To ensure the optimal potency of the vaccine storage and handling, need or there is a careful attention adequate electricity power and refrigerator are often lacking in developing countries, where storage handling and heat stability of vaccine are consequently of great concern, where new product have been developing for safe transport and storage while the reliability of vaccine supply has been increased by the introduction of improved management techniques, extensive training ensure that everyone involved in the cold chain system is familiar with all its facet. However, the evaluation in Indian Malaysia Nepal the united republic Tanzania and Tunisia show that these were still weak points in the cold chain system performances and that more attention should be paid to it especially in peripheral facilities the importance of monitoring the cold chain has been given little consideration in temperature countries although adequate refrigerator is often taken for granted, errors in vaccine handling may occur more commonly than is generally assumed.
Table of content
Chapter one
1.0 Background o f the
1.1 Statement problem
1.2 Significant of the study
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Specific objective
1.5 Research question
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Operational of the study
2.1 Introduction and layout of the review
2.1 Definition of cold chain system
2.2 Division of the cold chain system
2.3 Component of the cold chain system
23.1 Vaccines
2.3.1 Personal
2.3.2 Cold chain equipment
2.3.3 Cold chain refrigerator
2.3.4 Cold freezer
2.3.5 Cold box
2.3.6 Vaccine carrier
2.3.7 Ice pack
2.3.8 Form pad
2.3.9 Thermometer
2.3.10 Vehicle
2. 4 Types of vaccine
2.4.1 live attenuated vaccine
2.4.2 Inactivated vaccine
2.4.3 Subunit vaccine
2.4.4 Toxion vaccine
2.4.5 DNA vaccine
2.4.6 Conjugate vaccine
2.4.7 Recombine vaccine
2.4.5 V V M
2.6 Category of vaccine base on sensitivity
1.6.1 Heat sensitive vaccine
1.6.2 Freeze sensitive vaccine
2.6 .3 Sensitive to light
2.7 Vaccine shake test
2.8 Vaccination
2. 9 Immunization program and cold chain system in Nigeria
2.10 Appraisal of the
literature review
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Area if the study
3.2 Crossectional Research Design
3.3 Study population
3.4 Sample size determination
3.5 Research instrument
3.6 Validation if instrument
3.7 Reliability if instrument
3.8 Inclusion criteria
3.9 Exclusive criteria
3.10 Data collection procedure
3.11 Data analyses procedure
3.12 Ethical consideration
4.0 Presentation if result and Data Analysis
4.1 Showing the bar chat of the groups of the respondents
4.2 Educational level of the respondents
4.3 Barchart Showing Educational qualification if the
4.4 Working experience if the respondents
4.5 Cold chain equipment
4.6 Multi bar chart showing the responses on cold chain
4.7 Cold chain storage centre and staff
4.8 Bar chart of cold chain storage centre and staff
4.9 Cold chain vaccine storage and power supply
4.10 Cold chain Equipment management
5.0 Introduction discussion of finding
5.1 Discussion of finding
5.2 Summary if finding
5.3 Limitation of the Study
5.4 Implication for the community health
5.5 Conclusion
5.6 Recommendation
5.7 To the individual community health professional
5.8 To the Government
5.9 Suggestions for the farther Study
A cold chain is defined as a temperature control apply chain(
l]. cold chain is also an
uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a
given temperature range(1).According to WHO cold chain is used to
help extend and ensure the shelf life of products such as fresh agricultural products,,
chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs etc. it ensures that there are minimum
temperature fluctuations for good in transit from place of production to the
point of consumption(1).
Otis regarded as a temperature-controlled supply chain that
involves equipment in view of the different temperature needed for different
vaccine and medicines. Cold chain is the process that ensure vaccine are stored
at recommended temperature range of 2.0 C to 8.0C from the point of
manufacturer to the point of administration (immunization Advisory center)put
no reported cold chain as the system used to keep and distribute vaccine in
perfect condition.
Cold chain in network is regarded as the backbone to ensure
that the right quality of vaccine reaches the target population. Manufacturing
plant, vaccine distribution and then to provider office (immunization clinic)
and end with the administration of the vaccine to the recipient (1).
Vaccine are immunogens consisting of weakened or dead
pathogenic cell injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies
it's use to improve immunity to particular disease(1). The prevention of
disease by the immunization is a conventional public health measure is known as
today the best disease low-cost community based way of protecting children
against the major killer disease over a 2 million death that are preventable
through immunization. Each year and worldwide(2).this vaccine preventable
disease remain the most common cause of childhood mortality with on estimated
3million death each yea(2). .development of effective vaccine has reduced the
incidence of much serious infectious disease, early year immunization services
in developing countries prevent about 490.000children from becoming paralyzed
by poliomyelitis. Over 3million death are similarly prevented from measles,
neonatal tetanus, pertussis (5). The achievement is partly
attributable to the training of staff in the proper storage and transport of
vaccine and partly to improvement in the cold chain. Immunization to vaccine
preventable disease only result when active and affective vaccine can be
sustainable by harnessing the essential elements in the cold chain system
namely the vaccine, manpower, equipment and transportation. The cold chain
refers to the continued of safe handling practice including material equipment
and procedure that maintain vaccine within a temperature range from the time
they are manufactured to the time they are administered to the person being
immunized the cold chain still remains a highly vulnerable element of any
immunization program. Both in developing and developed countries. The cold
chain management including all of the means use to ensure a constant
temperature between +2.c +8.c for that is not heat stable e.g. vaccine (2).
1.2 statement
of Problem
The development of vaccines for the prevention of infectious
diseases is one of the most significant accomplishments of public health in the
last century. The efficacy of a vaccine in preventing disease depends largely
on the quality of the immunizing agent. Failure to adhere strictly to
recommended specifications for vaccine handling and storage can render vaccines
useless. Inactivation of a vaccine may become evident only after immunized
individuals acquire the disease the vaccine was designed to prevent (3). The
identified cases are often considered primary or secondary vaccine failures,
thereby obscuring the role that improper vaccine handling may have played in
the failure.
A study conducted in Lagos, showed that 3/4 of the vaccines
at the local government level were sub-potent with the situation failing to
improve over the three-year study period. Studies have also reported that
improper vaccine storage leading to the administration of sub-potent vaccines
may have been associated with outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in
Israel and several developing countries.
Poor handling and storage, cold chain deficiencies such as
inadequate infrastructure, power shortages and poor maintenance are associated
with vaccine wastage. Though there are very few countries reporting vaccine
wastage to World Health Organization, WHO (19 of the 72 Global Alliance for
Vaccine Initiative, GAVI eligible countries), developing countries have been
found to incur cost of vaccine wastage in excess of $4 million and $6 million
for pentavalent and pneumococcal vaccines respectively (4). It is noteworthy
that Nigeria is among the 74% of GAVI eligible countries that do not report vaccine
Periodic assessment of vaccine handling and storage practices
is instrumental in correcting wrong vaccine management practices and improving
level of knowledge on vaccine management. In addition, it identifies various
capacity gaps (personnel and equipment), which when duly addressed strengthens
the nation's immunization service delivery, increases vaccination coverage and
ensures the administration of potent vaccines to clients. This study was
therefore conducted to assess the factors associated with vaccine handling and
storage practices among immunization service providers in South-Western Nigeria
1.3 Significance of the
An assessment of effeteness of vaccine cold chain system
in vaccine storage in Ilorin west LGA, would provide a lead way to prompting
healthy living in the state in particular and country as a whole The finding
would provide useful information that could assist relevant ministry and
agencies in performing their statutory responsibilities of maintaining the quality
of vaccine through optimal cold chain system. In same vein, the donor agencies
and partner would leverage on the findings to determine more areas of assistant
words making
A assessment of effectiveness
of the vaccine Cold Chain System In Ilorin West Local Government area Kwara
State, Nigeria
1.5 Specific Objectives of the Study
1 To assess the level of
availability of cols chain system in Ilorin west Local government area.
2 To assess the quality and
level of effectiveness cold chain equipment in Ilorin west Local government
3 To assess the utilization
of cold chain of monitoring devices in Ilorin west LGA
1.6 Scope of the study
The study focuses on the Assessment
of the effectiveness of vaccine cold
chain system in vaccine storage in Ilorin west Local Government Area of kwara
state and respondents were drown among local government immunization office
team management, focal Persons, routine immunization (R I) in charge, house to
house team vaccinators .
Cold: could mean a substance or weather
with low temperature
Chain: to the sense of interconnected
links or rings.
System: a composed of relationships among
the organs or members
is the ability or capacity to perform something or to be productive
Temperature: is a degree of hotness or coldness
of a substance
Vaccine: is a biological prepared that
provide active acquired immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically
contain an agent that resemble with disease causing by micro organism is often
an agent weakened or killers farm of the microbe
Immunization: is the administration of antigen in
to the body to induces immunity
Polio: is a acute paralysis disease cause
by the poliomyelitis virus. It is cripple disease that can occur in adults but
it is much commoner in children
WHO: World health organization
V.P.D: Vaccine preventable diseases
V.V.M: Means vaccine viral monitor is a
chemical indicator level attach to the vaccine vial with a differences 4 stage colour
EPI: Expanded program on immunization
USAID: United State Agency for
International Development
AFP: Acute Flaccid Paralysis
BCG: Bacilli calmette Guerin
NPI; National Program immunization
MDVPV; multi dose vial policy
WPV; wild polio virus.
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