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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007377

No of Pages: 78

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study was carried out to investigate the aquifer potentials and subsurface lithology in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Campus Ikot Osurua. The Study area lies between latitude 5ᴼ091 and 5ᴼ401N and longitude 7ᴼ181 and 7º201E. It is underlaid by sedimentary formation of late tertiary and holocence ages. A total of twelve (12) vertical electrical soundings (VES) were conducted using the integrated Geo-instrument Service (IGIS) resistivity meter to generate the field data. The schlumberger sounding was carried out with current electrode spacing (AB) ranging from 1-300 m. The distance used for the potential electrode spacing (MN) ranged from 0.25 -10 m. The field data obtained were subjected to interpretation by partial curve marching and then by computer iteration using IP12WIN software. The interpreted results were constrained by lithologic log to produce the geo-electric sections of the subsurface. The geoelectric section showed three(3) to five (5) layered subsurface  of top soil, Lateritic  sand, Consolidated Sand, Clay sand and aquifer layer with different curve types which were Q, KA, K, KK and HQ. Aquifer characterization of the area showed the aquifer resistivity and depths ranging from 30.6 to 6489 Ωm and 50 to 100 m respectively although it varies in some location, this is an indication of the presence of fresh groundwater.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

List of figures                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      x



1.1       Overview                                                                                                       1

1.2       Aim and Objectives                                                                                        2

1.3       Justification                                                                                                     3

1.4       Scope of Study                                                                                               3

1.5       Location of the Survey Area                                                                          4

1.6       Geology of the Study Area                                                                            8

1.7       Statement of the Problem                                                                               8



2.1      Components of Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)                                      9

2.2      Electrode Arrangement in Resistivity Survey                                                10

2.2.1   Schlumberger array configuration                                                                   10

2.2.2   Wenner configuration                                                                                     13

2.2.3   Dipole –dipole configuration                                                                         15

2.3      Concept of Real and Apparent Resistivity                                                     17

2.4    Assumption in Vertical Electrical Sounding                                                    17

2.5     Physical Properties of Rocks                                                                           19

2.5.1 Quantitative description of mechanical properties of rock                             20

2.5.2   Thermal property                                                                                            20

2.5.3   Electrical properties                                                                                        21

2.6     Size of Rock Particles                                                                                     21

2.6.1   Grain sorting                                                                                                   24

2.7     Electrical Resistivity Method                                                                          29

2.7.1   Resistivity of rock                                                                                          29

2.8     Current and Potential Distribution in the Earth                                              32

2.9     Resistivity Curves                                                                                           33



3.1      Instrumentation                                                                                               35

3.2      Reconnaissance Visits                                                                                     35

3.3              Organization of The Field Crew                                                                   36

3.4              Field Measuring Procedures                                                                          39

3.5              Measurements and their Resolution at the Field                                           40

3.6              Data Acquisition                                                                                           41

3.7              Geoelectric Sections                                                                                      41



4.1       Presentation of Results                                                                                   48

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                       48



5.1       Summary                                                                                                         64

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      64

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          65






2.1                   Grain Size range of some sedimentary particles                     26

2.2                   Mineral stability                                                                      27

2.3                   Mineral composition                                                               28

2.4                   Resistivity of rocks                                                                 31

3.1                   Summary of the VES location                                                38

4.1                   Mean resistivity values for the 12 VES points                       51



1.1a     Map of Nigeria showing the State of study area                                            5

1.1b     Map of Akwa Ibom State showing LGA of survey area                               6

1.1c     Map of Ikot Ekpene LGA showing the study area                                        7

2.1       Schlumberger Array                                                                                        12

2.2       Wenner Configuration                                                                                    14

2.3       Dipole-dipole configuration                                                                            16

2.4       Grain Sizes                                                                                                      23

2.5       Basic curve types                                                                                            34

3.1       Map showing the VES points, traverses in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic    37

3.2       Geoelectric section for VES points 2, 3, 11, 4, 1, 10.                                    43

3.3       Borehole Lithology showing VES 3 AA1                                                      44

3.4       Geoelectric section for VES points 6, 9, 7, 12, 5, 8.                                      46

3.5       Borehole Lithology log showing VES 6 of BB1                                                           47

4.1       Model Layer Curve for VES1                                                                                    52

4.2       Model Layer Curve for VES2                                                                                    53

4.3       Model Layer Curve for VES3                                                                                    54

4.4       Model Layer Curve for VES4                                                                        55
4.5       Model Layer Curve for VES5                                                                                    56

4.6       Model Layer Curve for VES6                                                                                    57

4.7       Model Layer Curve for VES7                                                                                    58

4.8       Model Layer Curve for VES8                                                                                    59

4.9       Model Layer Curve for VES9                                                                                    60

4.10     Model Layer Curve for VES10                                                                     61

4.11     Model Layer Curve for VES11                                                                     62

4.12     Model Layer Curve for VES12                                                                      63





1.1       OVERVIEW

Quality and clean water resources availability and affordability are among the key concerns in every part of the world ranging from developed through developing to third world societies. Anomoharan (2011), in describing groundwater submitted that it is water located below the Earth surface in buried aquifer and streams.  Life existence on Earth is largely dependent on water, a natural resource. Clean and fresh water is a basic essentiality for the continued existence, preservation and necessary for human development in addition to environmental conservation. Often times, ground water is pollution-free and the need may not arise for purification before deploying for use (Lawrence and Ojo., 2012). As an essential need for humans and animals, drinking is the principal purpose it serves in addition to usage domestically. Its availability and non availability suggests the quality of environmental nature which is a yardstick for measuring life and economic programs (Akankpo et al., 2008). In view of this, the yearning for quality water has picked up tremendously worldwide owing to the growth in population, change in climate and development in socio-economy.

Attention is place on the exploration of groundwater resource, which is the largest available source of quality fresh water held in the subsurface within the zone of saturation under hydrostatic pressure below water (Ariyo and Banjo, 2008).

As a result of modern technological advancement, its use has gained preferable choice domestically and industrially with the need for a comprehensive knowledge of formation and the characteristics of aquifer (Zohdy et al., 1974). Within this zone, it is of the essence to verify if the aquifer is either subject to contamination or not. Hydrological and geophysical studies are essential in such area of study in a bid to accomplish this. Geological entity beneath the water table is enough store-house capable of supplying adequate quantity of water at fast rates to wells. Aquifer is the name given to such geological entity (Fetter, 1980).  A salient non permeable rock devoid of connectivity of pore, hence it is neither water absorber nor transmitter which is known as aquifuge. Furthermore, there exists an aquiclude which is a porous but non permeable formation that has the capability to absorb water gradually but not transmitting it in ample quantity to well or a spring. Nevertheless, it necessarily partakes in groundwater movement regionally (Ward, 1975).    

Different researchers have successfully adopted various exploration methods for this all-important natural resource. Gabr et al., (2012) for example successfully employed a method known as seismic refraction to probe the level of groundwater in Wadi Al-ain area, United Arab Emirate. Geophysical surveys have been most widely used because of the basic advantages of providing more accurate results than other methods. Areas of clearly defined contrast in electrical conductivity between formation water bearer and adjoining rocks can effectively be mapped using method of electrical resistivity (Nejad, 2009). It entails electric current sent into the subsurface that produces electrical potential, which is measured in a bid to determine the resistivity of the subsurface.



This research work is aimed at:

1.         Investigating the aquifer potentials and subsurface lithology in Akwa Ibom            State Polytechnic Campus at Ikot Osurua.

This survey was undertaken to achieve the following objectives.

1.         Thickness of the sediments and subsurface lithology in Akwa Ibom State   Polytechnic Ikot Osurua Campus   will be estimated using vertical electrical   sounding (VES).

2.         Adequate information on the hydrogeology system of the aquifer will also be         provided.



The vertical electrical sounding (VES), using the Schlumberger array has gain wider applications owing to its easy cost effectiveness and easy data acquisition and interpretation among numerous advantages as compared to other resistivity measurements. This method has being veritable tool to mapping aquifer in all geologic terrains in the country and beyond, (Ayolabi et al., 2003).

This study has really help to identify through Geophysics the possible depth through which groundwater could be tap and also the different lithology as we move from top to bottom between maximum current electrode separations. It has contributed tremendously towards understanding the terrains of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Asurua campus. Therefore a compressive evaluation of groundwater potential and subsurface lithology of the area becomes necessary in order to make the study area independent in its quest to provide a portable, reliable and consistent water supply for the increasing population.


1.4       SCOPE OF STUDY

The study is on geoelectrical investigation of aquifer potentials and subsurface lithology in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Ikot Osurua campus (Akwapoly) in Akwa Ibom State. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) method will be used for this research work. The study will be limited to Schlumberger configuration only.



Ikot Osurua is one of the villages in Ikot Ekpene L.G.A in Akwa Ibom State. The village is located in the southern part of Nigeria between latitudes 50091 and 50 401N and longitudes 70181 and 70201E. The town has an undulating nature and it is among the thick forest area but the town is not flooded because of it relatively high elevation with respect to nearby villages, towns and flowing streams of permeable topsoil.

The town is accessible through a network of roads and bordered in the north by Atan Ikot Okoro, south by Abiakpo Ntak Inyang, west by Uwa and east by Ikot Akpan Abia. The map of Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State and Ikot Ekpene L.G.A which shows the location of the study area in fig. 1.1a, 1.1b and 1.1c.



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