The study evaluated the proximate and anti-nutrients composition of the mix-gruel blend of wheat, groundnut, soyabean and dried fish for breakfast. This study was done using six objectives and six research questions. Production of dried mix-gruel blend was formulated based on different percentages. The study adopted experimental research design to ascertain the proximate content, anti-nutritional content and sensory attributes. The population of the study was three hundred and eighty-seven staff and students from the Home Science/Hospitality Management. Twenty-three persons served as the taste panellists and were selected by multi-stage sampling techniques. Data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA). The sensory result from the twenty three panelists revealed that there was no significant different in the appearance, texture, taste and mouthfeel all the samples assessed. Sample “B” (50% wheat, 20% groundnut, 20% soyabean,10% fish) has the highest score on general acceptability. The result of proximate composition of the blends of different samples showed that, there was a significant difference (P > 0.05) in ash, moisture, carbohydrates, crude fat, crude fibre and protein content. The result of anti-nutritional factor was found to be low in the different sample of the blend indicating possible bioavailability of the nutrient. The micro-nutrient results showed that the there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the samples of blend. Based, on the findings of this study, it was recommended, that families can introduce this mix-gruel in their menu. The mix-gruel is richer in protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, mineral and can as well help fight this double burden of protein-energy malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
List of Tables vi
Abstract vii
1.1 Background
to the study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problem 4
1.3 Objective
of the Study 5
1.4 Research
Questions 6
1.5 Hypotheses
1.6 Significance
of the Study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
Conceptual Framework 10
2.1 Nutrient
Values of Cereals-legume Foods 10
2.1.2 Nutrient
component of dry-fish 14
2.1.3 Wheat
and its utilization 15
2.1.4 Groundnut
and its utilization 16
2.1.5 Soybeans
and its utilization 18
2.1.6 Dietary
pattern 19
Factors influencing dietary patterns 20
Assessment of dietary patterns 20
Importance of studying dietary patterns 21
2.1.10 Proximate
analysis 21 Basic component of proximate analysis 22
Anti-nutritional factors in plant foods 22
2.1.12 Processes
of reducing anti-nutrient factors in plant foods 24
2.1.13 Micronutrient
malnutrition 26
2.1.14 Protein-energy
malnutrition 30
2.1.15 Food
blending 31
2.1.16 Sensory
evaluation 32
Achieving food system sustainability and food security 33
2.2 Theoretical
Framework 34
2.2.1 Food
production theory 34
2.2.2 Conceptual
blending theory 35
2.3 Review
of Related Empirical Studies 35
2.4 Summary of Literature Reviewed 41
3.1 Design
of the Study 44
3.2 Area
of the Study 44
3.3 Population
for the Study 45
3.4 Sample
and Sampling Techniques 45
3.5 Procurement
of Raw Materials 45
3.5.1 Processing
of Raw Material 46
3.5.2 Sample
Formulation 46
3.5.3 Sample
Preparation 47
3.6 Instrument
of Data Collection 47
3.7 Validation
of the Instrument 47
3.8 Permission
3.9 Data
Collection Techniques 48
3.10 Proximate Analysis 48
3.10.1 Determination
of Moisture 48
3.10.2 Determination
of Ash 49
3.10.3 Determination
of Crude Fat 49
3.10.4 Determination
of Crude Fibre 50
3.10.5 Determination
of Crude Protein 51
3.10.6 Determination
of Carbohydrate 53
3.11 Determination
of Anti-nutrient 54
3.11.1 Determination of Oxalate Content 54
3.11.2 Determination
of Tannin 54
3.11.3 Determination
of Alkaloid 55
3.11.4 Determination
of Phytic Acid 56
3.11.5 Determination
of Flatulence Factors 57
3.11.6 Determination
of Phenol 57
3.12 Micro-nutrients
3.12.1 Calcium
Determination 58
3.12.2 Determination
of Iron 59
3.12.3 Determination
of Zinc 59
3.12.4 Determination
of Iodine 60
3.12.5 Determination
of Magnesium 60
3.12.6 Determination
of Vitamin A 61
3.12.7 Determination
of Vitamin C 62
3.12.8 Determination
of Vitamin K 63
3.12.9 Determination
of Vitamin D 63
3.12.10 Determination of vitamin B1(Thiamine) 63
Determination of Riboflavin (Vit B2) 65
Determination of Niacin content (Vit B3) 66
3.12.13 Determination of Vit B6
and B12 67
Determination of vitamin E 67
3.13 Statistical Analysis 68
4.1 Findings
of the Study 69
4.2 Discussion
of Findings 78
4.2.1 Proximate
compositions of the blends 78
Anti-nutrient contents of the samples 80
Micro-nutrient composition of the blends 82
Vitamin composition of the blends 82 Mineral composition of the blends 83
4.2.4 The
sensory attributes and consumer acceptability of the
mix-gruel blend 85
5.1 Summary 86
5.1.1 Major
finding 88
5.2 Conclusion 88
5.3 Recommendations 88
5.4 Contribution
to Knowledge 89
5.5 Suggestion
for Further Study 89
References 90
Appendices 98
1: Proximate composition of the blends 72
2: Anti-nutritional composition of
mix-gruel blends of different
percentages 73
Micronutrient composition of the
blends vitamins composition
of the blends 74
Mineral composition of the blends 75
Sensory attributes and consumer
acceptability of the formulated
mix-gruel blend 76
is well acknowledged to be the most important meal of the day, because it provides
immediate fuel and nutrient for utilization by the brain after an overnight
fast. It helps the body to kick off the day both mentally and physically. Breakfast
meal is vital for the body functionality and promotes activity level for the
day. The body system needs food to function well. It is often observed that
after some hours without food, the brain, tissues and muscles will be short of
energy to function well. Taking breakfast boasts one's metabolism and increases
one's energy throughout the day. Breakfast meals are likely to provide
favourable nutrient intake including higher intake of dietary fiber, proteins,
total carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol. It makes large contribution to daily
micro-nutrient intake, (Balvin, Trevino, Echo and Grarcia, 2013). Consumption
of inadequate breakfast is a factor in contributing to poor health status. The
need to exploit unexploited and underutilized food resources for breakfast meal
is very essential. (Enujiugha and Agbede, 2000).
is a combination of different food commodities to produce a meal. Gruels are
paste and semi-solid meal formulated from varying food commodities especially
grains. Most commonly eaten breakfast gruel meals in Nigeria are pap, commonly
referred to as akamu by Igbos, ogi by Yorubas and koko by Hausas. It could be
made from maize, millet, sorghum, which may not satisfy the energy and other nutrient
needs of the body system. The gruel if too watery/liquid in consistency may
have low energy. This most popular traditional breakfast gruel
"Akamu" for instance is pre-dominantly produced from fermented maize.
The major disadvantage of this cereal gruel is that the starchy nature of these
foods makes them bind so much water, thus yielding a bulky gruel with decreased
nutrient content. The promotion and inclusion of more plant protein especially
soyabean and groundnut in the staple diets will be nutritionally beneficial.
(Barber, Ejiofor, Eke, 2010). Flour produced from either cereals and legumes
will have a nutritional value inferior to those produced from a combination of
this mix-gruel with cereal-legume blends rather than using independent food
commodities, will be more nutrient dense. Supplementation of cereals with
legumes has been suggested as one way of improving the protein quality of
cereal-based gruel. Barber (2010) stated that, to improve the nutritional value
of cereal-based diets, legumes should be used to fortify them. The nutrient
content of legumes makes them natural complements to cereal-based diets. Efforts
to improve the nutritional value of these staples have been based on
fortification with legumes to boast the deficient amino-acid. Combination of
cereals and legumes can be desirable from a nutritional stand point, because of
the complementation of essential amino acids and increase in protein content. The
mixture of wheat, soyabean, groundnut will be a good nourishing meal, providing
protein, energy, dietary fibre and micro-nutrient. The essential amino acids
and omega-3-fatty limiting in cereals-legume are present in fish. A full-breakfast
meal containing these food nutrients will help increase the nutrient content.
meals are thought to provide good nutrition, (Nathan, 2008). The basic requirements
of a man, is his right to adequate and sufficient food. Nutrition is a basic
human right. Nutrition is the study of food at work in the body, the source for
energy and a medium for which the nutrients can function. It is the building
block of life. Nutrition ensures vitality and functionality of the body system
through foods. It is the means of getting the right amount from healthy foods
in the right combination. "No wonder" Thomas Edison" quotes “the
doctor of the future will give no medicine but will be interested in his
patient in care of human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of
diseases”. Good nutrition significantly reduces the risks of sickness and
mortality in the context of host of diseases, as well as maternal health and
foetal growth. Inadequate nutrition early in life and amongst the elderly can
result in irremediable damages to the developing brain and body of children as
well as complication in the elderly. Producing this home-made inexpensive,
nutrient dense mix-gruel from local food source for breakfast meal that will
offer good nutrition becomes apparent. The production of mix-gruel
for full-breakfast meal will add increase to food that people consume.
These home-made mixed-gruel produced with
soybean (Glycine max), which is a rich
source of protein and oil (Nkama, 1995) soyabean is limiting in sulpur
containing amino-acids for most animals species including humans but contain
sufficient lysine to help overcome the lysine deficiency of other cereals. Groundnut
(Arachis hypogea) is a versatile
pulse with rich, cheap and good source of vegetable protein available to
mankind. It contains high protein, high polyunsaturated fat with absence of
cholesterol and lactose, an amino acid vital for body growth and reproduction.
Wheat is a cereal based food commodity with high protein gluten which will
serve as binding agent in this new food production. Fish is a source of protein
and micro-nutrients, very high in calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins A. Fish is the
primary sources of long-chain omega-3-poly unsaturated fatty acid with numerous
health benefits including improved infant cognitive and visual development,
reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, fish will help enrich the nutrient
lacking in plant foods, (Walter, 2012).
study is geared towards evaluating the proximate composition of different
samples of the blends. Proximate analysis is the estimation and determination
of how much of the major food components namely moisture, carbohydrates,
protein, ash, crude fibres that are contained in this mix-gruel blend. The plant
food utilized in this mix-gruel blend contains anti -nutritional factors which
are responsible for the deleterious effect that are related to the absorption
of nutrient and micro nutrient which may interfere with the function of certain
organs. Anti-nutrients such as oxalate, tannins, phylate, protease inhibitor
many cause undesirable effects in human, if their consumption exceeds normal
levels recommended for human consumption. The harmful effect may result due to
breakdown of the food product and there is need to ascertain the anti-nutritional
factors in this mix-gruel blend to ensure conformance to wholesomeness. The
mix-gruel blend will be subjected to sensory evaluation to ascertain the
attributes such as color, texture, flavour, odour and overall acceptability on
9-point hedonic scales.
all, the study examined the proximate and anti-nutrient evaluation of mixed
gruel blends of wheat, groundnut, soyabean, dried fish for full-breakfast meal.
breakfast meals are cereals based foods that are highly carbohydrate such as
gruel from millet and maize which may not satisfy the nutrient needs of the
body system. The need for improvement of the nutritional quality of cereals by
complementing their limiting amino acid with legumes which will help improve
the protein and nutrient density of subsequent foods. Since there is scanty
information available on their nutritional quality, anti-nutritional properties
and also poor utilization of these food commodities in different food
formulation, combination of cereals with legumes will improve the protein and
nutrient density of food.
Most households are troubled with what to
serve as breakfast, as time constraints preparation of nutritionally adequate
breakfast. Families often resolve to quick or convenience source such as cereal
or bread which often time are not adequate as they do not contain all the
required food nutrients, required for complete meal.
to enrich the blends, fish with micronutrient and protein helps to supplement
the nutrient lacking in legumes and cereal. They are significant sources of
energy, protein dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and
phytochemicals. Production of the mixed-gruel blends instead of single gruel
will serve as a preventive meal for protein-energy-malnutrition and other
disease. The production of mix-gruel with wheat, groundnut, soybean, dried fish
blend will provide addition to existing breakfast menu available for
study is conceived to provide a rich variety to prevent the monotonous gruels
commonly served as breakfast meals and also help to solve the double burden of
hunger and malnutrition in line with the second SDG (End hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
The general objective of the study was to
evaluate the proximate and anti-nutrient composition of mixed gruel produced
from wheat, groundnut, soybean and dried fish for full breakfast meal.
The specific objectives of the study include
produce flour using wheat (Triticum genus), groundnut (Arachis hypogeal), soybean (Glycine max) and dried fish;
produce a mix-gruel mixture from different
flour blends;
3. determine
the proximate composition of the blend;
4. determine
anti-nutrient composition of the mix-gruel blend;
5. determine
micro-nutrient of the mix-gruel blend;
6. evaluate
the sensory attributes and acceptability of the formulated mix-gruel blend.
Based on the objectives, above the
following research questions were formulated to guide the study.
How can a flour sample blend be produce
from the wheat, groundnut, soyabean and dried fish.
How can a mix-gruel mixture of different
blend be produced?
What is the proximate composition of the
How can the anti-nutrient of the blend be determined?
How can the micro-nutrient of the blend be
To what extent would the blend be
How will the blend be packaged and
With the research questions formulated
above the underlisted H0 were raised to support the study.
There is no significant difference between produced mix-gruel powder of the
food commodities and the powder of commercial quaker oat meal (control)
H02: There is no significant difference in
the produce mix-gruel mixtures from different blend and commercial quaker oat
meal (control).
H03: There is no significant differences
between the acceptability of the produced mix-gruel mixture and commercial quaker
oat meal (control).
The findings of this study will be
of great importance to Students, Home Economist extension workers, Nutritionist
and food scientist, Agriculturalist extension worker and Food producers.
The outcome of this project will be
useful to the students because it will serve as reference source to other
research into development of new mix-gruel blend with locally made available
food commodities. This study can be accessed through journal publications and
internet uploads.
This study will be of benefit to
home economist extension workers, using the findings of the study to teach
mothers and families on how to prepare mix-gruel blends. For breakfast meal
that are nutrient-dense as well improve their feeding capacity. This can be
achieved through visiting them to educate the women and families on community
town hall meetings, church meetings and women August meeting.
The findings will be significant to
nutritionist and food scientists as it will provide them new information on the
production of nutrient-dense breakfast meal using available local food
commodities which can assist to compile food composition-table for use in
breakfast meal. The result will be made known to them through publication in
the internet and journals.
This study will be of benefit to
Agriculturalist extension workers, will use the result of the findings to
encourage farmers to produce more of these food commodities to ensure
availability and surplus for sale to generate income as well promote food
security. This will be made available to farmers through community town hall meeting.
Finally, the study will be also of benefit to
food producers. The result of the finding will encourage food producer to
produce mix-gruel based on cereal- legume and fish blends that are
This research on proximate and
anti-nutrient evaluation of homemade mix-gruel blend produced from a
combination of wheat, groundnut, soybean and dried fish for full-breakfast meal
focus on production of a dried sample
flour using wheat, groundnut, soyabean and dried fish. The study produced a
mix-gruel mixture form the different flour blends, evaluated the proximate
composition of the blend; anti-nutrient composition of the blend; sensory
attributes and consumer acceptability of the formulated mix-gruel blend; package
and label the produced mix-gruel. This study was be carried out in Home Science
and Food Science laboratories of Michael Okpara of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia
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