The study examined the types,
prevalence and causes of domestic violence among selected couples in Mushin
Local Government Area Of Lagos State.
The study reviewed related literatures under some sub-headings. The descriptive
research survey was used for the assessment of the opinions of the respondents,
with the use of both the research questionnaire and the sampling technique. A
total of 100 respondents were sampled. Four null hypotheses were formulated and
tested using the ANOVA for hypothesis 1 and 2 and Pearson product moment
correlation statistical tool for hypotheses 3 and 4 at 0.05 level of
significance. At the end of the analyses, the following findings were obtained:
that a relationship exists
between the years of marriage and couples’ domestic violence in the community,
that religion will
significantly play an important role in the incidence of couple marital
violence in the family,
that there is a significant
relationship between domestic violence and newly wedded couples in the family
that there is a significant
relationship between domestic violence and old married couples in the study.
Based on the conclusions of
this study, the following recommendations were made thus: Government
should increase public awareness on domestic violence, by sensitizing
individuals on their rights and laws guiding these rights. Also, social workers
should ensure that victims of domestic violence and their children are
safe-guided through a programme tagged “Save the children” programme, in which
the children’s conditions in marriages rocked by domestic violence are taken
care of.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
to the Study 1
Framework 5
of the Problem 8
of the Study 9
1.5 Research Questions 10
1.6 Research Hypotheses 10
1.7 Significance of the Study 11
1.8 Scope of the Study 12
1.9 Definition of Terms 12
2.1 Concept and Nature of Domestic violence. 14
2.2 Theoretical Explanations of Domestic
Violence 19
2.3 Prevalence
and Forms of Domestic Violence Around the World 22
2.4 The
effect of Domestic Violence on Children’s Social Adjustment 29
2.5 Response
to Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment 32
2.6 Laws on Domestic Violence 34
2.7 General Effects of Violence on Women and
Children 35
2.8 Summary of Works Reviewed 43
Methodology 45
3.1 Research Design 45
3.2 The population of study 45
3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure 46
3.4 Instrument
3.5 Validity of the Instrument 47
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument 47
3.7 Administration of Instrument 48
3.8 Procedure for Data Analysis 48
4.0 Introduction 49
4.1 Descriptive Analyses of Data 49
4.2 Hypotheses Testing 52
4.3 Summary of Findings 56
5.0 Introduction 58
5.1 Discussion of Findings 58
5.2 Summary of
the study 61
5.3 Conclusions 62
5.4 Recommendations 63
5.5 Suggestion for further studies 64
References 65
Appendix 72
1.1 Background to the Study
Domestic abuse is a problem that is entrenched in many
societies across the globe and Nigeria
is not an exception. Research in this area such as the one done by Eneh, et al.
(2005) has shown that this type of violence has traumatised many Nigerian
couples. Domestic violence remains a persistent problem because of the power
and control held by the abuser; the fear, intimidation and humiliation suffered
by the victim of this crime (Okere, 2000).
The oldest and most prevalent institution in the world
today is the marriage institution. In all cultures, there is a particular
sanctity attached to this institution, so much that it is particularly
considered to be a building block of any society. The pivotal position of
marriage has made domestic violence a subject of interest to various
disciplines, government, religious sects and professional associations
(Arldine, 1994).
American Psychological Association (APA) (1996) defined
domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behaviour including a wide range of
physical, sexual, and psychological maltreatment used by a person in an
intimate relationship against another to gain power unfairly or to maintain the
misuse of power, control and authority.
The role of spouse in family relationship is significant,
such that some people have acclaimed it to be a surviving family adjustment.
However, this role has its own problems. Some spouses have been found to be
abused in various forms, ranging from sexual to financial abuse and
communicative abuse. All these have implication on family relationship (Ayo,
Domestic violence occurs in traditional heterosexual
marriages, as well as in some sexual partnership. The abuse may occur during a
relationship or after the relationship
has ended. The key elements of domestic violence are: intimidation, humiliation
and physical injury. Going by the definition of domestic violence, couples
engage in it to control the other partner and keep him/her from departing or
quitting the relationship. A critical
look at the definition of domestic violence will reveal that they assume the
dimension of portraying women as the victims bearing the brunt, while men are
seen as perpetrators.
This could be as a result of the widely held beliefs that
women are the weaker sex while men are by right, the head of the family that
must be obeyed. Nigeria
as a country has her own fair share of domestic violence, which could be seen
in the rate of divorce, separation and marital dishonesty in the country.
According to Ajila (2000) in his study on wife beating in
western Nigeria, it was found that 32% of women indicated that they have
experienced abuse, 21% believe strongly that wives should be beaten while 72%
believe that wives should be beaten once in a while.
Bakare (1986) identified marital conflict to exist along a
particular continuum which are:
Occasional verbal quarrels
Frequent verbal quarrels
Occasional physiological
Frequent physical quarrel
Psychological separation
Physical separation
A close look at this shows that a particular couple is
expected to go through the whole stages, but it is not necessarily so in all
situations. Some couples get to the divorce stage without going through
physical quarrels and physical separation, while some resolve the conflict
completely before it gets to divorce stage (Anyanwu, 2004).
Researchers such Rhodes, Adamson and Arnolds (2000)
indicated domestic violence, through prevalent in Nigeria is still largely under
reported, if reported at all. The causes of domestic violence can be seen in
two broad categories. The traditional causes such as culture, ethnicity and
religion are those factors that are commonly seen and discussed as leading to
fighting among couples. They are immediate causes that can be pin pointed as
leading to violence in the home. These include, among others, sex role, sexual
dissatisfaction and infidelity, ego massage, income disparity, religion
differences, alcohol consumption, money matters, childlessness, influence of
inlaws etc (Adekoya, 2005).
Secondly, contemporary causes of domestic violence are
those underlying remote factors such as frequent verbal quarrels, occasional
physiological quarrel, frequent physical quarrel and psychological separation
that are not easily seen or implicated, yet they influence violence behaviour
in marital relationship. Domestic violence has now become a common phenomenon.
It should be noted here that as husbands abuse their wives so also wives abuse
their husbands (Steinmetz, 1997). It is only the degree that varies. The
question then is how well has domestic violence or abuse been able to achieve
its end? Has domestic violence solve the problems of family discord, divorce,
separation etc experienced today?
Base on the above picture, the study is to determine the
influence domestic violence on family relationship among couple in Musin Local
Government Area of Lagos State.
Three theoretical models will be used to explain domestic
violence and neglect in family relationships:
Resource Theory
The Patriarchy Theory
General System Theory
Resource Theory
The resource theory of family violence propounded by Goode
(2001) assumes that all social systems (including the family) rest to some
degree of force or the threat of force. The more resources – social, personal
and economic a person can command, the more force that individual can muster.
However, according to Goode (2001), the more resources a person actually has,
the less that person will actually use force in an open manner. Thus, a husband
who wants to be a dominant person in the family, but has little education, has
a job, low prestige and income, and lacks interpersonal skills may choose to
use violence to maintain the dominant position.
According to Nadin (1998) employed women are less
dependent on abusive partners and better able to extricate themselves from
harmful relationships. Women are not absolved from this social vice of heart
breaking. Some women (especially those of superior economic standings to their
male counterparts) are tempted to play domineering role in the family in such a
way that their husbands have to play the second fiddle in a home, where they are
supposed to be the head of the family.
In the incidence of domestic violence on family
relationship, the causal factors in most cases include infidelity, sexual
dissatisfaction, influence of inlaws, economic hardship, lack of education
among others. For instance, women that are not allowed to work tend to stay in
an abusive relationship because, their husbands sometimes gain economic and
psychological control over them.
The Patriarchy Theory
The patriarchy theory according to Dobash and Dobash
(1979) is that economic and social process operate directly and indirectly to
support patriarchal (male dominated)
social order and family structure).
The central theoretical argument is that patriarchy leads
to subordination and oppression of women and causes the historical pattern of
systematic violence directed against wives.
The patriarchy theory finds the source of domestic
violence in society at large and how it is organized as opposed to within
individual families or communities.
Globally, and in every culture, men have been seen and
celebrated as superior to their female counterparts. Traditionally, the arrival
of male child into a family is seen as a special blessing to such home. It is
not uncommon, most especially among Africans, to pray and earnestly expect a
male child irrespective of the number of the female children in the families.
The central belief is that male children are by all standard superior to their
female counterparts and should be treated as such.
This situation is buttressed also by the social order and
family structure. Almost in every social strata, male are mostly favoured for
significant posts. The affair of family living has also conferred superiority
on the men. This has helped shape the behaviour and perception of men as
superior to the female counterparts and has largely contributed to their
violent behaviour against wives in family relationships.
In most cases, wives also tries to prove that they are
never inferior. When this happens, the consequence is domestic violence with
its many evil effects on family relationship.
General System Theory
A social system approach was developed and applied by
Straus (1993) and Jean (1983) to explain family violence. Here violence is
viewed as a system product rather than the result of individual pathology. The
family system operation can maintain, escalate or reduce levels of violence in
families. The theory describes the processes that characterize the use of
violence in family interaction and explains the way in which violence is
managed and stabilized. Straus argues that a general system theory of family
violence must include at least three basic elements:
Alternative causes of action
or causal flow.
The feedback mechanism that
enable the system to make adjustments and
System goals.
of the Problem
It has been found that various forms of domestic violence
exist in some family relationship and has degenerated into various marital
problems among which are child negligence, communication gaps, destruction of
property, divorce, separation and ultimately death.
Many marriages today, have failed unmendably due to
domestic violence. For instance, many couples, especially the men folks, have
resorted to settling scores with their wives through aggressive actions such as
beating and fighting on any slightest provocation. In some families, love has
flown away, and has been replaced by spousal hate and aggression. For instance,
in many couples’ homes, occasional verbal quarrels, frequent verbal quarrels,
occasional physiological quarrels, frequent physical quarrels, psychological
quarrels and separation which in any case, lead to physical separation and
total divorce, have resigned supreme. No wonder in our customary and
conventional courts today, there are cases of divorce occasioned by domestic
violence or aggression among spouses.
Based on the above picture, this study is therefore meant
to determine the prevalence, types and causes of domestic violence among
couples inMushin Local Government Area of Lagos State.
1.4 Purpose of the Study
The primary purpose of this
study are to:
(1) Determine
the relationship between domestic violence and family relationship among newly
wedded couples in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State.
(2) Determine
the difference between domestic violence among couples with many years marriage
and newly wedded couples in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos.
(3) Identify
the causes of domestic violence among couples.
(4) Find
out the types of domestic violence among couples in Lagos State.
(5) Discuss
the implications of the problems and findings for marital and family
1.5 Research Questions
This study will provide
answer to the following questions:
What are the types of
domestic violence?
What are the perceived and
real effect of domestic violence?
What are the causes of
domestic violence among couples?
Is religion related to
domestic violence?
To what extent will ethnicity
affects couples’ relationship?
1.6 Research Hypotheses
The hypotheses that guide the study are as follows:
Years of marriage will not
significantly relate to domestic violence among couples.
Religion will not be a
significant factor in the incidence of violence among couples.
There will be no significant
relationship between domestic violence and newly wedded couples.
There will be no significant
relationship between domestic violence and old couples.
of the Study
The outcome of this study will be of great benefit to the
married couples, marriage counsellors, children of violent couples and the
society at large.
With reference to the married couples, the finding of this
study will help them identify some of this evil effects of violence not only on
them as perpetrators but also on everyone who maintains intimate relationship
with them such as their children and extended family members or friends. Thus,
be able to control their anger.
Also, marriage counsellors will be able to identify the
various forms of violence among couples and be able to provide adequate
counselling assistance whenever the need arises.
On the other way, children of violent couples will be
exposed to the right attitude to violent behaviour of their parents so as not
to grow up as perpetrators of domestic violence. These children will also be
educated on the need to always develop healthy emotional life inspite of the
violent circumstance prevailing among them.
The society at large will be made to the damning effects
of domestic violence on family relationship. It will also assist the society to
see and accept marriage as a loving relationship that should be devoid of
humiliation, intimidation, threat and physical injury.
of the Study
This study basically covered married couples in Mushin
Local Government Area of Lagos. Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos is
predominantly the commercial nerve centre of the state with all its inhabitants
from all social classes of the Nigerian economy.
1.9 Definition of
1. Domestic Violence:
Domestic violence which is otherwise referred to as spousal abuse is described
as when adults in a relationship misuse power to control another whereas such
establishment of control in the relationship is through violence and other form
of abuse. It is also defined as a pattern of abusive behaviour including a wide
range of physical sexual and psychological maltreatment used by one person in
an intimate relationship against another to gain power unfairly or to maintain
the person misuse of power, control and authority. The following factors amount
to domestic violence; occasional verbal quarrels, frequent verbal quarrels,
occasional physiological quarrel, frequent physical quarrel, psychological
separation, physical separation and divorce.
2. Family Relationship:
This is defined as the relationship of trust, love and care existing between
couples who have agreed to co-exist as husband and wife. It is the foundation
or bedrock of all other societal relationship. Family relationship is expected
to last till death do couples part. The following factors amount to domestic
violence; occasional verbal quarrels, frequent verbal quarrels, occasional
physiological quarrel, frequent physical quarrel, psychological separation,
physical separation and divorce.
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