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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009601

No of Pages: 45

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research project examines and apprises the motivation and workers performance in an organization, selecting Dutse Local Government as a case study, motivation is one of the most important aspect of an organization. It appears that most youth and other individual prefer to work in private organization because of lack of motivations. Thus only qualified personal with no alternative to its inefficiency and inadequate productivities prefer to work in public organization, the research findings will be the most beneficial to any body who needs to know motivation is vital toward the effective and efficient performance of workers in an organization. It could important to a student who needs to know more on motivation, the main primary objective or aim of the study is find out why workers are not motivated, and what the consequences are for that. The researches intend to find out the relationship the workers and motivation, how it affects the workers on their official duty. The Abraham Maslow theory of motivations was adopted as a basis for the theoretical framework of analysis, the research applied the used of questionnaires techniques where by various questions were designed for the respondents to answered by merely chosen what they regarded as accurate from alternative provided, as 30 questionnaires were administered for the analysis, on this vein the research study recommends the followings: FACILITIES (GOOD WORKING CONDITION): It is recommended that the organization should try to provide modern facilities for its workers or employees so as to enable them to make meaningful use of their skill because no matter how skillful a worker or employees may be, his performance may not be up to expectation because of poor working materials. REWARDS: The organizations should increase pay and other benefits to its workers in comparison with other organization such as the private sector, recognition, and the medicating system will make an employee to show more sense of dedication and commitment. TRAINING: Training and development of employees should be set in motion in order to increase their skills and abilities. It is also recommended that the qualified employee should be sent for training to increases their knowledge.





Title Page -                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -           i

Approval Page            -                       -                       -                       -                       -           ii

Declaration Page         -                       -                       -                       -                       -           iii

Dedication                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -           iv

Certification                -                       -                       -                       -                       -           v

Acknowledgement      -                      -                       -                       -                       -           vi

Abstract -                    -                       -                       -                       -                       -           vii

Table of Contents -                 -                       -                       -                       -           viii


1.0 Introduction          -                       -                       -                       -                       -           1         

1.1 Historical background of the area of study-                     -                       -           2

1.2 Statement of the problem -                                   -                       -                       -           3

1.3 Aims and objectives of the study             -                       -                       -           3

1.4 Research proposition hypothesis               -                       -                       -           4

1.5 Significance of the study                          -                       -                       -           4

1.6 Scope of the study                                                -                       -                       -           5

1.7 Limitation of the study                             -                       -                       -           5

1.8 Definition of the key concept                -              -                       -           5         

1.9 References                                    -                       -                       -                       -           7


2.0 Literature review/Theoretical frame work                        -                       -           8

2.1 Motivation                                    -                       -                       -                       -           8         

2.2 What make or motivate workers               -                       -                       -           10

2.3 Dauglas Mogregor theory X and Y          -                       -                       -           10

2.4 Elton Mayor 1945             -                       -                       -                       -           13

2.5 Advantages and disadvantages                -                       -                       -           14

2.6 Theoretical frame work                             -                       -                       -           15

2.7     Reference   -                              -                       -                       -                       -           19


3.0 Research methodology     -                       -                       -                       -           20

3.1 Introduction          -                       -                       -                       -                       -           20

3.2 Research design                -                       -                       -                       -           20

3.3 Population of the study    -                       -                       -                       -           21

3.4 Sample size           -                       -                       -                       -                       -           21

3.5 Sampling techniques                     -                       -                       -                       -           21

3.6 Method     of data collection        -                       -                       -                       -           22

3.6.0 Primary data                               -                       -                       -                       -           22

3.6.1 Secondary data              -                       -                       -                       -           23

3.7 Procedure for collecting of data               -                       -                       -           23

3.8 Research instrument                      -                       -                       -                       -           23

3.9 Method of data analysis   -                       -                       -                       -           23

Reference   -                            -                       -                       -                       -           25


4.1 Data presentation, analysis and interpretation                  -                       -           26


5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary               -                       -                       -                       -                       35

5.2 Conclusion                        -                       -                       -                       -                       36

5.3 Recommendation  -                       -                       -                       -                       37

      Reference              -                       -                       -                       -                       39

      Appendix              -                       -                       -                       -                       41



Motivation means so many things to different people. Their impact on the individual depends also on his perception of what he considers to be of value to him and invariably influences his action or non-action. 

Motivation can be described as a set of incentives monetary of otherwise, reward and punishment systems which determine or influence staff performance and altitude to work. It is a production of human resource management and its impact goes on a long way in determining the quality and quantity of production and the level of industrial and labour harmony or disharmony in the organization.

Motivation can also be defined as the forces acting on or within a person that cause the arousal, direction, and persistence of goaldirected, voluntary effort.

Work Motivation has been defined as “conditions which influences the arousal, direction, and maintenance of our behaviors‟ relevant in work setting”.  Gbadamosi and Adebakin (1997, PP33) other scholars have variously defined motivation as “the act of stimulating some or oneself to get a desired course of action, to push the right button, to get a desired reaction.

Julius Michael (1975,pp 265). “motivation is the process of creating organizational conditions which will impel employees to strive to attain company goals-Hodgetts,Richard (1977, pp 385) motivation is the influence or drive that causes us to behave in a specific manner and has been described as consisting of energy, direction and sustainability.

Motivation is a driving force by which human achieve their goals.

Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic:

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivations that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in that task itself, and exist within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure.

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the individual, common extrinsic motivation are reward like money and grades coercion and threat of punishment, competing is in general extrinsic because it encourage the performer to win and beat others, not to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity.

The main purpose of motivation is to attain organization goals according to Koontz et al (1983: 14) “management requires the creation and maintenance of environment in which individuals work together in group toward the accomplishment of the objective” management has been faced with broad predicament since poor approaches were employed toward the attachment of organizational objectives.

These approaches are not without their strengths and weakness. In other worlds, firma are now faced with many complexes managerial predicament because of the phenomenon maintained above.

Since the foremost aim of management of organization is the attainment of its objective.

Little or no attention is paid to welfare of workers. As an outcome, the firm goals are defeated, since the workers are not motivated and cared for.

The motivations range from inadequate to lack of motivation. Often management becomes dogmatic in their method of motivation as a result their expectation are defeated. It is pertinent for management to know what can motivate a single individual at a particular time and place would not motivate another person.

The expectation to drive from anything one is doing is a motivation force that forces the individual to work. According to Ajuogu (1996, pp 47) “motivation is an internal psychological process”. It is the motive power that makes people behaves the way they do.


Motivation is one of the most important aspects in an organization. It appears that most youth and other individual prefer to work in private organization because of lack of motivations. Thus only qualified personal with no alternative to its inefficiency and inadequate productivities prefer to work in public organization.

The unanswered question is what actual attract them? Every individual may not motivate to put in his/her best towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal and objectives. This can be the attitude to the course of poor performance in an organization must especially in the public. (According to Johnson and Johnson 2013).

Most of the workers look forward to seeing their needs being met by management, by giving them expected incentive so as to be satisfied to do their jobs and be willing to contribute to the success to the organization.

Motivation in the research analysis is not estimated by economic factors alone, it is a set of incentive that will contribute greatly to the productivity of the organization. Incentives, therefore, can be explained in both physical aspect of it, which include salary, bonus, fringe, benefit provision, like incentive, housing, transportations, an aspect that include jobs security, ability aspire to a greater height in the organization. For examples; higher status opportunities to initiate and execute goal with little hindrance, move recognition and greater authority.

Workers performance, the job related activities expected of a worker and how well that activities was executed. In many organizations, personnel director’s asses the employee’s performance of each staff member on an annual or quarterly basis, in order to help those identified suggested areas for improvement.

Every organization wants its workers to use their talent to the fullest capacities. But realistically, it is not possible for this to be done 100 percent every one ups and downs in their work output, and any term members are bound to go through a bribe dip in productivity from time to time.


No organization will expect high and efficient performance for its workers without a good package of motivation. Motivation on these forces plays an important role in the progress and survival of any organization.

The problem faced in any organization or government parastatals are lack of incentive and encouragement from the executive arm of that organization. (Teevan Richard 1984).


        i.            To find out why workers are not motivated, and what the consequences are for that.

      ii.            To establish the relationship between the workers and motivation, how it affects the workers on their official duty.

    iii.            To examine, to what extend workers are motivated, and how they are motivated.

    iv.            To identify the factors in which workers are motivated


The research hypotheses: is a way by which the broad problem is reducing to a testable form. It provides framework for interpreting research, finding in shape and meaningful manner. The proposition is classified into two, which are alternative, and null-propositions, it states the nature of the relationship between variables. And null-proposition is usually referred to as the testable proposition, it states that there is no relationship between variables.

The propositions used in this research project are:


i.                    Does motivation lead to an efficient performance by the workers in an organization?

ii.                  Does unfavorable condition of service led to a negative effect on employee’s performance?

iii.                The level of efficiency of workers in an organization is determined by the magnitude of motivation provided by the management.

iv.                What are the factors in which workers are motivated.


The research finding will be most beneficial to anybody who needs to know how the motivation is vital towards the effective and efficient performance of workers in an organization.

It could be important to a student who needs to know more on motivation.

However, this project will also be useful to workers in both private and public sectors who are not aware of the importance of motivation which the catalyst in stimulating human behaviors at the working place.


The scope of this study is to cover government organization in Jigawa state. And the study is limited to Dutse Local government.

Limitation of the study:

The major limitation of this research is; time constrain and a financial problem which cannot permit the extension of this research. As a student, it will be difficult to extend the research beyond this time, because of academic works and other commitment coupled with a time limit for the completion of the project work.


Dutse Local Government was created in 1976 by General Murtala Ramat Muhammad administration. The local government Headquarter is in Dutse. The people of Dutse are predominately Hausa/Fulani by tribes, most of them are farmers and cattle rearers respectively, weaving, blacksmith, pottering, all these are the major occupation of the people of Dutse. The town is situated between latitude 11,400 and |10n and longitude 900, 45c. Dutse is an Emirate council which comprises consists of seven Local Government Areas that includes;

Gwaram, Buji, Jahun, Miga, Birnin kudu, and Dutse Local Governments respectively.

The 2006 population census showed that Dutse has a population of about 251,135, it shared a common borders with the Yobe in the east, Kano in the west, Bauchi in the south and Katsina in the north.


MOTIVATION: Is an inner drive that directs person behavior towards a goal. A goal is satisfaction of some need, a need is a difference between a desired state and an actual state.

i.                     WORKERS: A worker is any person who has entered into or work under a contract with an employee, whether the contract is for manual labor or clerical work expressed or implied, whether written or unwritten, whether it is a contact personally execute work or labor.

ii.                  PERFORMANCE: Is the act or process of performing a task or an action.

iii.                ORGANIZATION: Means any body of a person with common goal or effect to the organizational goal and objective.


The project is of five chapters ranging from chapter one which includes:-Introduction, Statement of the problems, Aims and Object of the study, Significant of the research problems, Hypothesis/Assumption, Definition of the Limitation/Scope of the study, background, information of case study, plan of the project.

Chapter two which include: Introduction, theoretical framework, conceptual framework. 

Chapter Three which include: Introduction, Method of data collection, Population size, sampling design and procedure, Sample and sampling technique.

Chapter Four include: Introduction, Demographic responses of respondent, question and analysis.

Chapter five which include: Summary, Conclusion, recommendation,




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