The study was carried out to determine the competency requirements of Business Education lecturers for effective information and communications technology (ICT) application in Colleges of Education in Enugu State, Nigeria. The research adopted descriptive survey research design. Four research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised the 64 Business Education lecturers in federal, state and private colleges of education Enugu State, Nigeria. There was no sampling because the population of the study was manageable. Thus the study made use of the entire population of the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled Competency Requirements for Information and Communications Technology Application in Business Education Questionnaire (CONFICTABEDQ). The instrument was validated by three experts-two in Business Education and one in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability coefficient values obtained were .75, .80, .87 and .72 for clusters 1-4, respectively and the overall reliability index was .70. A total of 60 copies of the questionnaire were returned and data were analysed using mean with standard deviation for answering the research questions and t-test for the testing of the hypotheses. The result showed that Business Education lecturers in colleges of education required technical, pedagogical, administrative and attitudinal competencies for effective ICT application. The four null hypotheses indicate no significant difference opinion between male and female Business Education lecturers. Thus, recommendations were made based on the findings including the massive in-service training programme for Business Education lecturers using every means available to them such as seminars, workshops, on-the-job training and retraining programmes, on-campus study leave to enable them engage in ICT training.
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of tables ix
Abstract x
1.1 Background
to the Study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problem 10
1.3 Purpose
of the Study 11
1.4 Research
Questions 12
1.5 Hypotheses 12
1.6 Significance
of the Study 13
1.7 Scope
of the Study 15
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 17
2.1.1 Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) 17
2.1.2 ICT
competency 21
2.1.3 Business
education in the colleges of educations 22
2.1.4 Technical
competencies required for effective ICT application 24
2.1.5 Pedagogical
competencies required for effective ICT application 25
2.1.6 Administrative
competencies required for effective ICT application 28
2.1.7 Attitudinal
competencies required for effective ICT application 31
2.1.8 Influence
of gender on ICT competency 31
2.2 Theoretical
Framework 34
2.2.1 The
behaviorists theory 34
2.2.2 The
constructivist theory 35
2.3 Empirical
Studies 37
2.4 Summary
of Review of Related Literature 42
3.1 Design
of the Study 45
3.2 Area of the Study 45
3.3 Population of the Study 46
3.4 Sample and Samplings Technique 47
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection 47
3.6 Validation of the Instrument 48
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument 48
3.8 Method of Data Collection 49
3.9 Method
of Data Analysis 49
4.1 Results 50
Summary of Findings 59
4.3 Discussion
of the Findings 63
4.3.1 The technical competencies required for the
effective application
of information and communications
technology 63
4.3.2 Pedagogical competencies required for the
effective application
of information and communications
technology 63
4.3.3 Administrative
competencies required for the effective application
information and communication technology 64
4.3.4 Attitudinal
competencies required for the effective application
information and communications technology 65
5.1 Summary
of the Study 67
5.2 Conclusions 67
5.3 Educational
Implications 68
5.4 Recommendations 68
5.5 Limitations
of the Study 69
5.6 Suggestions
for Further Studies 70
ratings of Business Education lecturers on the technical competencies
required for effective application of information and communication
technology in Colleges of Education
analysis of the mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers
in Colleges of Education on the technical competencies required for effective
application of information and communications technology
ratings of business education lecturers on the pedagogical competencies required
by Business Education lecturers for the effective application of information
and communications technology in Colleges of Education
analysis of the mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers
in colleges of education on the pedagogical competencies required for
effective application of information and communications technology
ratings of Business Education lecturers on the administrative competencies
required by Business Education lecturers for effective
of information and communication technology in Colleges of Education
analysis of the mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers
in Colleges of Education on the administrative competencies required for effective
application of information and communications technology.
ratings of Business Education lecturers on the work attitudinal competencies
required for effective application of information and communication
technology in Colleges of Education
analysis of the mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers
in Colleges of Education on the work attitudinal competencies required for
effective application of information and communications technology.
is a standout amongst the most significant tools to foster creation of
worthwhile skills and attitude required for national development. According to
the Nigerian National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN,
2013), the national education goals derived from the Nigerian educational
philosophy amongst other things, the securing of suitable aptitudes and the
advancement of mental, physical and social capacities and competencies as
hardware for the person to live in and add to the improvement of the general
public. Business Education is training for and about business or preparing in
business abilities (Okoro, 2013). Business Education, according to Okoli
(2010), is that part of the all-out instructive program that gives the
learning, abilities, comprehension and frames of mind expected to perform
successfully in the business world as a maker and/or customer of products and
enterprises that business offers.
Business Education which is offered at the
institutions of higher learning is concerned with the advancement of relevant
and profitable skills and knowledge that would empower a person to work viably
in the realm of work (Onojetah, 2012). An individual who receives training in
Business Education can easily develop potentials for entrepreneurship interests
particularly in this period of economic meltdown and joblessness (Ibeneme &
Ikegwuani, 2010). In order to make Business Education graduates more relevant to
the Nigerian economy and the world over, in terms of job creation, information
and communications technology was introduced into Business Education curriculum.
This is necessitated by the fact that the world is seen as a “global village” due to innovative headway in
relational abilities and contraptions.
Information and communications technology
(ICT), according to Orike, Iyalla and Okereke (2017) refers to the range of
technology that is applied in the course of collecting, editing, storing,
retrieval and transfer of information in several forms. It is the electronic
devices and applications used in the classroom to support the effective
teaching and learning processes (Deebom & Zite, 2016). All such electronic,
media and devices provided by the ICT which appeal to all the intellects and the
feeling of learning constitute learning materials in the Colleges of Education
in Enugu State, Nigeria. The National Policy on Education (FRN, 2001)
emphasized the need for the application of ICT in education for three major
objectives: to empower the students with ICT skills, to prepare the students
for a competitive global environment, incorporate ICT into the mainstream of
education and training and establishing multifaceted ICT institutions, as
centres of excellence.
These noble objectives of Business
Education cannot be achieved without utilizing ICT in the training of their
learners through the integration of e-learning. According to Yusuf (2018) one
of the aims of Business Education is to produce graduates that are equipped
with vocational skills and competencies required in up-to-date offices and
schools, but the importance of Business Education in the classrooms and
laboratories in this regard are questionable. The world is fast becoming a
global village as a result of interconnectivity that existed between countries,
organisations, institutions, government and other bodies due to the development
in information and communications technology (Ugwueze & Obayi, 2012).
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are indeed prevalent
pervasive technologies in the world (Obayi, 2010).
Information and communications technology
is that aspect of technology that ensures the handling and processing of
information, using all kinds of electronic devices in facilitating
communication (Paul, 2005). It includes several communication device or
application encompassing; radio, cellular phones, television, computer,
computer network (hardware and software) and satellite systems, including the
various services and applications related to them, such as video conferencing
and distance learning (Dike, 2014; Margaret, 2005). According to Okwuanaso
(2004), ICT is made up of three basic components, namely: electronic processing
using computer, transmission of information using telecommunications equipment’s
and broadcasting of information in multimedia. These electronic systems can be
useful in broadcasting, telecommunications and many computer-mediated
communication technology including teaching in the classroom. The use of
improved technology has brought about more sophisticated scientific discoveries
in various areas of human activities such as medicine, agriculture, industrial
production and building.
Technology is playing a leading role not
only in business but also in the management of business information (Okwuanaso
& Obayi, 2006). Adoni (2010) noted that information and communication
technology centered education encompasses the use of computers, online
self-learning packages, interactive CD’s, satellites, radio, optical fibre
technologies, tele-presence systems and all types of information technology
(IT) hardware and software in teaching. However, for the purposes of this study,
the ICT facilities for which Business Education lecturers competencies the
researcher is focusing on, include; the usage of computer system for teaching, use of the internet, computer networking, electronic
board and the use of slide shows in teaching. These facilities are the most
frequently used ICT facilities for teaching amongst other facilities (UNESCO,
2011). It is appropriate to note that the ICT competencies required by Business
Education Lecturers are practical and functional skills which the lecturer
should demonstrate to effectively apply technology in Colleges of Education in
Enugu State.
Competency, according to Adameji (2014) is
the capacity to adequately possess the required skills and knowledge,
qualification or capacity. Competency is a persuasive term that reflects the capability
to do something in contrast with more traditional ability to demonstrate
knowledge. In this study, competencies Requirement of Business Education
lecturers in information and communications technology (ICT) is defined as the capability
of the lecturer to use ICT devices in performing or carrying out academic
activities or tasks, aimed at enhancing learning. Competency is a specific
practical ability possessed by someone to do a given task. Ojukwu and Ojukwu
(2004) viewed competencies as knowledge, skills and behaviour that will enable
a lecturer meet established performance criteria. Competency is the capacity to
do something well when measured against a standard, specifically the ability
acquired through experience or training.
The importance of information and
communications technology (ICT) in teacher education is not in doubt, but the
enabling skills, knowledge, tools and infrastructure for its application are
not yet adequately put in place. Paul (2005), Omeje (2006), and Ovute and Ovute
(2015) reported separately that the ICT systems are presently inadequate in
educational institutions at all levels in Nigeria. They also reported that
teacher competency for the implementation of ICT was virtually non-existent in
the post primary education and very inadequate at the tertiary level, including
Colleges of Education in Enugu State, Nigeria.
The researcher’s presentation in this
study includes the adoption of the format of traditional cluster of teacher
competencies according to Orike, Iyalla & Okereke (2017); Nwagwu & Azih
(2016); Dike (2014) and Okoro (2013). This cluster includes technological,
pedagogical, administrative and attitudinal competencies. The technological
competencies are often necessary in all aspects of technology since many human
endeavours and career opportunities need technological competencies.
Technological competencies are required to organize, produce and deliver
learning experiences to learners. It helps the lecturer to apply technology
wisely, logically and effectively. It also enables the lecturer to understand
the principles underlying the technological tools and materials (Ovute &
Ovute, 2015). This is because, the lecturer obtains the boldness and safety to
apply the tools and equipment which he Requirement to perform his or her
functions. Technological competencies promote proper use of technological
gadgets hence improving their performance and life span since the user has
better chance to apply maintenance culture and proper handling and when
properly applied, ICT will enhance the technological competencies of lecturers.
Pedagogical competencies are skills and
abilities applied by lecturers to enhance teaching and learning procedure.
Pedagogical competencies applied in teaching are numerous and varied according
to subject area and Requirement of the lecturers and students. These
competencies are expected to determine the level of efficiency of the lecturer
at all levels in the effective applications of information and communications
technology as they are what differentiate one lecturer from the other in terms
of ability to deliver lessons effectively in order to enhance maximum learning.
To achieve this, all the strategies adopted and the method of motivation of the
students engaged in the learning process is very essential. One can achieve
pedagogical competencies by both training and experience especially if the
lecturer is aware of the need to acquire such competencies. Therefore, when
information and communications technology is used effectively, it will enhance
the pedagogical competencies of the lecturer even though it depends on the
desire of the lecturer to excel in his or her duties (Agbakwuru, 2012).
Administrative competencies are skills and
capabilities required to plan, organize, execute and evaluate programmes and to
ensure that the goal set by the organization, employer or client is achieved.
It helps the lecturer to adopt lawful principles in his dealings with students,
abide by the laws and go about his normal business based on what the law
stipulates (Dike, 2014). Attitudinal competencies are the value based on skills
required by individuals and societies to be capable of laying the appropriate
value on the importance of good behaviour and character in dealing with others.
It brings about wisdom and ability to relate well with other people. If
lecturers in the Colleges of Education in Enugu State who handle Business
Education cannot apply ICT in teaching and learning and do not relate cordially
with their colleagues who can help them achieve effective application in the
learning procedure, then they will not be able to produce ICT based learning
experiences. Consequently, they will not be able to transfer the necessary ICT
competencies to their students. But when lecturers are ICT competent, they will
be in a better position to produce learning experiences in a current format and
impart the up to date experiences to their students. It is therefore, needful
to address the competency Requirement of the lecturers in the Colleges of
Education in Enugu State for effective application of ICT in Business Education
learning process.
Some of these Colleges of Education in
Enugu State are privately owned whereas others are publicly owned. These
institutions also differ in their rate of funding in terms of procurement of
the ICT amenities and ability to retain highly competent lecturers. It is clear
that there could be disparities in the competency Requirement of the lecturers
in the privately-owned Colleges of Education and the lecturers in the
government owned Colleges of Education in Enugu State, Nigeria.
From the foregoing, it is observed that
the numerous benefits of ICT can be realized when lecturers who remain the key
to learning can develop necessary pedagogical competencies for learning and
instruction using ICT facilities. Even in the ICT-rich contexts, lecturers’ replacement
by the best technology is impossible. Jones (2003) reiterated the fact and was
of the opinion that “regardless of what the educational system mandates the
experts in the end, effective learning is dependent on the will and competence
of the lecturer”. In recognition of this fact, the European Union (EU) member
states have decided to embark upon a major programme of equipping schools and
training teachers (Abbot & Chris, 2011). The United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization and Communication Technology Competency
Test – UNESCO ICT-CT (2011) postulated that for students to become comfortable
and effective users of computers, teachers must be capable of making wise and
effective use of computers in teaching. This means that all science teachers
and in particular Business Education lecturers should be competent in using the
ICT for instructional purposes when and where appropriate. However, the lack of
basic ICT competencies can limit lecturers from harnessing the gains inherent
in using ICT to teach Business Education. A lecturer cannot teach past his or
her scope of mastery.
Teaching Business Education using ICT
facilities has been observed to enhance learning (UNESCO, 2011) and any
lecturer who does not possess the requisite competencies required to
effectively teach desired content in Business Education cannot benefit from the
inherent gains of using ICT to teach Business Education. Business Education
lecturers in particular need to have the basic ICT competencies Required for
more effective teaching of the desired contents in the Colleges of Education in
Enugu State, it is appropriate to begin with the question of the basic ICT
skills that can empower lecturers to demonstrate competence in using ICT
gadgets in classroom instructions. It will be difficult to achieve ICT
integration in classroom learning without determining whether a lecturer is
acquainted with the basic operational competencies of ICT components. In like
manner, ICT competence in appropriate areas will be required for a positive
integration of the ICT in course of teaching and learning. For the purpose of
this study, the basic ICT competencies required for enhancing teaching and learning
in the classroom will be used. These basic competencies were drawn from the
UNESCO information and Communication Technology teachers’ competency framework
developed and published in 2011, especially for developing countries. Amongst
the ICT competencies selected as identified by UNESCO which is of interest to
the present study include basic knowledge and use of ICT facilities, the usage
of ICT to form teaching pedagogy, and use of ICT facilities to guide learners
in searching for new knowledge and information.
It is assumed that the level of ICT
competencies among lecturers in the Colleges of Education in Enugu State is
determined by a number of factors. Such factors include: qualification, age and
gender. Uzoagulu (2002) while discussing the attributes that affect students’
performance noted that teachers’ qualification affects students’ performance
and achievement in various courses. Domingo (2004) observed that students
taught by qualified teachers stand a better chance to perform better than students
taught by less-qualified teachers in examinations. These assertions will be
subject to verifications following ICT competencies of these teachers. National
Council on Colleges of Education, bachelor in education (B.Ed) is the minimum
qualification for entry into teaching in Colleges of Education (NCCE, 2012).
Consequently, lecturers with minimum of Bachelor
of Education in Business Education disciplines are qualified to teach Business
Education in the Colleges of Education in Enugu State with a minimum of B.Ed
and above are considered as qualified lecturers while those who may be teaching
but do not possess a minimum of B.Ed will be considered as unqualified. Those
who may have degree in other disciplines other than education but have
undertaken Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) will also be considered
qualified to teach. However, those who may possess degree in other faculties
outside education and have not undertaken any study in education will be considered
unqualified lecturer(s). Teachers’ qualifications are also related to gender.
Gender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male from female. It
also refers to the informally constructed roles, behaviours, activities and characteristics
that a specific society considers appropriate for men and women. Traditionally,
gender stereotype has over the years continued to limit females’ capabilities
and constrain their ability to participate in all aspect of human endeavour.
Gender issues themselves affect all aspect of the society to the extent that
the sum total of women in certain profession/career in higher institutions of
learning is constrained by gender stereotype. It has been argued that this
long-standing gender bias reflects in performances.
Gender was identified as a critical factor
that affects teachers’ attitude towards computer usage (King, Bond &
Blandford, 2002). King, Bond and Blandford (2002) found that females have lower
scores on computer technology than their male counterparts. These prejudices
limit the performance level of female in certain courses. The gender issue in
science and technology and ICT has been a source of aversions as science
teachers and ICT have been male stereotyped and regarded as difficult (Ofoedu,
2001). Amongst the goals of Education For All (EFA) as agreed by world
countries in 2000 is: “Achieving a 50 percent advancement in levels of adult literateness
by 2015, specifically for women and impartial access to rudimentary and
continuing education for all adults and eradicating gender differences in primary
and secondary education by 2015, and accomplishing gender equality in education
by 2015, with a concentration on guaranteeing girls’ full and equivalent access
and achievement in rudimentary education of decent quality”. This suggests that
gender is sensitive to educational objectives and may affect interest and assurance
in the teaching of Business Education with ICT. Therefore, Business Education
lecturers need to be assessed across gender so as to find out necessary actions
that need to be put in place by the federal government in order to avoid
failure of investments in ICT and education. According to Okafor (2013), teaching
with the support of ICT facilities has proven to aid better understanding and
performance by students, but unfortunately, most of the Business Education
lecturers seem not to be up-to-date in ICT compliance. Therefore, the study attempts
to determine the competency Requirement of Business Education Lecturers for
effective information and communications technology (ICT) application in the
Colleges of Education in Enugu State, Nigeria.
Colleges of Education being the bedrock of
teacher education at the tertiary level aims at preparing and producing
qualified and competent teachers who teach at primary and secondary levels of
education. It was noted that Business Education lecturers who take the responsibility
of training these student teachers in Colleges of Education have not been
properly equipped with ICT competencies for effective instructional delivery. Students
in secondary schools, colleges and universities seems to have no practical
knowledge on how to incorporate ICT into business education even with the
growing need for ICT literacy in the current dispensation especially in
teaching and learning process, this calls for teachers and students at all
levels of education to be ICT compliant.
Information and communications technology is
an integral course which ought to be learnt by all despite the level of
education as it is utilized in all aspect of human endeavor. The low level of
students-teachers integration of ICT in Business Education could be linked to
the Business Education lecturers not being adequately trained or prepared with
the necessary ICT competency which could have resulted in ineffective ICT
infrastructural delivery in Colleges of Education and the teaching of ICT is
more theoretical rather than practical in most Colleges of Education. These
have brought about poor performance of student-teachers in ICT instruction.
Then the question; what are the competencies required by lecturers of Business
Education for effective application of information and communications
technology (ICT) in Colleges of Education in Enugu State?
The purpose of this study was to determine
the competency requirement of Business Education lecturers for effective
information and communications technology (ICT) application in Colleges of
Education in Enugu State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study determined:
the technical
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education;
the pedagogical
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education;
the administrative
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education; and
the work attitudinal
competencies required by Business Education lectures for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education.
following research questions guided the study:
What are the technical
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education?
What are the pedagogical
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for the effective
application of information and communications technology in Colleges of
What are the
administrative competencies required by Business Education lecturers for
effective application of information and communications technology in Colleges
of Education?
What are the work attitudinal
competencies required by Business Education lecturers for effective application
of information and communications technology in Colleges of Education?
following null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance:
HO1: There is no significant difference between the
mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers in Colleges of
Education on the technical competencies required by them for effective
application of information and communications technology in their institutions.
HO2: There is no significant difference between the
mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers in Colleges of
Education on the pedagogical competencies required by them for effective
application of information and communications technology in their institutions.
HO3: There is no significant difference between the
mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers in Colleges of
Education on the administrative competencies required by them for effective
application of information and communications technology in their institutions.
HO4: There is no significant difference between the
mean ratings of male and female Business Education lecturers in Colleges of
Education on the work attitudinal competencies required by them for effective
application of information and communications technology in their institutions.
The findings of the study would be
beneficial to the stakeholders in Education which include the Business
Education Students, Business Education Lecturers, Federal Colleges of
Education, State Colleges of Education, Private owned Colleges of Education,
National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) School Management, future
researchers and the general public.
The findings of the study would also be
beneficial to the federal and state government because, it would enable the
government enhance information sharing among security agencies. It would build
confidence in the use of ICT network and services. The findings will ensure to
encourage and promote the effective use of ICT in governance within every
sector and programme including Agriculture, Education, Finance, Health, Oil and
Gas, Power, Trade and Commerce, Transport and Youth Development.
The findings of the study would be
beneficial to the Colleges of Education because, it would enable the Colleges
tackle the problem of the use of obsolete and outdated office equipment, poor
working condition, poor infrastructure and inadequate network in Colleges of
Education. The findings of the study would also be beneficial to the National
Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE). This is because, since the
statutory responsibility of this Commission is to manage the Colleges of
Education in Nigeria, the findings would proffer to assist the Commission on
the evaluation and implementation of ICT in teaching-learning in Colleges of
Education in Enugu State of Nigeria and make necessary recommendations to the
Federal Ministry of Education.
The findings of the study would also be
beneficial to the Management of different Colleges of Education. This is
because, the management would use the result of the study to provide adequate
information and Communications Technology facilities for teaching and learning
Business Education in their various Colleges of Education. It will also help
them to process, store and retrieve documents whenever required. This will be
essential in keeping students’ records which include, class attendance, marks
scored in different examinations and assignment, a database of previous
assignment and examinations.
The findings of the study would be
beneficial to Business Education Lecturers in Colleges of Education because, it
would expose them to the need to acquire information and communications
technology skills relevant in teaching Business Education courses and the need
for the lecturers to attend conferences, seminars and workshops to update their
knowledge. ICT would help Business Education lecturers in preparation for
cultures by reaching online materials to enrich their knowledge base.
The findings of the study would be
beneficial to students, especially Business Education students in Colleges of
Education. This is because, it will enable them to learn faster, maximize their
attentiveness to instruction and facilitate interaction between students and
students. It would equip the Business Education Students with valuable
knowledge and skills around competing and communication devices, software that
operate them, application that run on them and systems that are built with
them. Information and communications technology (ICT) increases the flexibility
of delivery of Education so that Business Education Students can access
knowledge anytime and from anywhere. Business Education Students would find it
useful especially the use of audio-visual aids, (mostly computers) to practice
how to teach using technology.
Finally, the findings of the study would
be beneficial to intending researchers because, it would serve as a reference
material to them giving them the opportunity to carry out more research on the
subject area. It would stimulate and encourage research development and
innovation on ICT in future.
This study focused on competency requirements
of business education lecturers for effective information and communications
technology application. The study was delimited to the pedagogical,
technological and administrative competencies required by Business Education
lecturers. This study covered College of Education, Nsukka, Enugu State; Peaceland
College of Education, Enugu; Our Saviour Institute of Science, Agriculture and
Technology (OSISATECH); College of Education, Enugu; Institute of Ecumenical
Education (Thinkers Corners), Enugu; African Thinkers College of Education,
Enugu; Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Enugu; Federal College of
Education, Eha Amufu, Enugu State. It was further concerned with the competency
requirements of Business Education lecturers for effective information and
communication technology application in Colleges of Education. The variables of
interest within the scope of study for the purpose of the investigation into
the competency requirements of Business Education lecturers for effective
information and communication technology application in Colleges of Education
includes; application of basic ICT technology in teaching, identification and
application of ICT skills and competency requirements, the use of ICT
administratively to organize and create knowledge, attitude
of lecturers in the use ICT in teaching. Finally the study was restricted to
the Business Education lecturers in Colleges of Education in Enugu State.
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