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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009435

No of Pages: 94

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Waste water from fish production system is increasingly being used for arable crop production particularly in areas with shortage of water supply with some benefits and also some risks on the environment and man. This work on “The Effects of Irrigating with Waste Water (WW) and Borehole Water (BW) from Fish Culture on Soil Characteristics and Growth of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) was carried out in the Fish Farm of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. Three water regimes namely WWED, WW2D and WWID and a Control were used as treatment. The experiment was conducted on prepared beds using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three (3) replications which was carried out from January to February, 2017. Genetically uniform seeds of (T. occidentalis) extracted from one pod obtained from the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike were used for the experiment. The seeds were planted one per hole into the beds at spacing of 0.2m. Measurements were done on the fresh weight of T. occidentalis leaves. The levels of selected minerals in both T. occidentalis leaves and soils, and also concentration of selected heavy metals were determined. The physio-chemical properties of both BW and WW were determined prior to the commencement of trial and compared with the WHO/FAO standards.  The pH value of BW was 7.14 while the waste water was 8.24 indicating that both were within WHO/FAO standard of 6.5-8.5. TDS (mg/l) for the BW and WW were 20.60 and 204.00 respectively. The TSS (mg/l) for BW and WW were 11.00 and 248 respectively. TSS and TDS for WW were elevated when compared to WHO/FAO TSS standard (30mg/l) and TDS (100mg/l). The mineral contents of the WW from the fish pond were significantly higher than that of BW. Calcium (Ca) in WW was 152.84 mg/l which was four times higher than that of BW;  K was 336.46mg/l in WW which was 45 times more than BW; Na in WW was 136.46 mg/l and is more than 4 times higher than that of BW; and N in WW was 8.10% which is 35 times more than that of BW. WHO/FAO standards for Ca, Mg, K, P and N were 200mg/l, 150mg/l, 200mg/l, 200mg/l and 10mg/l respectively. Results for the heavy metal concentration in irrigation water showed that all heavy metals analyzed for were not detectable in the BW except for Fe (0.04mg/l). In WW, the concentrations (mg/l) of Cd, Cr, Pb, Fe, and Cu were 0.245, 0.086, 0.427, 0.882 and 0.284 respectively while the WHO/FAO acceptable standards for them are 0.01mg/l, 0.05mg/l, 0.05mg/l, 0.30mg/l, and 1.0mg/l respectively. There were significant differences amongst treatment plots irrigated with WW at different levels (WWED, WW2D and WWID) and the control plot (BWED). WWED had the highest fresh shoot yield with a weight of 24.85kg, followed by WW2D – 22.00kg, WW1D – 18.17kg and the least was BWED which weighed 14.17kg. Using waste water from fish pond provided improved yield but caution needs to be exercised to avoid heavy metal contamination.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Declaration                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of tables                                                                                                               ix

List of figures                                                                                                             x

List of plates                                                                                                               xi

List of abbreviations                                                                                                   xii

Abstract                                                                                                                       xiii



1.1       Objective of the Study                                                                                    2

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     2

1.3       Justification                                                                                                    3



2.1       Classification, Growth and Development of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.           5

2.2       Uses of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.                                                          6

2.3       Health Benefit of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. (fluted pumpkin)                        7

2.4       Definition of Waste Water                                                                             7

2.5       The Impact of using Waste Water for Irrigation                                            8

2.5.1    Implication for farmers’ consumers’ health                                                   8

2.6       Aquaculture Waste Outputs                                                                            9

2.7       Negative and Positive Impact of Irrigating with Waste Water on

            Agriculture                                                                                                      12

2.7.1     Negative impacts of irrigating with waste water on agriculture                                                                 12

2.7.2    Positive impacts of irrigating with waste water on agriculture                    12

2.8       Effect of Heavy Metals on Human Health                                                     13

2.9       Benefits of Heavy Metals                                                                               14

2.10     Some Heavy Metals and Toxicity Characteristics                                         14

2.10.1  Lead                                                                                                                16

2.10.2  Cadmium                                                                                                        16

2.10.3  Chromium                                                                                                       17

2.10.4  Copper                                                                                                            17

2.10.5  Iron                                                                                                                 18



3.1       Study Area                                                                                                      19

3.1.1    MOUAU Fish farm                                                                                        19

3.2       Experimental Design                                                                                      20

3.2.1    Field preparation and cultivation of plants                                                     21

3.2.2    Collection of water sample and analysis                                                        24

3.2.3    Collection of soil samples                                                                              25

3.2.4    Soil analysis                                                                                                    25

3.2.5    Plant analysis                                                                                                  26

3.2.6    Data collection for plant growth and yield                                                     26

3.3       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         27



4.1       Selected Properties of Borehole Water (BW) and Waste Water (WW)              from the Fish Culture used for Irrigation of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.               at MOUAU Fish Farm                                                                                    28

4.1.1    Physical properties of water used for irrigation                                             28

4.1.2    Mineral content of water used for irrigation                                                  34

4.1.3    Concentration of heavy metals in irrigation water                                         39


4.2       The Effect of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture

            at MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on Heavy Metal Concentration

            of the Soil                                                                                                       43

4.3       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture

            at MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on Heavy Metal Concentration of

Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. Leaves                                                           47

4.4       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture

            at MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on the Mineral Content of the Soil      50

4.5       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture at

MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on the Mineral Content of

Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. Leaves.                                                          54

4.6       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture

            at MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on the Number of Leaves of

Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.                                                                       57

4.7       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture at

MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on the Number of Nodes of

Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.                                                                       60

4.8       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture at

MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on the Stem Length of

Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.                                                                       63

4.9       The Effects of using Borehole Water and Waste Water from Fish Culture at


MOUAU Fish Farm for Irrigation on Fresh Shoot Weight (yield) of


Telfairia occidentalis Hook, F.                                                                       65




5.1       Summary and Conclusion                                                                              68

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          70





2.1       Major chemicals used in aquaculture practices                                  11


2.2       Classification of metals on basis of health hazards                            15


4.1       Physiochemical properties of borehole water (bw)                                                    and waste water (ww) from fish culture used for irrigation                                             of Telfaira occidentalis Hook, f.  at MOUAU fish farm                 30


4.2       Mineral content of borehole water (bw) and waste water (ww)

            from fish culture used for irrigation of

            Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. at MOUAU fish farm                        38


4.3       Concentration of heavy metals in the borehole water

            (bw) and waste water (ww) discharged from the fish pond              

            used for irrigation of Telfairia occidentialis Hook, f.  at

            MOUAU fish farm                                                                             41


4.4       Heavy metal concentration soils irrigated with borehole water                                     and waste water discharged from the fish pond at MOUAU                                             fish farm                                                                                             45


4.5       Heavy metal concentration in Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. leaves                         irrigated with borehole water and waste water discharged                                                 from the fish pond at MOUAU fish farm                                                49


4.6       Mineral content of soils irrigated with borehole water and                                        waste water discharged from the fish pond at MOUAU fish farm.    53


4.7       Mineral content of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.  leaves irrigated

            with borehole water and waste water discharged from the pond

            at MOUAU fish farm.                                                                        55


4.8       Effect of borehole water and waste water from farm fish

            culture on the number of leaves of Telfaria occidentalis Hook, f.                                     grown at MOUAU fish farm.                                                             59


4.9       Data for borehole water and waste water from fish culture effect                                     on the number of nodes of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. grown at                                MOUAU fish farm.                                                                            62


4.10     Data for borehole water and waste water from fish culture effect                                     on plant height of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. grown at

            MOUAU fish farm.                                                                            64





 4.1      The effect of waste water from fish culture application on the                                fresh shoot yield (per ha) of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.                                                 grown  at MOUAU fish farm.                                                            67




1                      Telfairia occidentalis leaves raised on the 12 (twelve)

subplots used for the experiment                                                        21


2                     Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. leaves raised on the 4 (four)

                        treatment plots WWED, WW2D, WWID and BWED                        21


3                      Genetically uniform seeds of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.

                        produced from the National Root Crops Research Institute.                        23


4                      Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f. seeds sown 2cm deep in

five rows on each bed.                                                                        23


5                      Picture showing 20 litres stipulated measurement and watering

can used for administration of both waste water and

borehole water                                                                                    23


6                      Picture showing watering can used for the sprinkling of both

borehole water and waste water on each bed                                     23


7                      Picture showing manual weeding of Telfairia occidentalis Hook, f.

beds with a hoe                                                                                   24


8                      Student collecting data                                                                       27








BW =              Borehole Water

WW =             Waste Water

BWED =         Borehole Water once Every Day of the week

WWID =        Waste Water once One (1) Day of the week

WW2D =        Waste Water once on Two (2) Days of the week

WWED =       Waste Water once Every Day of the week

BWEDS =      Borehole Water once Every Day of the week on the Soil

WWIDS =      Waste Water once One (1) Day of the week on the Soil

WW2DS =      Waste Water once on Two (2) Days of the week on the Soil

WWEDS =     Waste Water once Every Day of the week on the Soil

BWEDL =      Borehole Water once Every Day of the week on the Leaves

WW1DL =     Waste Water once One (1) Day of the week on the Leaves

WW2DL =     Waste Water once on Two (2) Days of the week on the Leaves

WWEDL =     Waste Water once Every Day of the week on the Leaves

WAS =            Weeks After Sowing

LSD =             Least Significant Difference

Max. Conc. = Maximum Concentration

WHO =           World Health Organization









As urban population in developing countries increase, and individuals  seek better living standard, increased amounts of fresh water are diverted to domestic, commercial and industrial sectors, which generate volumes of waste water (Lazarova and Bahri, 2005; Qadir et al., 2007; Asano et al., 2007). Waste water is commonly released with little or no treatment into natural water bodies, which can become highly polluted. Farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of nearly all developing countries who require water for irrigation have often no other choice than using waste water. They even purposely use undiluted waste water because it is considered as source of nutrients or cheaper source of water (Scott et al., 2004; Keraita and Drechsel, 2004). Using waste to irrigate agricultural land is one of the ways to reuse waste water from urban and industrial areas. The use of water for irrigation has some advantages such as increase in organic carbon (OC), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) contents of the soil as compared to clean ground water irrigation.

Most farmers and consumers are not totally aware of the potential impacts of irrigation with waste water. Waste water irrigation leads to accumulation of heavy metals in the soil (Singh, et al., 2004; Mapanda, et al., 2005). Sewage water was reported as a potential source of heavy metal such as Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni) and Chromium (Cr) in food items (Sharma, et al., 2006).

There is evidence to show that agricultural soils have increased level of heavy metal as a result of increase in anthropogenic activities, (Mc Laughlin and Singh, 1999). Heavy metals are persistent in the environment so application of waste water for a long time may increase their presence in the soil and subsequently in plants (Bohn et al., 1985). Public awareness of the issue of food contamination has been observed to increase because of the health hazard posed by toxic metals present in the environment (Martin and Coughtry, 1982; Cui et al., 2005).

This work was conducted to assess the effect of using waste water from commercial fish culture irrigation on soil characteristics and growth of Telfairia occidentalis (Fluted pumpkin, Ugu).


The aim of this study was to assess the effect of waste water from fish culture on soil characteristics and growth of Telfairia occidentalis in irrigated plots at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

The specific objectives are:

i.                  To determine the mineral content of waste water from fish culture at Michael Okpara University Agriculture, Umudike Fish farm.

ii.                  To assess the level of some heavy metals in the soil and plant following irrigation with waste water from fish culture on T. occidentalis plots.

iii.                  To determine the growth and yield of vegetable crops produced with the waste water from fish culture.


Intensity in crop management and the drive to increase crop yield has increased demand on water resource for irrigation purposes in many countries around the world (USEPA, 1992).

 A number of countries have developed guidelines that regulate how effluents should be used for irrigation purposes. Examples of these guidelines are summarized in the USEPA guidelines for water reuse.

In many regions of the world, this has placed severe strains on existing resources with resulting environmental impact. In a number of countries the re-use of waste water has been compounded by prolonged periods of drought or seasons of low rain fall. In addition, predicted climate impacts from global warming also point to further stresses on water resources thus reducing the amount of water available for both irrigation and the environment.

A key benefit of using waste water is that it reduces the pressure on fresh water for irrigation. One possible mechanism is the recycling of waste water and drainage water that can be used in the place of other fresh water sources of irrigation.

This work investigated the effect of using “waste water from fish culture for irrigation on the production of a vegetable crop (Telfairia  occidentalis) and the toxicity on the soil and plant species.


There is a growing call for more efficient use of water resource both in urban and rural communities. A major mechanism that can be used to achieve greater efficiency is the re-use of water that would have been discarded as waste into the environment after use. The use of waste water for agricultural irrigation is often viewed as a positive means of recycling water due to the potential large volumes of water involved.

 Waste water has the advantage of being constant, reliable water source and reduces the amount of fresh water extracted and used from the environment. There are many concerns and unknowns about the impact of re-using waste water in agricultural practices both on the crop itself on the end users of the crops.

This therefore necessitated the study on the effect of using effluent from fish culture for irrigation on soil characteristics and growth of Telfairia occidentalis at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Fish Farm (MOUAU Fish Farm), Abia State, Nigeria.


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