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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007273

No of Pages: 106

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The anti-inflammatory and tonic properties of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves were studied in vitro and in vivo. Qualitative phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, fats and oils, phenols and lignins. Acute toxicity test showed that the extract was not toxic up to 500mg/kg body weight. There was a non-significant difference (p>0.05) in the rat paw oedema induced by egg-albumin for 1hr in group administered 10mg/kg b.w of aspirin (group 2) and those administered 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves (groups 3 and 4) respectively, when compared with the control (group 1) rats that were administered 5ml/kg b.w normal saline. However, there was a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the paw width of the rats after induction for 2,3,4,5 and 6hrs in groups 2, 3 and 4 when compared with group 1. In vitro study showed a significant (p<0.05) dose-dependent inhibition of platelet aggregation by the extract at the tested concentrations. Also, the extract significantly (p<0.05) decreased the hemoglobin concentrations in groups 3 and 4 when compared with groups 1 and 2. Tonicity studies using rabbit jejunum showed a significant (p<0.05) relaxation effect on that smooth muscle. At 14.28µg/ml, 29µg/ml and 57.14µg/ml, the extract inhibited in vitro acetylcholine-induced contraction of the rabbit jejunum by 84.21%, 86.84% and 89.47% respectively, which compared closely with the effect of atropine (90.21% at 0.28µg/ml). In conclusion, the results of this study strongly indicated that the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves possesses anti-inflammatory and smooth muscle relaxant properties, suggesting that it contains substances with potent parasympatholytic and anti-inflammatory properties by relieving oedema and inhibiting platelet aggregation, prostaglandin synthase activity and reducing erythrocyte osmotic fragility.  


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Figures                                                                                                             xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiv


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Aim of the Study                                                                                            4

1.3       Specific Objectives of the Study                                                                    4

1.4       Statement of Problem                                                                                     5

1.5       Justification                                                                                                     5


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              6

2.2       Traditional and Pharmaceutical Uses                                                              7

2.2.1    Pharmacological effects                                                                                  9 Antioxidant and hypolipidemic effects                                                          10 Anti-inflammatory effects                                                                              12 Opioid receptor affinity                                                                                  12 Sympathomimetic effects                                                                               13 Immunomodulating and anticancer effects                                                    13 Endocrine effects                                                                                            14 Antimicrobial and anti-parasitic effects                                                          15 Sedative effect                                                                                                            16 Hypotensive and haemostatic effects                                                             17 Acetylcholine – a neurotransmitter                                                                17 Targets of acetylcholine                                                                                  18 Signal transduction of muscarinic receptors                                                   19 Contraindications and adverse effects                                                           20


CHAPTER 3:  MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                  21

3.1       Materials                                                                                                         21

3.1.1    Plant material                                                                                                  21

3.1.2    Animals                                                                                                           21

3.1.3    Instruments/equipment                                                                                   21

3.1.4    Chemicals/reagents                                                                                         22 Preparation of reagents for phytochemical analysis                                        24 Anti-coagulant used for assay                                                                        25 Reagent preparation for malondialdehyde (MDA) determination                 25 Reagents used for prostaglandin synthase assay                                            25 Calculation of drug volumes and concentrations for tonicity studies                        26

3.2       Procedures/protocol                                                                                        26

3.2.1    Preparation of plant material                                                                           26

3.2.2    Determination of percentage yield of the ethanol extract of

Arachis hypogea leaves                                                                                   27

3.2.3    Qualitative phytochemical analyses of the extract                                         27 Test for alkaloids                                                                                            27 Test for glycosides                                                                                          27 Test for reducing sugars                                                                                  28 Test for flavonoids                                                                                          28 Test for tannins                                                                                               28 Test for saponins                                                                                             28 Test for resins                                                                                                  29 Test for phenol                                                                                                29 Test for carbohydrates                                                                                                29 Test for oil                                                                                                     29 Test for proteins                                                                                            29

3.2.5    Acute toxicity and lethal dose test (LD50)                                                      29

3.2.6    Assays of biochemical parameters                                                                  30 Assay of serum alanine aminotrainsferase (ALT) activity                              30 Assay of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity                            31 Assay of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity                                     31 Determination of serum bilirubin concentration                                             32 Total serum proteins                                                                                        33

3.2.7    Determination of lipid profile                                                                         34 Determination of serum total cholesterol concentration

(enzymatic end-point method)                                                                        34 Determination of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

Concentration                                                                                                 35 Determination of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol

Concentration                                                                                                 36 Determination of triacylglycerol (TAG) concentration                                  37 Assay of prostaglandin synthase activity                                                       39 Isolation of the enzyme containing fraction                                                   39 Assay for the enzyme activity                                                                        40 Preparation of intestinal smooth tissue for in vitro isometric contraction

 effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves                                  42 Anti-inflammatory test                                                                                   43 Anti-inflammatory test                                                                                   43

3.2.11 Determination of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde)                                 45

3.2.12  Assay of catalase activity                                                                               46

3.2.13 Assay of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity                                               46

3.2.14  Determination of vitamin E concentration                                                     47

3.2.15 Determination of membrane stability (hypotonicitv-induced haemolysis)      47

3.2.16 Determination of anti-platelet aggregatory activity                                         48

3.2.17  Phospholipase A2 activity test                                                                        49

3.3       Statistical Analysis                                                                                          49


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    50

4.1       Results                                                                                                            50

4.1.1    Phytochemical profile of methanolic extract of Arachis hypogea leaves       50

4.1.2   Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum alanine aminotransferase activity of rats                                                                    51

4.1.3   Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum

           aspartate aminotransferase activity of rats                                                       52

4.1.4    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum alkaline phosphatase activity                                                                                            53

4.1.5    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum

bilirubin, albumin and total protein concentration                                          54

4.1.6    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum cholesterol concentration of rats                                                                                       55

4.1.7      Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol)

concentration of rats                                                                                       56

4.1.8    Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

 serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol)

concentration of rats                                                                                         57

4.1.9   Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum   triacylglycerol concentration of rats                                                              58


4.1.10  Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

            prostaglandin synthase activity                                                                       59

4.2.1    In vitro effect of acetylcholine on an isolated rabbit jejunum            60


4.2.2    In vitro effect of Arachis hypogea on an isolated rabbit jejunum                   61

4.2.3   In vitro effect of atropin on acetylcholine-induced contractions

           on the isolated rabbit jejunum triacylglycerol concentration of rats                62

4.2.4    In vitro effect of Arachis hypogea on acetylcholine-induced contractions

on the isolated rabbit jejunum                                                                         63

4.2.5    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on egg albumin-

 induced hind paw edema of rats                                                                   64

4.2.6    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

serum lipid peroxidation: malondialdehyde (MDA) of rats                           65

4.2.7    Effect of the methanol extract of Arachi hypogea leaves on

serum catalase activity of rats                                                                         66

4.2.8    Effect of the methanol extract of Arachi hypogea leaves on

serum superoxide dismutase activity of rats                                                   67

4.2.9    Effect of the methanol extract of Arachi hypogea leaves on

serum vitamin E concentration of rats                                                            68

4.3.1    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

membrane stability (osmotic fragility)                                                            69

4.3.2    In vitro effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves

on platelet aggregation                                                                                    70

4.3.3    In vitro effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on

phospholipase A2 activity                                                                                72

4.3.4    Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on in vivo

platelet indices in rats                                                                                     73

4.4       Discussion                                                                                                       74



5.1     Conclusion                                                                              80

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          80

References                                                                                                      81











Schematic representation of acetylcholine synthesis, release, action and breakdown in neuronal cells at a cholinergic nerve terminal.



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum     alanine aminotransferase



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum aspartate aminotransferase activity of rats



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum alkaline phosphatase activity of rats.



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum Bilirubin, albumin and total protein concentration of rats.



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum cholesterol concentration of rats



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) concentration of rats



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) concentration of rats



Effects of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum triacylglycerol concentration of rats



In vitro effect of acetylcholine on an isolated rabbit jejunum



In vitro effect of Arachis hypogea methanol leaves extract of Arachis hypogea



Effects of atropine on acetylcholine induced smooth muscle contractions



Effects of Arachis hypogea on acetylcholine induced smooth muscle  contractions



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on egg albumin- induced hind paw edema of rats



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum lipid peroxidation: malondialdehyde (MDA) of rats



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum catalase activity of rats



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum superoxide dismutase activity of rats



Effect of the methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on serum vitamin E concentration of rats



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on membrane stability (osmotic fragility)



Effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on in vivo platelet indices in rats












Inflammation is a complex pathophysiological response of vascularized tissue to injury arising from various stimuli, including thermal, chemical or physical damage, ischemia, infectious agents, antigen-antibody interactions and other biologic processes (Clark, 2002). Inflammation, a fundamental protective response, can be harmful in conditions such as life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions to insect bite, drugs, toxins, and in chronic diseases, such as rheumatic arthritis, lung fibrosis and cancer (Simon et al., 2000). Inflammatory response is brought about or mediated by inflammatory mediators such as chemokines, cytokines, cell adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix proteins (Simon  et al., 2000), which when in excess, are deleterious (Liu and Hong, 2002). Phytochemicals are divided according to their functions in plant metabolism into two groups: which are primary and secondary constituents; Primary constituents comprise common sugars, amino acids, proteins and chlorophyll, while secondary constituents consists of alkaloids, terpenoids and phenolic compounds (Krishnaiah et al., 2009) as well as flavonoids, tannins, saponins, essential oils and many more (Edeoga et al., 2005). The medicinal values of plants lie in these bioactive phytochemical constituents that produce definite physiological actions in the human body (Akinmoladun et al., 2007).

Phytochemicals are natural bioactive compounds found in plants, such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves and roots that work with nutrients and fibers to act as a defense system against diseases or more accurately, to protect against disease.  Unlike vitamins and minerals, they have no nutritional value. They can, however, influence various body processes. They work together with nutrients and dietary fibers to protect the body against diseases, slow the aging process and reduce the risk of many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure (Igwenyi et al., 2011).

Peanut, also known as groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), is a crop of global importance. It is widely grown in both the tropics and subtropics, being important to both smallholder and large commercial producers. It is classified as both a grain legume, and because of its high oil content, an oil crop (EBTP, 2015).World annual production is about 46 million tonnes. Very unusually among crop plants, peanut pods develop under the ground.

Cultivated peanut (A. hypogaea) has two sets of chromosomes from two different species, thought to be A. duranensis and A. ipaensisarise (Seijo et al 2007;Kochert et al 1996; Moretzsohn et al, 2013). The two species' chromosomes combine by hybridization and doubling, to form what is termed an amphidiploid or allotetraploid. Genetic analysis suggests this hybridization event probably occurred only once and gave rise to A. monticola, a wild form of peanut that occurs in a few restricted locations in northwestern Argentina, and, by artificial selection to A. hypogaea. (Seijo et al 2007; Kochert et al., 1996; Husted, 1936; Halward et al., 1992). The process of domestication through artificial selection made A. hypogaea dramatically different from its wild relatives. The domesticated plants are more bushy and compact, and have a different pod structure and larger seeds. The initial domestication may have taken place in northwestern Argentina, or in southeastern Bolivia, where the peanut landraces with the most wild-like features are grown today (Krapovickas and Gregory; Krapovickas  Gregory, 2007). From this primary center of origin, cultivation spread and formed secondary and tertiary centers of diversity in Peru, Equador, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Subspecies-fastigiata types- are more upright in their growth habit and have a shorter crop cycle. Subspecies hypogaea types spread more on the ground and have longer crop cycles (Krapovickas and Gregory; Krapovickas  Gregory, 2007).

Peanuts grow well in Northern Nigeria, where they are used to make all sorts of local snacks like Kuli-kuli, Tamfili and other. In the Igbo land, virtually every traditional occasion is graced with groundnut paste locally called Okwa-ose. In West African countries like Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal, they are also used for both culinary and agricultural purposes. Malian meat stew called maafe is made from groundnut paste. In Ghana, peanut butter is used for peanut butter soup known as nkate nkwan. Crushed peanuts may also be used for peanut candies called nkate cake and kuli-kuli respectively, as well as other local foods such as oto (Ghanaian cuisine). Peanut butter is also an ingredient in Nigeria's "African salad". Its powder is an important ingredient in the spicy coating for kebabs in Nigeria and Ghana.

1.2       AIM OF THE STUDY

The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory and tonic properties of methanol extracts of Arachis hypogea leaves on some biochemical indices.



·                     Qualitative determination of the phytochemical composition of methanol extracts of Arachis hypogea leaves.

·                     Determination of  acute toxicity LD50 of methanol extract of A. hypogeal on albino rats

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on hind paw edema of rats.

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on prostaglandin synthase activity

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on phospholipase A2 activity

·                     Determination of the effects of methanol extracts of Arachis hypogea on platelet aggregatory activity.

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on smooth muscle contraction/relaxation

·                     Determination of the effects of methanol extracts of Arachis hypogea on membrane fragility.

·                     Determination for the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves on activities of some liver enzymes (ALT, AST and ALP) and albumin, total bilirubin and total protein.

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on the concentrations of selected lipids: low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL), triacylglycerol (TAG) and total cholesterol.

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea on lipid peroxidation

·                     Determination of the effect of methanol extracts of Arachis hypogea on two antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase).



Peanut, also known as groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a crop of economical value globally, grown for culinary, medicinal and commercial purposes. It is classified as both a grain legume and an oil crop because of its high oil content. A great number of anti-inflammatory drugs (both steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and parasympathomimetics are extensively used for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory and muscle conditions (Rang et al., 2003). Among these drugs, none has proved to be curative. They suppress rather than abolish the inflammatory and muscle disorders  thereby providing symptomatic relief and are usually accompanied by severe adverse effects such as gastrointestinal irritations, ulcers, bone marrow depression, hypertension, myocardial infarction and muscular degenerations among others (Klein et al.,2012; Liew et al., 2013). There is therefore, the need to search for more potent and less toxic anti-inflammatory and parasympathomimetics drugs from medicinal plants as there is the worldwide green revolution which is reflected in the belief that herbal remedies are safer and less damaging to the human and animal systems than synthetic drugs (Williamson et al., 1996).



There is an increasing divergence towards the use of plant based drugs in therapeutics, worldwide and specifically the developing countries. This may be because the nation is host to hundreds of thousands of plants species, many of which have medicinal values (Ojieh et al., 2013). Many of these plants have been exploited while a host of others remain uninvestigated. Researchers have continued to explore the systemic effects of these plant preparations with the intention to discover new drugs and or increase the potency of existing ones. Arachis hypogea  is one of such medicinal plants that are being used to treat various ailments.

The widespread ethnomedicinal use of the leaf extract of the plant for the management of diseases including inflammation and epilepsy spurred this study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and tonic properties of methanol extract of Arachis hypogea leaves.


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