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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006969

No of Pages: 94

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study investigated the Availability and Utilization of Mathematics Instructional Materials in Senior Secondary Schools of Akwa Ibom State. A total of twenty two (22) schools were sampled using random sampling from the three Senatorial Districts of the State, which consist of fifteen (15) public and seven (7) private schools. Random sampling technique was used to select Forty Mathematics teachers and two hundred and sixty students from the sampled schools. Six research questions and six hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. t-test statistic was used to test the hypothesis. The research instruments were Mathematics Instructional Resources Checklist (MIRCL) and Mathematics Instructional Materials Rating Scale (MIMRS) whose reliability coefficients were 0.78 and 0.75 respectively. The result of the research schools that there is a deficiency in the availability and utilization of mathematic instructional materials; there is a significant relationship between availability and utilization of Mathematics Instructional materials in the teaching of mathematics in the study area. The recommendation from the result of the study is that Mathematics teachers should endeavour to utilize the available instructional materials for effective teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools. Also Government should provide enough instructional materials for mathematics education in Secondary Schools. 


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Cover Page                                                                                                                              ii

Declaration                                                                                                                              iii

Certification                                                                                                                           iv

Dedication                                                                                                                              v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vii

List of Tables



1.1       Background to the study                                                                                            1

1.2       Statement of the study                                                                                               4

1.3       Purpose of the study                                                                                                   5

1.4       Research questions                                                                                                      6

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                                 6

1.6       Significance of the study                                                                                            7

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                                                      9                     


2.1       Conceptual framework                                                                                               10

2.1.1    Concept of mathematics                                                                                            10

2.1.2    Availability and adequacy of instructional materials                                                  12

2. 1.3   Utilization of resources in teaching                                                                            13

2.1.4    Teachers and learners in mathematics teaching process                                              14

2.1.5    The role of learners in the teaching and learning process                                           17

2.1.6    Criteria for the selection of instructional materials in teaching

and learning of mathematics                                                                                       19

2.1.7    Educational instructional materials in teaching and learning mathematics                 20

2.1.8    Mathematics globe                                                                                                      20

2.1.9    Projected instructional materials                                                                                 20

2.1.10 Television in teaching and learning mathematics                                                        22

2.1.11 Computer assisted program                                                                                        23

2.1.12 Radio recorder and record player                                                                               24

2.1.13 Instructional print materials                                                                                        25

2.1.14 Non-projected instructional materials                                                                         26

2.1.15 Relationship between the availability of instructional                                   

resources and effective usage by teachers                                                                  27

2.1.16  Significance of instructional materials in teaching and learning mathematics           27

2.1.17  Constraints in instructional resources’ utilization in teaching                                   

and learning mathematics                                                                                           28

2.2       Theoretical framework                                                                                                30

2.2.1    Theory of laws of effect and exercise                                                                        30

2.2.2    Instructional material theory                                                                                       31

2.2.3    How the two theories (theory of law of effect and exercise, and instructional

material theory) are related with the current study                                                     32

2.3       Empirical studies                                                                                                         33

2.4       Summary of the review of related literature                                                               37


3.1       Research design                                                                                                          38

3.2       Area of the study                                                                                                        38

3.3       Population of the study                                                                                              39

3.4       Sample and sampling techniques                                                                                39

3.5       Instruments for data collection                                                                                   40

3.6       Validation of instruments                                                                                           41

3.7       Reliability of the instruments                                                                                      41

3.8       Method of data collection                                                                                          42

3.9       Method of data analysis                                                                                             42



4.1       Results                                                                                                                        43

4.2       Major findings of study                                                                                              58

4.3       Discussion of findings of the study                                                                            59                   


5 1       Summary                                                                                                                     62

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  63

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      63

5.4       Educational implication of the study                                                                          64

5.5       Limitation of the study                                                                                              65

5.6       Suggestions for further studies                                                                                   65






4.1       Mean and Standard Deviation scores of teachers and student’s

rating on Availability of Mathematics instructional materials                                    43

4.2       t-test Analysis on the difference between the mean ratings of teachers and students on the availability of mathematics instructional materials                     45

4.3       Mean and Standard Deviation scores of teachers and student’s

ratings on Utilization of Mathematics instructional materials                                    46

4.4       t-test Analysis on the difference between the mean ratings of teachers and students on the Utilization of mathematics instructional materials                     48

4.5       Mean and Standard Deviation scores of private and public school student’s rating on Availability of Mathematics instructional materials                                    48

4.6       t-test Analysis on the difference between the mean ratings of private and public schools on the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials 50

4.7       Mean and Standard Deviation scores of Urban and Rural school student’s Rating on Availability of Mathematics instructional materials                                   51

4.8       t-test Analysis on the difference between the Mean ratings of Urban and Rural schools on the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials 53

4.9       Mean and Standard Deviation scores of Private and Public school student’s ratings on the extent of Utilization of Mathematics instructional materials               53

4.10     t-test Analysis on the difference between the Mean ratings of Private and Public schools on the extent of Utilization of mathematics instructional material                55

4.11     Mean and Standard Deviation scores of Urban and Rural school student’s rating on  Utilization of Mathematics instructional materials                                               56

4.12     t-test Analysis on the difference between the Mean ratings of Urban and Rural schools on the extent of Utilization of mathematics instructional materials              57





Effective teaching and learning of Mathematics depends on the availability and utilization of suitable instructional materials. Aboula (2013) emphasized that instructional materials are intrinsic part of the teaching and learning process and that achievement of the aims and objectives of education is primarily on the proper utilization of instructional materials.

Availability of instructional materials is having those resources which promote the effectiveness of instruction readily obtainable and accessible for use. It is the quality of being available for use. It is a characteristic of a resource that is committable, operable or usable upon demand.

Utilization on the other hand is the action of making practical and effective use of something. It is the act of using instructional materials in an effective way that will enhance the teaching and learning process. Utilization of instructional materials in teaching brings about fruitful learning since it stimulates students’ sense as well as motivating them.

National Teachers Institute (2002) defined instructional materials as those materials which promote the effectiveness of instruction. Also, Umar (2004) stated that instructional materials facilitate the teaching of the subject matter with increasing effectiveness at all levels of learning. In the same vein, Olubor (2008) defined instructional materials as the materials that teachers and students use to influence the effectiveness of aching and learning process. Mathematics instructional materials are therefore those materials which help to facilitate the teaching of mathematics with increasing effectiveness at all levels of learning.

Mathematics Instructional materials are those materials which exist in items such as durable solids, instruments, technological materials such as computer, radio, projector, print materials such as text books, teachers guide etc. , which helps in the teaching and learning process.

However, Ike (2009) noted that it is the creative use of instructional materials that will increase the probability to learn and improve their performance of skills that are to be developed. Okeke (2009) grouped instructional materials into reading materials.

An educational institution whether formal or non-formal performs a significant function of providing learning experiences that lead students or pupils from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. According to Adeyemi (2000), mathematics is an old discipline from the basis of human knowledge about science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. Mathematics is a subject that focuses on disciplinary change and paradigm shift which makes use of instructional materials important in teaching and learning. The need for the use of instructional materials in mathematics stems from the fact that it is an abstract subject that needs to be centralized for students to appreciate as a school subject. Mathematics as one of the core subjects in secondary schools will be better facilitated when suitable and relevant instructional materials are employed in its teaching and learning. This is necessary in view of the perception of the National Policy on Education FME (2013) which grouped Mathematics as a core subject at the junior and senior secondary level. In order to enhance and facilitate the learning of Mathematics in schools, the instructional materials must take into consideration the need for strategies that will assist the learners to appreciate the subject.

It is within this context that Guga (2011) observed that the school system in Nigeria is patterned along the core curriculum with the hope that learners will be exposed to relevant knowledge, skill and attitude necessary for survival in a larger community. To attain this noble objective of teaching, the teacher needs to put in place ways with which the learner will benefit from instructional materials for illustration.

Since mathematics is a core subject in secondary school education and a prerequisite for gaining admission to university for further studies, the need to adopt a more pragmatic approach in its teaching is highly needed. Theories and principles of teaching generally require that, for an effective and efficient teaching process, teachers need to go an extra mile to make teaching-learning process more interesting. Psychologists and educators have also agreed on the need of extra means to enhance teaching. Consequently, there is no alternative to the use of instructional materials in the process of teaching. In fact, the objective prescribed for the teaching of Mathematics in secondary schools made it compulsory for the use of instructional materials. For example, the syllabuses for Mathematics at the senior secondary schools prescribe some objectives to be attained at the end of instruction. These include need for selective teaching, the appreciation of mathematics as a core subject, and the facilitation of international solidarity (Onyejimezi, 2006).

Consequently, for the teaching of Mathematics to be effective and efficient, it is mandatory for teachers to make use of varieties of instructional materials. It was within this context that Adekuole (2011) observed that there was no adequate instructional material in teaching and learning process in Ogun State. Also, the findings of Liman (2009) showed that in post primary school in Bida, 70% respondents exposed that mathematics teachers did not have instructional materials to utilize in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Thus, mass failure as reported in some research works could be minimized if teachers utilized the available instructional materials and. also try to improvise when such materials are not available.

The present researcher believes that if teachers are adequately trained and groomed to handle various instructional materials during the pre-service training, the objectives of Mathematics outlined by West Africa Examinations Council (WAEC) and National Examinations Council (NECO) could be attained.  On the other hand, if adequate attention is not given to the availability and utilization of instructional materials in teaching mathematics, most abstract concepts will not be highly appreciated by the students thereby leading to memorization and relegation of facts, which will not promote effectiveness and efficiency of the learners. Thus, the objectives of effective knowledge, skills, and attitude among students will not be attained. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the Availability and Utilization of Mathematical instructional materials in secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.


The performance of students in mathematics in SSCE over the past few years in mathematics has not been impressive. This is shown in the WAEC results of the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 for Mathematics which has shown considerable rate of failures. The results show that in the respective years, 2014, 2015 and 2016 the percentages of candidate that had credit and above were 50.47, 48.66 and 41.66. It is still worrisome the level of failure considering the importance of Mathematics to the development of the country. The country is in economic recession and needs mathematicians that can stand up to the task of calculating certain economic indices that will help salvage the current economic situation of Nigeria. It is noteworthy also that if Nigeria is to attain the millennium development goals by 2020 of being one of the developed economy in the world, the study of Mathematics must be taken seriously by student and teachers in our secondary schools as mathematics is needed in all facets of life. Consequently, the teaching of Mathematics as a subject should be directed to its methods using adequate instructional materials to support the teaching process (Ogunleye, 2002). It is from this premise that the researcher concludes that there is the need to investigate the availability and utilization of mathematics instructional materials for teaching Mathematics in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.


The purpose of this study is to find out the availability and utilization of Mathematics Instructional Materials in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.

Specifically, the study sought to:

1.            Determine the extent of availability of Mathematics instructional materials in senior Secondary Schools in Akwa Ibom State.

2.            Find out the extent of utilization of available Mathematics Instructional materials in Senior Secondary Schools in Akwa Ibom State.

3.            Find the extent of availability of Mathematics instructional materials in Private and Public schools in Akwa Ibom State.

4.            Determine the extent of availability of Mathematics instructional materials in Urban and Rural schools in Akwa Iboni State.

5.            Find the extent of utilization of available Mathematics instructional materials in Private and Public schools in Akwa Ibom State.

6.            Determine the extent of utilization of available Mathematics instructional materials in Urban and Rural schools in Akwa Ibom State.


The following six research questions guided the study:

1.            What is the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials in Senior Secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State?

2.            To what extent do teachers utilize Mathematics Instructional materials in Senior Secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State?

3.            What is the extent of availability of Mathematics instructional materials in Private and Public Schools in Akwa Ibom State?

4.            What is the extent of availability of Mathematics instructional materials in Urban and Rural schools in Akwa Ibom State?

5.            What is the extent of utilization of Mathematics instructional materials in Private and Public schools in Akwa Ibom State?

6.            What is the extent of utilization of mathematics instructional materials in Urban and Rural schools in Akwa Ibom State?

1.5       HYPOTHESES

The following hypotheses are formulated and tested to guide the study and was tested 0.05 level of significance:

H01. There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers and students on the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.

H02 There is no significant different between the mean ratings of teachers and students on the extent of utilization of Mathematics Instructional materials in senior secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.

H03 There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of Private and Public schools on the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials in Akwa Ibom State.

H04 There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of Urban and Rural schools on the extent of availability of mathematics instructional materials in Akwa Ibom State.

H05 There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of Private and Public schools in the extent of utilization of mathematics instructional materials in Akwa Ibom State.

H06 There is no significant difference between the mean ratings of Urban and Rural schools in the extent of utilization of mathematics instructional materials in Akwa Ibom State.



The findings of this research work will be beneficial to the students, mathematics teachers, school administrators, curriculum planners and inspectorate division of the Ministry of Education.

The result of the study will go a long way in improving the teaching of mathematics in Akwa Ibom State and in Nigerian Secondary Schools in general. It is also hoped that the research will facilitate a change of attitude of school administrators in providing apparatus and materials relevant for mathematics lessons.

It will also be of great importance to educational resource centers and educational technology centers to live up to their expectations by providing the necessary instructional materials for the teaching of Mathematics.

It is hoped that this study will provide an insight to both curriculum planners to modify where necessary the present system of teaching mathematics. These will also enhance maximum utilization of these resources by the teachers and their students.

In addition, the outcome of the research will develop both scientific process and attitudes in the students. It will also help the curriculum planners to lay more emphasizes on the needs for availability of mathematical instructional materials as a major tools in learning mathematics in order to enhance teaching and learning process in this country.

The result of the study will be beneficial to the curriculum planners and administrators of schools to organize seminars and workshops for the teachers in order to expose or widen their knowledge on how to utilize and manipulate the available mathematical instructional materials instead of allowing insects and cobwebs to be in charge. The result of the study will also encourage students to learn mathematics through exhibition and competition among different levels.

The inspectorate division of Ministry of Education will benefit from the outcome of the study. It will encourage them to be up and doing in checking how the mathematics instructional materials are utilized by the teachers and their students so as to advise the government on the need to provide more instructional resources to cater for the large class syndrome in the Secondary Schools. This will also discourage teaching and learning by regurgitation of facts and encourage experimentation and exploration which are activity based and in line with one of the objectives of the National Policy on Education.


The study is delimited to selected senior secondary schools in Ikot Ekpene Senatorial Zone of Akwa Ibom State. It is also delimited to students and teachers of Mathematics at Senior Secondary Schools. Due to the limited time for the study and the financial involvement, it will not be possible to involve the entire population of secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State, rather the study was carried out among selected 2017/2018 SS2 students of public and private, urban and rural secondary schools for the purpose of uniformity of sample.

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