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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00000451

No of Pages: 107

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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1.1      Background of the study

1.2      Statement of the problem

1.3      Aims and objective of the study

1.4      Research questions

1.5      Research hypothesis statement

1.6      Significant of the study

1.7      Scope and limitation of the study

1.8      Definition of the terms.

1.9      History of vital foam Nigeria plc Lagos

1.10  organisation of  the  study


2.1      Literature review

2.2      Basic investment appraisal technique

2.3      A review of past studies

2.4      Theoretical framework

2.5      Capital rationing

2.6      Risk and uncertainty

2.7      Capital investment appraisal under uncertainty

2.8      Measure of risk


Research methodology

3.1      Introduction

3.2      Research design

3.3      Determination of sample size

3.4      Population of the study

3.5      Sampling method

3.6      Data collection method

3.7      Validation of the instrument

3.8      Choice of statistical analysis

3.9      Re-statement of research hypothesis

3.10  Questionnaire design and administration

3.11  Data analysis techniques

3.12  Limitations of the research


4.1      Data presentation and Data analysis

4.2      Presentation, analysis  of data

4.3      Test of hypothesis


5.0   Summary, conclusion and recommendations

5.1      Summary

5.2      Conclusion

5.3      Recommendations





        Capital budgeting is the process by which the financial manager decides whether to invest in specific capital projects or assets. In some situation, the process may entail in acquiring assets that are completely new to the firm. Other situations,it may mean replacing on existing absolete asset to maintain efficiency. During the capital budgeting process answers to the following questions are sought.

        What project are good investment opportunities to the firm?from this group which assets are the most desirable to acquire?

        How much should the firm invest in each of these assets?


        Initial investment outlay: it includes the cash required to acquire the new equipment or bold the new plant less any net cash proceed from the disposal of the replaced equipment. The initial outlay also includes any additional working capital related to new equipment. Only changes that occurs at the beginning of the project are included as part of the initial investment outlay. Additional working capital needed or no longer needed in a future period is accounted for as a cash outlay or cash in flow during that period. Net cash benefits of savings from the operation.

        This component is calculated as under: (The incremental change in operating revenue minus the incremental change in the operating cost= Incremental net revenue) minus (taxes) plus or minus (changes in the working capital and other adjustments)

        Terminal cash flow: it includes the net cash generated from the sale of asset, tax effects from the terminal of the asset and the release of net working capital. The net present value technique, although these are several methods used in capital budgeting, the Net present value technique is more commonly used under this method a project with a positive NPV implies that at is worth investing in.

        All business decisions involved a choice among alternative courses of action. The criteria for such choices may be subjective, such as attitudes of employees or the may be objective such as dollars/ Naira of cost and revenue.

        Most decisions are influenced by a combination of both subjective and objective factors. In most situations, it as possible to analyze some of the consequence of alternative actions in quantiitative terms and to use the result of the analysis an making a decision. If two alternative actions are under consideration, quantitative analysis will generally show which actions will lead to the higher profit or if an investment return on investment may be expressed as the ratio of income per period to the average investment for the period to the average investments for the period. Since income change either in revenue or in cost is relevant to the decision. If a decision involves a new investment that will be recovered through increased net revenue or cost savings over a period of several years, an analysis of cash flows overtime is present value computation outline of an alternative choice problem is formulated through the following steps.

-              Defined the problem and identify the alternative solution to be considered

-              Measures and compare the consequence of each alternative,in so far as these consequences can be express quantitatively.

-              Evaluate the subjective factors and considered the extent to which they offset quantitative considerations

-              Arrive at a decision

Perhaps the most common alternative choice problem involves decision for replacement of plant assets or expansion of productive facilities. The process of planning and evaluating proposals for investment in assets is called CAPITAL BUDGETING.

        Capital budgeting is complicated by the fact that the decision must be made for estimate of future operating result which by their nature involve a considerable degree of uncertainty. Yet these decisions are crucial to the long-run financial health of a business enterprise. Not only are large amount of money committed for long period of time, but many capital budgeting decisions are difficult or impossible to reverse once the funds have been committed and their projects as begun. Thus companies may benefits from good capital budgeting decisions and suffer from poor ones for many years.

        Many non-financial factors are considered in making capital budgeting decision e.g. many companies give high priority to creating jobs and avoiding layoffs. However  it is also essential that investments in plant assets earn a satisfactory return on the fund invested. Without this return, investors will not be able to generate sufficient funds for future investment projects.

        Capital budgeting is a broad field involving many sophisticated techniques for evaluating the financial and non-financial considerations capital expenditures differ from day to day revenue expenditure because of the following.

1.          The involve large outlay

2.          The benefits will accrue over a long period of time, usually well over one year and often much larger, so that the benefits cannot all be set against costs in the current year’s P and L account.

3.          They are very risky

4.          They involve irreversible decision

According to oye Akinsulire (2005): capital budgeting involves all investment tin long-term  projects. It is the process of selecting alternative long term investment opportunities i.e. It is the process of committing the company’s fund into long term projects. These projects would normally have life spans exceeding one accounting period. The procedures involved in capital budgeting decisions are as follows:

·        Identification of possible projects (investments profile)

·        Evaluation of projects

·        Authorization of projects

·        Development stage

·        Monitoring and control of projects

·        Post audit.

A very important part of a management accounting job is to provide information will assist the making decision concerning the investment of capital funds. This is the process known as capital budgeting.

        Hence, we need to evaluate every investment proposal to use if it is viable or not. In making such decision, analyst must be very careful because capital budgeting usually involves a lot of money and cannot be spent in an haphazard way.


        Financial advisers and invent managers are faced with so many problems and do not have absolute authority in discharging their responsibilities their actions are constrained by certain factors beyond their control.

        There are two distinct factors which exert very string influence over budgeting decision making process individual and corporate investors carrying out their investment business in line with the legal framework and in confronting with the nations economy.

        Therefore, there are internal environment which refers to internal structure of the firm and those that exists that is external environment. The internal environment addressed the inadequacy of human resources as one of the most principals factors where as the external environment includes factors such as the political economics cultural, social, legal and technological framework within which the firm operates. Capital budgeting decisions are further compounded by the high rate of inflation in Nigeria economy, the nature and size of the projects in question and decision maker is the value judgment and his skill and expertise as well as liquidity constraints.

        The research shows among other things that capital budgeting techniques are very vital and important in organizational flexibility, profitability, applicability and reliability in taking decision.


        The aim of this research is to under study the capital budgeting decision in manufacturing company taken vital-foam Nigeria plc, as the case study.

        To achieve the above aims therefore, the following objectives will be taken into consideration.

v To reveal the risks and uncertainty inherent proposal

v To determine the profitability of an investment proposal

v To determine factors affecting capital budgeting decisions

v To reveal other quantitative factors affecting capital budgeting decisions.

v To determine whether the investment is worthwhile undertaking or not.


        In the course of this research study the respondents will be able to answer to these questions.

1.          What are capital budgeting decision?

2.          Why and how does manufacturing company get involved in capital budgeting decision?

3.          Is there a consensus in the choice of capital budgeting evaluation or appraisal techniques in manufacturing company?

4.          how do the manufacturing concerns acquire data relevant for capital budgeting decision making?

5.          What role does uncertainty play in investment decision?


        In order to arrive at logical conclusion on this research study the following hypotheses will be considered.

1.     Hi:    Capital budgeting decision has no significant influence on the success of an investment outlay.

Ho:   Capital budgeting decision  has significant influence on the success of an investment outlay

2.     Ho:   Capital budgeting decision is not indepednet on the relevant data acquired

        Hi:    Capital budgeting decision is independent on the relevant data acquired


        It has been established that capital budgeting decision are inevitable due to their effect on effectiveness and efficiency in manufacturing company in Nigeria business. This study is attempt towards achieving its aims stakeholders will then be at an advantage to make reasonable and rational decision based on the finding conclusion and recommendations of the study.


        This work focuses on medium long term investment. It is in this regard phrase “capital budgeting decision we carefully chosen. Again, consideration will be limited to only select manufacturing company. It will however cover firm directly engaged in converting raw materials of any form to usuable forms.

        Sample company shall be drawn from manufacturing concerns in Lagos state.

        Capital budgeting decision is a top management function officers at this level may be very busy and unwilling to satisfactory complete and return the questionnaires. Other problems that would likely face during the course of this study area in the area of time. Funds and geographical distance in collecting data and information from sample and chosen manufacturing concern location.


1.          Capital budgeting: Is the process of planning evaluating proposals for investment in plant assets.

2.          Discount rate: is the required rate of return used by an investors to discount future cash flows to their present value.

3.          Present value: Is the excess of the present value of there net cash flows expected from an investment over the amount to be invested. NPV is one method of rangking alternative investment opportunities.

4.          Payback period: is the length of time necessary to recover the cost of an investment through the cash flows generated by that investment. PSP is one criterion used in making capital budgeting decisions.

5.          Present value: Is the amount of money today which is consider equivalent to cash in flow or out flow expected to take place in the future. The present value of money is always less then the future amount since money on hand today can be invested to become the equivalent of a larger amount in the future.

6.          Relevant cost: is a cost which should be given consideration in making a specific decision.

7.          Uncertainty: This is situation in which an event or activity is not likely to happen or occur. This is very vital element in capital investment decision.

8.          Long term assets: These are the assets which affects the firm’s operation beyond the one year period.

9.          profitability index: The profitability index or benefit/ cost ratio of a project is the present value of future net cash flows over the initial cash outlay. Simply put present value of inflows over the present value of outflows.

10.      Discounted payback period: The principles and decision rules are the same as in the normal pay back period method, the only difference, is that the cash flows to be used are discounted at the given or appropriate cost of capital.

11.      Mutually exclusive project: these are project that are to be appraisal for acceptance/ rejection solely on each project’s individual merit.

12.      Internal rate of return: The internal rate return or yield for investment is the discount rate equates the present value of the expected cash outflows with the present of the expected inflows.

13.      Sunk cost: that is historical cost, it represents a amount that has already been incurred prior. To the investment under consideration e.g. research and development (where already incurred), preliminary expenses etc. it should be considered irrelevant

14.      Depreciation: This is an accounting derivation and does not involve the physical movement of cash as such should be disregarded.

15.      investment decision: This involves the identification of viable projects i.e. it deals with appraisal of projects using various techniques to determine those that are viable.

16.      Opportunity: This is defined as the maximum contribution that is forgone but using limited resources for a particular purpose. An alternative way of describing opportunity cost is as the value of a benefit sacrificed in favour of an alternative course of action.

17.      Risk: is a situation in which we do not know exactly the performance of the future uncertain events but we can qualify the possibilities of such future event.

18.      Financial decision: this involves the identification of the appropriate sources of finance that would be used to finance projects.

19.      Divided decision: Here attention is focused on the compensation required by the providers of funds i.e. this is the determination required of the appropriate amount to be paid as dividend and the profit that would be ploughed back to finance expansion in the company.

1.9 History of vitafoam Nigeria Plc.

Vital foam Nigeria plc was incorporated in Nigeria as a private company on 4th August, 1962. The company was established to manufacture foam products having liquid later base such as molded mattresses, cushions pillows and upholstery sheeting.

The first factory was opened at Ikeja in 1963 for the production of latex foam mattresses and cushions. This type of foam was later superseded by the development of polyurethane foam and in 1966.the company installed its fist urethane foam production plant at the Ikeja premises later, the manufacture of carpet unclerlay, fiber pillows, rigid urethane insulating material and vital bond adhesive etc were added to its operations.

The company has acquired a high manufacturing capability through the support in the form of technology,research and development from vital international limited, UK Vita foam manufacturing locations are strategically spread across the country in order to make its range of products easily accessible. Thus, in addition to the Ikeja factory, which has been extensively enlarged, there are now four other manufacturing loations in ABA, JOS, KANO and SAPELE. The company head office is located at the Ikeja factory on Oba-Akran raod Ikeja. The sapele factory is involved with the production of rigid polyurethane foams which are used for insulation purposes in the oil and gas industries cold room construction refrigerated vehicles etc.


        This research will be divided into five chapters; each chapter contains the following.

        Chapter one will contain the background of the study, statement of the problem, aim and objective of the study research question, research hypothesis statement significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study. Definition of the terms, history of vital foam Nigeria plc,Lagos.

        Chapter two of the project is the Literature review, which shall look into the basic investment appraised techniques. A review of past studies, the theoretical frame work, capital budgeting, risk and uncertainty, capital investment appraisal under uncertainty and lastly the measure of risk.

        Chapter three of the research work will be the research design determination of sample size, population of the study, sampling method, the data collection method, validation of the instrument, choice of statistical analysis re-statement of research Hypothesis, the questionnaire design and administration, data analysis techniques and lastly the limitation of the research.

        Chapter four of the project will be the presentation analysis of data.

        Chapter five will discuss the summary,conclusion and recommendations of the research work.

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