study is motivated by the unseemly variety of problems faced by an average
Nigerian worker and the fundamental question as the level and quality of Trade
Union organization their defined ideologies and the motives of these unions
towards their members are examined.
objective of this study is to seek ways to correct these varieties of problems
and to ensure that Trade Union has enough impact positively on workers. Two
research questions were raised for the study while two research hypotheses were
also formulated. The survey research design was adopted for the study.
questionnaire was the main instrument used for the data collection. The data
collected was subjected to simple validity and reliability test and chi-square
technique was used to test the level of significance. Some of the findings are
that the level of positive impact on workers welfare depends on the level of
unity and maturity amongst the union leaders in charge and also that minimizing
unnecessary strike actions by union will bring about high rate of productivity
to the organization thereby affecting workers welfare.
on the findings, recommendations such as cordial system of dialogue between
union and management should be adopted in a case of misunderstanding.
that union member's welfare should not be mortgaged in any way and there should
be improved communication between union and management and also union and
Certification - - - - - - - - ii
Dedication - - - - - - - - iii
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - iv
Abstract - - - - - - - - v
of content- - - - - - - - vi
of tables - - - - - - - viii
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Objectives of the study
Research questions
Research hypothesis
Significance of study
Scope or delimitation of the study
Limitation of study
Definition of terms
Industrial Relations in the United
States of America
Philosophical and Constitutional
2.4 Industrial Relations in the United States
of America
Research design
Population of study
Sampling size
Sampling technique
Research instrument
Validity of Reliability of instrument
Method analysis
Source of data
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
term trade union has a variety of meanings depending on the perception of
workers and the definition imposed by the legal frameworks in many countries.
workers organizations call themselves staff or professional associations, or
senior staff associations, but all these are valid examples of trade unions.
Furthermore, trade union laws in the. UK
and Nigeria
defines a trade union as:
combination whether temporary or permanent, the principal objectives of which
under it's constitution are.......... the regulation of the relationship
between workmen or between masters and masters, or the imposing of restrictive
conditions on the conduct of any trade or business and also the provision of
benefits to members".
alternative definition of the term Trade Union is "...an association of
wage/salary earners formed with the objective of safeguarding and improving the
wage and employment conditions of it's members and to raise members social
status and standard of living in the community.
above definition emphasizes the sale and purchase of labour power as a factor
of production. The emphasis on the terms, conditions of service is perhaps the
factor that distinguishes trade union from social clubs and other political
although all these social groups may show interest in workers' welfare but only
the trade union is accorded the legal recognition to negotiate terms and
conditions of work on behalf of it's members.
the law governing the trade union formation and organization is the Trade Union
Acts 1973 and the Trade Union Amendment Act (Decree 22) of 1978 and the
Amendment Act of 1979. The law., were further amended in 1990 and 1996. The
Trade Unions Act Cap 437 LFN, 1990 which makes provisions with respect to the
formation and general organization of trade unions. In 1996 Trade Unions
(amendment) Decree 4 of 1996 restructured affiliates of the Nigerian Labour
Congress to 29 Decree 22 restructured Trade Unions primarily along industrial
it to be recognized as a trade union it has to be registered which entails to:
1. Get an application form from the registrar
of Trade Union.
2. Fill
the form and return with the signature of at least 50 members for workers and
at least 2 members in the case of employers.
3. Every
registration requires the approval of the Minister of Employment Labour and
4. Issuance
of certificate of registration under the present law, 3 types of unions are
(i) Those belonging to junior workers.
(ii) Those belonging to senior workers
(iii) Those belonging to employers.
was formally organized in the public sector in 1912. It was the Civil Service
Union (CSU) formed possibly because it was the vogue of the African Countries.
In 1931, two other unions were formed: The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) and
The Railway Workers Union (RWU). The RWU was part of the CSU until it broke off
because of dissatisfactical with the tempo with which the CSU was pursuing
industrial relations activities. But the position of the CSU could be better
understood if we consider the cultural environment at the time. Workers looked upon the colonial employer
(largely government) as a kind of father figure. Such arbitrary paternalism
connotes that the employer was revered over much with a lot of loyalty and this
partly explain the slow tempo of industrial activates by the union of
government workers. Besides, by definition, the civil service is supposed to be
an institution of the state just like the judiciary, police or army. Clearly,
it may amount to contradiction for the state to unionize against itself. This
sort of sovereignty-induced arguments could have been used to brainwash civil
servants and to discourage them from militant unionism. At any rate, the RWU
broke off from the CSU.
the NUT want a better forum where they could maintain good professionalism and
forge a good standard of education in Nigeria. The NUT was also
dissatisfied with the wide differential that existed in the wages of government
teachers and their mission school counterparts, formal organization of workers
into unions dated back to 1912. Yet no significant development in industrial
relations took place until the late t930's.
1938, the absence of legal backing for Nigeria Labour Unions was removed when
the colonial administration passed the trade union ordinance into law and this
facilitated the formation of new ones.
the law allowed any group of five or more workers to form a trade union. Most
of the unions that emerged were centered around one employer or one enterprise
and comprised of few members indeed. The result was of course the growth of
large number of ineffective trade unions, which continued until the 1970's.
factor perhaps played equally important part in charting the nurse of
development in Nigeria Trade Union movement.
factors are the 1939-45 world war, and the emerging nationalist movement. The
war brought serious hardship both to workers and the general public in the form
of acute shortages of essential commodities with the corresponding, rise in
prices and stagnant money wage (Otobo, 1987). So when rationing was introduced
in Lagos,
workers joined trade unions in large number.
central trade union the country is the NLC (Nigeria Labour Con tress) Trade
Unions to a large extent, has played a significant role in transformation
witnessed in the condition of workers over time.
central trade union in the country is the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), which
was formed in 1975 as the umbrella trade union and recognized by Decree Number
44 of 1976 as the sole representative of all trade unions in the country. The
NLC has a national executive and secretariat, as well as state councils in all
states. It had more then 100 affiliated unions. Although most labour matters
were channeled through the NLC, the affiliate unions had engaged individually
in union activities, such as strikes and lockouts. In the 1980s, the NLC was
torn apart by leadership struggles, ideological differences, and ethno-regional
conflict. The NLC nearly broke up in 1988 after disagreements over election: of
its leadership, resulting in the federal government's appointing an
administrator for several months. The NLC organized a nationwide workers'
strike in 1986 to demand the retention of government subsidies on petroleum products
and continued to articulate workers' demands on matters such as minimum wages and
improved welfare conditions. Several other trade unions were also active. A
few, such as the Academic Staff Union of
Universities, were proscribed for alleged antigovernment activities.
trade unions have become important agent of socio-economic transformation and
class struggle (Aremu, 1996; Akinyanju 1997). The role began from the period of
the colonial struggle and continued tall the post independence era. In the
later period, trade unions played an important role in the struggle against
dictatorial military rule and the restoration of civil rule in the country more
importantly during the civilian era, trade unions were in the forefront in the
struggle against unpopular government policies such as:
• Retrenchment of workers and
• Refusal to honour agreement on wage
present discussion seeks to provide a critical assessment of the impact of
Trade Union on workers welfare in particular and on their overall emancipation
in general.
history is bereft with contrasting political climate. Since independence in
1960, the country has been under military dictatorship for twenty-nine year
while democratic .rule span for the remaining seventeen years. The long years
of military rule has had its impact on the nation's trade unionism and workers
struggle in the country. Therefore, military regime though an aberration, has nevertheless
featured prominently in Nigeria's
political history. In view of the dictatorial tendency of such military
administration, trade unions have a Herculean task in responding to policies
and unpopular programmes of such regimes. The: first challenge posed to trade
unions is with regards to how they can mobilize the members to agitate against
unpopular and repressive programmes of military administration. Examples abound
of instances of how trade unions successfully mobilized workers for action
meant to achieve their emancipation and improvement in the general condition of
union movement in Nigeria attained its highest crescendo
of activities during military dictatorship. While trade union activities were
heightened under previous military regimes of General Gowon (1967-1975) General
Muritala/Obasanjo (1976-1979) General Buhari/Idiagbon 1984/1986), General
Babangida (1986-1993), it was during General Abacha's regime (1993-1998) that
witnessed active involvement of trade unions in the struggle both for the
improvement in the living standard of members and restoration of democratic
rule. For example, in 1992, then was
widespread discontent in the country in which citizens were hay sassed,
repressed and hungry (Akinyanju, 1997). Wages were generally low. However, the
leadership of the central labour organization (NLC were collaborators of the
military junta, hence could not monster any res stance against the military
government. It was against this background that the Academic Staff Union of
Nigeria Universities (ASUU) embarked on a nationwide strike in 1992 to advance
the improvement of the working condition of its members. The high level of
poverty among members fostered unity of purpose among members. The strike was
largely successful in terms of total participation of members and the Military
government was forced to negotiate with the union.
experience of the struggle towards revalidation of true annulled June 12 1993
presidential election is another instance of workers struggle during military
era. The struggle was spear-headed by workers union in the oil sector, namely,
National Union of Petroleum and Gas Workers (NUPENG) and Petroleum and Gas
Workers Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN). While the strike was effective with
regards to full participation of a large number of members, it nevertheless
failed to achieve its goal of de-annulling the election. However, the strike further
strengthened the unions and made members conscious that the could achieve a lot
by remaining steadfast with their unions.
during Gen. Babangida's regime (1986-1993) trade unions were able to mobilize
their members to protest against the negative effects of the Structural
Adjustment Programme of the government. The protest led to the introduction of
some relief measures meant to caution the effect of economic policy on the
citizens. Obasi (1986) has observed that SAP has led to economic privation of
workers thereby heightening their consciousness which in turn leads to
increasing militancy on their part. Such actions on the part of workers through
their unions have forced government to adopt some relief measures especially in
the areas of wages and salaries increment.
unions also performed the role of sensitizing its members and the general
public against government repressive programmes such as increment in petroleum
price. Past experiences have shown that on each occasion that government
desires to effect change in fuel price, trade unions have played significant
role in mobilizing its members arid the general public on the need to resist
such action.
the preceding discussion, one could observe that the activity of trade union
movement in Nigeria
was heightened during military rule. The dictatorial climate provided by
military regimes has the effect of pushing trade unions towards increasing
militancy. Such undemocratic government could not tolerate active unionism and
hence had to resort to intimidation, repression through arrest of union leaders
and outright ban of radical unions. These actions in return further fuelled
radicalism on the part of the unions.
government in contrast to military provides quite a different political
environment for trade unionism. Under colonial rule, government did not grant
recognition to trade union until 1931 with the enactment of Trade union
Ordinance. The colonial state relented the radical posture of trade unions.
Moreso, since the unions collaborated with nationalists for independence
struggle and therefore made concerted efforts to weaken the unions by harassing
the leadership and divide the rank and along ethnic line (Ochefu, 1996). These
repressions were heightened after the general strike of 1945 which marked a
water-shed in the anti-colonial struggle in Nigeria. The successful
collaboration between nationalises and labour leaders during the strike led to
the forging of link between the two groups and the radically transform the
nature and of nationalist struggle for independence.
to Ochefu (1996) labour's venture into anti-colonial polities was borne out of
the conviction that the colonial state as an agency of capital had to be
removed if labour was to get a fair share of the contribution for production of
goods and services. Similarly, its alliance with petty bourgeois elements like
Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe and the NCNC way also informed by the concrete reality that
labour could not do it alone.
(1996) further argued that the colonial administration found it necessary to
prevent the unity of forces between the nationalists and labour unions because
such unity constituted a greater threat to the colonial government. The
colonial government reaction was in forms of intimidation, detention of union
officials while preventing the formation of a central labour organization. They
also fuelled sub-national settlements within the ranks of labour and as well
promoted ideological schism with segment of the leadership. The actions led to
fractionalization within the labour unions which served to limit the
effectiveness of the unions.
(1989) and Rodney (1979) have observed that union i,2aders played a very
significant role during the anti-colonial struggle and that though nationalist
leaders may or may not emerge from the leadership of workers organizations,
however, all nationalists' leaders sought and developed alliances with workers
organizations in order to destabilize the colonial administration. This
alliance made it possible for effective mobilization of workers for strikes
aimed at seeking political goal.
though the succeeding post colonial administration inherited the fear,
suspicions are hatred for labour from its predecessor. Trade union activities
were regarded by government as destabilizing to the interest of the state.
Hence, right from the First
Republic (1960-1966) the
posture of government has been to regard trade unionism with suspicion, and
therefore took various measures to recapitulate the unions. This deliberate
action of the Nigeria
government has resulted into state intervention in trade union movement in what
is regarded as the principle of "guided democracy" (Olugboye, 1996).
significant instance of trade union activities towards enhancement of workers
welfare under democratic rule was in 1981 under the regime of Alhaji Sheu
Shagari when trade unions successfully mobilize their members for general
strike which forced the government to increase the monthly minimum wage to one
hundred and twenty five naira (N125.00k). The prevailing democratic atmosphere
during this period enabled the unions to pursue its goal of improving the
working lives of members though struggle for wage increase.
the current political dispensation, trade unions have had cause to mobilize
members to embark on concerted actions aimed at resisting unpopular government
programmes. For instance, since 1999, when democratic rule was restored in the
country, the Federal Government has severally increased the pump price of
petroleum products. On each if these instances, the control labour congress had
to mobiles the workers for strike against the policy. However, this did not go
well with the government which responded by enacting what is now popularly
known as anti-Labour Legislation - the labour bill of 2005. The law among other
things seeks to decentralize the labour union in the country. Critics of the
Bill have argued that the measure is meant to weaken the power of the Nigerian
Labour Congress which has successfully mobilized the Nigerian workers for
strike against the Federal government.
the Nigerian Trade Union so far, the researcher has been able to point to the
fact that over the years, trade unions in Nigeria have evolved from informal to
highly formal bureaucratic organizations. In the process, an unstable, yet
unique system of industrial relations seems to have emerged in Nigeria.
inspite of the apparent militancy and power of the unions, very little is known
about the internal dynamics of the unions. The closest attempt (Owarieta 1997)
merely addressed the general factors that lead to industrial conflicts in
such fundamental questions as the level and quality of trade union
organization, their defining ideologies and the motives of the union 1 Waders
are not examined. As Hartman (1978:70) has argued. Some environmental
constrains also contributes and impinge on industrial relations in Nigeria.
They are:
l. The
tendency of labour disputes to become destructive, and the state to deploy
coercive measures in it's control. Citing an ex ample with the Nigeria
oil industry which can be said to be acknowledged as the most strategic and
this is perhaps why it has experienced a lot of bitter industrial disputes.
the annulment of the June 12 1993 presidential election by the military
dictatorship, the unions in the oil industry embarked upon one of the longest
and most consequential strikes in the nation's industrial history. The strike
ended up with the arrest and detention of the leaders of the two workers'
unions in the industry (National Union of Petroleum, Energy and Gas) NUPENG and
(Petroleum, Energy and Gas senior staff Association of Nigeria) PENGASS-'%,N as
well as the proscription of the unions, the branch unions continued to embark
on both official and wildcat strike action. The frequency and success with
which the strike actions were prosecuted have led to the impression that the
trade unions in the oil industry have become too militant and powerful for
management End employers in the industry and the Nigerian government as a whole
(Owarieta, 1997).
2. Inability
of the trade union leaders for a long time to conduct -Trade Union
matters with deserved maturity. Also, unions are increasingly being run by
full-time officials. These officials get paid more, than workers and see the
union as "just another job".
times, some of these leaders become conservative on some issues that need a
deserved approach, they'll rather spend their- time negotiating and sometimes
they even make undemocratic decisions. Some even oppose socialism. The NLC was
torn apart by leadership struggles, ideological differences and ethno-regional
conflict. It was affect in 1988 after disagreements over election of its
leadership resulting in the federal government's appointing an administrator for
several months.
3. The
dominance of the employers' lobby by multinationals to determine with the
states' support, the direction and size c;; pay, perquisites and employment
4. The
undue role of the various states as explained by the need to control labour for
development efforts.
5. The
inconsistencies of the state as socio-economic policies are jettisoned
midstream and others are adopted in their places.
6. The
difficulty of separating pure labour from political disturbances.
7. The
paternalistic value of the workers that put elaborate respect on elders rather
than on authorities and thus the reliance on informal machinery like elders;
religious ministers and state governs -s for settling disputes.
features are expected to continue because industrialization is yet to be
carried to a satisfactory level.
8. Some
of the trade unions still continue their seeming misunderstanding of their
roles in the development process structure of ownership of industry has not
changed. The political system has not matured to the extent that instability
and thence inconsistencies of government policies can be forestalled. The state
has so much motivation to continue it's intervention in the trade union system.
would appear therefore that the astrictive features that give the developed
capitalist their superiority of their system of the country . are strong enough
to persist into the immediate future.
9. Lack
of professional union officials who do not survey the real needs of the union
to decide what their priority should be. Some have limited political vision on
the role of trade unions in the society,
is the aim of the researcher or this study to seek, suggest and state the ways
that will help Trade Unions in ensuring the smooth running of activities in a
way that it will impact workers welfare positively.
that trade unions are the main power resource of working people. The power in
this collectivity of workers can promote the resolution of a variety of
problems faced by the workforce. The resulting influence of organized labour in
any economy could be substantial.
1. The
objective of the study is to pursue generally the economic, social, political
and psychological welfare/benefits of union members.
• The
economic welfare of the union members can include wage increase, allowances and
bonuses, car loans, housing loans etc. Also, securing of good condition of
services for the employee. All these economic benefits leads to general
improvement n the standard of living of the members.
The social welfare or benefit of union
members in this study intends to stress that man as a social animal grows by
interaction and union is a better platform for social interaction among it's
members. This can be carried out by union members being sent for training. Union should organize seminars, lectures, conferences and
symposia so that union members learn and develop educationally.
The Unions welfare services can also
include the award of scholarships to the children of dependants. They can
establish and operate co-operative shops where essential commodities are sold
at regulated prices.
To operate thrifts and credit societies
for the convenience of members.
To improve workers welfare, unions
should invest on any the of production or service they choose being that they
have special privilege on tax exemption on profits.
The political welfare of union of
members should include the opportunity for members to constitute a formidable
pressure group to enhance bargaining power, thus influencing to a great extent
employers and government policies.
should also launch some of their members on political trajectory such that they
may end up being chosen as commissioners or legislators in this era of civilian
experiment in Nigeria
(Fashoyin, 1981). Example, presently is the case of Adams Oshiomole who was the
NLC president but is now the governor of Edo State.
Psychological welfare of union members
should serve a dual :-ole of affording it's members a feeling of job security
to ensure that cases of unfair dismissal of employer is pursued by union.
that the union should provide a forum where me Fibers should satisfy
psychological needs for belongingness, leadership, esteem etc.
of dialogue should be done cordially between management and union through
collective bargaining. Union should give
management it's due respect and discuss relevant issue with good reasoning and
logic in striving for better conditions of service for workers. Get management
to listen to union problems and resolve them with the union cooperatively and maturely.
2. To
ensure that production rate is high by not engaging in devastating strikes that
will run the economy down but gather ensure workers' security by obeying the
company's rule: and regulations to ensure peace in the organization.
3. To
ensure that union officers is united and not allowing fractions and opposition
amongst themselves as this will not allow the smooth running of the union
activities. They should all pursue the system's goal.
4. To
ensure that members' welfare should be ensure by union that it is not mortgage
or sold in any way.
5. To
ensure that there is improved communication between union and management,
management and members and also union and members should be encouraged.
order to find out the Impact of Trade Unionism on the welfare of the Nigerian
workers. The researcher in the cause of this research work formulated these
hypothesis which compliments and negotiates the aims and objectives of this
Do union actually get management to
cordially and cooperatively listen to union's problems and resolve them without
unnecessary union radical actions?
Does the union ensure that the social,
economical, political and psychological welfare of the members is not mortgaged
in any way?
Does the
union ensure that industrial peace and
harmony is maintained?
Does the union ensure high production
rate through ensuring that unnecessary strikes are not indulged in, in the
Are union officers united amongst
following hypotheses are made from the research questions above for the proper
implementation of the study.
Ho: The level of positive impact on workers
depends on the level of unity and maturity amongst the union leaders in charge.
The level of positive
impact on workers does not depend on the level of unity and maturity amongst
the union leader in charge.
Ho: High rate of production through avoiding
unnecessary strike actions will aid workers welfare.
Hi: High rate of production through avoiding
unnecessary strike actions will not aid workers welfare.
is the relevance/importance of this study to the researcher am other interest
group. In this study, the interest group is wide in the sense that labour is
attached to many, in different circulars like firms, institutions, people in
the educational sector, civil servants, people in the , service industry,
banking industry, transportation industry, etc. even government and other
significance of this study lies on the fact that with improved welfare services
on labour, the whole nation stands to gain. When there is good welfare package
for every sector of labour/workers in the country, productivity will be
increased which will give rise to economic stability.
sectors that labour is affected stands to gain from this study n the sense that
it looked into the appropriate ways/manners that employee should apply in other
to have and obtain better result from work and management.
state/government is not equally left aside in this study because they too has a
role to play in ensuring that the welfare of workers is improved.
researchers stand also to benefit from this study as it will give them a
yardstick on where to continue on a further research on this topic.
research work does not encompass the entire subject matter of Trade Unionism,
rather the study emphasizes on the Impact that trade unionism has on Nigerian
workers welfare.
the study cannot be said to be completely exhaustive, the researcher has
covered what she feels is imperative for one to undo stand about the impact of
Trade Union on workers.
study also provide an indication of some problems and is therefore a good basis
for further research into industrial relations.
the course of this study, the researcher had little time for the study beside
other academic work and her circular job.
researcher was also faced with the absence of respondents the time they were required to return the
questionnaires and also with the problem of respondents either refusing to
answer question or giving answers they felt would please the interviewer,
rather than what the solution want.
data that were needed were not always available ~,o the researcher had to waste
a lot of time explaining issues in order _o gee data.
these limitations were handled by the researcher in such a way that they did
not affect adversely the findings.
Collective Bargaining: This is a negotiation of working conditions
and terms of employment between employers, a group of employers or one or more
employers' organization with the view of reaching agreement.
Trade Union: An association of wage/salary earners former with
the objective of safeguarding and improving the wage and employment conditions
of it's members and to raise members social status and standard of living in a
Workers' Welfare: The general wellbeing of workers in terms of finance, status socially, economically, politically, psychologically etc.
Welfare Package: Some unions establish and operate some welfare packages
like cooperative shops, award of scholarship to the children of the dependants
Employer: An organization or person that pays people to
work for him or her.
Employee: The receiver of employment. That is the individual
being paid by the employer.
Provision of benefits to members: Early
trade unions, like Friendly Societies, often provided a range of benefits to
insure members against unemployment, ill health, old age and funeral expenses.
In many developed countries, these functions have been assumed by the state; however,
the provision of professional training, legal advice and representation for
members if still an important benefit of trade union membership.
Industrial Action: Trade unions may enforce strikes or
resistance to lockouts in furtherance of particular goals.
Political activity: Trade unions may promote
legislation favour6ule to the interests of their members or worker!, as a
whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or
financially support individual candidates or parties (such as the Labour Party
in Britain)
for public office.
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