    Benefits and potentials of utilising insects as an alternative protein source

Insects are highly nutritious, abundant in protein that is in certain cases higher in quantity and quality than that found in standard protein sources (fish meal and soy meal) (Van et al., 2013). (Makkar et al., 2014). Because of their high fat content, insects are also good basis of vitamins, minerals including calcium, and energy (Van et al., 2013).

Insects also eat organic trash, which helps to clean up the environment (Mutafela, 2015). Because of their incredibly effective feed-to-protein conversion rates, they release fewer greenhouse emissions than typical cattle, making them more environmentally friendly (Meyer and Reguant-closa, 2017).

They are also abundant in large numbers; they can easily multiply in a small space in a short amount of time (Durst et al., 2010); and they can be seen in arrays of habitats and settings, including aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial. Because it is a low-tech, low-capital investment option, insect collection and rearing might provide livelihood options for the lower sectors of society (Van et al., 2013).


The cost of feed and its availability is critical in aquaculture production and development (FAO, 2007). Aquaculture faced production depends currently on fish and soy meal as the primary protein ingredient. However, conventional protein sources have become scarce and relatively expensive (Davis, 2015), and this has in no small way affected fish production in most West Africa regions, particularly in Nigeria. The use of larvae reared from pig, broiler, and layer manure can be an effective protein source for fish and a cost-effective feed. Organic waste, such as animal manure, on the other hand, often contains persistent contaminants like heavy metals, which can accumulate in larvae and enter the food chain.

The terrestrial organisms ingest contaminants orally (bio-magnification), aquatic organisms through diffusion (bio-concentration) and consumption of organisms feeding lesser in the food chain that had consumed the contaminants. This research evaluated the bio-magnification potential of larvae reared using animal manure and the different levels of heavy metal and fertilizer elements concentration in pig, broiler and layer manure and manure to produce the highest number maggots.


Metals like Lead, Cadmium, Copper, Selenium, Chromium and fertilizer elements N P K have been proven to be environmentally toxic among the metals commonly occurring in chicken manure (Ofor and Oke, 2018). This research work will justify the possibility of larvae raised on animal manure which is the substrate to concentrate or magnify contaminants.


This research aims to determine the maggot production potential of swine, chicken layer, and chicken broiler manures and the composition of maggots reared on the three different animal manures. The specific objectives were to:

    i.                     Determine and compare the capacity of layer, broiler and pig manure as substrate for the rearing of M. domestica larvae.

  ii.                     Determine the levels of selected metals in maggots reared in the three animal manures, and

 iii.                     Determine the levels of fertilizer elements N, P, and K in layer, broiler and pig manure


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