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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008792

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Microbiological and physicochemical analysis were carried out on 50% samples of different brands of dextrose water intravenous infusions sold in major Pharmacies in Umuahia. All samples were analysed within their expiry dates. The samples were categorized according to the percentage of dextrose in water. Forty-eight percent (48%) of the samples were contaminated with either bacteria or fungi. The fungi count ranged from 1 to 2.3 cmf/ml and the bacteria count ranged from 1 to 2 cmf/ml. Seven (7) viable microbial species were isolated; two gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus and Bacillus), one gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella), three filamentous fungi (Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium) and yeast-like fungi (Candida). Candida species had the highest occurrence in both 5% dextrose water and 10% dextrose water with 16% and 24% respectively while Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Fusarium and Penicillium had the lowest occurrence of 4%. Physicochemical analysis was conducted to determine the Ph, total solid (TS), turbidity, osmolarity and titratable analysis. It was further subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) which revealed no significant difference (P<0.05) among the different samples. However, there were significant differences among the values in the total solids in 5% dextrose water which ranged from 4.00±0.53 to 4.55±0.19 and in the osmolarity values of 10% dextrose water sample from different sources which ranged from 526.60±2.30 to 538.60±8.79 but it is slightly negligible. Microbial contaminants in a Pharmaceutical preparation may induce disease in the consumer without necessarily producing spoilage of the product. Therefore, its presence or the product is crucial.



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      iv

Table of contents                                                                                                        v

List of tables                                                                                                               viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix


1.0  INTRODUCTION                                                                                          1        

1.1  Aim and objectives                                                                             4


2.0       LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                               5

2.1       Dextrose water Intravenous injections                                                           5

2.2       Water for infusions                                                                                         7

2.3       Microbiological contamination of infusion therapy                                       8

2.4       Causes of microbiological contamination of infusion therapy                        10

2.5       Risks associated with microbiological contaminated infusions                        11


3.0       MATERIALS AND METHOD                                                                      15

3.1       MATERIALS                                                                                                 15

3.1.1    Sample Collection                                                                                          15

3.1.2    Media used and preparation                                                                           15

3.2       METHOD                                                                                                       15

3.2.1    Microbiological analysis                                                                                15

3.2.2    Isolation and   Identification of microbes                                                       16

3.2.3    Characterisation of isolates                                                                            16 Characterisation of fungi isolates                                                                  16 Characterisation of Bacteria isolates                                                             17  Gram Staining                                                                                            17   Catalase test                                                                                               17   Citrate test                                                                                                  18   Oxidase test                                                                                               18   Indole test                                                                                                  18   Coagulase test                                                                                            18   Carbohydrate Fermentation                                                                       19

3.2.4         Determination of Occurrence                                                                    19

3.2.5        Physicochemical analysis                                                                           19      Determination of Ph                                                                                  19      Determination of turbidity                                                                         20      Determination of Titratable acidity                                                           20      Determination of Total solid                                                                     20      Determination of osmolarity                                                                     21

3.2.6         Statistical analysis                                                                                     21


 4.0            RESULTS                                                                                                 22


5.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                    37

5.1  Discussion                                                                                                            37

5.2  Conclusion                                                                                                           39

5.3  Recommendations                                                                                               40

REFERENCES                                                                                                         41











List of Tables

Table                                                                                            Page

1. Identification of bacterial isolates                                                                             24

2. Identification results for fungi isolates                                                                      25

3a. Pharmacies and attributes of 5% dextrose water                                                     26

3b. Pharmacies and attributes of 10% dextrose water                                                   27

4a. Microbial contaminants isolated from 5% dextrose water                                      28

4b. Microbial contaminants isolated from 10% dextrose water                                    29

5a. Percentage occurrence of the microbial isolates from 5% dextrose water      30

5b. Percentage occurrence of the microbial isolates from 10% dextrose water      31

6a. Average microbial count of microbes isolates from 5% dextrose                           32

6b. Average microbial count of microbes isolates from 10% dextrose                           33

7. Percentage of contaminated sample                                                                          34

8a. Statistical analysis of 5% dextrose                                                                          35

8b. Statistical analysis of 10% dextrose                                                                        36








The parenteral route of administration is generally adopted for medicaments that cannot be given orally, either because of patient’s intolerance, drug instability, or poor absorption via the enteral route. In the unconscious patient, parenteral administration is the only safe and most effective means of administering medicaments through the intravenous route (The pharmaceutical Codex, 1994). Sterile intravenous fluids, popularly called “Drips”, are large volume parenteral products which consists of single dose injections with a volume of 100 to 1000ml.

It is generally mandatory that microorganisms or their products must not be present in sterile pharmaceutical products throughout its shelf life (PHLS Working Party, 1971; European Pharmacopeia, 2000). Pharmaceutical preparations are regarded contaminated or spoilt if, low levels of acutely pathogenic microorganisms or higher levels of opportunist pathogens are present, if toxic microbial metabolites persist even after death or removal of any microorganism originally present, or if chemical changes have occurred in the product (Hugo and Russell, 1992).

Although Pharmaceutical Manufacturers strive under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to ensure quality of their products, occasionally this is not achieved due to inadequate analytical facilities, lack of properly trained personnel, or indeterminate errors during quality control process (Aluoch-Orwa, et al., 1995). Contamination is a recurrent problem and can have fatal consequences particularly with intravenous products. In Nigeria survey of intravenous products by the National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in 2004, out of 566 samples comprising 42 brands from 8 manufacturers, 9 brands of dextrose 5%, dextrose 4.3% in 0.18% NaCl, Darrows half strength, and dextrose 50% failed the microbiological specification for intravenous fluids, thereby prompting NAFDAC to institute recall of the contaminated products (Atata, et al., 2007).

Microbial contamination of injections and infusions often result from poor sterilisation management, obsolete equipment, inappropriate production environment, and poor quality packaging (Caudron, et al., 2008). Parenteral nutritions and intravenous fat emulsions can become contaminated during preparation and infusions, with fungal pathogens (Kuwahara, et al., 2010) especially Candida albicans has the ability to either grow very well or sustain prolonged viability in all nutritional intravenous products. Infusion fluids requiring compounding or the addition of medications to the fluid container were found to produce 7% of primary bloodstream infections when those fluids were prepared (Macias, et al., 2010).

 Septicemia arising from the administration of contaminated fluids is a particular complication and concern in intravenous therapy. Organisms which have been associated with infusion septicaemia include; Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, and Candida. The genus Candida has been incriminated as one of the notorious contaminants of infusion fluids giving rise to fungal septicaemia after infusion therapy (Goldman, et al., 1993). Candida krusei is a commonly isolated opportunist pathogen responsible for serious septic infections in susceptible patients (McQuillen et al., 1994). In the year 2005 and 2006, administration of Candida albicans contaminated parenteral fluid was responsible for a major outbreak of systemic candidosis in India (Kuwar, et al., 2011). Pathogenic agents have been reported transmitted by direct contact or indirectly via contaminated instruments and intravenous fluids with fungal colonization and invasive candidosis in babies at Neonatal intensive care units (Rao, et al., 2005). For more than two decades, candida albicans and C. parapsilosis have been recognized to pose significant danger to preterm infants, causing candidemia, particularly catheter related, bloodstream infections, with a crude mortality rate of 23% to 50%.

The risk factors include prematurity, cathethers, parenteral nutrition, intravenous fluids and intubation (Polin and Siman, 2003). Recently, Vagna and Henao (2010) described the manifestations of meningitis by Candida to include disseminated candidiasis in premature infants, ventricular drainage devices infections and chronic isolated meningitis which were directly related to access of Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and Candida tropicalis to the central nervous system through the bloodstream.

In 90% of patients with fungemia and endocarditis owing to infection with the genus Paecilomyces, the predisposing factors were found to be peritoneal dialysis, contaminated intravenous fluids and medicaments (Marzec and Heron, 1993). The high glucose concentration of both  dextrose infusions and dialysate fluids render them optimal media for fungi growth, even in dialysate fluids where Paecilomyces variotii was isolated and incriminated as the aetiology of peritonitis in a patient (Elamin et al., 2010).

Acute systemic infections and deaths have resulted from the administration of contaminated fluids where invasive infections caused by fungi were the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the immunocompromised patient (Cornelius, et al., 1998). The Reuters News reported the death of nine patients in an Alabama hospital as a result of outbreaks of infection from a batch of contaminated intravenous fluids (Peggy, 2011). In addition, sixteen pregnant women were reported dead in India Hospital after the administration of contaminated dextrose intravenous fluids that led to infection, excessive bleeding and multiorgan failure (Rajalakshmi, 2011).

In the tropical countries such as Nigeria, Pharmaceutical preparations are frequently stored under conditions of high temperature (Av= 310C) and high relative humidity (Av= 75%); and may be dispensed in non-protective packaging (Blair, et al., 1998). While the presence of a few microbial survivors in an injection after production is often unlikely to induce infection, considerable growth can occur during storge prior to administration thereby yielding highly infective or toxic products (Hugo and Russell, 1992). While these products were intended to mitigate diseases and death, more infections and deaths are rather often initiated worldwide, most especially in developing countries, by such unwholesome drugs. Although Alouch- Orewa, et al., 1995 reported substantial failure in the available content of the active ingredients of some commercial intravenous infusion in Kenya, Atata et al., 2007 reported on microbiology qualities of some intravenous fluid in Nigeria.

1.2  Aim and objectives

This research is aimed at establishing a physicochemical and microbiological fitness of some of the dextrose intravenous water sold in major Pharmacies in Umuahia. It is achieved by the following:

1.     Determination of Microorganisms in dextrose water infusion.

2.     Identification of possible pathogens found in dextrose water.

3.     Determination of physicochemical properties of dextrose in



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