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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009278

No of Pages: 101

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Twenty fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) accessions were grown in two locations (Umudike and Obio Akpa) in randomized complete block design during the rainy season of 2017 to evaluate the variability in yield, yield components and nutrient content. The following data; number of leaves, number of branches, vine length, fresh leaf weight and marketable yield were collected at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP. Data obtained for each trait were averaged and mean values used for statistical analysis. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant variation (p<0.05) in number of branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, length of vine/plant (cm) in Umudike and no significant variation (p>0.05) in the same traits in Obio Akpa. Although not significant (p>0.05), genotype ACC6 produced the highest marketable yield (3047t/h) and the highest leaf yield (1215t/h) at Umudike while ACC11 produced the highest marketable (2368t/h) and the highest leaf yield (1781t/h) at Obio Akpa. The mean squares of analysis of variance for the two locations revealed a significant (p<0.001) genotype, error and variance ratios for the nutritional and anti – nutritional traits, which indicated the presence of wide genetic diversity among the genotypes and potentials for exploiting the observed diversity for the improvement of Telfairia occidentalis. The estimates genotypic variances were close to each other at both locations for all the traits. These lower error variances indicated that the genotypic component was the major contributor to the total variance for these characters in the two locations. In Obio Akpa, moderate broad sense heritability and genetic advance was observed, which indicated that the influence of environmental variance is more than genetic variance. Correlation analysis showed that number of branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, length of vine/plant (cm), marketable yield, and leaf yield were significantly and positively correlated with the total leafy yield per hectare (t/h). The highest positive correlation with total leaf yield per hectare (t/h) (r= 0.741**) was recorded in vine length/plant (cm) at 14 WAP. Path analysis indicated that number of leaves/plant at 14 WAP and number of branches/plant at 12 WAP imparted significant direct influence on total marketable yield and hence these traits could be used as selection criteria for improvement of marketable yield. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed to evaluate the patterns of variation in these genotypes. The first two axes of the PCA captured 98.26% of the total variance. The dendrogram grouped the accessions into four clusters, suggesting that, nearly all the fluted pumpkins cultivated in Akwa Ibom State are mainly from four genotypes.


Title page                                                                                                                                     i

Declaration                                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                                 iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                   v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          vii

List of Figures                                                                                                                         viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                    ix

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                               1

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                   7

2.1 Production Trends of Fluted Pumpkin in Nigeria/West Africa                                               7

2.2 Botany of Fluted Pumpkin                                                                                                           8

2.3 Agronomy of Fluted Pumpkin                                                                                              9

2.4 Propagation of Fluted Pumpkin                                                                                          11

2.5 Pests and Pathogens of Fluted Pumpkin                                                                            11

2.6 General Health Benefits of Telfairia occidentalis                                                              11

2.7 Genetic Improvement of Fluted Pumpkin                                                                          13

2.8 Interrelationships between Yield and Associated Traits in Fluted Pumpkin                     14       

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                    16

3.1 Location and Site Characteristics                                                                                      16

3.2 Soil Sampling and Meteorological Data Analysis of Experimental Sites                         16

3.3 Experimental Materials and Source                                                                                  18

3.4 Design of Experiment and Experimentation                                                                     19

3.4.1 Experiment 1: Germination studies                                                                               19

3.5 Experiment 2: Nutrient and Anti- nutrient Contents Analysis                                         19

3.5.1 Sample treatment                                                                                                           19

3.5.2 Proximate analysis                                                                                                         19

3.5.3 Anti- nutrient analysis                                                                                                    22

3.5.4 Vitamins and mineral analysis                                                                                       24

3.6 Data Collection                                                                                                                 26

3.7 Statistical Analysis                                                                                                            26

3.8 Estimation of Genetic Components                                                                                  27

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                     28

4.0 Results                                                                                                                              28

4.1 Soil Physicochemical Properties and Meteorological Data of Experimental Sites          28

4.2 Growth and Yield Studies in some Genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis Grown at                           Umudike and Obio Akpa                                                                                                  31                                         

4.2.1 Growth studies                                                                                                              31 Number of branches/plant                                                                                          31 Number of leaves/plant                                                                                              34 Length of vine/plant (cm)                                                                                           37

4.2.2 Yield of the Telfairia occidentalis grown at Umudike and Obio Akpa                                                         at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                                                               40 Marketable yield (t/h)                                                                                                40 Leafy yield (t/h)                                                                                                         40

4.3 Nutritional Composition of some Genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis                                                       Grown at Umudike and Obio Akpa                                                                             43

4.3.1 Proximate composition                                                                                                43

4.3.2 Mineral composition                                                                                                   46

4.3.3 Vitamins and carotene composition                                                                            49

4.3.4 Anti – nutrients composition                                                                                       52

4.4 Genetic Component Analyses of the Nutrient Composition                                          55

4.5 Inter – relationships between Yield and Associated Traits                                           63

4.5.1 Correlation studies                                                                                                      63

4.5.2 Path coefficient analysis                                                                                             65

4.5.3 Principal component analysis (PCA)                                                                       67

4.5.4 Cluster analysis                                                                                                        69

4.6 Discussion                                                                                                                   73

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                      87

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                  87

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                      87

      References                                                                                                                  89







3.1:      Experimental materials and source                                                                       18

4.1:      Soil physicochemical properties of the experimental sites in 2017                               29

4.2:      Rainfall distribution in Umudike and Obio Akpa in 2017                                    30           

4.3:      Number of branches/plant of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                         grown at Umudike at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                          32

4.4:      Number of branches/plant of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                                    grown at Obio Akpa at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                      33

4.5:      Number of leaves/plant of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                         grown at Umudike at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                         35

4.6:      Number of leaves/plant of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                         grown at Obio Akpa at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                      36

4.7:      Length of vine/plant (cm) of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                         grown at Umudike at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                         38

4.8:      Length of vine/plant (cm) of some Telfairia occidentalis genotypes                         grown at Obio Akpa at 8, 10, 12 and 14 WAP                                                      39

4.9:      Marketable yield (t/h)/ Leafy yield (t/h) of some Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Umuudike                                                                              41

4.10:    Marketable yield (t/h)/ Leafy yield (t/h) of some Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Obio Akpa                                                                             42

4.11:    Table of means showing the proximate content of Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Umudike                                                                               44

4.12:    Table of means showing the proximate content of Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Obio Akpa                                                                            45

4.13:    Table of means showing the Minerals content of Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Umudike                                                                               47

4.14:    Table of means showing the Minerals content of Telfairia occidentalis                           genotypes grown at Obio Akpa                                                                            48

4.15:    Table of means showing the Vitamins and Carotene content of                                   Telfairia occidentalis genotypes grown at Umudike                                           50

4.16:    Table of means showing the Vitamins and Carotene content of                                            Telfairia occidentalis genotypes grown at Obio Akpa                                          51

4.17:    Table of means showing the Anti - nutrients content of                                                             Telfairia occidentalis genotypes grown at Umudike                                              53

4.18:    Table of means showing the Anti - nutrients content of                                                             Telfairia occidentalis genotypes grown at Obio Akpa                                           54

4.19:    Mean squares and variance ratio obtained in analysis of variance of proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene, and anti - nutrient compositions of twenty                        genotype of T. occidentalis leaves grown at Umudike                                            57

4.20:    Mean squares and variance ratio obtained in analysis of variance of proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene, and anti - nutrient compositions of twenty                        genotype of T. occidentalis leaves grown at Obio Akpa                                          58

4.21:    Phenotypic, genotypic and error of variances for proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene, and anti – nutrients compositions of twenty genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis leaves grown at Umudike                                                                      59

4.22:    Phenotypic, Genotypic and Error of variances for proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene, and anti – nutrients compositions of twenty genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis leaves grown at Obio Akpa                                                                   60

4.23:    Phenotypic coefficient, Genotypic coefficient and Environmental coefficient of variations, Broad Sense Heritability and Genetic  Advance of proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene and anti – nutrients compositions of twenty genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis leaves grown at Umudike                                                        61

4.24:    Phenotypic coefficient, Genotypic coefficient and Environmental coefficient of variations, Broad Sense Heritability and Genetic  Advance of proximate, minerals, vitamins and carotene and anti – nutrients compositions of twenty genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis leaves grown at Obio Akpa                                                       62

4.25:    Correlation coefficient between different agronomic and yield traits                          64

4.26:    Path coefficient analysis (direct, indirect and residual effects) of agronomic traits on total marketable yield of T. occidentalis                                                                      66

4.27:    Eigenvector values for principal components using agronomic traits of Telfairia occidentalis                                                                                                                  68

4.28:    Cluster means for eight traits in twenty genotypes of Telfairia occidentalis               70






1:         Scatter plot                                                                                                                   71

2:         Dendrogram                                                                                                                 72









Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) is a leafy vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The two main species in the genus are Telfairia occidentalis and Telfairia pedata.  Although perennial in nature, it is grown as an annual (Ogbonna, 2009). It is a climber and there is need for staking so that the tendril curls or it’s allowed to sprawl over the ground. It is known to be a long sprawling plant that can grow up to ten (10) metres in length or more, with a ramifying root system in the top surface of the soil.  The angular, glabrous stem, becomes fibrous when old (Akoroda, 1990).


Fluted pumpkin is a dicotyledonous plant, originated from tropical West Africa (Schippers, 2000). It is indigenous to Nigeria and is widely cultivated in the wet coastal areas of Tropical West Africa, particularly in Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. This leaf vegetable is commonly cultivated in the Southeastern Nigeria (Odiaka et al.,2008). However, it is gradually gaining acceptance in the North Central, where there is increase in its cultivation by small farm holders as a source of income (Ndor et al., 2013).


Telfairia occidentalis is a very important leafy vegetable crop which is known for its high nutritional, medicinal and economic value (Akoroda, 1990; Ehiagbonare, 2008). In ranking, it is among the three most widely consumed leaf vegetables at homes and in restaurants across Nigeria (Abiose, 1999).

In recent time, it has been discovered that fluted pumpkin has the potential of protecting people from devastating high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes (Ugwu et al., 2000). The tender shoot and leaves of the plants are used for cooking of soup because of its pleasant taste but most importantly, is the nutritional benefits of blending fluted pumpkin seeds into wheat flour for bread making (Giami, 2003). The processed seeds can be fermented into ‘ogiri’ which is a useful condiment for cooking of soup and sauce or it can be eaten whole (Asiegbu, 1987). The fruit pulp, which consists of 64% of the entire fresh fruit weight, can be used as feedstuff for livestock (Essien et al., 1992); (Egbekan et al., 1998). The pectin constituent of the pulp (1.0%) has been used in the preparation of marmalade (Egbekan et al., 1998). Telifaira occidentalis has large seeds which weigh 80 times heavier than melon seeds (0.15g- 12.50g), and 55% of the weight of the dry seed kernel constitutes high quality non-drying oil. The increasing relevance of fluted pumpkin seeds and its oil as an important industrial raw material is creating International trade opportunities for countries where they are cultivated. The high content of oil makes it a prospective source of raw materials for the vegetable oil industries in Nigeria, for making margarine and these attest to the significant increase in its production in Nigeria (Odiaka et al., 2008). There is an increasing high demand for fluted pumpkin seeds by nursing mothers due to their lactation - promoting properties, which is as a result of the high concentration of iodine, essential fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids. The oil from the seed is effective for hair treatment as it enhances luster and hair growth (Bird, 2003). The Telfairia occidentalis plants, according to reports, can be used in bioremediation of heavy polluted soils (Obute et al., 2001).


Telfairia occidentalis has a creeping growth habit that spreads across the ground to produce an efficient cover to the ground against erosion (Horsfall and Spiff, 2005) and produces large fruits with many large seeds. It is a diploid species 2n = 24 (Ajayi et al., 2006). It is a dioecious plant that has male and female flowers borne on different plants (Okoli and Mgbeogwu, 1983). Anthesis occurs earlier in the male plant than in the female plant (Akoroda and Adejoro, 1990). There are more than 800 open male flowers to single opened female flower and male flowers open in the evening. About 10 – 15% of a given female population usually flower and the level of abortion is relatively high (Ajayi et al., 2006). Each plant may set up to six fruits, but usually one large and one or two medium sized fruits may eventually be carried till maturity. Even up till date, various attempts made at finding suitable markers for accurate sexual identification of seeds or seedlings early during growth have been proven abortive (Asiegbu, 1985. Emebiri and Nwufo, 1996).


Ajayi et al., (2006) suggested that, the crop is an endangered species and the genetic diversity is valuable in crop breeding programme, as this will help in the identification of diverse parental combinations to create segregating progenies with maximum genetic variability (Barret and Kidwel, 1998) and facilitate introgression of desirable genes from diverse germplasm into available genetic base (Thompson et al., 1998). Genetically diverse and geographically isolated lines may generate a wide range of variation when brought together (Khantun et al., 2010). Knowledge of genetic diversity among existing cultivars of any crop is crucial for the long term success in breeding programme and maximizes the exploration of the germplasm resources. This is because, it provides knowledge of genetic relationship among breeding population and helps in selecting desirable parents for establishing new breeding population.


An important crop with this type of profile deserves research attention especially in area of its genetic improvement. Crop improvement is achieved through plant breeding programme. Selection of high yielding genotypes depends on amount of genetic variability present and how heritable important traits like yield are selected in a population. Improvement in yield as a quantitative trait often requires the improvement of a secondary trait that is positively correlated with yield (Smith et al., 1978).The success of any crop breeding programme largely depends on the availability of vast genetic variability, genetic advance and character association, direct and indirect effects on yield and its associated traits (Nwangburuka et al., 2012). Genetic diversity is important for selection of parents to recover transgressive segregants. Determination of heritability estimates using various methods (Obilaria and Fakorede, 1981; Wray and Visscher, 2008) will provide information on the proportion of phenotypic variance that is due to genetic factors for different traits but heritability estimate alone is not sufficient measure of the level of possible genetic progress that might arise not even when the most understanding individuals are selected in the breeding programme (Nwangburuka et al., 2014).  The value of heritability estimates is enhanced when used together with the selection differentia or genetic advance (GA) (Ibrahim and Hussien, 2006).


Yield is a complex character and is a function of various polygenic traits and their interaction with the environment (Iqbal et al., 2013). Yield related genes have pleitropic effects on plant development in addition to their effects in regulating yield (Li et al., 2016). Plant architecture plays an important role in yield potential and crop adaptation (Cai et al., 2016). Optimal plant architecture can improve leaf area index, photosynthetic efficiency and harvest index, hence leading to increased yield. Crop selection based on plant architecture has been achieved in crops like Zea mays (Zhou et al., 2016), Oryza sativa (Zhao et al., 2015) and Phaseolus vulgaris (Silva et al., 2013). Plant architecture - related traits are mostly quantitative traits which are frequently affected by environmental factors. Therefore, it is vital to measure the mutual interrelationship between various plant attributes and determine the component traits on which selection procedure can be based for direct and indirect genetic improvement of T. occidentalis yield.  To predict crop yield, there is need to analyze data on weather, soil and crop managements. Although, one is likely to find good data collection on soil and climate factors, the available information on physiological processes and crop phenology is insufficient in T. occidentalis (Hesketh and Dale, 1987).


The knowledge of statistics had proved helpful in understanding these relationships and their implications for yield increase. Statistical tools like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Regression, Correlation Coefficient (r), Path Coefficient Analysis, Genotype-by-Environment (GGE) Biplot, and others had been employed in studying the nature of relationship among yield component traits and yield and the contribution of each trait to the yield of many crops (Uchechukwu et al., 2017).

Steel and Torrie (1984) in their work suggested that, correlation is a significant tool for the measurement of the intensity of association between variables in plants. Correlation measures the degree to which characters vary together or measures the intensity of association within and between them. Knowledge of correlation is important in identifying important parameters in any selection programme. An understanding of yield and its associated traits is a useful tool in phenotypic selection and breeding of fluted pumpkin. Knowledge of correlation among such characters like number of leaves, number of branches, vine length, fresh leaf, total weight, petiole length, vine girth, internode length, vine weight and yield of different genotypes from different locations is useful in designing effective selection and breeding programme for the crop.

According to Fayeun et al. (2012) and Nwangburuka et al. (2014) in their work, it was revealed that some interrelationships among marketable leaf yield components traits. In the work of Fayeun et al. (2012), number of leaves per plant, vine length, number of branches, leaf length, petiole length ,fresh leaf weight, vine weight, internode length and vine girth had significant and positive correlation with marketable leaf yield. Knowledge of correlation that exists among important characters may aid in the interpretation of results and provide a foundation for planning more efficient breeding programme. For the selection of a superior genotype through breeding, an understanding of the association of yield and its associated traits is essential and their heritable variation has to be understood. This can be done through the technique of “path co-efficient analysis” which is a powerful multivariate statistical tool and which enables a researcher to understand the “path” through which causal factor (yield contributing characters) influence the yield (Therthappa, 2005). A path coefficient is a standardized partial regression coefficient that measures the direct influence of one variable upon another (Dewey and Lu, 1959). Path analysis allows the researcher to test theoretical propositions about cause and effect without manipulating variables. Variables may be assumed to be causally related and propositions about them tested (Acquaah, 2007).

A good understanding of the association among yield component traits and the leaf yield in fluted pumpkin will not only reduce cost and duplication of experiments, but will increase precision in research output and bumper yield. 

Therefore, the research work was undertaken with the following objectives; to:

i.               determine the variability that exists among the fluted pumpkin accessions in the two locations.

ii.              determine the variation in nutrient compositions of the T. occidentalis across the two locations

iii.            evaluate the yield and yield components of Telfairia occidentalis accessions in the two locations.

iv.            evaluate the inter- relationship(s) between different traits in T. occidentalis.


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