This research work
focuses on the assessment of the level of awareness of HIV/AIDS among
University of Lagos undergraduate students: Implication for Counselling. The
study was carried out among the undergraduate students of University of Lagos,
Akoka, Lagos.
The study seeked to
find out if there would be significant difference between male and female
undergraduate level of awareness of HIV/AIDS, if there would be a significant
effect of religion on the level of undergraduate awareness of HIV/AIDS and also
significant effect of age on the level of undergraduate awareness of HIV/AIDS.
The study was
conducted using a sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) students from
within the University campus, male (60) and female (60) between the ages of 17
– 20, 21 an above, the respondents were also Muslims and Christians.
The data collected
was analysed using t-test and the findings showed that there would be a
significant difference between male and female undergraduate level of awareness
of HIV/AIDS. It was also discovered that there would be a significant effect of
religion and age on the level of undergraduate awareness of HIV/AIDS.
A well structured
questionnaire was administered on the respondents to collect information on the
knowledge of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexual practices among
undergraduate students. Twenty five questions were designed to elicit
information about HIV/AIDS. The low level of awareness among the female
undergraduate students was highlighted while ways of increasing the level of
awareness among them were also highlighted such as HIV/AIDS awareness campaign
day as part of the recommendations.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
One 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background
of the problem 1
1.2 Statement
of the problem 5
1.3 Purpose
of study 7
1.4 Research
questions 7
1.5 Research
hypothesis 8
1.6 Significance
of study 8
1.7 Scope
of study 9
1.8 Limitation
of study 9
1.9 Definition
of terms 9
Two: Literature Review 10
Introduction 10
2.1 History
of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria 13
2.2 How
HIV is transmitted in Nigeria 14
2.2.1 Heterosexual contact 14
2.2.2 Mother-to-child transmission 15
2.2.3 Blood transfusion 16
2.2.4 Others 17
2.3 HIV
Progression 18
2.4 Gender
and HIV/AIDS 20
2.5 Youths
and HIV 21
2.6 HIV
– What it means to Nigeria 22
2.7 Factors
Contributing to the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria 24
2.7.1 Lack
of Sexual Health Information and Education 24
2.7.2 HIV
Testing 25
2.7.3 Cultural Practices 25
2.7.4 Poor Health Care System 25
2.7.5 Knowledge of AIDS and Perception of Risk 26
2.8 Prevention 27
2.8.1 Condom 27
2.8.2 Education 28
2.8.3 Media Campaign and Public Awareness 29
2.9 Treatment
2.10 Funding
2.11 The
Future 33
2.12 Summary
of Chapter Two 34
Three: Research Methodology 37
Introduction 37
Research Design 37
Population of Study 38
Area of Study 38
Sampling and sample technique 38
Instrumentation 38
Administration of instruments 39
Scoring the instruments 39
Procedure for data collection 40
Procedure for data analysis 41
Four: Data Analysis and Interpretation 41
Introduction 41
4.1 Analysis
of Data from Hypothesis 43
4.2 Summary
of Findings 46
Five: Discussion of Results,
Conclusion and
5.1 Discussion
of Results 47
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
Background to the Study
The Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the human imunedeficiency virus (HIV), which
destroys the cells in the body that combats infections. Although, recent
medical advances have caused a shift from the mindset of a terminal disease to
one of a chronic manageable conditions in some areas of the world. This new
approach brings challenges of its own, as the disease is eventually fatal
(Forri et al, 1997).
HIV has brought about a global
epidemic far more extensive than what was predicted even a decade ago. The
issue of HIV/AIDS is not only relevant to medical documentation, but is complex
and highly politically charged, affecting all communities regardless of race,
age or sexual orientation (Ginsberg, 1995). At the end of the year 2000, it was
estimated that there were 36.1 million adults and children living with
HIV/AIDS, the vast majority of whom live in the developing world, with more
than twenty five million living in the continent of Africa (Global Summary of the
HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2000 and 2001).
Care givers to HIV/AIDS patients
need to be highly trained so as to effectively give succour to those who are
stigmatized as a result of the contraction of the disease (HIV/AIDS). According
to Adams, formal care giving services for the elderly and the diseased
individuals are those services bureaucratically provided by non familial and
non-informal social systems. Although, families provide majority of care
scourge of HIV/AIDS disease and other aliments, formal services also exists in
order to support those living with the dreaded disease. Individuals offering
care-giving services need to be exposed to training through constant attendance
of seminars, workshops, orientation and in-service programmes. These programmes
should also be given to other individuals who are not infected with HIV/AIDS so
as to prevent the contraction of the disease and to avoid its spreads in the
The World Heath Organisation has a
set a goal for all Nation’s Heath for all by the year 2000 and the Nigerian
health sector has adopted this slogan in the last decade. However, some of the
major constraints facing Nigeria include poverty, inadequate human resources,
inadequate personnel in the medical sector (the few are concentrated in the
cities) illiteracy, poor funding of the health sector (less than 20% of the
Gross National Product GNP), and finally lack of information and research into
the state of the nation’s health (Ogunba, 2002).
In order to have sustained progress
towards our dream or “Health for all by the year 2000”, the health needs for
the nation must as a matter of urgency, include some of the following:
collection of reliable
epidemiological data for all the important endemic diseases, especially, the
dreaded HIV/AIDS disease, in our country, as well as research inputs into our
heath delivery systems so as to determine:
effectiveness, efficiency, efficacy
and cost effectiveness of our efforts at all costs;
new tools, methods and management
strategies and acceptabilities by the rural people of our concepts and vision
for improved and modern medical care;
behaviours, attitudes and
environmental factors that may enhance or mar introduction of modern medical
concepts into the background of long-time relationship and confidence in the
“traditional healers and native doctors”.
The initial outlay for conducting
the studies mentioned above may appear high but such data would become
rewarding in the long run and make the health delivery service more reliable
and cost effective. The tropical developing environment encourages the rapid
spread of disease, especially HIV/AIDS, mostly in the rural illiterate setting.
It is therefore, mandatory to have mass medical/health education incorporating
literacy classes coupled with the production of potable drinking water that
will control common preventable diseases such as guinea-worm infection,
schistosomiasis, amaebiasis and soil-transmitted helminth infections. These
account for 40% of our hospital admissions/attendance and constitute a severe
drain on our national health status and economy (Akintayo, 1990).
Idabawa (2002) states that HIV/AIDS
is one of the greatest unresolved challenges of our time, threatening the life
thread of the entire human race. It has the propensity to wipe out decades of
progress and development of affected nation. It has devastating effects on
world economy as all countries of the world are directly or indirectly
affected. HIV/AIDS thrives on and accelerates poverty, destroys good health and
affects education negatively. It also retards the political climate of affected
nations, and seriously reduces life expectancy, in the year 2002, about 5
million people were infected with HIV. About 42 million people in the world are
living with the virus. From this frightening number, 3.6 million are Nigerians.
Over 20 million people have died from AIDS since the first case was diagnosed
and 1.7 million were Nigerians.
The statistics is both frightening
and overwhelming, for example, though the first case of the virus diagnosed in
Nigeria was in 1986, statistics shows increasing cases of the scourge. It has
continued to spread steadily from 1.8% in 1998, to 3.8% in 1994, 4.55 in 1999
and 5.8% in 2001. A very high prevalence of 6.8% is found among 15 – 49 age
group. This is very alarming as this group is about half of the country’s
population reproductive workforce. Nigeria, having crossed the threshold of 5%
which is the potential stage of the endemic, is at the crossroads and must take
serious and urgent actions to stem the pandemic.
According to Omolewa (1990)
caregivers on HIV/AIDS are important role models and they should be aware of
this. They require training and support to meet the demands within and outside
the country. The nature of HIV/AIDS education makes it mandatory for training need
to go beyond basic awareness, training to include establishing relevant and
appropriate codes of practice and ethics of the profession. It includes
reviewing personal attitudes to ensure that what is taught is what is practiced
as caregivers and trainers must live by examples. The caregivers must also
acquire specific skills for teaching or imparting the knowledge about the
nature of HIV/AIDS and how not to contract it, especially, as such skills are
expected to ensure behavioural change.
Specialized teacher education and
training to cater for the peculiar needs of HIV/AIDS education poses another
challenge in the fight against the HIV/AIDS endemic. Training teachers or the
caregivers for HIV/AIDS education, means training virtually all the teachers
and caregivers, which is not a mean feat. Capacity building for HIV/AIDS
education means colossal expenditure on men and materials. This requires
support the caregivers must be well prepared and must be supported in the
social work on HIV/AIDS through pre-service and in-service education and
training (Kelly, 2000).
Pre-service and in-service
education and training/retraining are very important in the delivery of risk
education for HIV/AIDS patients. This will ensure that new resources, knowledge
and even approaches are considered from time to time and updated. Moreover, new
approaches like enquiry-based, rights-based and gender sensitive education
which are known to work very well are integrated in their training. Many of
these approaches encourage active participation and skills development
(Achizie, 2001).
According to Njinja (2001) in every
activity, initiative or intervention, resources are needed. Implementation
cannot take place in a vacuum. Resources include: human, materials and
financial. Human resources in the fight against HIV/AIDS through education
include professionally trained HIV/AIDS educators, policy makers, Naval
personnel, administrators, social workers and mobilizes, media personnel,
community teachers, parents, teachers and partners/stakeholders. Material
resources include all teaching and learning materials, curriculum,
supplementary texts etc. Financial resources entails funding required for the
training of personnel and production of materials. They also need research,
monitoring and evaluation.
Statement of the Problem
The problem facing care-givers on
HIV/AIDS disease, is the inability of the care-givers to be exposed to proper
training which will further expose them to taking adequate care for those
suffering from the deadly disease. Due to the inadequacy of training programmes
for trainers of care-givers on HIV/AIDS, few individuals who present themselves
as HIV/AIDS care-givers carry out their jobs without much experience and skills
with which to take care of those infected with the disease. As a result of lack
of appropriate training programmes for the trainers of caregivers on HIV/AIDS,
there exists misinformation and mismanagement of the disease in Nigeria. The
impact of the programme of training the trainers of HIV/AIDS has not yielded
any positive result in Nigeria as a country, and this has resulted in further
spread of the disease while government and other agencies on HIV/AIDS are
helpless and have nothing to offer as solution to the problem. This study
examines the impact assessment of training the trainers’ programme of
caregivers on HIV/AIDS disease in Lagos State.
Purpose of the Study
This study examined the impact
assessment of training the trainers programme for HIV/AIDS caregivers in Ojo
Naval Barracks in Lagos State. The specific purposes of the study include:
To find out the impact of training
on health care delivery among health workers in Lagos State.
To find out whether there is a
difference between caregivers who received training and those who did not.
To examine whether there is
adequate training given to the HIV/AIDS caregivers in the society.
To differentiate the HIV/AIDS care
given by men from those given by women.
To examine the causes of HIV/AIDS
endemic in the country.
To proffer possible solution to the
problem of HIV/AIDS in the society.
Research Questions
The following research questions
were raised in this study:
To what extent will there be an
impact of training of personnel on health care delivery among HIV/AIDS
Will there be any difference between
the service delivery of HIV/AIDS caregivers who underwent training and those
without training?
Is there adequate training given to
the caregivers on HIV/AIDS?
How can we differentiate between an
HIV/AIDS caregivers by men from those given by the women?
To what extent can we examine the
causes of HIV/AIDS in the society?
How can we proffer solution to the
problem of HIV/AIDS in Nigerian society?
Research Hypotheses
The following research questions
were formulated for testing in this study:
There will be no significant impact
of training on health care delivery among health workers in the country.
There will be no significant
relationship between the service delivered by male HIV/AIDS caregivers and
those given by the female ones.
There will be no significant
difference between the service delivery of HIV/AIDS caregivers who are trained
and those who are not.
Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial to
the following individuals:
HIV/AIDS caregivers will benefit
from the study because it will help them to be able to exhibit the strategies
with which to handle the HIV/AIDS patient, pass information that will be
relevant to people who are not even living with the disease. The findings and
recommendations of this study will help caregivers on HIV/AIDS to be acquainted
with much facts that would go a long way in assisting the people living with
the disease and to help those who are not living with the disease to abstain
from the acts that will expose them to the danger of having the disease. The recommendations
of this study will no doubt, change the orientation of HIV/AIDS caregivers
amongst the Navy, and make them work effectively.
Government: The government
will be acquainted which correct facts on HIV/AIDS caregiving. The
recommendations and findings made in this study will help the government,
especially the agencies responsible for HIV/AIDS will be able to have an
insight on how best to handle the disease called HIV/AIDS.
Society: The society
will no doubt benefit from this study because it will assist the society to be
acquainted with all the facts concerning the HIV/AIDS which is the health
problem of many nations these days.
The study will be a reference point
to many researchers and new researchers, and even students who will need this
material to carry out further researches on HIV/AIDS and caregiving.
Scope of the Study
The study examined the impact
assessment of training the trainers programme for HIV/AIDS caregivers in Ojo
Naval Barracks in Lagos State.
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