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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006944

No of Pages: 41

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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 This works evaluated the sensory quality of composite jam produced from the pulp of four different tropical fruit, apple banana pineapple and orange extracted separately from the four fruit. Obtained from ƴan tifa market, Jigawa after the jam was produced, it was taken to college of health sciences, Jigawa where the students served as the panelists. they were asked to evaluate the texture, flavour, colour,  test and overall acceptability of the produced jam. Out of the estimated total number of the students (40). 10 student was selected to be involved in the study base on simple random sampling. The research design employed in the study was descriptive research design, most of the respondent ware male (52%) and within the age range (13%) years. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the parentage of respondent that selected colour, flavour, texture, test and overall acceptability of the jam were 70% 50% 50% 38% respectively. Therefore, this infected that majority of the respondent agreed with the colour flavour texture of the produced jam. This study therefore concluded that jam can be produced from these fruits, and recommended that jam should be produced from the fruit to minimize the spoilage and enhanced sensory and Nutritional quality.



Title Page_______________________________________________________________ i

Declaration __________________________________________________________         ii

Dedication________________________________________________________              iii

Acknowledgement_________________________________________________                iv

Approval Page_____________________________________________________              v

Table of content _______________________________________________                       vii



1.0 Introduction______________________________________________________          1

1.1 Background of the Study___________________________________________           1

1.2 Statement of the Problems________________________________________                4

1.3 Justification __________________________________________________                  4

1.4 Significant __________________________________________________                    4

1.5 Aim____________________________________________________                           5

1.6 Specific Objectives_______________________________________________             5

1.7 Scope of the Study_______________________________________________                         5

1.8 Limitation of the Study___________________________________________              5




2.1 Literature review_______________________________________________                 4

2.2 Historical background of the jam_______________________________                       4

2.3 Definition of jam_______________________________________________                5

2.3.1 Classification of jam__________________________________________                  5

2.3.2 Factors affecting jam production_______________________________                     5

2.3 3 Challenge in jam production ____________________________________                 5

2.3.4 Effects of jam production______________________________________                  5

2.3.5 Types of jam _________________________________________________               5

3.3.6 Uses of jam__________________________________________________                6

2.3.7 Nutritive value of jam___________________________________________              6

2.3.8 Health benefits of jam____________________________________________           6

2.4 Fruit details_______________________________________________                         7

2.4.1Apples_______________________________________________                               7

2.4.2 Banana_______________________________________________                             8

2.4.3 Orange_______________________________________________                             8

2.4.4 Pineapple_______________________________________________                          9 Origin of Apple_______________________________________________             9 Uses of apple_______________________________________________                9 Varieties of apple____________________________________________                10 Nutritive value of apple____________________________________                      10 Medicinal value if apple____________________________________                      11 Origin of banana_______________________________________________           11 Uses of banana_______________________________________________              11

2 4 2.3 Varieties of banana________________________________________                     12 Nutritive value of banana_______________________________________             12 Medicinal value of banana __________________________________                     13 Origin of orange_______________________________________________            13 Varieties of orange ____________________________________________             13

2 4.3.3 Uses of orange _______________________________________________             14 Origin of pineapple___________________________________________               14

2.4.4 2 Varieties of pineapple_________________________________________               14 Uses of pineapple____________________________________________                14



3.0 Methodology _______________________________________________                     15

3.1 Study design ______________________________________________                                    15

3.2 Instrument _______________________________________________                          15

3.3 A Row materials and sources _____________________________________                15

3.4 Sample preparation __________________________________________                      16

3.5 Jam production and procedure ____________________________________                16

3.7 Sample formulation _____________________________________________                16

8.8 Proximate analysis _____________________________________________                 16

3.8.1 Determination of moisture content ______________________________                   16

3.8.2Determination of Ash content __________________________________                   17

3.9 Sensory evaluation ____________________________________________                   17

3.10 Statistical analysis  ___________________________________________                   17


4.0 Results and discussion__________________________________________                  19

4.1 Table 1 Sensory evaluations of the formulated Jam___________________                   19

4.2 Proximate Composition of the Formulated Jam ______________________                  21


5.0 summery, conclusion and recommendation.

5.1 Summary _________________________________________________                        23

5.2 Conclusion ________________________________________________                       23

5.3 Recommendation__________________________________________                          24









Jam is a mixture of fruit boiled with sugar and allowed to congeal (Dianne, 2011). It is often spread on bread, biscuit and ice cream. Jam is a type of fruit preservation which can be canned, sealed for long term storage. Jam making involves the disruption of the fruit’s tissues followed by Normally, jam preparation requires the addition of commercial or natural pectin as a gelling agent (Awolu et al., 2016).

The uses of ingredient and how the jams are prepared actually determine the type of jam produced. Jams are one of the most popular products because of their low cost, availability and organoleptic properties (Eke and Owuno, 2013). Traditionally, jams were first produced as an effort to preserve fruits during offseason for consumption. Nevertheless, processed product such as jams usually have low nutritional value when compared to fresh fruits for an example, jam normally have lower vitamin C content compared to the fresh fruits (Kamari and Dhaliwal, 2010).

This is due to exposure to the heat generated during the processing (Awolu et al., 2016). Fruits such as lemon, apple, cranberries, bananas, pineapple, and orange have been used for producing jam. Apple is one of the most popular and favourite fruit among the health-conscious individuals.

Jam is characterized as a sweet spread made after boiling grated or chopped fruits pulp with adequate amount of sugar, gelatin, citric acid, and other ingredients, for example, preservatives, and flavouring agent to a gel like consistency which is sufficiently firm to hold the fruit tissues in position. Jams contain about 68.5% complete soluble substances and 45% of the fruits pulp,  uncovered that jam ought to contain over 65% all out dissolved solids in finished product. Jam is characterized as a sweet spread made after boiling grated or chopped fruits pulp with adequate amount of sugar, gelatin, citric acid, and other ingredients, for example, preservatives, and flavouring agent to a gel like consistency which is sufficiently firm to hold the fruit tissues in position. Jam and jelly are one of the basic natural product prepared from fruits.( Ancos, 2017)

Jam is made from cooked fruit pulp, water, and sugar. It may also contain citric acid and pectin in some cases (Featherstone, 2015). In terms of jam production, China, the United States, Spain, France, India, Turkey, and Brazil stand out. Brazil produced approximately 30.1 million tons of merchandise in 2017 (ABIA, 2020). In 2016, 4,000 tons of jam were manufactured, with 3.36 billion tons consumed (CBI, 2020). The most commonly utilized fruits for jam production include grape, banana, blueberry (ABIA, 2020), mango, pineapple (Asema and Parveen, 2018), strawberry, orange (Featherstone, 2015), and pomegranate (Abid et al., 2018). Storage and transportation become an excellent choice for the addition of uncommon ingredients such as pineapple and pumpkin fruits pulp since it is a low-cost product and easy to process. (Othman, 2013)


The problem addressed in this study is the underutilization of apple, banana, and pineapple and orange, there is little or no information on its application in the making of jam or other similar preserves, resulting in low usage and considerable post-harvest losses/waste in Our Region. Producing and evaluating jam from Apple, banana, pineapple and orange composites will thus help to increase the market for both fruit and value-added product, improve the value of underutilized fruits, diversify the use of the fruit by increasing the number of available jam products, promote cultivation, and increase the market for both fruit and value-added product.


The study is justified as it addresses a practical issue of underutilization of fruits, Functional food development and consumption is gaining momentum worldwide. Currently, there is an awaken awareness on preventive rather than curative health care. And it has been discovered that consumption of functional foods will serve as vital instrument for preventive health care; globally, the consumption of functional foods is being encouraged. underutilization of fruits, which can have economic and agricultural implications. By exploring the production of jam from Apple, banana, pineapple and orange it not only adds value to these fruits but also contributes to reducing post-harvest losses and promoting agricultural diversification. Additionally, the evaluation of the nutritional content and sensory attributes ensures that the product meets quality standards and can attract consumers, thus benefiting both producers and consumers.


The purpose of this study was to undertake a proximate Composition and sensory evaluation of Jam product. Functional fruits from blends of fruits have been developed.  It was established that the blend of fruits consisting pineapple, orange, apple juices, carrot, and Hibiscus extracts have high antioxidants properties in addition to high vitamin C and carotenoids contents. Fruits are important foods with excellent nutritional and functional properties. Populations that consume diet rich in fruits and vegetables have significantly lower rates of many types of cancers.

1.4 AIM

To determine the proximate and sensory evaluation of composite jam from four fruits apple, banana, orange, and pineapple.


The objectives of this study are:

1 To produce jam by using apple, banana, orange, and pineapple

2 To determine the consumers acceptability/ sensory evaluation

3 to determine the proximate parameters of produced jam

4 To highlight the importance of fruits in reducing the risk of certain types of cancers.


Scope: This study focuses on the sensory evaluation of jam produced from Apple, banana, pineapple and orange. It examines the nutritional content of the jam and assesses its sensory attributes, such as taste, texture, spread-ability, appearance and overall acceptability.


The study has some limitations, including:

Narrow Focus: It concentrates solely on the proximate composition and sensory evaluation, leaving out other potential aspects like market analysis or long-term storage studies.

Regional Context: Findings may be specific to our north Region and might not be directly applicable to other regions or countries.

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